You will likely need to compare the past to now on IELTS Speaking Part 3.
There is also a very good chance you’ll be asked about entertainment.
- Film
- TV shows
- Books
Today we share sample answers to 3 different questions about how entertainment has changed.
We also give an insider peek into the Examiner’s question booklet.
Listen in so you can nail IELTS Speaking.
You need slang on IELTS Speaking!
This helps you show the range of Vocabulary the Examiner is looking for.
We are giving a free webclass all about slang.
- Slang phrases
- When you should use it
- How to use it
- Native roleplay
It won’t be recorded, so you must attend live!
Reserve your spot today at
Insider Examiner insight
For IELTS Speaking, the Examiner doesn’t have specific questions they are required to ask.
Instead, they are given topics and functions.
An example of a function is comparing.
If the topic is technology, and the function is comparing, the Examiner might say:
Compare current technology to what it was like in the past.
You need to be ready to answer for all language functions.
Comparing the past to now is a common one on IELTS!
Sample Answer #1: Children’s movies
Speaking Part 3 question: How have children’s movies changed from the past to now?
Aubrey gives a high-scoring answer about how much more engaging modern animated films are.
Listen to her answer for native intonation and high level vocabulary.
- speak to this: know something about it
As a parent, I can speak to this.
I can’t speak to this, because I’m not a parent.
- bored to tears: extremely bored
I tried to watch Snow White, but I was bored to tears!
- not aging well / does not hold up: it was great in the past, but today it is not entertaining
Many films I loved as a kid are not aging well.
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Sample answer #2: TV Viewing
Speaking Part 3 question: How have children’s movies changed from the past to now?
Jessica shares a band 9 answer about how drastically TV viewing has changed.
Listen to her answer for great native intonation and pronunciation!
She used slang by adding -wise to words.
We taught this skill in episode 969.
Quality-wise, it has definitely gotten better. Sensitivity-wise as well.
Sample answer #3: Future cinema
Speaking Part 3 question: How might cinema change in the future?
- happy place: a noun used to describe something we really enjoy
Movie theaters are my happy place!
- sucked in: phrasal verb for something you get very involved in
I get sucked into a movie and forget where I am!
- all things: everything
This is a very native phrase to use instead of “everything.”
I have been an adoring fanatic of all things cinematic since I could open my eyes.
Comparing the past to now is a common language function on IELTS.
You need to be prepared to answer questions comparing the past and now.
These could be related to any topic!
Today’s sample answers give you high level responses for this function regarding entertainment.
Practice comparing the past to now for many different topics!
This way you’ll be ready on test day no matter what topic you face.
For all the strategies you need on IELTS, sign up for the 3 Keys IELTS Success System!
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Please leave a comment below.