Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"
Aubrey Carter
"3 Keys IELTS Certified Coach"

How do you feel about the current climate?

‘Climate’ is not always about the weather!

Today you’ll learn how to use the word ‘climate’ to discuss current issues.

This is used for discussing politics, economics, racism and change.

This vocabulary will help you start thought-provoking conversations.

It will make it easier to share your thoughts about important events in English.

What has changed?

There are many things that are different from the previous generation’s day and age.

Lindsay shares that her parents grew up in the 50s when it was rare for women to work outside the home.

If they did work, it was likely as a nurse or secretary.

Women weren’t given opportunities to be a leader.

Nowadays, there are female CEOs, though this position is still male-dominated.

There is still progress to be made toward women getting equal opportunities.

What will this be like in the future?

Aubrey would love to have this conversation with her children someday and see what has changed during their time.

The phrase ‘this day and age’ is an expression to talk about now compared to the past.

In a previous episode, the phrase ‘in today’s climate’ was mentioned.

This was episode AEE 1852: Stomach, Tummy, Belly.

Michelle and Lindsay were talking about how today’s climate is difficult to stomach.

This means that current events are hard to accept for a variety of reasons.

Using this phrase is native and natural and you can definitely use it in daily conversations.

It will help you sound more like a native English speaker.

Expressions for the current situation

There are many expressions and phrases you can use to bring your English to the next level.

The following are recommended for talking about politics, current events and many serious topics.

When discussing these deep issues, it’s helpful to have high-level vocabulary.

In the current climate

‘Climate’ in this expression doesn’t refer to the weather.

Climate is defined as the recent date and time.

In the sense of the expression, you are talking about the general development of opinions on a current situation.

This is often used in politics and economics.

You would also hear this being used when talking about social interactions.

Here are examples:

  • Our current political climate is volatile.
  • In today’s economic climate, it’s difficult to feel financially secure.
  • The social climate has changed since the pandemic. A lot of people are now more socially aware.

In this day and age

You will hear this a lot to refer to the present time.

This expression is used by native English speakers all the time.

The phrase ‘this day and age’ is good to use when you are trying to compare current happenings to the past.

Here is a sample sentence:

  • In this day and age, we are more reliant on technology.

These days

This expression is synonymous with ‘in this day and age.’

It is used to say that what is currently happening or being done is different from the past.

It is another term you can use to compare the past and the present.

Here is an example:

  • These days it’s hard for young adults to purchase a home.


In this roleplay, Lindsay and Aubrey are comparing today’s business world to what it was like when they were first employed.

They will be using the expressions shared in today’s episode.

This will help you better understand how to use these phrases.

It will also help you adapt them in your own English conversations with friends, family and colleagues.

Aubrey: What do you think is different in the business world these days?

Lindsay: Well, in this day and age, individuals are trying to be more aware of diversity at every level.

Aubrey: For sure! I think that’s definitely something that’s changed about the social climate in most companies.

For those who have been working for a while, memories of your first job might be funny or entertaining.

Aubrey was 14 years old when she started working at a potato factory.

She would work from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and then would go straight to school.

Lindsay started working at Dunkin Donuts when she was 16 years old.

She would work an early shift at around 6:30 a.m. and work until 10:00 p.m.

These experiences made them discover at a young age the challenges of working.


Talking about social change and current events always makes for an interesting conversation.

Don’t shy away from using vocabulary that will help you discuss the current social climate.

Sharing ideas in English with colleagues and friends will definitely help you build deeper and more meaningful connections.

This helps you get beyond the small talk.

You can then give an insight into how you think and where you stand on certain current events.

Remember that learning English is about connection, not perfection!

What is something you’ve noticed is different in this day and age?

Share it in the comments below.

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