Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"
Aubrey Carter
"3 Keys IELTS Certified Coach"

Have you ever had trouble joining a conversation at work because you weren’t familiar with the topic?

There are strategies that can help you join in anyway!

Listen in today and learn how to be part of a discussion on a topic you don’t know.

Unfamiliar topics

Lindsay asks Aubrey if she has ever been part of a conversation on a topic she wasn’t familiar with.

Aubrey responds that it often happens.

She’s interested in topics she hasn’t encountered or heard much about.

In these situations, she often asks a lot of questions.

This gives her a chance to learn about the topic from others that know more about it.

She would avoid asking rapid-fire questions.

Instead, she would plan on listening and learning.

The situation would also depend on the number of people in the conversation.

Today’s question

Today’s episode is inspired by a question sent by a listener to the All Ears English hosts.

Here is the question:

Most times I don’t know how to join a conversation because I don’t understand their topics. For example, when my native friends talk about business news or politics. What can I do to improve this? Thank you.

Marie Yang

A shared experience

It’s very common to experience being in a conversation and not knowing much about the topic.

This is inevitable if the discussion is in a language you’re learning or with people of different cultures.

Lindsay and Aubrey share with you a structure that can help you navigate through a conversation on a topic you’re unfamiliar with.

With each recommendation, they share a mini roleplay as an example of how you can apply it.

#1: Ask questions

There is no shame in being unfamiliar with the topic.

No one expects you to read every article in the news or be updated on every topic out there.

Asking questions can give encourage the person sharing about the topic.

It’s a good opportunity to connect and give affirmation.

Asking questions helps in building a good relationship and gives you a chance to learn something new.

Mini roleplay:

Lindsay: Mark Cuban was saying if he could go back in time he’d go into AI.
Aubrey: Oh, really? I didn’t see that. Did he say why?
Lindsay: He was talking about how easy it is to do as a side hustle and doesn’t require a degree.
Aubrey: Was this on a podcast?
Lindsay: It was a news article.
I imagine it’s pretty lucrative working in AI – do you know?

#2: Guide conversation to familiar territory

Most conversations rarely stick to one subject the entire time.

You can touch on other relevant topics or move to an entirely different topic.

You can definitely bring up something you’re familiar with once the topic has been discussed thoroughly.

Once you’ve asked questions and given everyone a chance to share thoughts, your next step is to find a good time to pivot.

Mini roleplay:
(continuation from the previous role play)

Lindsay: Yes, he said on the podcast that teenagers with no degree are making 6 figures in AI prompt engineering.
Aubrey: It does seem like things are changing and a university education isn’t always required for a good salary.
Lindsay: Interesting. That was definitely the expectation when I was a teenager.
Aubrey: Same. But a lot of my friends’ kids aren’t planning to attend college. What do you think? Have you noticed that too?

#3: Stay informed

Though you don’t have to know about every topic, whenever possible it’s ideal to have something to add.

Lindsay and Aubrey recommend listening to podcasts made for native speakers.

You can also read the news to be updated on current events and new topics.

You need to stay informed in order to contribute to conversations.

Podcast recommendations

Here are some podcasts Lindsay and Aubrey recommend:

  1. Science Vs – a podcast that uses science to investigate and debunk controversial topics, fads, and trends
  2. Freakonomics Radio – a podcast that covers topics like sociology, social issues, current events, science, and the human condition
  3. BBC The Inquiry – a podcast from BBC where they introduce expert witnesses to answer important questions on current events
  4. Today Explained – a podcast by VOX that explains certain topics and everyday occurrences in a unique way

Follow the All Ears English podcast

Though you also need to listen to podcasts for native speakers, you can learn a lot right here on All Ears English.

Be sure to follow the All Ears English podcast to learn about current topics and gain tips on your English language journey.

Check out the recent episode AEE 2307: How to Connect in English as an Introvert.


You don’t have to know about every topic.

Today’s tips will help you participate in every conversation even if you don’t know much about the topic.

It’s always good to be a part of the discussion to create meaningful conversations.

It also is good to learn from others about unfamiliar topics and get another point of view on current events.

What are current topics that you’re interested in talking about with your peers?

Share one in the comments below.

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