Today you’ll be so motivated by 3 Keys student Ariya!

Her story is extremely inspiring!

She will share her positive and delightful energy and advice.

This way, you can achieve your IELTS goals in a short time, just like she did!

Get ready to laugh and learn how to conquer your next exam.

Ariya’s IELTS journey

She prepared for over a year.

It was clear to her that she needed to improve her overall fluency.

It wasn’t enough to just study testing skills.

She first evaluated her English skills!

It’s not just about knowing the test.

It’s an English exam!

  • Television shows on Netflix
  • Interviews with her favorite actresses
  • Learning new vocabulary from these shows

When did she find 3 Keys IELTS?

She didn’t sign up for our course until 20 days before her exam date!

It was clear to her that she couldn’t do it on her own.

She saw that there was a computer-delivered exam.

However, she needed a course that would help her prepare for it.

She also realized she needed strategies!

It became clear that it wasn’t just a comprehension exam.

Strategies Created by a Former IELTS Examiner

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Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?

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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.

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Details about the academic exam

She was preparing to take the Academic IELTS exam.

Unsurprisingly, she was studying academic English.

She took a mock exam and realized there was a lot of language on the exam that was not academic.

This frustrated her!

It was clear that she didn’t have time to learn all the vocabulary she would face!

It was vital that she have strategies.

You don’t have to understand every word on the exam!

With IELTS-specific strategies, you can find answers anyway!

What she learned that surprised her

Once she learned the 3 Keys strategies, she was surprised by the different tactics.

On Writing, she discovered how to get straight to the point.

Before, she had “jumble jumbled” through the essays.

By this, she means her ideas were not organized and clear.

With our IELTS Writing module, she discovered what was required for 7+ on the Task score.

She learned how to brainstorm and support her ideas.

Ariya’s amazing IELTS scores!

She took the exam January 6.

She only had to take it one time and then was done!

Her excitement is contagious, as she was extremely happy.

She needed an overall 6.5, and she got even higher!

  • Overall: 7

Her goal was to take the exam just once, and she achieved that.

Reading strategies removed her panic

She discovered that she didn’t need to understand every word.

It’s not a comprehension exam.

You simply don’t have time to read each passage in its entirety.

Rather, it’s about using strategies to find answers.

Our 3 Keys strategies teach you time management.

We show you how to find answers even when you don’t understand every word!

Don’t dive too deeply into the passages!

Ariya found herself spending too much time reading passages.

This was because she found them so interesting!

Part of the problem was she only had 20 days to prepare.

With more time spent practicing 3 Keys strategies, this wouldn’t happen.

Instead, you would prioritize identifying keywords and finding answers!

Ariya’s IELTS advice

Incorporate English in your everyday life.

Her brain started to think in English.

This helped her fluency a lot.

Your study should be half and half.

Half your study should be improving your overall English.

The other half should be learning and studying IELTS strategies.

A study plan is vital

It is difficult to find this balance on your own.

It can be a lot of work to find appropriate, useful resources.

You also may have difficulty knowing how to spend your time.

Save yourself time by using our study plan!

We tell you every day how to spend your time.

When you sign up for 3 Keys, you can choose a plan.

  • 30-day study plan
  • 60-day study plan

What is in Ariya’s future?

She is an adventurer!

Iceland is where she will head next.

She can now be accepted to a university in Iceland where she wants to study.

This is a very exciting first!

Ariya is the first Thai person to study Norse mythology at this Icelandic university.

She is so excited to be past IELTS and achieving her dreams.


You can take IELTS one time and be done just like Ariya!

We call this ‘one and done!’

Her joy and excitement is infectious!

Allow her story to motivate you!

If you are struggling to prepare for IELTS on your own, get into 3 Keys IELTS!

Sign up today!

What questions do you have from today’s episode?

Please leave a comment below.

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