Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

Imagine that you have just been offered a job interview at a company that you really want to work for.

You have prepared your answers to common interview questions and you are ready.

You sign online to meet the interviewer and all of a sudden the connection goes dead.

What do you say in English?

How do you show your communication skills and your ability to be calm in a situation like this?

The way you react could have a significant impact on the interviewer’s impression of you. We’ll show you what to do today.


Today we have a question from a listener:

I have listened to your amazing podcasts for almost two years. Thank you for providing every wonderful episode.

Your podcast made me feel more confident to connect with local friends.

Today, I received a phone interview for my first part-time job. I was quite nervous. I have no idea how to prepare a phone interview. I understand the phone interview will be harder than actual face-to face interview. However, I expect to get this job and do you have tips for me? When I cannot understand their question, what should I do?

Thank you in advance.

All the best



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3 Phrases to say the connection is bad:

  • “I’m sorry, (I think) you’re breaking up. Could you say that one more time?”
  • “The connection is bad. Can you say that again?”
  • “I think I just lost you. Could you repeat that?”


Phrases to check if it’s better:

  • “How is that? Any better?”
  • “Can you hear me now?”
  • “How about that? Is it clear now?”


Be sure to try these phrases the next time you run into trouble with your Internet connection during a conversation in English.

Let us know your questions in the comments section below.

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