Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

You have impressive ideas to propose at work.

Unfortunately, your confidence may be keeping you from proposing these ideas!

This can be due to confidence in your ideas or in your language skills.

We want you to have the vocabulary to confidently share your ideas at work!

Listen in today to learn a sure-fire way to deliver strong proposals to your manager.

The power of consistency

Michelle asks Lindsay to share a sure-fire way of being successful.

Lindsay answers that consistency is the key.

The All Ears English team are the queens of consistency.

All Ears English started 10 years ago.

They have worked consistently which has contributed to their success.


In today’s episode, Lindsay and Michelle are going to talk about the adjective “sure-fire”.

This is a great word for business.

The term ‘sure-fire’ basically means definite or guaranteed.

We often hear it to describe the way something is done.

Speaking English daily is a sure-fire way to improve pronunciation.


  • Be sure not to be late every day. That’s a sure-fire way to make the boss angry.
  • We believe we have found a sure-fire way to increase our sales.
  • Do you have a sure-fire way to find the perfect employee? I don’t think so!

Sure-fire success

The word ‘sure-fire’ is one of many vocabulary words that you can use to show confidence when doing something.

You can use this to present a proposal to your superiors.

It is a versatile word that can make you sound reliable and determined to achieve your goals.

To better understand this, Lindsay and Michelle tackle different questions using the word “sure-fire”.

  • What’s a sure-fire way for someone to ace a job interview?
  • Is there a sure-fire way to increase sales?
  • Is there a sure-fire way to get 1 million views on youtube?

Today we’ll teach vocabulary with similar meanings to “sure-fire”.

All of these will help you establish confidence in what you’re saying or presenting at work:

#1: Definite

Similar to “sure-fire”, this means something that can be trusted.

It means something is virtually guaranteed.

“We need a definite way to create buzz around our opening day.”

#2: Fail-safe

This is used to mean something has no risk of error.

Something “fail-safe” is sure to be successful.

“Trust me! I’ve submitted proposals for this a million times- this strategy is fail-safe.”

#3: Reliable

Reliable means you can count on it to function or be successful.

“This computer system is extremely reliable. You won’t have any issues!”

Challenge yourself

Today’s language helps build confidence in the ideas you are sharing.

Use these words at work today.

Take the initiative to present a proposal to your manager using these terms.

This will help you boost your confidence in what you are proposing.

It will also improve the confidence of your superior to approve and support your idea.


Here is a quick roleplay from Lindsay and Michelle using the vocabulary and tips shared in today’s episode.

In this scenario, Lindsay is selling Michelle a new computer system for her team.

Lindsay: So what have you been using up until now?
Michelle: I think it’s called BuzzPrice.
Lindsay: Ok that’s a good one, but our product is a sure-fire way to increase sales and organize your team.
Michelle: Ok wow, I’d love to hear more. I need something reliable.
Lindsay: This is completely fail-safe. I can share testimonials with you.
Michelle: Okay. So it’s a definite way to connect with both our employees and customers?
Lindsay: Completely.


Remember that nothing is fail-safe all the time.

Lindsay and Michelle advises that hard work and proper planning are other contributing factors to make sure whatever you need to do or say is successful.

You can add the vocabulary shared in today’s episode to your English arsenal.

It’s good to use when you’re sharing a project or initiative in either a presentation or meeting.

This will help your colleagues and superior have confidence in your ideas.

Do you have other words you use when sharing ideas with your manager?

We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

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