Do you know how to double check your facts in English?
This skill is crucial especially when you’re meeting friends of friends who you might something about but you want to check on those facts to get a conversation rolling.
Here are some examples:
- So Michelle you grew up in Maryland, right?
- Lindsay, you learned to ski when you were three, yeah?
So today we’ll start with a question from a listener.
Hi Michelle and Lindsay. How are you ? My name is Lyneker and I’m from Guaxupé, Brazil. I’ve heard you guys since two months back and I’m loving to hear you every week. So, my question is: when I’ll use “yet” or “right” at the end of a sentence ? Whats the difference between this two words ? Thank you two. -Lyneker
I was confused about this question because you can put both “right” and “yet” at the end of a sentence but they mean completely different things. So today we’re going to focus on putting “right?” at the end of a sentence.
What does it do if I put “right” at the end of a sentence?
It checks to see if you are correct.
“Right” is the standard way of doing it, but what are some other ways?
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Other ways to check your facts in English:
- “The Broncos are playing on Sunday night, yeah?” or “yes?”
- “Friday is going to be fun, huh?”- In Episode 722 we talked about how natives use “huh” in conversations.
- “He delivered the best presentation we’ve seen in months, isn’t that right?”
- “You’re coming over at 5, correct?”
- Do not use a word but just include an upward intonation like this, “He’s the owner of the company?”
One strategy to avoid:
Is it common to say, “The restaurant has vegetarian options, no?”
This is a translation from languages like Spanish.
Yes, you can say it and people will understand you, but I’d be more likely to say “yeah?” at the end instead of “no?”
It wil be obvious that you are translating from your native language if you say this.
What questions do you have for today?
Let us know in the comments below.