Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"
upgrade your English new cars

Have you heard people talk about “upgrades” in English?

Is this something that you feel is important?

You may have made some upgrades in your life, some of which were essential and some of which were nice to have.

We’re going to show you how to talk about upgrades, how and when they are important, and what they can mean to you in your everyday life.

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What Does It Mean To Upgrade?

You are likely to hear people talk about “upgrades” in their life often in English.

This is a topic that people like to discuss, and it can actually be quite natural and fun in conversation.

So what does it mean to upgrade?

Essentially it means that it’s better than what you had or what was there before.

Instead of just saying something is better, we can say it’s “an upgrade.”

Upgrade can be used as a verb or a noun, which makes it a rather interesting word choice.

  • As a verb: You could say “I need to upgrade my social life.”
  • As a noun: You might say something like “My social life in NYC is an upgrade from my social life back home.”

You can even intensity the word by saying “major upgrade” which you may hear often in conversation.

This could apply to everything from home improvements to relationships, so it’s a very versatile word.

This Word May Help With Connections

Think of how often and in what circumstances you may have used or heard the word “upgrade.”

It comes up quite often because it happens to be really good for connection because it tells others your opinion on something.

It’s also a bit stronger than the word “better” and so it can add emphasis and a fun twist.

It is also descriptive and it can help to give others an image as you speak.

It may be a cultural thing in the US where we are constantly looking for upgrades.

You may hear a lot about upgrades when it comes to technology, and it’s therefore very applicable in this area.

You may upgrade your cell phone or your laptop fairly frequently, and that’s a good thing.

Some upgrades are out of necessity, and some are out of pressure from peers or society in general.

It’s interesting to think about which upgrades are essential and which are nice to have.

Upgrades Are All About Balance

It’s interesting to think about the things that you have upgraded, and why you have done so.

It’s not just technology that we can upgrade, though this is where a great emphasis is placed.

There’s a positive twist to looking at upgrading which you may want to consider.

You can upgrade your life, upgrade your relationships, your mindset, or even your physical activity routine.

You should always be looking for ways to improve yourself and your life in general.

In the end, upgrades are really all about balance.

There shouldn’t be too much pressure to constantly upgrade material things or even your life really.

Sometimes you just need to be happy with your current situation and live in the present.

If you’re always looking for “the next best thing” then you will never be happy.

This is where the balance is so very important.

Consider What Is Worth Upgrading

Recognizing that upgrades are all about balance, you want to think about when you need to upgrade.

What could you upgrade when it comes to learning and mastering English?

  • Relationships with others who speak English: This allows you to practice your English more in conversation. It also allows you to make important connections which matter greatly too.
  • Confidence! Let go of your fear so that you are able to really grasp what you are learning. By embracing and upgrading that confidence, you are able to make English a main staple in your life.
  • Way of studying: You could try something like the Connected Communicator as a new avenue. Find a way that works for you and your particular way of studying. Think of ways that you can add more words to your vocabulary. Watch more TV shows in English and try new creative methods. Think of how you can push yourself to upgrade your English while not putting too much pressure on yourself.

These are all great ways to upgrade something really important in your life.

When it comes to upgrading your ability to learn English, these are all very helpful measures.

Roleplay To Help

Since upgrades are so important, and can be used as a noun and verb then you want to really understand how this works.

In this roleplay, Lindsay just got a new phone.

Michelle says : “Wow, nice phone Lindsay!”

Lindsay says: “Thanks! I was *due for an upgrade*”

Michelle: “That’s good. How’s the new job?”

Lindsay: “Oh my gosh it’s such a major upgrade from my old one. The people are so nice.”

Michelle: “That’s good. Wanna go shopping? I need a wardrobe upgrade.”

Lindsay: “Sure! I need to upgrade my style too. I’ll join you.”


The pressure to upgrade is real, and it’s something that many of us face at some point in time.

Is this a cultural thing or does this happen universally?

This is something interesting to look into and to talk about with people that you meet.

To say upgrade is a great way to say “better” in a unique and cool way.

Think of things that you can upgrade in your own life, for this is an interesting consideration and topic of conversation.

If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments section.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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