If you really think about it, the habits that you create will help you to be successful.
This applies to almost everything in life including the IELTS exam–good habits can help you to be prepared and successful!
We’re going to look at what it means to jinx yourself on this exam, and what it means to create good habits and why they matter.
Preparation and Good Habits Go Hand In Hand
It’s all about the power of habits and forming good ones.
We want to teach our mind to think in a certain way.
It’s all about practice–the more you do something, the easier it gets.
If you create a space that is more positive, then you don’t let the negative in as easily.
Stressing yourself out will create negative feelings towards the exam or speaking English in general.
If you have given yourself time to study then you can focus on mental preparation as the exam gets closer.
If you’re not prepared then you are going to feel stress and make it a negative experience.
You might miss a question if you aren’t prepared in every way.
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How Can You Jinx Yourself?
So what does the word “jinx” mean?
It means to give yourself bad luck, even if you don’t realize you’re doing it.
Some examples of what might jinx your IELTS performance:
- This might happen by thinking that you can prepare for the exam in a week or two and be fine.
- Alternatively you may overdo it and prepare too much and cause yourself too much stress.
- Going out drinking with your friends the night before can work against you.
- If you already know the material and then go on a forum the night before, you are working against yourself.
Good Habits Can Really Help
Creating good habits will help you to associate that with positive production.
Think of where you are at in life and what sort of habits will help you to be successful.
The habits that will help you are a very individual thing so here are a few ideas or examples.
- Going for a walk
- Listening to certain music that motivates you
- Meditating each day to clear your head
- Having a good cup of coffee ready for you in the morning
- Getting outside and breathing in some fresh air can really help
- Setting aside time to study each day so that you stick with it
Set goals and think of habits that will make you responsible and dedicated to these rituals.
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We’ll get back with you as soon as we can.