You need to show your personality on IELTS Speaking.
This will boost your confidence and help you speak more naturally.
Today we’ll give you a strategy for including humor in your Speaking Part 2 answer.
We’ll also give you a model answer about a change that could improve your local area.
This is one of the toughest questions you could be asked!
Being funny on IELTS
The IELTS exam can be extremely stressful!
The Examiner isn’t allowed to greet you and say anything to help you relax.
It won’t feel like a normal, casual conversation.
A great way to make it feel more normal is to be funny!
You can do this by saying what you didn’t or wouldn’t do.
Today we’ll teach you phrases you can use to add humor to your answers.
#1: It’s not like I…
A great way to be funny on IELTS Speaking answers is to say something off the wall.
You can include in your answer something you wouldn’t want or wouldn’t do.
For example, in Speaking Part 2 you might be asked to describe a house or apartment you would like to live in.
You can use this sentence starter to say where you wouldn’t want to live.
I mean, it’s not like I want to live in the White House or Buckingham Palace or anything, but I wouldn’t mind a roomier place.
#2: I would never have…
Use this phrase to share what you never would’ve done in a situation.
You can use this to contrast what someone did to what you would’ve done in that situation.
Describe an interesting animal you have seen.
An entire family of javelinas was in my mom’s backyard. I would never have approached them, but my sister was with me and she tried to scare them off and they charged us!
Strategies Created By a Former Examiner
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#3: I didn’t / I didn’t exactly…
Use this phrase to share what you didn’t do.
It could be something you should’ve done or thought about doing.
As an example, you might be asked to describe a crowded place you’ve been to.
Jessica shares that she would answer about a concert she attended years ago.
I managed to carve out some personal space for myself surreptitiously. I didn’t exactly push people out of the way, but I did dance in a way that created some space for myself.
Band 9 sample answer
Aubrey answers the Part 2 question, “Describe a performance you did not enjoy.”
Aubrey uses today’s phrases to add humor.
- I didn’t exactly walk out, but I thought about it! I did actually leave early to be honest.
- The jokes weren’t exactly racist or disgusting, but it was off-color enough to offend my in-laws.
- I would never have bought the tickets if I had realized what type of show it was!
Include humor in your IELTS Speaking answers!
If it suits your personality, throw it in to lighten the mood.
This can help with nerves and decrease anxiety.
It can also help you sound more native and natural.
For all the strategies you need on IELTS, sign up for our online course!
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