A recent IELTS Speaking question confused many students.

Jessica’s friend is a current Examiner and shared this insider information with her.

Today you’ll learn why this question stumped so many students.

We’ll share strategies so you can avoid getting tricked on test day!

Updated IELTS Speaking questions

Many questions about social media and the Internet have recently been updated.

This is because technology is changing which makes them obsolete.

You may see practice online with outdated questions such as these:

How often do you use the Internet?

What’s your favorite website?

These questions have been removed now that the Internet is used daily by nearly everyone.

Additionally, apps are more common than websites, making this question outdated as well.

Internet and social media on IELTS

This question has been replaced with updated, relevant questions.

What’s your favorite app?

Do people spend too much time on their cell phones?

At what age should children be allowed to have social media?

You must be prepared to answer questions such as these.

Luckily, they will likely be easier if you use modern technology.

Strategies Created By a Former Examiner

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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.

A common mistake

A question on a recent exam tripped up many students.

Do you enjoy chatting with your friends?

The word ‘chat’ has caused a misunderstanding for many.

You may think of this only as chatting online through direct messages or over text.

However, ‘chat’ in English means talking to a friend.

If you answer that you do not chat with friends but only speak in person, this is a vocabulary mistake.

Incorrect example

Aubrey and Jessica provide an example that would not receive a high score.

No, I don’t like social media.

Because everyone chats with friends and family at some point, this answer doesn’t work.

You can certainly share that you don’t use social media or chat online.

However, you’d also need to acknowledge the understanding that people can chat in person.

Correct example

A correct example would mention both online chatting as well as face-to-face.

You can share if you chat over text, Instagram or on other platforms.

It’s vital to show the Examiner that you understand what ‘chat’ means.

Showing a misunderstanding of this word would lower your vocabulary score.

Other common mistakes

In our course, 3 Keys IELTS, we share many common mistakes to avoid.

We teach you strategies to avoid these pitfalls.

Test writers include common traps on every part of the exam.

Additionally, you need a thorough understanding of what the Examiner is looking for.

We help you understand the scoring system so you can get the score you need.

What if you don’t understand the question?

If you’re not sure what ‘chat’ means, you can ask!

You can ask a clarification question.

This does not lower your score.

The Examiner can rephrase to help you understand the question.

Rather than making a guess, ask to make sure you understand what you are being asked.


If you’re not sure you understand the question, ask!

Don’t risk answering the wrong question due to a misunderstanding.

Expose yourself to a lot of English to build vocabulary.

Listening to podcasts and watching television will help you understand the use of a word like ‘chat.’

For all the strategies you need on IELTS, sign up for our online course.

What questions do you have from today’s episode?

Please leave a comment below.

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