Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Are you that person who always predicts the ending of movies?

Listen in to today’s episode and learn how to make predictions in English.

You need fun, native ways to say you saw something coming in English.

You’ll also learn when you should not say this!

Today Michelle and Lindsay share with you phrases and expressions for predicting in English.

Listen in so you don’t miss this great vocabulary!

Movie Endings and Predictions

Michelle asks Lindsay if she is good at predicting the endings of movies, TV shows or books.

Lindsay is not particularly good at predicting endings, but she knows someone that is good at it and it’s uncanny.

  • Uncanny: something is rare or something may be surprisingly good and you can’t fully understand why

Today’s episode is all about predicting the ending of things.

Michelle shares that sometimes she tries to predict how a movie will turn out.

However, her husband stops her because he wants the ending to be a mystery.

Lindsay is amused by this because it is common for people to be surprised by the end of shows or movies.

The All Ears English team did an episode on this.

It was episode AEE 1400: Don’t Give Away the Ending! How to Keep TV Show Twists a Surprise in English.

#1: Can’t say I’m surprised

Lindsay and Michelle share phrases and expressions you can use when talking about predictions.

  • Can’t say I’m surprised

When you use this phrase, you are expressing that you already know how things ended.

You can use this when you watched a movie or even in real life.

The intonation is important as well in using this phrase.

It should have a “told you so…” feel, but be cautious with how you say it because it may come off as too judgmental.


“I can’t say I’m surprised that they got together in the end.”

#2: I knew that would happen

This is a more direct phrase to use to express that you were right about your prediction.

Intonation when using this phrase is very important as well.

There should be a tone of conviction when you say it.

This phrase is often used when predicting the outcome of a movie, TV show or even a sports event.


“So it ended with him moving to France? I knew that would happen.”

#3: I saw that one coming (a mile away)

You can play around with this expression.

You can say “I saw that one coming” or “I saw that one coming a mile away.”

As with today’s other phrases, you are sharing that you expected the ending or result.


“The ending was good, but I saw it coming from a mile away.”

#4: That was so predictable

This is similar to the previous phrase.

Use it to say you knew what would happen.

It’s just a variety of expressing you aren’t surprised with what happened or how something ended.


“So she won. Wow, that was so predictable.”

Spoiler Alerts!

Lindsay and Michelle talk about several shows and movies they watched recently that were predictable.

They mentioned the recent TV show that is a continuation of Sex and The City.

They felt the dialogue and plot were a bit forced, which made it very easy for them to have an idea of the ending.

When to share your prediction

Lindsay asks Michelle if it is appropriate for her to always express her thoughts about predictions.

Michelle says it is okay but there is a limit to it.

You should do it in moderation so you don’t sound like a know-it-all.

That brings such a negative vibe to your connection with peers, friends and family.

Imagine if you and your friend were watching something and she was really shocked by the ending and you said “Ah! I saw that one coming a mile away.”

It can be annoying and condescending at the same time.

  • condescending: sounding like you believe you are superior or more knowledgable

Lindsay recommends being tactful.

You have to be mindful of the people around you, especially when you’re around a new group of friends.

You want to build your relationship and they might be annoyed if you keep ruining endings.


Now that Lindsay and Michelle have shared phrases and expressions to talk about your predictions, here is a quick roleplay to better understand how to use them.

In this scenario, Lindsay and Michelle have just finished watching a TV show.

Lindsay: Wow, I can’t believe that happened! What an ending!

Michelle: Yeah it was good… but I can’t say I’m surprised he never opened the message.

Lindsay: Really? I thought he would.

Michelle: I don’t know. That was so predictable.

Lindsay: Oh ok. Well, how about the final phone call? I knew that would happen.

Michelle: Yes! I agree. But it was still emotional.

Lindsay: Definitely. I saw that one coming.

Michelle: True.


It can be fun to predict an outcome, but be careful you don’t break the connection by doing it too much.

Don’t give a negative vibe by being a know-it-all and making others uncomfortable.

With the phrases and expressions shared by Lindsay and Michelle, you can now convey your thoughts and predictions like a native English speaker.

Don’t let not knowing how to express yourself prevent you from bonding with the people around you.

What is more, don’t let it stop you from sharing ideas.

Make predictions in moderation and avoid sounding condescending.

What show or movie did you predict the ending to?

Share it in the comments below and let’s see if other listeners have the same insight.

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