Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Jonathan Huggins (1)

If you are a busy but driven English learner how can you manage your time and accomplish your goals in a smart way?

It’s never easy but today you’ll get some guidance on how to do it.

Find out today with our guest Jonathan Huggins who has worked with executives as an English language trainer for the past twenty years.

Jonathan learned how to manage time better when he was working with high-level clients who were super busy.

Jonathan is also on a mission to learn 52 new languages this year using some of the principles of time management that he will be teaching us today.


Jonathan’s Tips:

  • The 12-Week Year: Get this book. It helps you narrow down your timeline and get a lot of things done in a short amount of time. Each week becomes a month and you learn how to structure your schedule so that you accomplish more. Click here to get the book.


  • Start with a Big Vision: Imagine your life as a big vision. What would you do with your time if you could do anything? What would each day look like? You need to have a passionate dream to motivate you to stay focused no matter what. Jonathan says that we need to hold onto this “as if your life depended on it.” If you can use images to create this vision it will motivate your brain more.


  • Set your goals with SMART planning:
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Action-oriented
    • Result-based
    • Time- bound

Jonathan’s Bio:

I am an American English teacher from Southern California. I’ve been studying foreign languages for over 20 years and teaching Business English for over 10. I have a Teacher of English as a Second Language/Foreign Language certificate.

When I lived in Paris for 6 years, I studied Musicology at the Sorbonne Paris IV and I taught English in elementary schools and later at international companies, such as Société Générale, Air France, and Chanel. For the past 7 years, I’ve been living and teaching freelance in Mexico City for companies such as Baker & McKenzie, Carat Mexicana, Initiative, and Heidelberg.

Currently, I’m teaching English via Skype and and am looking for new students of all levels. I consider myself fluent in French and Spanish, and have also studied German and Russian.

My goal for this year is to start learning 52 new languages, one-a-week based on Benny Lewis’ “Speak in a Week” crash course.


How to work with Jonathan:

Step 1: Go to this page and register to get $10 for free to go towards your second lesson with a native teacher

Step 2: Find Jonathan’s profile here.


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