Today let’s start with a quote: “If you are the smartest person in the room then you are in the wrong room”
Do you agree with this quote?
Can you think of a time when you were in a place where the people really challenged you?
I like the idea of always trying to challenge ourselves to be better and to move to the next level.
Today we’re going to talk about what to say in English when someone offers you an opportunity at work, but it’s not within your skill set.
Sometimes our skills will transfer and it makes sense to say yes to the opportunity and other times it’s completely out of our skill set and it would be silly to try to take on the task.
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How to warn someone who offers you an opportunity if you don’t have the skills:
- “Oh this sounds really interesting and just so you know, I don’t have any experience with that task.”
- *Note- We used “and’ instead of “but” so is the person turning down the opportunity? No, they are just being upfront.
- “This sounds great and I want to be upfront about my skills. I have never done ______.”
- “It sounds like an incredible opportunity and I just want to let you know that I don’t have experience in this.”
- “I would love to take advantage of this opportunity but I should be transparent and tell you that ______.”
Today’s takeaway:
Communicate before there is a problem.
Don’t assume that you can’t contribute to something if it doesn’t seem directly related to your work.
What questions do you have from today?
Let us know in the comments below.