So, do you want a ride?
This summer, Lindsay is on an adventure of a life time. She’s road tripping across the U.S., and putting videos on YouTube every week!
With these videos, I’m also going to create some listening exercises based on one video a week- you can get these at
In the fall, we’re going to build a listening course that reflects the REAL AMERICA, not only how native speakers really talk, but what we really talk about.
Sure, you can understand an ESL podcast, maybe even some, or a lot, of a movie, but, can you participate in a conversation with native speakers?
This is the challenge. This is also why you are learning English in the first place!
So, come on the adventure with us! See the side of our country that you can’t find anywhere else- and improve your listening skills while you’re at it.
Go to and get in on the adventure!
What are your listening challenges?
Leave us a message in the comments section below! And wish Lindsay good luck on her travels!
Today learn a new phrase and learn the two ways it can be pronounced.
Also, the big question from today’s conversation is this: is it ok to use the pronunciation that the dictionary tells you even if everyone in the culture pronounces it in a different way?
Who decides what correct pronunciation is- the dictionary or the people?
Today we’re talking about this phrase: To put the kibosh on something
What does it mean? It’s a natural English phrase that comes up sometimes with natives.
But there are different ways to pronounce it.
Some people say it with a long vowel sound at the beginning and some people stretch it out at the end.
The dictionary gives you a different pronunciation than the way that most people pronounce it.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Who decides correct pronunciation? The people or the dictionary?
If you’re unsure of the correct way to pronounce a word then check with the people around you- your colleagues, the people you are around every day.
We take a more practical and connection-based perspective on language learning so we believe that you should use the pronunciation that lets you connect with the people around you.
If you are using the dictionary definition and everyone around you looks at you like you’re crazy then that might hinder connection.
Other phrases similar to “put the kibosh on it”:
- To put a stop to something
- To put an end to something
What questions do you have from today?
Let us know in the comments below.
In today’s episode find out exactly what you should and should not do when you are in the IELTS Listening test.
In our course we give you a more in depth list of rookie mistakes but today we’ll give you just a few of the common mistakes in the do’s and don’ts of the Listening Test.
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Listening Test Don’ts
- #1: Don’t take notes! It’s a TOEFL thing to take notes but not an IELTS tactic. If you take notes you will miss the answer. If you hire the wrong teacher who is not an IELTS expert you may get bad advice when it comes to note taking.
- #2: Don’t skip ahead. Use the time they give you to check your answers to look at your spelling and your logic. Don’t overthink it. Don’t outsmart IELTS. Do what they say. Some IELTS teachers will tell you to do this, especially the ones who have not taken the actual exam themselves but it’s bad advice.
- #3: Don’t write your listening answers on the answer sheet while you’re listening. You’re given time at the end to transfer your answers. This is another good reason to take the exam under test conditions as much as you can before test day.
- #4: Don’t panic if you don’t understand. The key words and the answers are never vocabulary you don’t know. They are not testing high level vocabulary. The vocabulary and answers you need will be intermediate to upper intermediate vocabulary. If you have prepared well then you’ll be fine.
Listening Test Do’s:
- #1: Follow the instructions. IELTS tells you what to do and when to do it then you just need to practice it.
- #2: Read the directions carefully. Sometimes there is a specific requirement for your answer. Sometimes they say “no more than one word” or “no more than two words” or “your answer must be a letter.”
- #3: Pay attention to key words. The key words give you the answer. If you focus on what you need then you won’t panic about what you don’t need like high level vocabulary.
*Bonus- the final “do” is to prepare for IELTS with a course.
Our course gives you a step by step plan and shows you how to use our strategies to increase your score- it’s guaranteed.
What questions do you have today?
Let us know in the comments below.
Does your friend have an interview coming up?
Do you know the English words and phrases to wish them good luck?
This is part of building or maintaining connections.
Find out how to do it today.
Most people get nervous before a job interview.
It’s all about how well you work with your nerves but if there is a great friend who is encouraging you it makes it much easier too!
Phrases to wish your friend good luck before a job interview:
- “Good luck”: This is simple, casual, and lighthearted. It’s also very common.
- “I’m sure you’ll do great.” This means that you are 100% confident.
- “I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.” We have a superstition that if you cross your fingers you’ll get something you want or you’ll avoid what you don’t want. This is used more when we don’t have as much control over the outcome. It might be better to say this to your friend after the interview when the person doesn’t have any more control over what the company decides.
- “You’re going to be so great/You’re going to do so great”: This is very conversational.
- “Let me know how it goes.” You could use this if it’s the last time you’re going to talk to your friend before they go for the interview.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Listen to the role play with Lindsay and Michelle
Get the Charismatic Connector Online Course if you want to build the skills to develop relationships at work.
On Friday morning I took I-80 West towards Chicago to pick up my friend Ky at the airport.
I am loving the time on the road.
There is a real sense of freedom!
In this video I talk about a cultural difference between the US and Sri Lanka.
Watch the video below!
Click here to get quizzes and updates.
On Thursday I traveled to Toledo, Ohio. It was my first time in Toledo and I was lucky enough to find a great Couchsurfing host.
Suren is a PhD student from Sri Lanka.
We took a walk in the downtown area of Toledo and I asked him about his life as an international student in the US.
We talked about:
- How life is different in the US compared with Sri Lanka
- Why it’s hard to get a car in Sri Lanka and how it’s easier here
- How he feels after living in the US for a few years
Watch the video for more details!
Click here to get updates and free listening quizzes.
On Wednesday I went to Cornell University to talk to some students about what it’s like to go to an Ivy League university in the United States.
I asked them about:
- What they studied
- The cost of higher education in the United States
- What they did with their time in college
- What makes Cornell different from other universities
- The social justice orientation of Cornell and how it’s different from other Ivy League universities
- And more!
Watch the video to learn about Cornell University and going to college in the United States!
Click here to get quizzes and updates!
Last week we started this adventure in the Catskills Mountains of New York.
In this episode I talk with my friend Jaime who is from Colombia. He came to join me for the first night of my trip.
I ask him about what it’s like to live in the US and to live in New York City.
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Sometimes on IELTS Speaking Part 3 or Writing Task 2 you get a question that you have no idea about.
What if you have never thought about the issue or you don’t even care?
What should you do in this case?
Today we’ll talk about what you can do with some examples.
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What should you do?
Go to the strategy of being honest if you don’t know.
Use a good vocabulary word or idiom like “Ok so that came out of left field but if I have to have an opinion on this I would say…”
Other good phrases to show surprise:
- That was a curve ball…
- That came out of left field…
**Pro tip! Use a concession if you need to fill time:
If you don’t have a lot of content to share in your answer then you can fill time by mentioning what the other side’s perspective is and then explain why you disagree and how your opinion is different.
In our course we go into more detail on how to organize your answers in a step by step format.
Let us know your question in the comments below.
Are you confident, cocky, grounded, or insecure?
Today find out what these personality qualities mean and how to spot someone who’s got them.
Sometimes there is a fine line between being confident and too confident.
If we are “cocky” or overconfident we might miss important details or assume we have nothing left to learn.
How can we show our confidence?
- Make good eye contact
- Use a good, strong posture (this not only helps the way people see us but it changes the way we think about ourselves)
- Have conviction in what you say. Use your tone of voice strategically. Come down at the end of your phrases instead of asking a question at the end of your statement.
- Don’t brag too much. It’s okay to talk about your accomplishments but if you sound like you are trying to get attention you will sound insecure. Real confidence is quiet and the actual confidence comes out in actions. Usually people who are talking about the fact that they can do something well tend not to have the highest level of skills.
Vocab words for today:
- Confident
- Cocky: This means overconfident. It’s an annoying fake confidence.
- Hot stuff: We say “That guy thinks he’s hot stuff.”
- Overconfident: Too confident.
- Arrogant: An abrasive personality. You think you’re the best. A lot of things fly past your awareness because you are self absorbed.
- Humble: A quiet confidence. This kind of person has nothing to prove and does not brag.
- Grounded: Someone who might be successful but is not “up in the clouds.”
- Down to earth: This means grounded and normal, not arrogant.
- Insecure: Not confident, not feeling strong about your abilities.
*Listen to the role play with Lindsay and Michelle to see these words being used in a conversation.
What questions do you have from today?
Let us know!
Today find out how to answer the rare problem and solution essay question.
We have talked a lot about Writing Task 2 argument essays and we have given you a lot of vocabulary ideas for IELTS but we rarely talk about the problem solution essay.
90% of the time you should write an argument essay by putting one side in paragraph 2 and in paragraph 3 you put your opinion but sometimes you get the problem solution essay question.
We do cover this topic in more of a step by step fashion in our course even though this type of question is rare but today we’ll give you a few examples of how to brainstorm problems and solutions.
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What does this question look like?
You’ll see 1- 2 sentences explaining a problem or issue.
It’s usually a societal or educational problem.
Next you’ll see 1-2 questions and those questions tell you what to answer in the essay.
You might get a question about causes and a question about solutions. You need to just answer the questions directly in each paragraph.
*Pro tip- as soon as you brainstorm the cause, brainstorm the solution right away
Sample questions and answers:
Q: Children today are not as respectful in school as they were in the past. What are the causes of this and some possible solutions?
Here are some ideas to answer this question:
- Cause: Kids aren’t learning respect at home because their parents are not exercising their authority enough these days.
- Solution: Make parents more aware of what makes kids respectful
*If you can’t come up with a solution remember that education and government money can always be great solutions and will help your score.
- Cause: There are too many rules for teachers. Teachers don’t have enough authority when it comes to disciplining kids in school. There are too many rules.
- Solution: Train teachers on how to discipline kids in a way that teaches respect but is safe and not harmful to the child.
Leave us a message in the comments!
What did you think about today’s episode?
Today get four ways to show your colleague that he or she is on the right track in English.
What does it mean to be “on the right track”?
It means to be going in the right direction.
Why is this an important skill in the business world?
We want to be able to maintain or build a professional connection with someone when we are working closely with them.
Maybe we are brainstorming as a team and some great ideas are coming up but we haven’t quite found reached our goal.
We want to encourage our team members to keep thinking and keep working on it and these phrases will be useful in that situation.
In Episode 499 we learned about the phrase “You got it” which is useful in this situation to.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
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Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Phrases to show someone they’re on the right track
- “You’re on to something”: This is a great way to support the speaker and to show them that their idea sounds interesting and you want to hear more.
- “You’re on the right track”: This means that you are thinking in the right direction.
- “You’re getting there.” This can be used to show someone that they have almost accomplished a goal but not quite yet.
- “It’s on the tip of my tongue”: This is used when we can’t think of a name or word but it’s in our head. We use it like this: “Oh what’s the name of that restaurant? It’s on the tip of my tongue”
Listen to the role play in the audio to hear how these phrases are used in a real conversation with Lindsay and Michelle.
Let us know in the comments if you have any questions.
After you get the IELTS scores you need, Ilya Brotsky can help you find tech jobs in Canada.
Have you thought about how you’re going to reach your life goals after passing the IELTS exam?
Ilya Brotsky is the founder of VanHack, a company in Canada who helps people from all over the world to find tech jobs in Canada.
Some of the many companies he works with include EA Games, Shopify, and Lulu Lemon. Yes, Lulu Lemon makes yoga pants, but, as Ilya says, “tech is eating the world.”
No matter what business you’re running these days, you will need employees with tech skills.
Ilya lived in Brazil for many years, and upon his return to Canada, felt the frustration of looking for a job. So, he decided to create his own job, using his foreign network, tech and business skills, and founded VanHack.
In order to immigrate to Canada, you can get a work visa from a company who hires you, but this is difficult and not very common.
Another option is called express entry, where the government gives you the visa. If you have an IELTS score of 7 or 8, you get more points in this program, and are more likely to get the visa.
The third option is a student visa, or accompanying your spouse who is a student. In this case, both people can also work legally. Of course, universities require high IELTS scores as well.
VanHack helps clients at all levels- finding jobs, figuring out the visa situation, and, now, they’ve partnered with 3 Keys IELTS to help people get the IELTS scores they need.
Of course, finding the job is the biggest challenge, so Ilya’s clients receive training in interviewing skills, CV composition, social media profile creation and networking skills.
VanHack is working constantly on connection. They want to connect their clients with the right skills and frame of mind to land a great job, and then connect them with amazing Canadian employers.
The first step is to go to and create your profile, so potential employers can find you. Explore their resources, and start being proactive about the incredible life that awaits you!
Have you thought about organizing your life post-IELTS?
Let us know your dreams! Leave us a message in the comments section below!
Have you ever tried this?
When we tackle a huge problem, we can’t tackle every part of it, all at once.
The same with gigantic skills such as speaking, reading, writing and listening.
In our course, and in my classroom, this is how I approach learning- with simple, clear, step-by-step methods.
Basically, you need to isolate the skills, strengthen them individually, and then bring them together into a coherent whole.
On the IELTS Speaking exam, you are graded on 4 things: Fluency/Coherence, Vocabulary, Grammar and Pronunciation. Reading out loud, from texts written by native speakers for native speakers, actually improves all 4 of these speaking sub-skills!
How IELTS Fluency and Pronunciation Improve
When you read out loud, you are not worried about how to form a sentence in a grammatically correct manner, or which interesting vocabulary to use, or what ideas you should give more details about.
In this very simple activity, you are only focused on connecting your words in a fluid way, never saying “uh” or “um”, and adding some emotion (intonation and stress) to your voice.
In order to score highly for Fluency/Coherence, you must sound like it is not difficult for you to get the words out. If you hesitate, pause, use fillers, say “um and “uh” a lot, it does not sound fluent.
Also, to score highly for Pronunciation, you must sound interested in what you are saying, putting emotion into your voice. If you do not use intonation and stress, and if there is no rhythm to your words, you cannot get a high score here.
Other Areas Will Also Improve
Of course, it is a no-brainer that reading high-level resources will improve your vocabulary.
Did you know that it also improves your grammar? The idea here is that the more often you see words and structures used correctly, the better you’ll remember how to produce them yourself.
Your reading comprehension will, obviously, gain from this activity as well. The more reading you do, the better.
I still remember something a professor told me once: “The best readers make good writers.” Again, the more you see and experience high-level ideas and expression, the more likely it is that you will be able to express yourself in these ways as well.
How To Read Out Loud
Simple! Free! Short and sweet!
- Choose a native speaker resource, such as a novel, or the New York Times.
- Read out loud, every night, for 5 to 10 minutes.
That’s it!
I’ve given this activity to students before, and I promise you, it works!
Do you have any questions about today’s advice?
Leave us a comment below!
Today a listener asked us how to improve his accent and to speak more naturally.
In this episode we’ll talk about why finding your voice is more important than having a perfect accent or perfect pronunciation and we’ll show you how to do that.
When we talk about “finding our voice” we are talking about much more than using the right vowel sounds.
Let’s look at this on a more holistic level.
“My name is Ezebias. I have been living in Ireland for one year. Is it possible to work on your accent, not pronunciation but the way that you speak that makes you unique. I really like the American accent but I have no idea how to work on it. Can you help me?” – Ezebias, AEE Listener
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
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Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Your “voice” is the impression you let off and how you make people feel when you speak.
It’s much bigger and more important than your pronunciation.
It’s similar to the idea of your personal brand. It’s the way you express yourself.
What makes up your “voice”:
- Mimicking other voices can help you build your own voice at first
- The way you choose expressions and the ones you choose create your voice
- The opinions that you have and how you express them create your voice
- Your posture is part of your voice
- The clothes that you wear and how you move is part of your voice
- Your audience is part of your voice. Why are you learning English? Who are you speaking to? Your voice might change based on your audience.
How can you build your “voice”?
- Think about why you are learning English and who you need to communicate with.
- Have a “bias towards action.” This means that it’s better to go out and try out your voice than to sit at home and think about it. When we first started this podcast we didn’t know what our brand “voice” would be. We only found it through taking action and publishing episodes every day.
- Build a “culture of thinking.” You should always be surrounded by ideas. Listen to NPR. Read The Washington Post. You need to do this so that you have opinions and something to say.
- Dress in a way that conveys your voice.
- Think about how your posture creates your voice.
What’s the takeaway?
Don’t just think about your pronunciation or trying to “sound like a native.”
Instead, develop your own unique voice which can include pronunciation but also includes a bunch of other things that we talked about today.
Look at speaking on a more holistic level. This will help you be more confident and expressive when you speak English.
Let us know what you think about today’s episode!
Leave your comments below.
It’s time to change things up at All Ears English!
Lindsay is hitting the road this summer and we’re taking you along for the ride.
Lindsay will cross the country in 60 days with a vision to cover the whole country.
Why is Lindsay taking this trip?
It’s time for a change! She is feeling wanderlust and she is missing adventure in her life.
She feels that she is plateauing. The only way to grow in life is to push ourselves out of our comfort zone.
Where is Lindsay planning to go?
- Utah national parks
- New York state
- Chicago
- Pacific Coast Highway
- Nashville Tennessee
- Etc
There will be a lot of room for spontaneity with this trip so these locations may change!
How can you stay updated?
Be sure to subscribe to our You Tube Channel or check for updates on this blog and the podcast.
Do you have any advice or wisdom for Lindsay as she starts her trip?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today you’ll meet one amazing student from our 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
Natalya spent just 30 days in our course and increased her IELTS score by a full band point.
Natalya is a busy professional.
She travels around the world for her work.
She had to balance her IELTS studying with her career.
Why did she take IELTS?
She has a dream to study abroad so the IELTS is required for her program.
She took IELTS before our course in December and she got a 6 overall.
She knew she had to hit the books and push that score up to a 6.5. She was stressed out and nervous.
She found our course and our system. She took our course and after our course she got a 7 in March.
“When I found your course and realized there was a system I knew there was no need to “reinvent the wheel.” I knew that the course would be a door to my wonderland. You saved my life with this course.” – Natalya, Band Score 7 after 3 Keys IELTS Success System
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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
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What helped Natalya increase her score?
The course has a simple structure and it led her in a fast and easy way through the tricky parts of the test especially after she had already seen how hard it could be.
She was able to organize her time with the study plan.
It made it clear that the time schedule was strict.
She knew that all she had to do was follow the steps to her target score.
Natalya’s advice:
The Anti-anxiety plan was the most helpful part for her in the course.
The module is simple and parts of it are obvious but because she completed it she felt well prepared.
She felt that she wasn’t alone when she was taking the test because she knew what to expect.
If you want to increase your score by a full band point or more in just 30 days then get into our course now.
Any questions?
Please write them in the comments section below.
Do you struggle with public speaking in English?
Do you get overwhelmed?
Today you’ll meet our guest Brittany.
She’ll show you how to use her simple strategy to become a winning public speaker for more career success in English.
Brittany has spoken in front of more than 5,000 people.
She has spoken in front of youth and adults.
Her speeches and presentations usually deal with motivation and moving outside of your comfort zone.
How can we gain confidence for speeches in English?
Public speaking IS for everyone. We speak publicly every day.
Think of everyone you come across as your audience because you want people to feel that you are talking directly to them.
- Step 1: You have to grow to love talking and talking in front of people. Even if you are shy there must be someone that you love talking to. Start off by talking to people that you love and that you are comfortable talking with. This will help you start to find your voice.
- Step 2: Next you have to know your topic. It’s much easier to give a speech if you have researched and reviewed your topic. You also have to believe in your topic. If you know that you can back up what you’re saying you will have conviction in your speech and that is confidence.
- Step 3: Use this outline technique:
- Introduction- This should be interesting and arousing. This should grab your audience’s attention. It sets the tone for the entire presentation. Start with a question or a story. You could tell your personal experience. You could share a joke.
- Body – Put your 3-5 main points here.
- Conclusion – Plan a motivational conclusion. Give them a sample review of what you have said but the main purpose is to move them to action. Tell them what you want them to do. Be as clear and specific as possible.
- Step 4: Practice, practice, practice. Rehearse your speech out loud and record a video of yourself. Watch your facial expressions. Go to and look at how people present there. Also find a coach or a mentor or you can work with a native teacher like Brittany.
- Step 5: Delivery. Try drinking a calming tea in the morning. Avoid coffee because it makes you nervous and jittery. Give yourself reassuring words. Don’t complicate things or you will lose the message that you are trying to deliver to your audience.
What questions do you have for Brittany?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today find out how to write or NOT write a conclusion that will get you a 7 on the Academic and General Exams for Writing Task 1.
We saw a question on an IELTS forum asking how to write the conclusion for the Academic Writing Task 1 but you don’t need a conclusion on Academic Writing Task 1!!
Task 1 Academic is only 150 words.
Usually you write about a graph, a pie chart, or a bar chart.
There is no room for a conclusion.
You cannot write a conclusion with that small number of words.
A conclusion is meant to summarize and there is no need for it in this short essay.
Some teachers tell you to put the overall trend in the conclusion and that’s fine but the examiner looks for the overall trend first.
Put the overall trend in the introduction to make the examiner’s job easy.
This will help get the examiner thinking about at least a 6 or 7 for your Task Response score.
If you don’t know how to identify the overall trend or what it is then you should join our course because we show you in a step-by-step format exactly how to do it.
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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
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The General Task 1 needs an ending but not a conclusion:
You DO need an ending for the Task 1 essay on the General IELTS Exam.
However, it’s not really a conclusion.
You should use a “wish” sentence that will start with the following phrases for a casual letter:
- “I hope you have a good week”
- “I can’t wait to see you soon”
If it’s a formal letter you can use these phrases:
- “Thank you for taking the time to read this”
- “Thank you for reading this”
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today we’ll talk about why you should slow down when you speak English and take more time to respond.
We’ll also show you why this can help your confidence and make you more successful and powerful in life in general.
When people speak to you in English or ask you a question do you take the time to respond and “own” the space? Or do you rush your answer because you feel that you bore people?
If you take a bit more time to respond and slow the speed of your speech you can hold a sense of power and convey confidence that will make people look at you in a different way.
“Whenever I consciously try to slow my speaking down in a conversation I feel that I am keeping my listeners waiting and unnecessarily wasting their time especially when they speak very fast in their response so I am forced to speed up my speech to match their speaking speed. How can I overcome that mindset?” -May, AEE Listener
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Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
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What can you do to slow down and hold the space?
Get a journal and write in it every night.
Write down the times when you held the space that day.
Write about how it felt and what you did differently than what you normally do.
This will remind you to keep holding the space every day and it will start to feel more natural.
This can start to change in a few months.
You can see tangible results if you focus on this one issue and if you get someone to support you in this like a coach or a therapist.
How does it sound when people speak slowly?
It sounds like they choose their words carefully.
They sound in control.
They are thinking about what they are going to say.
What else can you do to train yourself to slow down?
- Watch TED Talks where people speak with confidence. Notice how they take time and speak slowly. Mirror their speed and what they do. Repeat what you hear at the same pace.
- Remind yourself that silence is power and control. We have a major problem with this in the US. It’s generally hard for a lot of people in American culture to strategically use silence. It feels uncomfortable to us. However, if you are from a culture that values and strategically uses silence you might have an easier time with this.
- Pay attention to your voice pitch. When someone is speaking from the bottom of their throat that person seems more in control with a deeper confidence. It’s better than speaking at the top of your throat and sounding like you are out of control. Check out Bob Corff, he is a pronunciation trainer for Hollywood stars.
Listen to the role play with Lindsay and Michelle.
In the role plays in the podcast (see audio player above) they will do the same conversation twice but Michelle will speak fast the first time and she will not sound confident.
The second time she’ll speak more slowly and display more confidence.
Listen to it and notice the differences. Notice how the tone of voice might affect her overall success in the interview.
Do you slow down and hold the space when you speak English?
What strategies will you use from today’s episode to start doing it more?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today get three answers to your questions about tough IELTS Reading and IELTS Listening issues.
Today we are going to answer questions from students in our course and from listeners of this show about how to write your answers on both the Reading and Listening parts of the test.
Question #1: Is it common that IELTS candidates have to invent their own answers or are we only allowed to take words or phrases from the actual test?
Answer #1: Yes sometimes you do have to come up with your own word but it happens rarely. It’s not something that you should practice because 99% of the time your answer has to come directly from the text within the test.
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Question #2: How should I write dates on the test?
Answer #2: British and Americans write dates differently but it doesn’t matter! As long as the answer is correct you will be fine. Don’t waste your time focusing on things that don’t matter for your score.
Question #3: Please listen to the episode at 8:14.
This question came from our Facebook group for students in our course.
What questions do you have from today?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today get five phrases you can use to be sure you keep the connection when you need to get someone to move faster in English.
When you want to encourage someone to hurry and move faster you need special phrases because you don’t want to sound rude to people or offend them.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Phrases to encourage someone to move faster:
- Hurry up: Be careful with this one. It could sound rude. You might want to save it for people that you know well or times when you are speaking in a lighthearted manner or joking around.
- “Let’s hurry up” or “Let’s hurry”: This would make the first phrase more polite. It means that you and the other person are moving faster together.
- “Let book it”: This is a very local, natural expression. You will never find this phrase in a textbook.
- “We gotta get moving”: Another way to say that we need to hurry up.
- “We really gotta run”
- “Let’s get going”
*Listen to the conversation between Lindsay and Michelle to see how these phrases are used in a real conversation.
Bonus phrase from the role play:
Michelle said “look alive!” and this means wake up, pay attention, let’s get moving.
What questions do you have from today?
Have you tried these phrases?
Let us know in the comments below.
Do you know what the examiner needs to hear in order to give you a 7 or higher for vocabulary?
The most important goal to keep in mind is that you want to sound different from the other IELTS candidates, who tend to give very similar answers on the Speaking exam, using very similar, a.k.a. boring, vocabulary.
You need to sound like you are able to use vocabulary that other students cannot, or do not, use.
“Do I have to use slang on the IELTS Speaking exam?”
I’ve heard some “IELTS teachers” tell students that they cannot use slang on the IELTS Speaking exam, because it is informal.
That is wrong! Just another example of bad advice from teachers who do not really know the exam.
In fact, in the scoring criteria that all examiners use, you MUST use idiomatic, native-speaker-like vocabulary to score a 7 or higher.
Plus, in IELTS Speaking Parts 1 and 2, the topics are personal and informal. So, the appropriate vocabulary is also personal and informal.
Watch this video to learn current native-speaker slang that would impress the examiner.
For more vocabulary that would shake the examiner out of thinking of you as a “6 student”, go to our website and type in the search bar idioms, and go to our YouTube channel and search vocabulary.
“How important, on the IELTS Speaking exam, is using academic vocabulary?”
The IELTS examiner must hear a range of vocabulary. This includes slang and idioms, of course, but also high-level words and phrases.
In Speaking Part 3, the questions are more abstract, about the world and society at large. This is when it is appropriate to use academic language.
One trick to work in more academic language is to practice using academic linking words, the same linking words that you must use in IELTS Writing Task 2.
Another point to remember here is that although you must use some academic vocabulary in IELTS Speaking Part 3, you can still use information from your own life and experience to support your opinion.
In fact, that is a very useful strategy to provide strong, fluent and coherent answers in Speaking Part 3.
“If I pronounce the word wrong, does that hurt my IELTS vocabulary score?”
That may impact your Pronunciation score, but it would not lower your Vocabulary score.
However, you must actively put in effort to increase your vocabulary, and part of that should be knowing how to say the words correctly!
For ideas on how to increase your IELTS vocabulary for Speaking and Writing, read this blog post.
Practice your IELTS Speaking answers with your vocabulary lists in front of you, because you must use the vocabulary, a lot, before exam day in order to produce it fluently and naturally in front of the examiner.
Above all, with proper guidance from an IELTS professional and hard work on your part, you CAN get the high scores you need!
What do you think of today’s advice?
Leave us a message in the comments section below!
Michelle traveled to India a few months ago and she heard three big mistakes in English.
Are you making these mistakes too?
Find out in today’s episode!
Here are the mistakes that Michelle heard:
- Mistake #1: Michelle heard “I was attracted on someone” but we should say “I was attracted to someone.” Be careful and be sure to use the correct preposition. Here are a few other ways to say this phrase:
- “I like him” or “I like her.”
- “I’m into him” or “I’m into her.”
- Mistake #2: Michelle heard “He was angry on me” but instead we should say “He was angry at me” or “He was angry with me.” Other ways to say this:
- “I am mad at someone.” This could also mean “crazy” but in American English it usually means angry.
- “I am pissed off” or “I am ticked off.” Be careful because this phrase is rude. Don’t use it in the business world or when you’re trying to build professional relationships.
- Mistake #3: Michelle head the overuse of “actually” but it should only be used to show surprise, to add additional information and a few other functions but it should not be used to state simple information.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments section below.
On today’s episode find out how to answer IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions when you have no idea what to say.
Even though Speaking Part 1 questions are supposed to be easy they don’t always apply to everyone.
Questions about science, history, and art can be difficult for some students.
What should you do if you’re not familiar with something the examiner asks you about?
- Option 1: Be honest about it. If the examiner asks you about art museums you can say “Oh gosh I really have never been to an art museum. I wish that I had been to an art museum but I haven’t yet.” When you use advanced grammar structures to respond you will increase your score.
- Option 2: You can make stuff up if you are good at coming up with creative ideas and lies. It’s totally fine to lie and come up with stories on the exam.
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Question 1: Did you enjoy history classes in high school?
Answer 1: Well to be completely honest I really didn’t enjoy my history classes but what I did enjoy was my psychology classes because I find the human mind endlessly fascinating.
Question 2: Do you often watch movies about history?
Answer 2: To be completely truthful I tend not to watch movies about history. I find them kind of boring but I usually tend to watch movies about drama. The kind of movie I like is plain old drama.
Listen to the episode to get more real examples of Speaking Part 1 answers.
Do you have any questions from today?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today you’ll learn an idiom that we use to say that someone offers value.
You’ll also get the formula to choose a career that will make you happy.
The phrase that we are talking about today is this: To be worth one’s salt
What does it mean?
It means to be worth your pay or to offer value in a more general sense.
When do we use this? Here are a few examples:
- “Any IELTS teacher worth their salt can tell you the difference between a vocabulary word that will get you a 6 and a 7.”
- “Any New York tour guide worth their salt should know Brooklyn like the back of their hand.”
- “Any radio host worth their salt is able to know their audience.”
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
*Bonus phrase from today: To know something like the back of your hand
What does it mean? It means to know something very well.
Example: “Michelle knows the opening song for Friends like the back of her hand.”
Other phrases to talk about value:
- To pull one’s weight: This is used when we talk about teamwork. It means to do your part and to offer as much value as others in the group.
- To be worth your weight in gold: This means that something is extremely valuable.
- To know your stuff: To know a lot about something, to be an expert.
How can we be “worth our salt”?
We often take winding paths to get to our dream job.
How do we find our true passion?
A few nights ago Lindsay went to see Chris Guillebeau speak about his new book called Born for This: Finding the Work You Were Meant to Do
Chris believes that we find our dream job or our perfect work at the convergence point of three things.
They are:
- #1: Flow
- #2: Joy
- #3: Money
What is your dream job?
If you haven’t found it yet how do you plan to find it?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today hear about a student essay in our 3 Keys IELTS Writing Wizard Contest and find out how this student could have improved his essay for a higher score.
Every month we have the 3 Keys Writing Wizard contest.
Students in our course get to submit their essay for free and Jessica chooses the best essay.
Today we’re going to focus on Task Achievement and Cohesion/Coherence when it comes to IELTS Writing Task 2.
What did the student do wrong?
For this particular essay the student only tackled one side of the question.
If the question says “what are the advantages and disadvantages” or “discuss both sides and give your opinion” you have to mention both sides in your essay.
In our course we have an easy to remember four paragraph outline which tells you exactly how to organize your essay.
If you don’t completely answer the question you’re going to get a 5 for Task Achievement.
Read the question carefully!
It affects your score in a major way.
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Another problem with the essay?
There were six paragraphs and three of them only had one sentence in them so they weren’t even paragraphs.
Paragraphing correctly is essential to score highly in Cohesion and Coherence.
You also have to have good IELTS linking words.
Take note of the mistakes we mentioned today.
Be sure you don’t make the same mistakes with your writing as well.
Let us know if you have questions in the comments section below.
Today you’ll get three phrases that are common in English but are borrowed from other languages.
We call them “loan words.”
They are “on loan.”
There is no way to say these phrases in the exact same way using English words so we use words from other languages.
Find out more about how to use these phrases when you speak English with natives in today’s episodes.
Borrowed phrases in English:
- #1: Status quo: This means the current state of affairs.
- “Are you happy with the status quo in terms of your living situation?”
- “Let’s stick with the status quo because people seem to like our episodes.”
- #2: Gung-ho: This became a battle cry for the US Marines and it meant to work together at another time in history. Now it is used to mean enthusiastic or excited about something.
- #3: Faux-pas: This comes from French. If you translate it literally it means a “false step.” We use it to talk about a social blunder or a social mistake. We use this word a lot when we talk about fashion. We might say, “I can’t believe what she’s wearing. What a faux pas.”
- “Is it a faux pas to show up late for a party in the US?”
- **Bonus: Bon Apetit: We sometimes use this in English at the beginning of a meal because we don’t have any other way to say “eat well” or “enjoy your meal.”
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Can you think of any other borrowed phrases from other languages that we use in English?
Let us know in the comments section below.
Today you’ll meet our guest Dave who specializes in helping students get better at giving presentations in English by using a special framework.
Why are English presentations so nerve wracking?
We are terrified of being rejected and embarrassed.
In the US they say that public speaking is the number one fear for people.
It’s even scarier for people than death.
Today our guest Dave is here to share his framework that can help you evaluate your presentations better for more success on stage and for a better career in English.
Dave’s Presentation Feedback Framework:
- What did you do well? Your peer, coach, or teacher gives you an “A statement” which tells you what you did well.
- What is the presenter good at and how can they improve it? Should there be more diagrams? Should there be better body language? This is called the “B statement.”
- What mistakes did you make? Only focus on repeated mistakes. Ignore the tiny mistakes that don’t occur often. This is called a “D statement.”
- How can you improve your next presentation? The student needs to ask him or herself this question. The teacher or coach should write it down and it should become a contract between the teacher and the student.
What is the #1 skill that we need to build for presentations?
Build on your strengths as a presenter. If you do something well and you know it you will leverage these skills. You will start out feeling excited and confident and that will lead to success for you.
Dave can help you improve your presentation skills if you meet with him for at least three lessons.
He will help you follow this framework to get the best possible feedback and improvement from one lesson to the next.
Dave’s Bio:
Dave Martinovich is American English teacher currently living in Thailand. He has been a teacher for twenty six years. He speaks English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Thai and ran the Long Beach marathon in 3 hours and 57 minutes.
How to work with Dave:
Step 1: First register here for a free $10 credit after you buy your first lesson
Step 2: Find Dave’s profile at
What did you think about today’s episode?
What are your biggest challenges when it comes to presentations?
In today’s episode we’ll give you the specific vocabulary words you need to get an 8 or higher when you get questions about work and the workplace.
Work and the workplace is a topic that is all over the IELTS Exam.
Here is a question from one of our listeners:
“I know that terms related to jobs are common on IELTS. I would like you to explain these experience levels people always find when they are searching for a job such as “entry level,” “associate,”senior,” “mid-senior,” and “internship.”
Our listener wants to understand these vocabulary words a bit better when it comes to work titles.
These vocabulary words will be found in Listening sections 1 and 2.
They could be on the Reading test.
They are very useful in Speaking Part 1 and Speaking Part 3 and Writing Task 2.
- Entry level: The beginning position. Someone who is just starting out with the company. This is not a high paying position.
- Senior: You rarely enter at the senior level. It usually has to do with how long you have been with the company.
- Novice: A newbie. You know nothing. You are completely new to something. This is similar to an entry level position.
- Amateur: You are doing something but not getting paid for it. It doesn’t mean you are bad at something.
- Associate: This might be used in a law firm for someone who is new to a firm. We also use it as a partner in business. We might say “Let me refer you to my associate.”
- Intern: A college student who wants experience in their career path by working for free in a specific company.
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Do you have any questions from today?
Let us know in the comments below.
Do you think you could prepare and land that magic 9?
Here’s the scoop: even for native speakers, a 9 is only a given in some parts of the exam. We see it every IELTS exam- native speakers rock up, without any preparation for the exam, and even they don’t secure those 9’s in every category.
So, what’s the problem?
And, how can we use native speaker characteristics to aim for 9’s?
IELTS 9 for Speaking
Part 1 and 2
As far as vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency/coherence and grammar go, native speakers will almost always score 9’s for IELTS Speaking Parts 1 and 2.
That is because they use natural language appropriate for the topics, namely, slang and idioms, and also use natural linking devices to organize their answers. Listen to this episode to find out how!
Part 3
IELTS Part 3 is where even native speakers can falter. This may be because they approach it in too relaxed a manner, just as they answered in Parts 1 and 2.
To give the examiner what he/she wants in Part 3, you need a strategy to satisfy the IELTS descriptors for scoring.
Watch this video to learn the strategy!
IELTS 9 for Writing
Task 1
There is no other time in life, even university and work life, where you will ever write an essay like this!
That’s why native speakers usually score poorly for Task Achievement and Cohesion/coherence, because they don’t know what the examiner is looking for.
For instance, you must write an overall trend, or your score drops. You must also provide key numbers, or your score drops. These are facts you cannot know unless you prepare for the exam!
Task 2
As most native speakers have written essays throughout their academic life, they usually do quite well in this essay.
They use appropriate, high-level vocabulary and provide very specific and detailed examples. Both of those things are necessary to score highly for IELTS Writing Task 2.
However, sometimes they may veer off-topic, and this affects the Task Response and Cohesion/coherence scores. You must cover the question, and only the question, to nail an overall 9 for writing.
IELTS 9 for Listening
Native speakers usually score a 9 on the Listening exam, simply because they understand everything that is said. Of course!
As a non-native speaker, you should prepare like a native speaker. You must listen to a variety of English media, such as podcasts made for native speakers (not just ESL podcasts made for students), and watch movies and TV shows.
Also, if English is not your first language, you probably will not understand every word you hear. This is where, again, strategies are necessary for coping and getting the right answers, such as identifying and hearing key words.
IELTS 9 for Reading
As we’ve discussed on the podcast, the IELTS Reading exam is where you must have strategies to find all the answers in the time provided.
Even many native speakers will not have time to read every word of the three passages and find all the 40 answers in just one hour.
The strategies involve the 3 skills of skimming, scanning, and reading for details. Some questions, however, involve unique strategies such as Matching Headings to Paragraphs and T/F/NG, Y/N/NG. In our course, we prepare you for every question IELTS might throw at you on the Reading exam!
What do you think of today’s article?
Leave us a note in the comments section below!
Redundancies are a mistake that even the most articulate native speakers make.
Today find out how to refine your English skills so that you don’t make this mistake too.
A redundancy happens when we use two words to convey an idea and we could just use one.
For example, saying “the reason why” is redundant but a lot of people do use it.
Why do we want to avoid being redundant?
In English effective communication gets to the point quickly.
Be succinct, concrete, direct, and avoid flowery language. Don’t be redundant!
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
- “Blatantly obvious”: Things that are blatant are obvious. People add “blatant” to this phrase to be more dramatic but it’s not necessary.
- Other ways to say this without being redundant:
- It’s clear
- It’s obvious
- It’s clear as day
- It’s undeniable
- Other ways to say this without being redundant:
- “Added bonus”: A bonus is by definition something added. You don’t need both words together.
- Other things to say:
- A bonus
- A plus
- An extra
- An add-on
- A perk
- Icing on the cake
- Other things to say:
- “Browse through”: To look through something
- Other things to say:
- To browse
- To go through
- To thumb through
- To flip through
- To peruse
- Other things to say:
- “Critically important”: Again, people try to be dramatic in their speech and it becomes redundant when they use both of these words together.
- Other things to say:
- It’s important
- It’s critical
- It’s essential
- It’s vital
- Other things to say:
Can you think of any redundancies we didn’t cover?
Let us know in the comments below.
In this episode you’ll get native 9 answers for IELTS Speaking Part 1.
You’ll get four examples of how a native speaker would answer common Speaking Part 1 questions.
We have already given you a lot of sample answers for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and IELTS Speaking Part 3.
This part of the speaking test is easier but you need to keep in mind that this part of the speaking test is where the examiner gets their first impression of you.
There is a famous quote that says, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”
If you start off nervous the examiner gives you a 5 in their mind and then you have to work your way up from there.
Instead, why not start out strong with a higher score by preparing well for Speaking Part 1?
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How much time do you get for Speaking Part 1?
It lasts 4-5 minutes and the examiner must ask you questions from three groups.
There are about 11 questions that the examiner must fit into that short period of time.
You need to have complete sentences.
Try to give 3-5 sentences in every answer. Less than that doesn’t sound fluent. More than 3-5 sentences is not possible.
Listen to the sample answers on the audio player in today’s episode
When you listen you should take notes and pay attention to:
- Our vocabulary choices
- The way we organize our answers
- Our grammar structures
Question #1)
Q: Please tell me about your house or your apartment.
A: Please listen to the audio to hear Jessica’s answer
What did she do well in her answer?
- She used the vocabulary word “super cute” which is native and it would be rare for an IELTS student to use this so it will get you a higher score.
- She used a lot of enthusiasm in her voice. You need to be interested in what you are saying so that you can get a high pronunciation score. If your pronunciation score is at a 6 it might be difficult for the examiner to hear a 7 for the other aspects of the speaking test because they are so distracted by your poor pronunciation.
*Pro tip:
Don’t practice the same speaking question more than a few times.
It will hurt your score if you have already answered the questions many times and you sound bored when you get to test day.
Listen to the episode to hear a few more sample answers.
Let us know your comments below.
Today we’ll meet our guest Mark Evans. Mark has taught English to professionals in the aviation industry.
Today Mark will show us what aviation tactics can teach us about how to succeed in the corporate world in English.
Mark tells us that excellent communication is important in the aviation world and that’s why he works with professionals in that field.
What can we learn from aviation about corporate English?
- #1- You need clarity: You need to know exactly what you want to say. How can we do that in the business world? The way we say things can have a big effect. You don’t want to mumble. Be as clear as possible. Mark suggests that you mimic native speakers.
- #2-Give the information quickly and get to the point: People want to know what your objectives and your goals are right away. In the aviation industry they only give short answers when they communicate so that everyone is clear what is needed.
- #3-Ask for clarification if you’re confused: Never assume things. Even if you think you know everything you can still make a mistake. Every time you get information you should check it. Don’t be overconfident. Don’t stop looking for little details, especially when you have been in your job for a long time.
Marks’ Bio:
I first started teaching in a public school in the very south of South Korea. During this incredible year I managed to travel a little of south-east Asia too where I visited Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. After South Korea I returned to Europe where I went to Bulgaria to study for my CELTA certificate, after which I moved to Spain. I have been living here in Spain for about 8 years and I have taught a variety of ages and levels from nursery school students to adults and from beginners to advanced. I also have many years experience preparing students for the Cambridge exams. As well as that I teach aviation English at a pilot school. After teaching for about nine years I feel confident in helping students with any of their language needs.
How to work with Mark:
Step 1: Get a $10 credit if you register here first.
Step 2: Find Mark’s profile at
Today get two ways to sabotage your IELTS score and find out what you should do instead to get your 7 or higher.
You’ll hear two examples of what NOT to do when you’re in our course if you want to get your target score.
If you are in our course you have to follow our daily study plan in the step by step fashion that we give you.
Our course works but if you don’t do what we say it won’t work for you.
100% Score Increase Guarantee with our Insider Method
Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?
Find out why our strategies are the most powerful in the IELTS world.
When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
Click here to get a score increase on IELTS. It’s 100% guaranteed.
Situation #1)
What NOT to do when you join our course:
We had one student who watched the videos that explained the strategies and she had done some of the practice exercises.
She had watched the answer lectures as well. However, she had never used our strategies on the practice tests in our course.
Because she skipped this crucial step she didn’t get the score she needed.
If you’re not getting the scores you need there is a reason for that.
You could take a 30-minute consultation with Jessica and she could tell you what you need to do to get the scores you need.
If our course is a part of your plan that’s great but if it’s not we’ll give you honest advice on what you should do.
Contact to set up your consultation.
Situation #2)
Here is an email from a student in our course who is on the wrong track:
“I have finished watching all of the modules in the course. I have skipped some exercises because I want to know all about the test as soon as possible and make a summary about this course and others that I made before.”
What’s the problem here?
#1- This person is taking the easy way out. He or she is staying on a superficial level with the material.
Listening and watching videos is easier than digging into the practice exercises.
You have to challenge yourself to do the hard stuff to improve.
#2- You will never understand the strategy unless you practice using it. The course is set up so that you learn the strategy in step 1 and in step 2 you practice using that strategy with realistic exercises. It works if you follow it step by step.
#3- This student is enrolled in another course at the same time. If you “muddy up” our strategies with other strategies from other courses we can’t guarantee your score increase and you will get confused.
Are you making these mistakes too?
Let us know in the comments section below!
What are some of the things that lead to a longer life?
When you go to the doctor he or she asks you questions about your lifestyle such as your diet, how much you drink and exercise and he measures your weight and your blood sugar.
However, the doctor misses one key thing in his or her questions. What is it?
It’s your relationships!
We found a great article in Time by Eric Barker called The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do Today if You Want to Live a Long, Happy Life.
The article found that your relationships are three times as important as other health factors in determining your life span.
People who have a tight group of friends are likely to live 15 years longer than someone who is a “loner.”
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
What were the takeaways from this article?
- Relationships make you happier
- Relationships make you healthier
- We shouldn’t rely on online relationships
- We should try to build community
What do you think about this topic?
Does your culture encourage community building?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today find out how one You Tube follower missed the point behind one of our most popular videos.
Find out what you can learn from our response to him to get a higher IELTS score.
Today we are talking about the video that we published on our IELTS Energy TV channel called IELTS Speaking Part 2 Trick: How to Introduce Your Answer.
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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
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What happened with the You Tube comment?
In our videos we try to speak to you like a real person in our sample answers the way that a native speaker would get a 9.
Every piece of advice we give you comes directly from the scoring system.
One student had a comment that he added to one of our videos and he challenged one or two of the grammar choices that Jessica chose in her speaking answer.
However, the problem is that he is missing the point of IELTS.
The phrase that Jessica taught in the video will get you a 7 or higher on your speaking test because it’s a native and natural phrase and it’s different from what every other student uses. In this case, the small grammar issue does not matter for a high IELTS score.
If you look at the scoring system and band score 9 you can still use “native speaker slips” and that is a phrase that Jessica used on this video.
Your goal is to get a high score on IELTS. Your goal is not to have perfect, textbook grammar.
The way to do that is to get away from the way that students think and to start thinking the way that native speakers think.
In this video we are showing you what native speakers say and what will get you an amazing score.
Be careful when you choose a teacher:
Don’t forget to ask your IELTS teacher how well they understand the scoring system before you hire them.
Be careful about who you take advice from!
If this You Tube follower is giving the same advice to other students then those students are not getting the advice they need to get a high score.
Leave us your comments below!
Do you know how to apologize to your colleagues in English?
Do you have the skills to maintain the business relationship but still get your message across?
“Hi Lindsay could you tell me what kind of expressions we can use when we apologize to someone?”
-Shirin, AEE Listener
Why would you want to apologize at work?
- You were late to a meeting
- Your colleague complained that you didn’t listen to them (learn how to show you’re listening)
- You miss a deadline
- There was a misunderstanding and someone got offended
Important tips:
- Don’t be defensive. Be calm and try to relax.
- Don’t deny that you made a mistake.
- Be proactive, apologize before the person comes to you for an apology.
- Be intentional and direct.
- Don’t be too proud.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Phrases to apologize:
- “Hey I’d like to apologize for being late to the meeting.” (sometimes you might start with “hi” or “excuse me” to start the sentence if your workplace is more formal)
- …”I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
- “I was wrong to ______. I apologize for that.”
- “I made a mistake when I ______. I am really sorry about that.”
**Pro tip:
Be direct. These days no one is direct and people hide behind their smartphones.
If you can be direct it will make you stand out as being more professional at work.
Have you used these phrases at work?
How did they work for you?
Let us know in the comments below.
Do you know why, or where, or how you should paraphrase?
In order to get a 7 or higher for Vocabulary, you must paraphrase on both the IELTS Speaking and Writing Exams.
The examiner looks for a range of vocabulary. If you repeat the same word over and over, it shows that you do not have a range of vocabulary. This may lower your Vocabulary score to a 6, or possibly a 5.
But don’t worry! Paraphrasing does not mean that you can use a bunch of high-level vocabulary and never repeat yourself. No! Paraphrasing for a 7 or higher means that you can still use the same word a few times, but you are also able to express this idea in other words.
These “other words” do not have to be high level, just different!
For example, instead of “school”, you can say university, institution of higher learning, primary/elementary/middle/high school, classroom, opportunity for studying.
You can see from the example that, often, the key to paraphrasing is trying to be more specific about your ideas.
Paraphrasing on the IELTS Speaking Exam
On the Speaking Exam, you must show the examiner a range of vocabulary. This means on Speaking Parts 1 and 2, you should use some slang and idioms, as these questions are informal and personal.
On Speaking Part 3, you can show flexibility by using some high level words, but also by using a variety of linking words.
There are simple activities you can start doing today to increase your vocabulary range.
Paraphrasing on the IELTS Writing Exam
The biggest danger here is that you copy the test question in your essay. You CANNOT do this. If you do, these words will not count, and you may not reach the required 150 words for Task 1 or the 250 words for Task 2.
IELTS Task 1
For Change Over Time, you must memorize a list of paraphrases for increase and decrease.
For Static graphs, you need paraphrases for big, little, high and low.
For Map questions, watch this video!
IELTS Task 2
The most useful paraphrases to memorize here, since you do not know what the exact topic will be, are interesting words and phrases for the different essay types: Argument, Opinion, and Problem/Solution.
Other than that, you need to increase your IELTS vocabulary based on general common IELTS topics, such as travel, culture, education, work, environment, technology, etc.
A good resource for this is our YouTube channel, IELTS Energy TV.
Start lists for these common topics in your vocabulary notebook. When you read interesting articles in the newspaper, or hear interesting phrases on TV episodes or in movies, add one or two words at a time.
Be careful, though, of adding too much. Remember, our brains are limited, unfortunately. We don’t have the capacity to learn more than a few words a day, and be able to completely understand them, remember them and reproduce them later.
In our course, the 3 Keys IELTS Success System, we also provide you with all the vocabulary you need for a 7 or higher on the IELTS Speaking Exam, and for IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2!
Do you have any ideas for interesting paraphrases?
Leave us a message in the comments section below!
Today you’ll meet our guest Cai Beam and he’ll show you how to start TALK-ing with his TALK framework for immediate confidence and better fluency in English.
He will also show you how he uses a special technique called Speech Mirroring to help you feel more confident.
Why did Cai create the TALK framework?
Cai realized that there are certain things that everyone needs to go through when they start working with a teacher.
His framework makes it easier for your teacher to understand you as a student.
TALK Framework:
- Tell: Tell your teacher what your goals are. Where are you with the language? Why are you learning? Don’t say “I want to be fluent” instead you should set a date, say exactly what you want to do, and make it small and measurable. Break down your big goals into small ones.
- Ask: Ask the teacher questions. Find out what kind of person you are working with. Ask personal questions about their life and their family. Find out about the teaching methods. This will establish an emotional comfort level between you and your teacher.
- Learn: Now the learning starts! Your teacher’s goal should be to get you to the point where you don’t need a teacher anymore. If your goal is to be able to have a conversation on an airplane, the teacher will think about what structures you need. You don’t need to become a master of grammar. You just need to be able to communicate.
- **Cai uses a method called Speech Mirroring: He helps student imitate people’s voices and accents. For some people the mechanical explanation of pronunciation is not enough. Instead he shows you a side by side comparison of what an accent sounds like from different countries. His students mirror him when he says a sentence with the American accent after he has copied their accent.
- Know: In this step we own it! We have asked questions. We have learned but learning is no good without repetition. Some people use flashcards. This makes you emotionally comfortable with the information. You need to repeat it to feel at home with it so that you no longer panic.
- Step 1: Register here for a free $10 credit
- Step 2: Register at
How does Cai use situational interviews?
When Cai works with professionals he mimics regional accents that the student is likely to encounter in professional situations.
This helps the student get used to responding immediately to build confidence.
This way the student can start to feel comfortable when this situation actually happens.
Cai’s Bio:
- Step 1: Register here for a free $10 credit
- Step 2: Register at
Leave a question for Cai in the comments below!
Go book a lesson with him!
His schedule will book up quickly.
Sometimes when you give a presentation in English people ask you questions or challenge your arguments at the end.
How can you respond with confidence and keep calm while directly answering their questions?
Even if you give a great presentation, the way you answer the questions at the end will determine how people remember your presentation so you need to be ready for them!
Find out in today’s episode how to be ready!
The phrases that you get today will immediately make you seem cool, calm, and collected.
What phrases can you use to open your answer when someone challenges you?
If someone says, “What exactly do you mean by that?”
You can say:
- “Well, what I mean is…”
- “OK so let me explain what I mean…”
- “Let me go a bit deeper…”
- “What I am trying to say is…”
- “What I am getting at it is…”
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Listen to the episode to hear a real role play between Lindsay and Michelle to hear these phrases being used.
Have you ever used any of these phrases at the end of your presentation?
Let us know your questions in the comments section below.
Today learn about the 3 Keys Paraphrase Challenge and find out how it helps the students in our course push their vocabulary scores higher to achieve their life visions after IELTS!
You’ll also get more than 15 synonyms for “work” in this episode.
Every Tuesday in our private Facebook group for students in our course we list a word that is very likely to appear on the test.
We ask students to write a way to paraphrase that word so that we can build our vocabulary together.
Click here to learn more about how to build a word tree for IELTS.
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The word of the week was “work.”
Here are some synonyms that we got:
- Grind, the daily grind (this could be used to describe your work in Speaking Part 1 or Writing Task 1 or 2)
- Occupation
- Labor (it’s less common to use this as a verb “to labor” and it could get you a higher vocab score because it’s uncommon and interesting)
- Duty
- Role
- Designation (you could use this as a passive verb like, “I am designated as the leader of this group”)
- Activity
- Task
- To be in charge of something, to be charged with something
- Service
- Assignment
- To toil
- The workforce
- Effort
- Industry
- Performance
Some of these words will get you a 7 or higher for vocabulary because the examiner needs to hear a range of vocabulary choices that are unusual and different but natural.
Check out more of our videos on You Tube about IELTS vocabulary.
It’s not easy when you are in a business meeting in English and and you want to say something and everyone is speaking loudly.
Today get four English phrases that will get the people at the meeting to turn their attention to you.
What do people do at meetings in the United States when they get excited?
- They talk loudly
- They speed up
- They speak over others
This is a common conversation style in American business culture and in social settings as well.
It might be different in your culture.
This might create a problem because in the US you are judged by your ideas and if you can’t enter the conversation and articulate them then you won’t be able to advance in your career.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Phrases to enter a business conversation or meeting:
- “Excuse me, could I say something?”
- “I have something to add here.”
- “Can I jump in here?”
- “I’d like to say something.”
*Bonus- it helps to use the opposite energy of the people in the group.
If they are being loud you should be calm when you use the phrases above.
Have you ever been in this situation?
Let us know in the comments below.
Is it ok to grab a free IELTS Listening test off You Tube and use that for our test practice?
Are they actually realistic even if the creators say they are?
Today find out how You Tube can bring DOWN your IELTS listening score and find out how to choose the right IELTS practice materials.
Recently a student in our course went online and was looking for free practice tests on You Tube.
He thought that he had found a great resource but we checked it out and we saw some red flags!
He thought the tests that he found were realistic but in fact they weren’t.
We asked our student, “how do you know they are realistic? Have you seen hundreds of practice tests?”
So we went to You Tube to check it out and we saw some major problems with the resource.
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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
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What was wrong with this You Tube channel?
- The entire You Tube channel is unprofessional and poorly done
- The PDFs that are provided with the videos do not look like the real test
- The speakers on the recording speak much slower than they do on the real test
- You Tube is a bad place to practice listening! In our course we teach you to do active listening with specific strategies and if you do practice tests on You Tube you are doing it in a passive way. You need to practice under test conditions.
The only people who can tell you if a practice test is valid test practice are examiners and the people who write the test.
Do NOT make the mistake of assuming that something you find online for free is valid test practice.
If it’s free it’s probably not valid:
The fact that this full listening test is available on You Tube for free means that we need to be critical.
If it’s good it should not be free.
We offer two practice tests for our course and it’s very expensive to create practice tests.
Why would someone spend hours creating a good and valid full practice test and then give it away for free?
If you are proud of your work and you know it’s good and will help your students, you won’t give it away for free.
Don’t trust 100% free materials!
We recommend the Cambridge Practice Test series.
You can take it out of the library and work on it for a few months or you can buy it and make copies then sell it when you’re done.
In our course we give you two full practice tests that you need and with the right strategies that is all you need.
Let us know below if you have any questions.
A key moment to build a connection with your colleagues is when you need to deliver feedback in English.
Find out how to do it to maintain a great connection with the people around you at work.
Today we’ll show you plenty of phrases, expressions, and strategies to do this in a professional and friendly way.
How to introduce bad feedback:
- “Don’t take this the wrong way but….(feedback)”
- “You’re very (positive adjective), having said that, one area for improvement could be improving the accuracy of your reports.”
- “Something that could be done better is….”
What is the feedback sandwich?
When we give feedback we can start with something positive (the bread) then add the meat (the criticism) and then add something positive or a future suggestion that seems optimistic to finish up (the bread).
This format is used often in American culture for delivering feedback.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Examples of feedback in English:
- “I really liked the visuals that you used. It seemed like the presentation could have been more interactive. Overall I think you’re doing a great job. Why not try adding a few more points to your conclusion next time?”
- When we use “it seemed that” we are keeping the feedback impersonal and objective and more about the presentation, not the person.
- ‘When you say “Why not try” it’s less direct than saying “why don’t you try” or “you should try”
- “Next time” signals that you are talking about positive changes for a future time
- “I noticed that some of the examples were missing a reference.”
- Here we avoid using “you missed a reference” and we make it passive instead to avoid pointing your finger at the person. You keep it more objective this way.
- “Some details got skipped over in the last presentation”
- Here we are also using the passive voice instead of saying “you skipped over some details”
- This sounds more mature and professional to say it in the passive form
Other ways to soften suggestions:
- Perhaps you could expand your theory
- Maybe expanding your theory would help…
- One idea is…
- I wonder what would happen if…
- What about adding more details
Listen to the episode to hear these phrases used in a real role play.
Let us know your questions in the comments section below.
Today find out what one 3 Keys student said about her reading test practice before and after the 3 Keys system and find out why our strategies actually work!
“Hi everyone I am practicing the reading module using the course strategies and believe me I am so surprised that each and every words that Jessica had said in the course and the words that she says on the podcast about how to find the answers are true!
All of the answers are always in the first two lines and the last two lines which I never knew before joining the course.
The only thing we need is to trust the system.
It actually works.
I am feeling confident about the reading test now.
Thanks again 3 Keys system!” – Current 3 Keys student
This student is talking about our specific strategies for matching headings to paragraphs.
Obviously the answers are not in the first and last lines for every part of the reading test.
There are valuable tips and tricks you can find in our course. On our podcast we don’t go into these tips in as much depth or in the same step by step format that you find inside our course.
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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
Click here to get a score increase on IELTS. It’s 100% guaranteed.
Let us know if you have any questions about our course in the comments below.
We hope to see you in our private Facebook group!
Today you’ll meet Keiran who is an expert English trainer and interview coach.
Keiran came on the All Ears English in Episode 411 where he showed us his SMART interview framework.
Now he’s back to give us more great tips for getting your dream job!
Keiran worked with one All Ears English listener who was preparing for interview for residency programs.
He just heard that the student got the job after she prepared with him at italki.
How to win the job:
- Tip #1: Prepare your answers to the general questions beforehand. Don’t write them out. First, just answer the common questions by recording yourself. Then write them out and change the key words that aren’t the best words.
- Tip #2: Confidence takes its time. Go to You Tube or look at and find a speaker you like. You’ll notice that most of them don’t rush. They take their time. Confidence is attractive. Confident people will get hired. Use the silent pause strategically to draw the listener in.
- Tip #3: Role play a realistic interview with your teacher. Not all interviewers are friendly. Keiran likes to help his students prepare for a tough interviewer by giving them a hard time and challenging them with difficult questions and comments. This is a great drill to prepare for your interview.
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Lindsay and Michelle recommend italki as our #1 English-learning solution online. Choose from more than 400 teachers to work on your business English or to pass your next big exam.
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How to work with Keiran:
- Step 1: Register here for a free $10 credit after you buy one lesson
- Step 2: Find Keiran’s profile here and book a lesson
Keiran’s Bio:
I’ve always been teaching or coaching in some way or form. I started as a swim instructor at the age of 16, I taught swimming to children, teenagers and adults for about 8 years. After completing my university education in psychology at McGill, I traveled to South Korea where I taught children and adults for 2 years. Shortly after living in South Korea I moved to Mongolia where my wife gave birth to our daughter while I continued to teach voluntarily. We returned home and I started working for a large company selling conference tickets to directors and VPs of fortune 500 companies. It was a brutal job which didn’t work out but I learned a lot about how important it is to be prepared for interviews. I returned to teaching in language schools for a while until I got into teaching online which is where I am now.
Let us know if you have any questions or comments from today’s episode.
Today, find out how YOU can develop a study plan to get those high scores!
Back in August of last year, we recorded a podcast episode about the common habits of successful IELTS students who had taken our course and received their target scores.
Since then, we’ve had many more impressive success stories, and I’d like to share some of these with you so you can also get the high IELTS scores you need.
High-Scoring Habits
On that episode, we outlined the 7 habits that all students who score 7 and higher tend to have. The most important of these are:
- Be realistic about the hard work it takes to increase your IELTS scores. You have to work hard, 5-6 days a week, and not waste your time on activities that don’t improve your testing knowledge and your overall English ability.
- That’s why the students in our course succeed, because they follow the study plan and complete all the activities.
- Read! You must embrace the Culture of Thinking that Lindsay and I talk about.
- In order to have ideas to speak and write about, and to have something to say in conversations with native speakers, you should try and read a variety of materials, from newspapers to novels.
- Watch! Students with a high level of English consistently say that they reached this level by watching TV and movies.
- It’s totally normal and fine to not understand everything. The more you watch and listen, the more you will understand!
- Learn what the examiner wants on the Speaking and Writing exams, and learn the strategies for the Listening and Reading portions of the IELTS exam.
- This is done by finding an IELTS professional who can share their knowledge with you in the form of simple strategies.
IELTS Writing Success
Paulo took the exam 6 times before taking our course, and could not get the Writing score he needed. Then, after our course, he got a 7.5 in Writing.
Because he learned the most effective strategies for planning his essay and brainstorming his ideas in an organized, specific way.
Another student in our course got an 8.5 in Writing.
He followed our Study Plan, which provided him with the focus he needed to improve his overall English as well as his writing ability.
IELTS Speaking Success
One student, Mark, increased his Speaking score from a 6.5 to an 8.5.
He had a VIP session with me after completing the Speaking module, and I encouraged him to use his personality on exam day, reassuring him that this was the best way to get high scores in Pronunciation and Fluency.
And it worked!
IELTS Reading Success
Another student, Katerina, got an 8.5 in Reading after learning and practicing our 3 Keys strategies. And- she’s a new mom!
She followed the study plan in our course!
If you check out our student testimonial page, you’ll see many scores of 7’s and 8’s.
All of these students took our course, yes, but they also put in a great deal of hard work.
You can do it too!
What strategies have worked for you?
Tell us in the comments section below!
One listener asked us how to use the English phrasal verb “turn into.”
Today you’ll find out how to use it and you’ll get examples from Michelle and Lindsay.
“I have a question to ask.
How do we use the phrasal verb “turn into” for speaking? Thank you for reading.”
– Jo, AEE Listener
Turn into means to become, to develop into or to grow into.
We use it when we want to say that something turns into something or someone turns into something.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
- Over the past five years Lindsay has turned into an entrepreneur.
- Michelle has turned into someone who values sleep.
- Lindsay had to turn into a tour guide in New York when she moved there the first time.
- New York has turned Michelle into a fast walker and an impatient walker.
Listen to the role play to see how we use these examples in our conversation.
Leave your example sentence in the comments below.
Let us know what you have turned into over the past five years!
Today you’ll meet 3 Keys student Lilian.
She is a doctor from Brazil who is moving to Australia.
She moved her reading score from a 6 to an 8.
Find out how she did it today.
Let’s start from the beginning.
Lilian took IELTS before taking our course but she did not achieve the 7 that she needed on each part of IELTS.
Why did she need a 7 on each part of her exam?
She is a doctor and she wants to work in Australia.
Before 3 Keys IELTS she had a 6 in reading and after 3 Keys IELTS she got an 8 in reading.
How did she move her reading score from 6 to 8?
She trusted the reading strategies that we teach. She followed the strategies.
She practiced timing for reading. This was a very important part of it.
Lilian already had a high level of English before she entered the course but she needed the strategies to secure a 7 in every part of the test.
Lilian’s advice:
“Follow the strategies and the course.
They work.
Don’t think too much especially on reading.”
-Lilian, 3 Keys student
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How did Lilian feel on test day?
She felt confident overall. She kept calm.
What helped her the most on test day?
The most important thing was learning not to think too much. She is used to thinking a lot. For IELTS that doesn’t work.
You need to think once and put the answer down and move on.
Our strategies help you to not think too much. That’s why every strategy has only 3 steps.
Lilian also joined the 3 Keys Power Hour and got the advice from Jessica she needed to improve her speaking score.
Jessica also told her that if she could integrate any information about her job or personal stories into the speaking test she would get an increase in her fluency score.
She followed this advice when she answered a question and used her dad as an example. It worked and she got her 7!
Congratulations to Lilian!
Please let us know any questions you have in the comments section.
What do you say in English when someone states their opinion and you want to show that you understand them?
Do you know how to show someone that you are hearing and understanding them in the middle of a conversation?
This is an important way to build the connection.
It’s huge part of being charismatic at work as well.
“Hi ladies, thanks for another piece of art you produced by recording this episode. I have an idea for the next episode. As far as I know, the phrase “I understand where you’re coming from” is close to “got it” or “I see” and at the same time it’s a little bit different. I would love to hear your beautiful voices explaining this and examples.” – Sergei, AEE Listener
The phrase: “I understand where you’re coming from”
What does it mean? It means “I know what you mean.”
How is it different from “I got it” or “I see”? These phrases are more about understanding facts but when you say “I understand where you’re coming from” you are acknowledging someone’s feelings about something.
There is more empathy involved and it builds the connection better.
We think this is a great phrase to use when you want to support someone because we believe in Connection as our #1 value.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Other ways to empathize:
- “I see what you mean”
- “I know what you’re saying
- “I catch your drift”
- “I see your point” (this is better in a debate, for more objective and less emotion-based points)
- “I know where you’re coming from”
- “I see what you’re getting at.” (this means that you see what someone is hinting at or trying to imply)
What is the communication style in your culture when it comes to listening to people?
Do you cut into a conversation when you have something to say?
Do you wait and acknowledge what someone has said and then start speaking?
You can get ahead in business and in your social life if you use these phrases to make people feel heard.
Today find out what you should read to increase your IELTS score AND improve your personality.
You’ll learn why you must read to get a higher score and you’ll get three specific reading ideas that will knock your socks off!
One listener asked us what types of books he should read.
All of the success stories that we have heard have mentioned that they read heavily during their preparation period.
You need to do it too!
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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
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Where do the reading passages come from on the IELTS Exam?
They sometimes come from novels but not often. You need to seek out other sources.
They come from newspapers, magazines, and professional journals.
The articles will be between 800 and 1200 words. They are not super long. It would be weird to pull that short piece from a novel.
Still, you should grab a book that you like and dig into it.
It will help you build a culture of thinking which will help your confidence on IELTS test day.
Our reading suggestions:
- The Devil in White City: This book is about the time when the World’s Fair came to Chicago and electricity was new for people. It’s about the difficulties that they had at that time in history. It’s also about a serial killer who was active in Chicago at that time.
- Wired Magazine: A great resource to learn about new technological innovations and points of view on these cultural changes. This kind of material could be used on IELTS, especially in reading passage 3.
- In The Heart of the Sea: This book is about the time that whaling was the biggest industry in Nantucket. It does not read like non-fiction. It’s a novel about some amazing adventures with The Essex.
Find a type of reading that you like. Try magazines, books, journals, and newspapers.
It will help your IELTS score and the quality of your life.
Sometimes people offer you business opportunities that you have to turn down.
Do you have trouble saying no to business invitations?
Today find out how to do it in English without ruining the business connection between you and the other person.
“Hello Lindsay and Michelle thanks for this great podcast!
It has really improved my English.
I wonder now what is an appropriate way to say “no” to invitations?” – Rui, AEE Listener
You need to be careful about the way in which you decline a business opportunity.
If you say the wrong thing the person might not come back and invite you again.
Common invitations in the business world:
- To be invited for a guest media appearance
- Lunch meeting or business lunch with someone in an industry or company that you are interested in
- An invitation to take an exercise class with a colleague during the workday (you might discuss business while exercising)
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Things to keep in mind when you decline an invitation:
- #1: Acknowledge that you appreciate that they thought of you
- “Wow, thank you so much for the opportunity.”
- “I really appreciate the opportunity.” (The word “opportunity” is not appropriate for a lunch invitation)
- “I really appreciate your asking me.”
- “I’m honored that you thought of me for this.” (this is great for a more professional opportunity, not a business lunch)
- #2: You don’t have to give a reason, you can simply decline
- “Unfortunately I have to decline”
- “Unfortunately I won’t be able to participate this time.”
- “I wish I could join you but I can’t” (this would be great for the lunch invitation)
- #3: Keep the connection healthy and hint that you’d like to be invited another time
- “I hope you’ll let me know if something like this comes up again.”
- “I hope to be able to accept the invitation another time.”
- “Let’s keep in touch.”
Listen to the episode to hear some examples about how we use these phrases in a real role play between Lindsay and Michelle.
Let us know your questions in the comments below.
Today get some good advice and hear some bad advice when it comes to IELTS Writing Task 2.
We’ll give you advice you can trust and we’ll show you what advice from others you should ignore.
Today we have two questions about the IELTS writing exam.
One student in our course took a practice exam in a mock IELTS Exam center.
He got some weird/bad advice.
- Bad advice #1: “Don’t skip the new paragraph line”- this piece of advice is bad because this makes no difference in the grading. It doesn’t matter how you show that you are making a new paragraph. It just needs to be a paragraph. You could skip a line. You could indent the first sentence. You could do both. A real examiner would never give this advice because it has no influence on your score at all!
- Bad advice #2: The grader said that you should say “thank you in advance” instead of “thanking you in advance.” This is bad advice because native speakers would say both. This would not be the difference between a 6 and a 7. It might be the difference between an 8 and a 9.
The takeaway: It’s a great idea to go in and take a practice test under real exam conditions. However, you must be careful about who is giving you feedback and about whose advice you take.
Real examiners are not allowed to estimate number scores in a practice test so the person running this center is not a real examiner.
Based on this feedback we can see that this person does not understand the scoring system.
Don’t trust score estimates outside of the real exam.
As a student you need to be careful!
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Another listener question:
This listener feels that her writing is boring because she can’t come up with different IELTS vocabulary words.
She repeats words all of the time.
- Before test day: If you are doing your practice essays and you notice that you repeat words correct it right then. If you see the same word being used more than three times then you should circle it and go to and get new words. You can also post the word in our Facebook group if you are in our course then other course members will help you come up with synonyms.
- On test day: After you complete your essay make sure you have 5 minutes to proofread your essay. When you proofread go through one time just for vocab. If you see the same word used more than once then cross it out and write in a new word.
Let us know the questions that you have in the comments.
Thanks for listening to today’s episode!
Today you will meet our guest Jack Lindsay and he’ll show you how to reach the highest levels of success in English at work.
Jack is from the United States but he is currently living in Brazil.
He is working with CEOs and other high-level business professionals to improve their English communication skills.
What is the biggest issue for business professionals using English?
- Bridging the gap between English and their native language
- Time pressure and deadlines for learning
What can business professionals do to succeed using English at work?
- Tip #1: Study something that matters to you. Don’t waste your time especially when you only have a few months to improve. Target your learning materials to your own needs. Many business English classes and teachers will get lazy and they rely on the same textbook for every student. You need a customized class. You could use articles from The Economist to prepare for a financial meeting by learning the vocabulary.
- Tip #2: Set break classes. Don’t forget to learn everyday English as well as the targeted skills that you need. You need balanced skills. You need to be able to attend a social event and speak with people. The amount of time you spend on this depends on your position in your company and your job. Some topics you should be able to speak about are weather and culture. You want to understand the culture that you are doing business in. Get a sense of what is currently happening in the target culture. If you are going to London to do business then you should know what’s happening in the news there.
- Tip #3: Put in the time. Learning doesn’t magically happen without any work on your part. You have to turn learning into a passion. Do a lot of writing and reading outside of your classes. Focus on speaking and listening when you are working with your English teacher.
Jack’s Bio:
My name is Jack Lindsay and I am from the United States. I am a citizen of the world. I speak 4 languages, English (Native), Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese (mandarin). I lived in Wuhan, China for just over 2 years teaching English. I then moved to Brasil where I currently live and teach English as a full time profession. I have a TEFL degree with a sub class in teaching business English. I specialize in accent correction and creative writing. My passion is teaching, and the greatest high life can give us is seeing someone apply the knowledge you guided them toward. I like to put emphasis on teaching “Real English” (English not taught in the classroom).
How to work with Jack:
- Step 1: Get $10 in free italki credits by registering here
- Step 2: Find Jack’s profile here
What questions do you have for Jack?
Let us know in the comments below.
Do you have enough vocabulary to paraphrase the most common Task 2 words?
The good news is that IELTS does repeat its instructions. That’s why all IELTS teachers and textbooks focus on only 3 essays.
If the question asks you if you agree or disagree, or about the advantages and disadvantages, or if it tells you to discuss both sides, you should write an argument essay.
If the question only asks for your opinion, most teachers tell you to write an opinion essay. However, my advice is that you always write an argument essay, that way you cover everything mentioned in the question. You must do this to score highly in Task Response.
So, write about one opinion in paragraph 2, and express your opinion in paragraph 3.
Rarely, there is a problem-solution question on the IELTS exam. This question asks you about solutions and causes/effects.
These days, mixed questions are becoming more common. These require you to write a mix of the above mentioned essays. Don’t be baffled by these, as many candidates are every Saturday! Listen to this episode for the right strategy for IELTS Task 2 mixed questions.
So, there are some words that you know you will have to use on IELTS Writing Task 2. Here are the paraphrases you need.
In this video, you also get impressive sentence structures for your body paragraphs, such as:
1. There are a great number of reasons to support/oppose this belief.
2. There do exist reasons why this notion is out of favor with some.
3. Let’s examine the flaws in this view.
Your Opinion
You will need a few interesting phrases to express your opinion on IELTS exam day, as you must directly give your opinion not only on IELTS Writing Task 2, but also Speaking Part 3.
Here are some interesting ways to do this:
- My frank and honest opinion is that…
- It is my firm belief that…
- I’m inclined to believe that…
Plus, you should learn some idioms to express your opinion. Even on IELTS Writing Task 2, you should use 1 or 2 idioms to raise your vocabulary score.
- One possible quick fix could be…
- The key to unraveling the issue is…
- The origins of the problem can be found in…
- The genesis of the issue is actually…
- The aftermath has involved…
- There are legitimate repercussions, including…
Finally, it is always a good idea to look at exemplary essays and learn from them. One student, after taking our course, got an 8.5 in writing, and in this episode he tells you how.
Practice the phrases from today by adding them to your vocabulary notebook and using them in your own examples.
What do you think of today’s advice?
Leave us a message in the comments section below!
Is there a magic number of idioms that you need to use to get a 7 on IELTS Speaking?
It’s a good question!
One listener wrote to us and said she heard that if she uses at least four idioms on the speaking test she’ll get a 7. That is a rumor!
There is no simple number of idioms that determines your score.
It’s just not that simple.
How to get your 7!
All of our strategies go back to the score descriptors for IELTS.
We don’t teach you anything that is not directly related to what the examiner is looking for.
Our advice is 100% linked to your score. We don’t waste your time.
To get a seven you need to use a range of vocabulary in a flexible way to discuss a variety of topics.
You can’t use the word “school” fifty times.
You need to be flexible in your paraphrasing.
You need less common AND idiomatic vocabulary.
Don’t get confused! This doesn’t mean you should ONLY use a bunch of academic words. That is not a range. It needs to be a range and that includes slang, idioms, academic vocabulary. You need it all.
If your teacher is giving you different information then don’t work with that teacher.
You need to challenge your IELTS teacher.
Ask your teacher why they are giving you the advice they are.
Find out how their advice is linked to the scoring system.
If it is not linked to the scoring system directly then find a new teacher! Obviously!
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What idioms should you learn:
Learn general idioms for expressing opinions or being positive or negative about ideas.
If your teacher gives you a page of old idioms that she/he photocopied from a book don’t use those because they are probably “ESL idioms” and are outdated.
You need a teacher that will put in the time to teach you the real things you need to know.
Some phrasal verbs are too common so they won’t get you beyond a 6. Other phrasal verbs are less common so they will get you a 7.
Ask your teacher if an idiom is a 6 or a 7. If he or she can’t tell you then you should find a new teacher.
What stops your 7 on the Speaking test?
When you sound just like every other student you won’t get that 7 for vocabulary.
Stop sounding boring when you introduce your speaking part 2 answer!
Check out this video (below) on how to introduce your IELTS Speaking Part 2 answer in an interesting way.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
We are back today with more false friends!
In the past we have featured false friends such as sensible and sensitive and the word “doubt” as well as a few others.
Today we will show you why you should be careful with the words “intend” and “pretend” especially if your native language is French, Spanish or Portuguese.
If you speak Spanish you know that the verb “pretender” means to intend or to expect something but if you use this meaning in English you will get into trouble.
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English meanings:
- To pretend: To fake or simulate something or this can be used as an adjective when we say “pretend car.”
- To intend: To plan on something, to have an intention, to be motivated to make something happen. This verb is used in more formal situations. It can also be used when you want to scold someone or when you are in a fight like this: “Well what do you intend to do with that?”
More examples:
- This summer I intend to drive across the country.
- Over the summer I intend to work out.
- I used to pretend to have tea parties when I was a kid.
Listen to the episode to hear the sample conversation with Lindsay and Michelle.
Let us know your questions in the comments.
Today find out how one 3 Keys IELTS student’s essay hit the Writing sweet spot!
Every month we have a new IELTS Writing Task 2 question in our Facebook group.
Students can submit their essays and compete to become the 3 Keys Writing Wizard.
This month our Writing Wizard needs to be recognized!
Here was the question of the month:
“Some people say that people should not rely on social media as their only news source. Other people believe that social media offers more reliable and up-to-date news than any other media, and can serve as one’s only source. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.”
** We posted the winning essay in our Facebook group for our students to learn from but on this episode we will read the introduction (please listen to the episode to hear it).
Why did this student win the contest?
Her introduction was amazing.
Her cohesion and coherence was high.
She used great linking words.
She used vocabulary like: “emerging social media” and “information disparity”
Her vocabulary was incredible.
She used great examples that supported her points.
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Tips from the 3 Keys winner!
- She learned the structures! She took our templates and outlines in our course and she memorized them and then implemented them in the essay. She also practiced those essays using the structures. When you have the right template and you have practiced it over and over again you will get your target score!
- She used an outside program called Grammarly: When you focus on grammar you should be careful! Pay attention to what the examiner wants when it comes to grammar. Do not get focused on the small mistakes that will not change your score and will waste your time.
- She worked on building her opinions: She used the 30-day study plan with the outside activities and articles. She read articles from the NY Times and the BBC. She used these resources to develop opinions on current topics so she has ideas in her mind to use on the exam. She created a culture of thinking and used that in her essay.
- She built for vocabulary: She did it by reading as much as she could and writing down the new words that she heard in chunks.
Remember, the 3 Keys Writing Wizard contest is only available for students in our course.
Click here to get into our course.
Let us know the questions you have from today’s episode!
Do you know how to show your emotion in English?
Today we give you a bunch of phrases and expressions that are useful to show your emotion and connect with native speakers in real English conversations.
“Hope you are doing well. I am a regular listener and I have been listening for the last 8 months. I have a question for you. Which phrase among these is the most common: oh my God, oh God, Oh my gosh, Oh gosh, Oh boy, boy!
Do they all mean the same or is there any difference between them?”
– Mayunk, India
All of these phrases are used to express yourself without using serious or more extensive vocabulary.
These phrases help you express your surprise or to show emotion.
It shows that what is being said is important.
They can also be used to show others that you are hearing them when they are talking.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
Other ways to show your surprise:
- Oh man
- Man
- Jeez
- Wow
- Woah
Try using these expressions in your conversation to support the speaker.
Watch your connections get stronger when you use the right words!
Sometimes the IELTS Exam can be discouraging!
Today hear the story of one student who feels a sense of despair when it comes to getting past a score of 6 and find out what you can do if you are in the same situation.
Story of a listener:
She is frustrated because she got a 5.5 on IELTS Writing 3 times in a row. Her reading and listening were fine with 6.5’s and 7’s.
She sent us an email and asked us if our student success stories are real. Because she feels that it’s impossible for her, she doesn’t see how it’s possible for other people to get high IELTS scores.
She has also spent more than $600 on the IELTS Exam and is not any closer to her target score. What is the problem with this student and what should she do?
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What is the problem with this student’s preparation?
She has hit a plateau.
She doesn’t know how to further improve her writing score.
She may think that she doesn’t need a course and a study plan but she does.
She doesn’t know what the examiner wants.
In the first category of IELTS Writing you are graded on task achievement/task response.
Native speakers don’t score highly in these categories because they don’t know what the exam is asking them to do.
In order to fulfill the requirements for a high score on the General Writing Task 1 you need to specifically answer all of the bullet points.
Right now this student is behind a wall and she doesn’t know how to move past it. She can’t see under it or over it. She doesn’t know why she is trapped there.
However, for students in our course, learning our strategies has cleared the path for them.
Our suggestion for this student is to get into a course where there is a daily study plan and where she can understand what the examiner is looking for on Writing.
Let us know your questions about today’s episode in the comments below!
Today we answer a listener question about the differences between “pull off,” “pull up,” and “pull over.”
These three phrasal verbs can be tough!
They are so similar and they are all related to driving.
“Hello my name is Em. I have been an avid listener of your podcast for more than a year now. There are a couple of things I want to ask you about. I am quite confused about the words “pull up,” “pull over,” and “pull off.” All I know for sure is that they are related to the words “stop,” “park,” and “drive.” I just don’t have the confidence using those phrasal verbs. Can you help me please?”- Em, AEE Listener
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
3 Driving Phrasal Verbs
- To pull up: To come forward with the car and then stop it.
- To pull over: To move to the side of the road, to be asked to stop on the side of the road by a cop, this is used more in the passive sense. You can also say “I am going to pull over.”
- To pull off: To move the car off the road.
**Listen to our conversation on the episode to hear how these words are used between Lindsay and Michelle.
What questions do you have from today?
Let us know in the comments below and practice these phrasal verbs now!
Do you know how to make this preparation more specific and useful for exam day?
In today’s article, you’re going to read about 4 specific sub-topics that you should prepare for before your IELTS Exam.
After all, this topic is actually huge and very, very general. When IELTS teachers and textbooks feature this as a topic, it’s usually in the form of learning vocabulary related to sports and “leisure time” activities. Leisure time is a direct synonym for free time and is, of course, also very general.
In order to prepare efficiently for IELTS, you need to be more specific in your thinking, and also be able to personally reflect on these specific topics so you have interesting things to say on exam day.
Vocabulary: In this video, there are 4 very useful idioms to speak about relaxed free time activities, including guilty pleasure and social butterfly.
Remember, in order to get a 7 or higher for vocabulary, you must show the examiner interesting, idiomatic language.
Another good resource for describing downtime that does not involve sports or exercise is the art world. As the topic of art can pop up anywhere on the IELTS exam, not just in the Speaking section, it is very useful to learn idioms related to art and think about what you appreciate from the artistic side of life.
Reflect on these questions:
How do you relax?
What are 3 things you do to relieve stress? Why do you do these things?
Vocabulary: This is usually the direction that IELTS teachers and textbooks take when referring to free time. Plus, even if you are not an athletic person, there are sports-specific questions that do come up in IELTS Speaking Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
So, I highly recommend learning some interesting, 8+ vocabulary for talking about sports and exercise.
Reflect on these questions:
How do you keep your body healthy?
What kind of exercise are you comfortable/uncomfortable with? Why?
Family and Friends
Vocabulary: Even if you live by yourself and are a single person, you still spend at least some of your free time hanging out with friends and family. Also, the topics of friends and family come up in a variety of ways throughout the IELTS Speaking and Writing exam.
Click here to learn about idioms for describing parties and celebrations.
Click here to read about interesting vocabulary related to families.
Reflect on these questions:
Do you prefer to hang out alone, with one or two friends, or in large groups of people? Why?
How is spending free time with family different than spending time with friends?
Food: Eating Out and Eating In
Vocabulary: When talking about food, you must learn the vocabulary describing the ingredients and dishes, in English, from your culture, and your favorite foods from other cultures.
Also, it is very useful for this topic, and all others on the IELTS Speaking and Writing exams, to learn idioms that express your opinions about how much you like something.
Reflect on these questions:
What are the advantages/disadvantages of eating out/eating in?
What food from your culture would you cook/not cook for foreigners? Why?
To make this information work for you and INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARY SCORE, write down the 2 idioms you like most from each link. Then, practice using them in your answers to the reflection questions.
For more activities and strategies that WILL INCREASE YOUR SCORE, check out our IELTS course, The 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
What do you think of today’s vocabulary?
Leave us a message in the comments section below!
“Hi Lindsay and Michelle I found AEE Podcast just a few weeks ago and I’m already a huge fan. My favorite episodes are ones on nuances and expressions. I have been living in Canada for one year. I have an idea for an episode. I’d be glad if you guys had an episode on adverbs which indicate frequency such as “often,” “sometimes,” “once in a while” and “from time to time.” I’d like to know how common and how casual or formal they are. Thanks!
-Natsuki, AEE Listener
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Adverbs of Frequency:
- Always- a less common one is “all of the time”
- Usually- you could also say “typically”
- Occasionally- you could say “every once in a while”
- Seldom- this sounds old fashioned and formal. Instead of this one you could say “hardly ever” or “practically never”
Listen to the episode to hear how we use these adverbs in some real, fun conversations between Lindsay and Michelle.
Let us know your questions in the comments.
Today find out how trusting the wrong IELTS resource will lead to disaster.
Today hear the story of a student in our course who grabbed the wrong IELTS practice resource and get the advice we gave her to get back on track.
“Jessica help me out. I was practice my listening from some tests and it got tricky. There was a question about putting sentences in chronological order. Do you have any strategies for those types of questions especially when the person speaking mixes up the sequence?”
This is NOT an IELTS question type! Questions and tasks like this one do not exist on IELTS.
This question came from a Barron’s test prep book.
This was not a practice test. It was an exercise to practice general skills but this does not seem to develop any IELTS listening skill that would matter for your score.
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Our advice:
Don’t even do these questions.
They don’t mimic anything on the exam.
Instead you can listen to the MP3 and take notes on what you hear.
Don’t dive into any practice tests until you have learned the strategies in our course.
Let us know what questions you have from today’s episode.
Today we have a good question from a listener!
The question is about greeting people on the street in English.
The listener was wondering if/when/where it’s ok to greet someone on the street.
“I want to ask you guys, is it possible and polite to talk to a stranger and say “hey” or what else can I say?”
-AEE Listener
Today we are not talking about how to start a conversation in English. Today we are just talking about how to acknowledge the presence of someone else.
In Boston it’s not as common to greet someone on the street as it is in other paces.
In Colorado it’s common to wave to people on the street when you pass them.
What can you say when you pass a stranger?
- “Hey!” This is usually reserved for someone you know
- “Hi”
- “Hi there”
- Nod your head and smile
- “Hello!’
- “How is it going?”
- “Good morning”
Remember, street greetings can vary around the US.
In Boston and New York people are not usually super friendly on the street but sometimes they are.
Get to know the local culture before you decide how you want to greet people.
Today get four IELTS Speaking Part 3 samples answers for questions about the most common question topic which is education!
Education comes up on the Listening and Reading tests and it’s also very common in Speaking so focusing on this topic is a great use of your time.
Develop a culture of thinking to generate ideas for common topics.
Remember, you need to practice the same answers two or three times to improve your fluency and really be ready for the exam.
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Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?
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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
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Here is a framework for these Speaking Part 3 questions:
- Give your direct opinion
- Support it with details and examples
- Give a one-sentence summary
Great strategies from our sample answers:
- Jessica made her opinion very clear. It is part of your grade in Speaking Part 3 and Writing Task 2. You must be clear what you believe.
- Jessica used the word “rote memorization.”
- Both Lindsay and Jessica used natural pronunciation when they expressed their opinions because they put emotion into their voice.
*Remember, the examiner does not have to agree with your ideas.
Your ideas are not important.
The examiner is only looking at your English.
Don’t forget to practice topics that you are unfamiliar with.
Don’t only focus on the topics that you are familiar with.
What questions do you have about Speaking Part 3?
Let us know in the comments below.
Do you have a job interview coming up soon?
Today you’ll meet our guest Mary who is from California, USA. She will show you three things that you must do to get your dream job.
You’ll also find out how you can work with her to get a better chance of getting hired.
- Tip #1: Be confidence! To be confident you need to practice a lot. Practice the common interview questions. Practice “talking yourself up” or promoting yourself. Get the right expressions and words that you need. Practice the right body language also. Make eye contact and smile when you are in your mock interviews with your teacher.
- Tip #2: There are common interview questions in the US. In your class with your teacher you can start with ice breaker questions and common interview questions that put you on the spot. Mary can give you great advice when it comes to how to answer these questions while still presenting yourself as a great candidate for the job. Examples of common interview questions:
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- What are your strengths and your weaknesses?
- Why did you leave your last job?
- Tips #3: No matter what happens just breathe and remember to talk slowly: No matter how great your answers are, if you are talking fast and the interviewer can’t understand you you’re not going to get the job. It’s okay to pause. You’ll feel more relaxed if you pause and your interviewer will be more likely to remember what you say. You don’t need perfect pronunciation. You can slow down and eliminate 50% of the problems that you might encounter.
Mary’s Bio:
Mary Rosen is an English teacher from the USA. She has been teaching since 2009 and has lived in England, Argentina, South Korea, and Spain. In 2013, she began teaching exclusively online, helping individuals from around the world improve their English and achieve their goals. She teaches a variety of classes on, from conversation to TOEFL preparation. Mary is currently pursuing her Masters degree in English and is a co-founder of The English Bug, an online language school. When she’s not teaching, Mary enjoys reading and hiking in the mountains of Northern California.
How to Work with Mary:
- Register for a $10 credit to go toward your second lesson. Register here first: or click here
- Next, go to Mary’s profile and schedule a lesson with her. Go here:
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today you’ll meet Paulo who took our 3 Keys IELTS Success System and achieved a 7.5 in IELTS Writing!
Paulo is planning to work as a doctor in the UK and he needed a 7.5 in Writing.
Paulo took the exam 6 times before our course and could not increase his writing score by himself.
When he joined our course everything changed for his writing score.
Find out how he did it today.
Paulo’s Scores:
Reading: 7
Writing: 7.5
Speaking: 7.5
Listening: 7.5
Paulo’s advice:
“Join 3 Keys IELTS because it’s an excellent course with everything we need to succeed on test day. There is no need for extra material or textbooks. I was happy with the dedication and the way that the course is organized.” -Paulo, Brazil
Why did Paulo enroll in our course?
He realized that he could not increase his writing score by himself. He kept getting a 6.5 again and again.
Before he entered the course he was trying to use free materials.
He tried to create his own strategies for the Writing test but they did not work.
What strategies helped Paulo the most from the course?
Our 3 Keys writing strategies helped him the most. The most helpful part was the focus on planning and brainstorming.
Before taking the course Paulo did not have a good planning or brainstorming strategy.
Our course gave him a method that helped him brainstorm much more effectively.
Many students struggle with brainstorming and we have the keys to help you do it correctly while managing your time well.
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What was his writing question?
With the increasing number of elderly in our society what are the advantages or disadvantages?
Paulo started immediately planning the structure of the essay.
He paraphrased words for “elderly.”
He tried to respond in a simple way to the questions.
What questions do you have for Paulo?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today get four things that Lindsay learned about life, communication, and connection from a week with a two-year-old.
Get the lessons that you can learn and apply in your life for better connections and a happier life.
- #1: Mimic and repeat what you hear in your head: My niece repeats everything she hears. This is helping her to learn vocabulary and understand the rhythm of American English. I tried mimicking and repeating Spanish silently in my head while I was learning the language and that’s why I was able to develop a good accent and learn quickly. Give this a try! Listen to natives, mimic what they say and repeat it silently in your head. It will give you a huge advantage with pronunciation and sentence structure. It will make you an insider with the language.
- #2: Find a hero that you admire: My niece had a favorite character in the book Where the Wild Things Are named Max. She wanted to read about this character all of the time. As an English learner you should find a character that you admire who is a native speaker. It could be a famous person like Oprah or Tim Ferris. Follow that person on the media and consume the media that they put out. This will make you less self conscious because you are focusing on someone else and not on yourself.
- #3: Start a conversation by making it about someone else: We had a hard time getting my niece into the bathtub. She was upset so we brought her book and her baby into the bathroom. She looked at the book and started reading it. Eventually she forgot that she was upset and calmed down. This works with adults too. If you start a conversation by letting the person know how the topic is relevant to them you can connect faster and on a deeper level.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
- #4: Default to friendliness: My niece greets everyone when they walk by. As an adult English learner you can also go through life in a friendly way. You can say hello to more people. You can offer a kind smile. This might be a good way to start more conversations in English also.
- #5: Engage in the world with your whole body: Learn English using your whole body and life, not just your mind and your textbook. Find ways to travel and learn English on the cheap. Use podcasts. Find a language exchange. Join a running club in English. Join a dance night in English. Don’t just sit in a classroom with a textbook.
What have you learned about life and human connection from children?
Let us know in the comments below.
Do you know how to prepare yourself for these listening situations?
Today, I’m going to share 4 tips for activities to include in your study plan that will help you walk in on test day feeling calm and confident.
One of my biggest beliefs as an IELTS teacher is the value of working backwards.
In our course, The 3 Keys IELTS Success System, we engineered all of our strategies for the Speaking and Writing modules by first looking at the end goals: what the examiner wants to see/hear. Then, using these as our guide, we’ve built all of the skills and strategies around teaching you how to fulfill these expectations.
We can also use this idea of working backwards in our IELTS Listening practice. It not only lends a different perspective to our preparation, but it also builds our IELTS testing skills in very real ways.
In this YouTube video, I outline easy activities that you can do with audioscripts to increase your comprehension on test day.
In the case of two or more speakers, following the audioscripts while listening to the conversation will help you identify who is talking, and get comfortable with this skill.
This is the strategy behind using audioscripts in our IELTS preparation: you must practice understanding.
Probably the biggest hurdle for many IELTS candidates is not just telling people apart while listening, but merely getting through the various accents that are presented.
In a conversation between three people, for instance, they might all be from different countries. You may have to listen to a conversation between an Australian, a Brit, and an American. This is a whole extra layer of difficulty, in an already difficult exam.
Again, the answer is in your preparation. In our course, we provide a 30 day study plan and a 60 day study plan, with all the activities included to give you the practice needed to understand the wide variety of accents which IELTS uses.
In this blog entry, I outline all the resources you need to understand the various accents. Once you feel comfortable with them, they will actually help you to distinguish between multiple speakers.
Be Active
This is the most important thing to learn how to do on the IELTS Listening exam. The unsuccessful IELTS candidates are passive exam takers. They sort of sit back and wait for the answers to come to them. You cannot do this on exam day!
It’s all about learning the right strategies to tackle the exam. For example, you have to practice predicting the answers you will need and hear, in order to get your brain ready to recognize the answers when they do come.
Also, you must study with an IELTS professional who can teach you about the IELTS tricks and quirks that are on every IELTS Exam.
One classic IELTS trick to recognize, and you’ll see this if you are using the audioscripts in your preparation, is the negative statements. One speaker may give an answer, and then immediately follow it by saying something like, “Oh, no. That’s not right. It’s actually…”
When the conversation is tough to follow, you must have strong strategies to fall back on.
In this episode, we outline specific activities you can include in your study plan to help you understand 3 speakers.
Above all, the most important thing to remember is that you can do this. It’s all about how you prepare!
What did you think of today’s advice?
Leave us a message in the comment’s section below!
Today find out how to use the phrase “so far” in English like the cool kids do to get more advanced and more specific in your vocabulary choices.
We had an email from a listener and she used this construction in her email:
“I am doing very well thank you. I am busy so far. I am working as an EMS coordinator with my partner. I am helping her. We are busy but so far so good.” – AEE Listener
We think that the way this student used “so far so good” is very natural and native.
What does “so far” mean?
It implies that we are still in the process of doing something.
Something is not completed yet.
- Up to now
- Up to this point
- Thus far
Another meaning for “so far”
It can also mean “to a limited extent”
You can only go so far on $7.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
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What tense should you use with “so far”?
Use the present perfect with “so far”
So far I haven’t had any problems.
A: Michelle how is your day going so far?
B: My day is going pretty well. So far so good.
A: How are the elections going so far?
B: So far it’s been crazy. It’s really heating up.
A: How is the team doing so far this season?
B: Not bad.
Leave us a comment or ask us a question below.
Have you used this construction before?
Let us know!
Today find out about 3 trivial time wasters that will bring down your IELTS score.
We’ll also tell you exactly what to do instead so that you don’t sink your score and waste your time.
When you are scared or confused about something you might try to hide.
When you hide from the most important things you spend your time on things that don’t “move the needle forward.”
This can be deceiving because you could lie to yourself and tell yourself that you are preparing for IELTS but you’re not doing the important things that will get you your target score so you are WASTING YOUR TIME!
You MUST spend your time focusing on things that will make a difference and will move your score from a 6 to a 7 or from a 7 to an 8.
If you have a good study plan like the one in our course you can avoid this trap but even if you are in a good course it is easy to fall into this trap.
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Examples of time wasters that will derail your score:
- Focusing on the serial comma. This is a small punctuation issue that is correct whether you use it or not. You should be focusing more on making sure you use capital letters and periods and that the examiner can read your handwriting easily. You need to focus on first-level punctuation issues and not deeper, more sophisticated punctuation issues.
- Worrying about the use of one tense versus another when both are correct. One student asked us about the best tense to use when you tell a story on the Speaking test. Our answer was that you could use both simple past or present tense in that case. Instead of asking questions like these, focus on your fundamental understanding of present simple, simple past, and present perfect. Work on the accuracy of your grammar and not your verb tense range. Click here to learn more about our grammar strategy for IELTS.
- Worrying about trivial preposition questions: One student asked us if “to my mind” or “in my mind” was correct. We say both! Something like this would not matter on your IELTS test. It will not break your score if you make a mistake like this and it won’t increase your score if you say it correctly. So why would you spend time worrying about it?? Instead, this student should spend her time learning the phrases we provide in our course to express your opinion in a native-like way. These phrases will force the examiner to think about giving you a 7.
Leave us a comment and ask us a question below.
Are you being honest with yourself about the way that you are preparing?
Let us know!
Michelle went to India!
She came back a few weeks ago and today we’ll hear about her experience.
Find out why her experience was wonderful, jarring, and confusing at the same time. You’ll also get some great questions that you can use to ask people about a recent trip or to talk about your own travel experiences.
Here are some great questions:
- What surprised you most about India?
- What languages did you speak? How is your Hindi?
- What were the people like?
- What else did you do that was interesting? Anything else?
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Other phrases to talk about a trip:
- “Eye opening”: Something that opens your eyes and makes you learn something. It is something that shocks you.
- “It’s hard to express”: It’s hard to articulate the feeling that you have.
- “It was a real challenge”:
- “You (really) have to see it for yourself”
- “It was out of this world”
- “It was spectacular”
Listen to the episode with Lindsay and Michelle to get more of Michelle’s experiences in India.
You can use the vocabulary that you learned today when you speak with a native speaker who has just come back from a trip.
Today you’ll get 3 sample answers for Speaking Part 3 that are great and one that is not so great so that you will know exactly what to do on test day.
We have already done some great episodes to show you how to answer Speaking Part 2 questions.
- Speaking Part 2 Strategies for an 8
- A Powerful Strategy for Speaking Part 2
- How to Answer Speaking Part 2 Questions about Places
When you listen to today’s episode you should pay close attention to how we structure or answer and how we link our ideas together.
Today we’re going to give you a strategy that works for all Speaking Part 3 questions.
In our course we give you more details and linking words that you won’t find in today’s post.
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Structure for Speaking Part 3:
- Give your opinion
- Support your opinion with specific reasons and details
- Give a short, one-sentence summary
**Be careful that you don’t go too long in your answer for Speaking Part 3 because the examiner wants to get in and ask you additional questions after the first question.
Let us know your questions about Speaking Part 3 in the comments below.
You want to know what words are common in English and what words are not common, right?
We get this question all of the time.
Today we’ll show you why there’s no easy answer to this question.
Get 8 questions to ask yourself to find out if a word or expression is right for you.
“Hi my name is Rie from Japan. I am a little confused by Episode 485. I asked some native speakers if they use “piece of cake” and “cakewalk” in daily life. Some of them said that it’s not common. Some of them said they use it all of the time. Others don’t even know it. Is it a generational matter?”
-Rie, Japan
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
What should you think about when someone tells you a word is common?
- Gender: This comes up more in language fillers like using “just” when you make a request
- Urban/ rural / suburban: Our word choices can be different depending on what kind of location we live in
- Subcultures: Gay culture, motorcycle culture, couples languages
- Upbringing and the language of your parents and family: We spend a lot of time around our families at a young age
- Education: Groups that are less educated or more educated will use different words and might make grammar or other language mistakes
- Career field: This is similar to a subculture
- Region: Southern US, Northeastern US, West Coast, Appalachian Region
- Generation: People of different ages can use different terms and expressions
- Amount of time spent inside and outside the US: Sometimes when we spend time outside of the US speaking with non-native speakers we might pick up on phrases that sound strange or are slightly incorrect.
What should you do?
Be critical about what you hear.
When someone says a word is common, think about why it’s common in their world.
Is it common in the world that you want to speak in too?
Consider the cultures in the list above.
Choose the English that you’re going to speak.
What subcultures are you a part of?
What will be your English style? Think about why you are learning English.
If you want a job in Silicon Valley then listen to podcasts from that world.
What are some other things you need to think about when someone tells you that a word is common?
Let us know your ideas in the comments below.
Today you’ll get two activities to help you understand the conversation when three people are speaking on the IELTS Listening test.
This kind of listening script with three people is not common but it does happen sometimes.
Listening test:
- Sections 1 and 3 are dialogues (but sometimes there are three people)
- Sections 2 and 4 are monologues
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How can you practice listening to three voices together?
- Step 1: Practice with sitcom scenes or movie scenes. Don’t watch the whole thing. Watch short clips of about 5 minutes. Branch out beyond Friends and find something new. Go to and find a new show you like. Try ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX. Comedy Central is a great place to find clips also.
- Step 2: Next, watch your clip with subtitles. Turn on the closed captioning. Watch the subtitles so that you understand everything.
- Step 3: Watch it again without the subtitles.
- Step 4: Turn on the clip again and close your eyes. Practice understanding what the people are saying. Associate an image with a voice and differentiate between the voices.
*Another resource idea:
Use podcasts! It’s hard to think of podcasts that have 3 or more people.
Two comedy podcasts that Jessica likes:
- How Did This Get Made? (a podcast with four comedians every time and they watch a bad movie and make fun of it for an hour)
- Comedy Bang Bang (this is all improv and skits with crazy characters and they laugh the whole time)
How to use these:
1- Listen for understanding
2- Go back and listen again. Write four new vocabulary words or phrases. Look them up for the meaning.
3- Listen again and try to pick up on those words that you wrote down.
Let us know in the comments if you have tried these activities.
How did they help you?
Today we’ll meet our guest Kevin Conwell from Feel Good English.
Kevin will show us how you can challenge yourself when you learn English to get into the best state for maximum retention!
Kevin came on All Ears English a few years ago and showed us how to use Facebook to meet native English speakers and learn English.
Kevin believes that self awareness is key to getting better in English.
What does self awareness mean?
It means to be able to recognize something inside of you or to feel something inside of you.
“Self awareness allows people to recognize the things they do best so they can go hard on those aspects of their life. It also helps you accept your weaknesses.”
-Gary Vaynerchuck, Entrepreneur
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- Make more money at work and feel better at the office every day
- Build stronger professional relationships with the right English words and phrases
- Develop a deep understanding of American business culture and how to use that knowledge to build CHARISMA
- Learn the 5 strategies of our Charisma Equation to be more well-liked and popular at work
How to use self awareness to reach the advanced level:
- Tip #1: Go to google and search for the word “flow.” Find the book called Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. The concept of flow exists when you are doing an activity and the activity is right for you. It is the right level of challenge but not too challenging. It’s not too difficult and not too easy. When you understand this concept you’ll be able to find activities that move you to the next level in English.
- Tip #2: Start looking for activities that put you into flow. Use technology. Find places online to speak with people. Watch videos on You Tube. Use chat rooms online. Try different things. Look for the emotions and signs that you are in “flow.” Don’t assume that you have to sit in a classroom and learn the old way. You have to recognize what actually works for you. Always ask yourself if you are challenging yourself.
- Tip #3: When you find the right activities you need to go all in. Throw yourself into the activities that work for you.
Kevin’s Bio:
Did you know that there are actually some idioms you should not use?
In order to score a 7 or higher on the Speaking Exam, for Lexical Range, or Vocabulary, the examiner must hear you use some “idiomatic language”.
However, not all idioms are created equal!
There actually some idioms that are not used anymore by native speakers, and, thus, sound awkward and weird. Likewise, there are some idioms that are known by almost every IELTS candidate; therefore, these phrases do not sound interesting. They make you sound like every other student on the exam, and will bring you a vocabulary score of no higher than a 6.
Today, we’re going to focus on the idioms that you should not use on test day, and I’ll give you some more interesting language to use instead.
It’s raining cats and dogs.
Students! Please, please do not use this! For some reason, perhaps because it sounds catchy and is easy to remember, or because it is the first idiom taught in every lower-level ESL/Test-prep textbook, students say this all the time.
News flash: this is a junky idiom. Native speakers rarely say this. It sounds corny and antiquated to native-speaker ears.
Instead you should say:
- It’s really coming down.
- It’s raining buckets.
Hanging out with friends
As the topics of leisure time, free time or friends often come up in Speaking Parts 1 and 2, and occasionally in Writing Task 2, idioms related to these topics are useful to know.
However, unlike the last idiom, this idiom is actually too common. That means, again, that many students use this on the exam, and it is not interesting enough to fulfill the requirements for a 7 or higher for vocabulary.
Instead you should say:
- My buddies and I usually just waste our time playing video games.
- On the weekends, I just take it easy since I’m usually wiped out from working all week.
Watch this video for more phrases and examples of what to say when asked about your free time.
It’s a piece of cake.
Again, this idiom is just too common. It’s true that native speakers do use this, but it is well-known by students as it is featured in many textbooks, vocabulary lists and worksheets.
Instead you should say:
- It was easy-peasy. No problem whatsoever.
- It was no sweat. Child’s play, really.
Pass with flying colors
As school and studies are topics that can be found in every part of the IELTS exam, you should prepare yourself with some interesting phrases and idioms to talk and write about them.
To pass something with flying colors is an older idiom, and, although it is acceptable to use, there are other, way more interesting phrases that you should use instead.
Remember, our goal, in order to get a 7 for vocabulary, is to stand out from other students.
Instead you should say:
- I really nailed it– got a perfect score.
- I just killed it on test day. Best score in the class!
As idioms about school are so useful for IELTS candidates, listen to this podcast to learn more.
You should also go to our homepage and check out our YouTube channel (IELTS Energy TV) and search for “idioms”.
Do you know any other idioms related to the topics above?
Share your ideas in the comments section below!
Today you’ll meet our guest who is an American English teacher from California living in the funniest city in Japan which is Osaka.
He’ll tell us what to say in English when someone says something funny.
Don’t just stare at them.
Support them to build the connection.
We’ll show you how to do it today.
Why are people in Osaka funny?
There is less pressure when you are living in Osaka than in Tokyo.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Click here to download them instantly.
How to respond when someone tells a funny joke in English:
- “What are you talking about?”- this can be used when someone says something that is surprising or “off the wall” and you want to show that you are shocked.
- “That’s right, isn’t it?”- When someone says something that is 100% true but also funny you can say this.
- “That was a good one”- This is a very common way to respond when someone tells a great joke in English .
I’m Nate, and I teach English conversation to people who love travelling and to people who use English for their jobs in Osaka, Japan(6+ years teaching experience).
I first taught at a big English school, but after 2 years, I decided one-on-one lessons were the best. So I started teaching Private Lessons in the cafe in Osaka, and on Skype to people around the world. I enjoy every minute I spend helping students improve their speaking(and trying to make them laugh as much as possible).
How to find Nate online!
Try Nate’s podcast and it’s called Nate Eikaiwa Lab
Go to Nate English Lab
What questions do you have from today?
Have you used these expressions to respond to a joke in English?
Let us know in the comments below.
These phrasal verbs will boost your score higher when you get a question about friends or your social life on the Speaking test.
*Bonus phrase for today: To cut to the chase
What does it mean? It means to get to the point. You can use this on Speaking Part 3 if you are veering off topic. It will instantly increase your score because it’s natural and native-like.
Today we are talking about phrasal verbs!
In IELTS Speaking Part 1 you are asked about what you do on the weekends or what you do with friends.
Phrasal verbs you can use:
- To hang out: To spend time. Example: “We like to hang out at the bar.”
- This phrasal verb is common. It is a good one to use but it won’t set you apart from other students because it’s too common so it may get you a 6 and not a 7. You can use this but make sure you use some of the other phrasal verbs in today’s episode also.
- To run into: To encounter, to cross paths with someone without expecting to see them. Example: “I ran into an old friend while I was downtown shopping.”
- To show up: To arrive somewhere (this has an unexpected feeling to it). Example: “I was hanging out at the park and all of a sudden my friend showed up out of nowhere”
- To talk into: To convince someone to do something. Example: “I talked my friends into staying out late on Sunday night even though they had to work in the morning”
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- To look (someone) up: To find someone’s contact information or to find them on Facebook. Example: “Let’s connect next week. Look me up on Facebook”
- To catch up: To talk with someone you haven’t spoken with in a while. Example: “Let’s meet for coffee and catch up next week”
If you use any of these phrasal verbs you will get a 7 or higher. If you use “hang out” you will get a 6 on your speaking test.
Try to memorize these phrasal verbs and use them when you practice the speaking test.
Write down the examples you heard in today’s episode.
When you get into our course you can join the 3 Keys Power Hour and practice these with Jessica.
Do you know what to say when someone asks you, “What are you up to?”
Today find out the best ways to respond to small talk questions and greetings in English like “how have you been?” and “what are you up to?” for better conversations and better connections in English.
“Hi Lindsay and Michelle. I am Jan, an avid listener of AEE from Singapore.
I am intermediate to advanced in reading and listening because I can understand any listening material but not in speaking.
I find myself struggling to connect with people in many conversations. For instance, I have a friend who usually starts a conversation by asking, “Hi how have you been?” followed by “What are you up to?” almost every time we see each other.
Honestly, the second question makes me lose the connection because I’m not sure how to respond.
I understand that it means something like “what are you doing?” but I still get confused.
Should I tell her what I have done in the past few days? What I am doing at the moment? Or what I am planning to do?”
-Jan, AEE Listener
This is a great question from Jan!
“What are you up to?”
What does this mean? It means “What are you doing right now?” if the person sees you regularly.
If the person does not see you very often and it’s someone who is checking in with you after 6 months or a year it would mean “What is going on in your life?” or it could still mean “What are you doing right now?””
How do we respond?
- “Oh not much, you?”
- “Oh not much. What about you?”
- “Oh not a whole lot. What about you?”
- “I am working on my new project. What are you doing?”
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from every episode of the All Ears English Podcast.
Learn to speak naturally with the American accent.
“What have you been up to?”
This is more often used when you sit down with someone and catch up.
How do we answer it?
- “Oh not much”
- “Not too much”
- “Not a whole lot”
If you are confused about what they are asking about:
- “Are you asking about this moment?”
- “You mean right now?”
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Find out why you have to learn from these situations if you want to succeed on IELTS and in life.
True story:
“Last week a student had to describe a novel or story in a Speaking practice test. She had to describe a book that she had read. She had never read a book so she got a bad score. The day after the test she got a book and read it. The next time she took the practice test she did well because she described the book well. She was very proactive and positive in learning from her original mistake. This is what all IELTS students need to do!”
How can you learn from your mistakes on IELTS?
- To learn from your mistakes on Listening and Reading if you get an answer wrong in your practice tests go back and find out why you got it wrong! You could learn so much from your mistakes in the reading and listening.
- If you do not get the score you need then you should ask yourself if you have really prepared well. If you don’t admit that you have not done your best then you can’t learn from that mistake and get better.
100% Score Increase Guarantee with our Insider Method
Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?
Find out why our strategies are the most powerful in the IELTS world.
When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
Click here to get a score increase on IELTS. It’s 100% guaranteed.
Leave us your questions in the comments below!
Let us know what you are struggling with when it comes to IELTS.
Today we answer a question from a listener who tunes into AEE every day but often gets distracted.
He asks us if this is ok for his learning.
We answer the question today.
“I have been working hard to improve because I want to reach the advanced level. I’d like to know about English immersion.
Is it effective to listen to English even when I am not paying full attention to what is being said?
I listen to AEE at my internship but sometimes I get distracted by noises around me or by silly things.
Can you help me with this please?
Is it ok to learn this way?”
There are two different ways to learn:
- Diffuse learning: This is a resting state for our mind. We use it when we take a walk or a shower or when we go to sleep. We build connections between what we learned in focused learning.
- Focused learning: Sitting down, studying, and being focused. Using transcripts or textbooks.
Read more about diffuse learning from the research of Terry Sejnowski
This listener is asking us about a learning state that is somewhere between both of these forms of learning.
We think it’s ok to listen to AEE when you are slightly distracted.
Our brains can’t handle constant focused learning especially now that we have the Internet.
If you don’t let your brain settle and relax you will burn out.
Don’t forget that you do need to spend some time using focused learning.
You can do that using the transcripts.
Move your English from Awkward to Charismatic at Work in Less than 30 Days
Using the Charisma Equation™
Get The Charismatic Connector Advanced English Communication Course
- Get more promotions and get the project assignments you want at work because you know how to communicate well
- Make more money at work and feel better at the office every day
- Build stronger professional relationships with the right English words and phrases
- Develop a deep understanding of American business culture and how to use that knowledge to build CHARISMA
- Learn the 5 strategies of our Charisma Equation to be more well-liked and popular at work
What is your opinion?
Do you use focused learning when you listen to AEE?
Let us know in the comments below.
Question #1:
On the Listening test if the answer should be in three words but I only write one or two words will it be considered correct or incorrect?
Answer #1:
This comes from not understanding the directions. You need to read the directions carefully. Read the additional notes too. If they say that some of the options may be used more than once then that is an important clue.
You need to take a step back from your practice tests. Take the time to enter an IELTS course. Learn strategies. Don’t jump into practice tests without reading the directions.
Get a 100% Score Increase Guarantee with our Insider Method
Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?
Find out why our strategies are the most powerful in the IELTS world.
When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
Click here to get a score increase on IELTS.
It’s 100% guaranteed.
Question #2:
One student asked us about the Oxford Comma or the Serial Comma in our 3 Keys Facebook group. He wanted to know what people’s opinions were about using it or not using it. This student wanted to talk about grammar with his fellow members of 3 Keys IELTS.
Answer #2:
On IELTS this is not important. Even at Band score 9 the examiner will not analyze your commas. As long as you choose a route and be consistent you will be fine.
**However! Pay more attention to capitalization and periods at the beginning and end of sentences. These aspects of pronunciation are important because you will get knocked down to a 5 if you don’t do this correctly,
Question #3:
If the answer is singular on the Listening test and the student writes it in plural is it wrong?
Answer #3:
Yes in this case it would be wrong. You must write it exactly the way it was said on the recording.
There are wrong questions!
Leave us your questions in the comments below.
Write your question to:
Are you working in customer service in the US?
Do customers get angry at your company?
Today find out how to show your empathy in English without badmouthing your company.
It’s a tricky balance but we’ll show you how to strike it today.
Our listener who asked us today’s question is working at a drug store in Dallas, Texas.
Are you looking for a professional, native English teacher online?
Get a native English teacher online in seconds at italki.
Lindsay and Michelle recommend italki as our #1 English-learning solution online. Choose from more than 400 teachers to work on your business English or to pass your next big exam.
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Hiren’s question:
“Hello Lindsay and Michelle this is Hiren. I really enjoy listening to your podcast because they are informative and filled with energy.
I work at a pharmacy and many times I experience this situation when prescriptions are absurdly expensive and I really struggle to respond when customers get stressed out, angry, or sad.
What phrases can I use to respond to all of these reactions without being critical to the company I work for.”
-Hiren, AEE Listener
Get the transcripts from today if you want to focus in and really learn the vocabulary that you hear in today’s episode.
Today we are talking about empathy!
Hiren doesn’t want to “badmouth” the company but he also needs to empathize with the customers because they are in a vulnerable place.
How to respond to a customer with empathy:
- “I understand”
- “I know what you mean”
- “I understand how you feel”
- “I am so sorry that we don’t have a better solution for you”
How to show that it’s not in your control:
- “Oh there isn’t a whole lot that I can do.”
- “I’m afraid that’s the new price on _____.”
- “I don’t have any control over these prices.”
Offer a solution:
- “Can I connect you with my manager.”
- “Would you like to speak to my manager?”
- “Can I suggest another option?”
- “Can you call ____?”
What do you think about today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
In today’s episode you’ll hear from our guest Ed Katzman who will give you the 5 C’s of storytelling that you must use in your job interview to get the job of your dreams.
Our guest will share the wisdom that he gained as a marketing and hiring professional in the corporate world.
Why should you use storytelling?
It goes back to the goal of the interview.
You want to be very specific in the way that you show them why they should consider you as a valuable candidate.
Why is it better to tell a story than to make a list of our accomplishments?
It’s because stories are convincing.
We want to stay away from generalizations and “cozy up” to specifics.
A good story:
The goal is to be easy to follow, to be engaging, to have a 5-element structure, and to make the story about 3 minutes in length.
We also want to have details that are linked together and that flow well.
5 steps to a good story:
- S: Situational overview- show them why you are going to describe something significant
- T: The task- what needed to be done and why was that important
- A: Actions that you took and why. Here you can talk about the skills that you have in business and your personal skills and why those matter. Provide a view into your thinking. Creativity can come in a lot in this step.
- R: Results- use specifics here. What benefit did you generate for your company and why is that important?
- T: Transferable learning: What did you learn and what can you take to the new workplace that will be valuable?
The 5 C’s of a good story:
- Connection
- Content
- Contribution
- Creativity
- Convincing
Ed’s Bio:
Hi, I’m Business English Ed. Communication is my expertise; Job Search and Business English are my specialties.
With over 35 years of business experience and 7 years teaching experience, I have been helping people online since 2010, offering custom lessons designed to be relevant, valuable, and fun.
While most of my time is still spent working as a business consultant, I work with a limited number of highly motivated business professionals for a few hours a week, with my focus being on the job search process and on general business English..
Why do I fit teaching in my schedule? Because I get great satisfaction helping people advance their careers. Because I am interested in languages. Because I like meeting people from other cultures and sharing experiences.
My business career has been spent in marketing and general management, in the industries of consumer products and services and software. I’ve worked in companies and as a consultant. I’ve worked for big international companies and small local ones. I’ve interviewed hundreds of people and had many job interviews myself.
I have degrees from top US universities: Yale, Stanford, and the National College of Education. I’m married, with two children, aged 21 and 15, and two dogs. I spend my free time with my family, playing with iPhone app programming, and studying Italian.
How to Work with Ed:
Step 1: Get $10 off your second lesson when you register here.
Step 2: Find Ed’s profile on italki: Click here
Do you know how to effectively, and impressively, fill those two minutes?
Today we’ll talk about what exactly happens on the test and how you should tackle it for the highest score.
To hit an 8, you must fill the 2 minutes without difficulty. You must also provide specific, interesting vocabulary, and structure your answer cohesively and coherently. You must also use emotion in your voice for a high pronunciation score.
Follow these strategies, practice them until they feel natural, and all of those things will happen!
IELTS Speaking Part 2- You MUST take notes!
This is a crucial part to being able to fill two minutes in a fluent, cohesive way.
On the test, the examiner will first give you the directions for Speaking Part 2, then give you a topic card, a pencil, and a piece of paper.
Then, you will have one minute to take notes on your answer.
Top tips:
- Practice brainstorming- it’s a skill, and like any skill, it must be practiced.
- Do not take notes in your native language- only write in English. Otherwise, when you have to start speaking, you will also have to start translating your notes while you talk.
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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2 Strategies
Introducing your Answer
Teachers and textbooks are always telling students to introduce your answer like this: “Today, I’m going to tell you about…”
That is boring, folks, and will not impress the examiner.
Instead, watch this video for stand-out ways to introduce your IELTS Speaking Part 2 answer.
Common Topic #1: Describing People
Lindsay and I have come up with simple, 3 step strategies for all the common topics in IELTS Speaking Part 2.
What you should do when asked to describe people:
- Describe what they look like
- Describe their personality
- Tell a story about the person
Common Topic #2: Describing Places
What you should do when asked to describe a place:
- Describe how you got there/why you went there
- Describe what it looks like
- Tell a story about what you did there
Common Topic #3: Describing Events or Experiences
What you should do when asked to describe an event or experience:
- Say exactly what the event/experience was.
- Describe the situation/context.
- Tell the story about the event or experience.
Common Topic #4: Describe an Object
What you should do when asked to describe an object:
- Directly say which object you are talking about.
- How you use it, why you use it, or why you want(ed) it.
- Tell a story about an experience connected to the object.
To be honest, this question type is, for most people, the most difficult. You must practice! You can do this by simply sitting in a place, inside or outside, and try to describe every separate thing you see for 2 minutes.
For example, if I’m sitting at my desk, I see my computer, a family photo, and an antique mirror I bought in a super cool antique store. I could definitely talk about each of these things, by following this strategy, for 2 minutes.
Above All- Practice!
This is the most important part of getting an 8 in IELTS Speaking Part 2. Practice these strategies!
Get all the strategies you need for an 8 on all parts of the IELTS Speaking exam by getting into our course: The 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
What do you think of today’s strategies? Have you practiced them yet?
Tell us about your IELTS Speaking Part 2 experiences in the comments section below!
Today is Episode 500!
Today you get to hear from our listeners as we celebrate Episode 500!
“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.”
-Albert Hubbard
Why do you believe in Connection NOT Perfection!
- My name is Krishtiwan and I am from Kyrgyzstan and I believe in Connection NOT Perfection because I won’t be perfect in English so I am trying to enjoy it through Connection!
- My name is Savio and I’m from Brazil. I believe in Connection NOT Perfection because the most important thing to me is to be understandable.
- My name is Sarah and I’m from the Philippines. I believe in Connection NOT Perfection because the urge to connect always supersedes the power of Perfection.
- My name is Vivian and I’m from Brazil. I believe in Connection NOT Perfection because everyone is a single person. All of the people have something to teach and something to learn from others. It’s a knowledge exchange.
- My name is Juan and I’m from Colombia. I believe in Connection NOT Perfection because the non-native speaker learns by making mistakes. For that reason I listen every day to AEE.
Listen to the episode to hear the rest of our listeners!
Other responses from our listeners:
- Connection NOT Perfection is true!
- It takes 1,000 mistakes to get things done
- Connection is the only way to learn a language
- The most important is to be understood and charismatic, not perfect
- It’s the best way to make friends
- It’s a matter of being understood
- Whoever doesn’t communicate well loses time and money
- Connection NOT Perfection works for me
- In this life, nothing is perfect but a bunch of things can be connected
- Connection is about people and people aren’t perfect
- If I could speak perfect English I would have no reason to hear your nice voices
- We are human and we make mistakes
- Our imperfections keep us connected to each other
- It was so much fun hearing our listeners’ voices today!
All Ears English is about much more than just learning English.
We want to create a metaphor for life so that we can get things done in the world and so that people can love us.
That’s why we believe in Connection NOT Perfection in English learning and in life.
Leave your comment from Episode 500!
What do you like about AEE? How can we improve the show?
**Announcement! From now on we will be publishing this podcast on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We will no longer be publishing on Thursdays. You can check our back catalogue of episodes or our IELTS Energy You Tube channel.
The reason we are reducing the number of episodes per week is that we need more time to spend with the students in our course.
Our schedules are getting busy and our priority is the students in our course.
Keep listening to IELTS Energy on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday!
100% Score Increase Guarantee with our Insider Method
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When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
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We think that Part 2 Speaking questions about experiences or events is the easiest question type because you need to tell a story.
It should be easy to tell a story and it will push your pronunciation higher because the story is close to your heart.
The strategy:
- Be direct- say what the experience was
- Say why you went there and why you did it
- Get into the story of the event. Use these linking words: First, in the beginning, after that, next, in the following moments, etc
Listen to the model answers on the recording of Lindsay’s and Jessica’s experiences.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
The student that we are talking about today got a 7 overall but a 6 in writing.
He made some very specific mistakes:
“My mistake during my last exam was: #1 I did my task 1 essay in more than 20 minutes. It took me 30 minutes to complete it. #2 I didn’t have enough time to re-check both of my essays. Guys, please make sure you don’t repeat the same mistake that I did.”
“Don’t forget to use all of the speaking tips given by Jessica and Lindsay. My examiner was quite shocked when I answered one of my speaking questions using “super cool and awesome.” The examiner smiled when she heard me say that. I think that set the tone of the speaking test and I got a 7 in speaking.”
-3 Keys IELTS Student
For Task 1 you cannot spend more than 20 minutes.
In our course we help you practice timing.
Two weeks before the exam you must sit down at least 3 times per week for 1 hour and practice the timing.
If you don’t learn how to do the timing correctly during your practice then you won’t be able to do it on test day.
100% Score Increase Guarantee with our Insider Method
Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?
Find out why our strategies are the most powerful in the IELTS world.
When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
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You have 2-0 minutes for Task 1 but:
- 3-4 minutes to plan. If you are doing the General Exam letter for Task 1 you need specific ideas for each bullet point (4 minutes). In the academic exam make sure you look closely at the numbers and choose the important numbers to put into your essay. We show you how to do this in our course.
- 12 minutes of writing
- 3-4 minutes to check
Writing Task 2:
- 5 minutes for brainstorming
- 30 minutes to write the four paragraphs (if your teacher tells you that you should write five paragraphs then they don’t understand IELTS. Find a new teacher.)
- 5 minutes to check your work to get the highest vocab and grammar scores
Each step is important because each step is linked to part of your score.
What should this student do?
Go through our strategies again in our course.
Sit down and practice timing using our strategies.
You should know what it feels like to produce an essay in 12 minutes.
What questions do you have from today?
Let us know in the comments below.
Got it?
Get it?
Today find out how to say that you understand in English!
“I want to know about “I got it” and “you got it.” I hear these phrases all of the time in movies and books and on your show but actually I am not sure how they are used. Are they casual or formal? Can I use them with my boss? Can I write them in an email or a letter?”
-Erico, AEE Listener
What does it mean to say “I got it” or “You got it”?
It means “you understand” or “I understand.”
A lot of times people say “I got it, I got it.”
They repeat the phrase twice.
Would you use it with your boss?
It depends on your company culture.
Most bosses would be ok with an employee saying “I got it” but you might not say to your boss “You got it” because that could sound condescending.
Listen to your colleagues and observe what phrases they are using.
What can you say when you understand something?
- Got it
- I got it
- Ok
- Right
- Cool
More formal ways to say “I got it”:
- I see
- That makes sense
- It makes sense now
- It’s clear now
Other ways to say “you got it”:
- That’s it
- You got it
- Exactly
- Perfect!
- Bingo!
Listen to the episode to hear Lindsay and Michelle using these expressions.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today get another 3 Keys IELTS Success story!
Find out how a 3 Keys Success System student got an 8.5 in Writing!
Get more detail on exactly how he did it with 3 Keys Power Hour and 3 Keys IELTS Online course.
This student was motivated!
What did he do right?
- He followed the study plan and learned the strategies
- He had a VIP session with Jessica.
- He joined the Power Hour.
- He worked with native speaking tutors online to implement the advice Jessica gave him.
We also know that he still had time to go surfing and live his life.
You have to be organized like this student. You cannot use random resources to achieve your goal.
He followed our daily IELTS study plan and did not waste his time
On IELTS Writing you are graded on:
- Task achievement/task response
- Grammar
- Vocabulary
- Cohesion/coherence
This student was already high level.
His grammar was already fantastic.
His vocabulary was already good but we had to work together to focus it.
He had to channel his good vocabulary to build his high score based on what the examiner wanted.
Get a 100% Score Increase Guarantee with our 3 Keys IELTS Insider Method
Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?
Find out why our strategies are the most powerful in the IELTS world.
When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
Click here to get a score increase on IELTS. It’s guaranteed.
Our course can help you improve your overall fluency even in the 30-day study plan.
In our course you will not only improve your testing skills but you will also improve your overall English skills.
The danger of being a high level student:
The biggest thing we helped him with was focusing his ideas and connecting them to the question.
The biggest danger of being a high-level student is that you want to make things too complicated.
It’s hard to get across these complicated ideas in such a short essay.
We work with high level students to be more direct in their reasons and to only choose what they need for the essay so that they can get the score they deserve!
What questions do you have from today?
Let us know in the comments section below.
Today you’ll find out about two tricky false friends in English that will cause you to make mistakes with your English and confuse people you speak with.
You’ll learn about the difference between “sensible” and “sensitive” and as a bonus you’ll find out how to choose a romantic partner!
Here is the problem: the word “sensible” in Spanish and Portuguese means the same as “sensitive” in English.
But in English the word “sensible” means smart or logical.
It does not mean the same thing as “sensitive.”
The trouble words:
- Sensible: Someone who thinks through things in a smart and logical way, to have a good head on one’s shoulders, to be logical, to be grounded, to be a planner
- Sensitive: Emotional, a “softie,” you feel a lot, you have a lot of empathy, you wear your hear on your sleeve, to be in touch with your emotions
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
How can you find the right life partner?
Would you rather date someone who is sensible or sensitive?
Listen to the episode to hear Lindsay’s and Michelle’s conversation about how to choose the ideal person.
Should it be someone who is more sensible or sensitive?
What do you think?
Which characteristic would you rather have in a partner?
Have you learned the trick to answering them?
Probably not, because it’s my trick! And, as far as I know, no other teacher uses this technique.
Let’s start with the basics.
In order to answer any IELTS Reading questions, including T/F/NG and Y/N/NG, you need 3 reading skills.
3 Skills for IELTS Reading
- Skimming: Reading bits and pieces of the text for gist, or general understanding
- Scanning: Using your pen or finger to find specific information, like names, numbers, and key words
- Reading for Detail: Reading very carefully to understand meaning and/or find an answer
Strategy for Answering T/F/NG and Y/N/NG
Let’s get to it. We’ve discussed this strategy for answering T/F/NG and Y/N/NG IELTS Reading questions before on the podcast, so I’ll summarize the strategy here as well as provide you with some examples of how it works.
First, you have to use your imagination to conquer this strategy.
Imagine that the passage is one person, and the question is another person. They are trying to have a conversation with each other.
If the two people, or the passage and the question, are talking about the same thing and they agree, the answer is True or Yes.
If the two people are talking about the same thing but they disagree, the answer is False or No.
If the two people are not quite talking about the same thing, or a key piece of information is simply not there, the answer is Not Given.
Examples of the Strategy for T/F/NG and Y/N/NG
Example 1
Passage: Paul saw an increase in his salary. He decided to use his extra earnings to buy higher quality food for his family.
Question 1: Paul used his new salary to pay for transportation passes for his family.
Person A: “Hey, did you hear that Paul is getting a higher salary? He is using the money to by better food for his family.”
Person B: “No he isn’t! He’s using his new salary for transportation passes!”
So, you can see that these two people are having a conversation, but they disagree. The answer is F or N.
Example 2
Passage: Health experts toured his neighborhood, surveying people between the ages of 12 and 62.
Question 2: Health experts from other countries came to visit Paul’s neighborhood.
Person A: “Did you know that health experts came to his neighborhood?”
Person B: “Yeah. Health experts came from other countries.”
Do you see what’s missing? Person B is adding new information about where the health experts came from. Nothing about this is originally given in the passage. So, the answer is NG.
Example 3
Passage: The incidences of disease among the locals significantly decreased.
Question 3: The health of the villagers improved.
Person A: “Hey! Did you know that the local people didn’t get sick as often?”
Person B: “Yeah. The health of the villagers got better.”
The two people are having a conversation, or are talking about the same thing, and they definitely agree. So, the answer is T or Y.
For more information about how to increase your Reading scores, listen to this podcast episode.
And, for more detailed strategies and a solid system for using the 3 skills to answer every question on the IELTS Reading exam, get into our IELTS course that is guaranteed to raise your score, 3 Keys IELTS.
What do you think of today’s strategy?
Leave us a comment below!
Here is what the student told us:
“Before taking 3 Keys IELTS I was quite uncomfortable with Listening Section 3 so I found a You Tube video in which a teacher said that it was better to review and mark the third section while listening to the introduction of the Listening Exam. DO NOT DO THAT!”
We think this strategy is ridiculous. This strategy will not work.
The motto of our course and our materials is: Simply. Practice. Succeed.
We believe that simple is best.
This teacher did not simplify the Listening test for the student.
This example is proof that we cannot trust all online IELTS teachers.
Just because the person has a strategy to teach you does not mean that the strategy will work for you.
Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?
Find out why our strategies are the most powerful in the IELTS world.
When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
Click here to get a score increase on IELTS. It’s guaranteed.
Getting on the right track:
Next the student made a good decision.
He threw that strategy away and he joined our course.
You should NEVER try to out-think IELTS. That is what this teacher’s strategy tried to encourage.
Do what they say on the CD.
They say, “listen to the introduction” so you need to listen to it.
The introductions are important to open up your brain box and build context for what you are going to hear.
In our course we give you all of the steps and practice exercises that you need to follow our strategy.
Our strategies work and the proof is in our success stories like Cheryll and Nadya.
Make sure this doesn’t happen to you:
If you find a teacher online who offers a strategy then send them an email and ask for some numbers before you follow that strategy.
How many students have used these strategies and gotten a 7 or higher?
How many success stories do they have?
Don’t blindly trust something that you find online, especially if it’s free.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments section below.
Why should you go out of your way to listen to this episode?
It’s because today you’ll learn a super useful English phrase and that phrase is “To go out of one’s way.”
You can use this expression to talk about the kindness of both strangers and friends.
What does it mean to “go out of one’s way?”
We use this when someone does something to help that is somewhat inconvenient for them.
It means to trouble yourself in order to help someone else.
We could also say, “to go above and beyond.”
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Lindsay and Michelle recommend italki as our #1 English-learning solution online. Choose from more than 400 teachers to work on your business English or to pass your next big exam.
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Chunks that we use:
- “Don’t go out of your way”
- “I don’t want to make you go out of your way.”
- “I went out of my way for her.”
- “You really went out of your way to do this.”
Listen to the episode to hear stories of situations that Lindsay and Michelle have encountered when someone went out of their way for them.
Leave us your sample sentence in the comments.
Today let’s talk about how traditional classroom learning for IELTS is different from online IELTS learning.
If you follow the traditional path your learning situation and your results may be different from when you choose to follow an online course.
Let’s look at some of the differences.
If you are afraid that you won’t be motivated to study because you have to do it online by yourself then you don’t need to worry about that.
In our online IELTS course we have built an amazing community of students who support each other.
You may not find this with a traditional classroom.
If you take a traditional course in a language school you can’t really meet with your fellow students after class or ask them a quick question unless you plan it out every time.
With our course or other online courses you can usually ask a quick question and connect with someone in the Facebook group.
You CAN have a sense of community with an online course.
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Extra help from the teacher:
In many online courses you can always get your questions answered by the teacher when you need it.
We have 3 Keys Power Hour where you can join other students and get feedback on your speaking or writing.
You can ask a question in Facebook.
You can also schedule a private VIP session.
When you are in a traditional school you may not be able to get extra time from the teacher outside of the class even if you need it.
A smarter use of your time:
In traditional schools you spend your classroom time listening to lectures.
This is a big waste of time.
In online IELTS preparation you listen to the lectures through video on your own time, whenever you want.
When you actually meet with Jessica, our IELTS professional and other students in our course you maximize your time because you practice what you have learned in the video lectures.
Online IELTS preparation is the best way to learn for a smart adult when time pressure matters.
You get structure:
In our course you get a 30 or 60-day study plan where each day is scheduled out and we tell you exactly what lectures and test practice to do inside our course AND we give you one outside activity to improve your general fluency outside of our course each day.
You need this because you won’t get the score you need if you don’t have the general fluency.
If you have questions about our online course then email
Let us know if you have any questions in the comment section below.
On one of our surveys we ask our listeners “how did you find our website?”
Most people say they found us through Google or You Tube but once in a while someone will say “Great!”
Some people are confused by this question.
If you respond to this question by saying great then you think we are asking you for your opinion.
We don’t usually use “How do you find ___?” to ask for an opinion.
It’s kind of old fashioned.
There are more modern, current ways to ask for an opinion.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
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How to ask how someone found something:
- Who told you about us?
- How did you come across our site?
- How did you hear about us?
How to ask for opinions about something:
- What do you think of ____?
- What do you think about _____?
- How are you finding _____?
- What are your thoughts on _____?
- Any thoughts on ______?
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments section below.
It’s not easy to fill the two minutes.
You need to go out and have experiences to be able to come up with topics.
Today we’ll talk about how to describe objects in Speaking Part 2.
This is the hardest Part 2 question. This question is coming up more and more often on the exam.
We’ll give you an easy framework today so that you can get the highest possible score in this part of the test.
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The formula for object Speaking Part 2 questions:
1- Describe what it looks like
2- Describe how you use it and why you use it
3- Include a story that is connected to a person experience with the object
Question: Describe an expensive thing you want to own
Answer: Please listen to the audio to get Lindsay’s answer.
Let’s look at the strategies of Lindsay’s answer.
Vocabulary: The vocabulary was good because it was very specific
- Zippy little hatchback
- No frills
- No add-ons
*These were easy to use because she described the car first.
Grammar: She used very high level and natural grammar constructions. You should write these down!
- At some point I want to get this…
- The reason I am thinking about this is….
Question: Describe something you bought but you never used
Answer: Please listen to the episode to get Jessica’s sample answer.
- If my eyes fall on….
- Infommercial
- Smoothies
Another strategy: She also did a great job with specific details in describing how the object is used.
Now go and practice your answers to Speaking Part 2.
Join our course if you want to practice them in Power Hour.
Today find out how to check in with your friend in English and find out if they still want to go through with the plans that you have made.
Sometimes when you make plans you need to figure out if people still want to follow through with those plans when the day approaches.
However, you want to choose the right phrases to not pressure your friends and to get a sense of what they really want to do.
Today we’ll show you how.
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Phrases to Feel Out Plans:
- “So what are we thinking for tomorrow?”- this phrase gives the sense that you are collaborating with the person on the plan.
- “Still up for New Hampshire tomorrow?”
- “Any thoughts on ___ tomorrow?”
Please listen to the role play between Lindsay and Michelle to see how these phrases are used naturally.
Leave us your questions in the comments section.
Thanks for listening to today’s episode!
Scanning is your best strategy!
Today get 3 ways to find IELTS reading answers quickly using our scanning strategies.
When it comes to skills like scanning you need to practice them over and over again.
If you are in our course then you can practice these skills in our system.
“When I do reading practice I get really worried because I cannot find the key words in the passage and it’s really difficult to remember the key words to find the answers.”
This comes down to scanning.
Remember that scanning is NOT reading.
We are not reading. We are just looking for information.
If you are looking at a train or a movie schedule then you don’t look at every movie at every time. You may only be looking for one specific movie. Your eyes drift over the information until you see what you are looking for.
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How can this student solve her reading problem?
She needs to choose the way that she wants to scan based on what is comfortable for her.
Here are the three ways to scan:
- Method #1: Drift over each line from left to right. Use your finger or pen and follow each line. You are not reading. You are looking for a picture. Drift over each line looking for the key word. You don’t do it over the whole passage. The answers are in order for a lot of the question types.
- Method #2: Go from right to left with your finger or your pen. Don’t just use your eyes. Put your finger or pen at the end of the first line on the right. This tricks your brain to realize that you are not reading but you are scanning.
- Method #3: Put your finger in the middle of the line. Move your finger straight down the middle of the paragraph. Let your eyes drift from right to left and left to right.
Practicing this is the only way to find out which scanning strategy is right for you.
In our course we have a whole lesson just on this skill so that you can figure out which method is right for you.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
When we hear this phrase it sounds a little bit formal. It’s not something to use all of the time.
It is better for business meetings and presentations in a more formal atmosphere.
It feels stiff when we use it in social and casual contexts. It could put distance between you and the person you are speaking with because it may tell the person that you want to keep things formal.
What does “in terms of” mean?
- “Regarding…”
- “Concerning …”
- “In relation to ….”
- As measured by …”
It can be used as a nice transition to move on to a new topic in a business meeting.
When it’s your turn to speak you can say “In terms of ….” and then you can expand on the topic that you want to talk about.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode so that you can start to speak more naturally.
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More casual phrases to use instead of “in terms of”:
- “As far as a good kind of dog food, we could choose this one or that one”
- “What do you want to do about dinner?”
- “What do you want to do for dinner?”
*Listen to the conversation between Lindsay and Michelle about how to use “in terms of” when you ask about responsibilities when it comes to taking care of a dog.
Bonus phrasal verb:
To take off: This means to leave. You can use it casually when you say that you are leaving a place.
Please leave your sample sentences in the comments section below.
How would you use this phrases? Let us know.
When you invite someone for a day of hiking or a trip to the beach you might want to do in a way that doesn’t put pressure on them.
It’s not always good to use a formal invitation such as “would you like to ….”
Today get six easy and breezy ways to invite someone in a low pressure way in English.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
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Phrases to invite someone casually:
- “Hey how about some hiking?”
- “Is anyone up for hiking on Sunday?” or “Anyone up for hiking on Sunday?”
- “Let’s go mountain biking on Saturday. What do you say?”
- “What do you think about a weekend trip to the White Mountains?”
- “Do you want to go see a concert?”
Write out your practice sentences and leave them in the comments section below!
Let us know your questions from this episode.
On IELTS Speaking Part 2 you might be asked to describe a place.
Last week we did an episode about describing people in Speaking Part 2.
The strategy for describing a person was:
- Talk about what they look like
- Describe their personality
- Tell a story about the person
Today we’ll talk about a strategy for describing places which is another common Speaking Part 2 question.
Here is your framework for describing a place:
- Step 1: Describe how you get there or how you got there if you’ve only been there once and why you went there.
- Step 2: Describe what it looks like. This should be organized. If you are describing a place then organize it from the front to the back door.
- Step 3: Tell a story about what you did there.
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Listen to Lindsay and Jessica use this framework to describe places in Speaking Part 2.
Leave your questions in the comment section.
Have you experienced these, and felt a little lost? A tad confused? A bit unsure?
Not after today!
You can listen to a recent episode about IELTS mixed question types and the strategy to answer them, and then you can come back and read this article for more detailed examples.
3 Essay Types
Probably since the beginning of IELTS, oh so long ago, IELTS teachers and textbooks have taught you that there are 3 different essays you need to master.
The belief up until recently was that you could use one of these three to tackle every IELTS Task 2 essay question.
These 3 essays are:
- Argument– Discuss both sides of an issue and give your opinion.
- Thesis or Opinion– Mostly discuss your opinion, choosing one side. You still must acknowledge the other side, though.
- Problem/Solution– Discuss the causes/effects/solutions of a problem.
As of this year, however, there have been more questions which do not fully fit in just one of these essay categories.
Examples of IELTS Task 2 Mixed Questions
People use the Internet for medical advice and to do medical check ups rather than directly meeting with doctors in an office.
Why are they using the Internet for this?
Discuss your viewpoints on this.
In order to answer this question completely, and get a high score on Task Achievement, you have to combine the essay strategies of Problem/Solution and Opinion.
If you see an IELTS Task 2 question like this, which presents an issue followed by two questions or two instructions, simply answer the first question/instruction in paragraph 2 and the second in paragraph 3.
So, to tackle this essay, you will discuss the causes of people seeking medical advice online in paragraph 2, and in paragraph 3 you will write about your opinion on this trend.
How realistic is job satisfaction for all workers?
Give your opinion on this and discuss the solutions.
This is a question similar to one found in the Cambridge IELTS practice test books. We discussed it in this lively and informative episode.
Again, you should approach this is in a clear and organized way. The simplest organization is always the best!
In paragraph 2, you will give your opinion on the likelihood that all workers can be satisfied in their jobs. (Impossible!)
Then in paragraph 3, you will discuss solutions to this lack of job satisfaction.
Some people feel that we are wasting our money in the Space Race. We need to spend money on earth.
Do you agree or disagree with this?
This was an IELTS Task 2 question from one of the Power Hour classes in our online course, 3 Keys IELTS.
In this question, we do not see two separate questions or instructions. This is a tough one!
So, we turn instead to the beginning of the question to help us organize our ideas and our essay. There are two different issues in the question.
Therefore, in paragraph 2 you should write about your opinion on whether or not we are wasting our money in the Space Race, and in paragraph 3 you should give your opinion on needing to spend the money on Earth.
More resources for mastering IELTS Writing Task 2
To find out the most simple, high-scoring Task 2 essay outline, watch this video.
Also, listen to this episode for high-level, academic linking words to use in your IELTS Task 2 essay.
What did you think of today’s advice? Have you seen mixed questions like these on the IELTS exam?
Write us a note in the comments section below!
Today we answer Kate’s question about how we use “by the time” and you’ll see three examples of how we use it in native conversation.
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Here is Kate’s question:
“Greetings from Thailand! I am Kate and my English skills aren’t too good.
You both are my inspiration to learn an American accent. I have a grammar question to ask you both.
How do I use “by the time” in spoken and written English.
I hope to hear it soon on the podcast.”
-Kate, Thailand
Three situations where we use “by the time”:
- It’s used for something that happened on or before a specific time that something else occurred.
- “By the time I got to work I had already finished my coffee.”
- “By the time we started recording today Michelle had already taught for two hours.”
- It’s used when we talk about expectations or visions for the future
- “By the time I am 35 I will have met the love of my life.”
- “By the time I talk to you next I will have already traveled to India”
- It’s used when we expect something to be completed by a certain point
- “By the time you get home dinner will be ready.”
- “By the time I see you next you will already be married.”
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
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Do we use “by the time” in writing?
We might use it in a novel or in a journal.
You could apply this in a business context.
What do you envision for your life in the future?
Leave a comment below using “by the time.”
These idioms will help you when you get IELTS Speaking questions about health.
These health, nutrition, and fitness questions are common on the IELTS on the Writing and Speaking tests.
However the idioms that you’ll learn today will be better for speaking because they will be more casual.
Health Idioms:
- “I’m not feeling like myself today.” We use this phrase when we feel slightly off. It could be a physical feeling or when something doesn’t feel right emotionally.
- “I am draggin’ (dragging) a bit” : We use this when we feel a low level of energy.
- “I go from boiling one minute to freezing the next”: This grammar structure would score you points on the speaking or on the writing test. Check out this episode about how to exaggerate on the speaking test.
- “To break out in a sweat” or “To break out in a rash”: We can use this when a condition first appears in or on our body.
- “There is something going around” or “There is a bug going around”: This means that a cold or flu is being spread around your school, your neighborhood, or your city.
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If you are looking for a way to score extra points on the IELTS Speaking test you could make up a story and tell the examiner that you are sick using one of these idioms.
Click here to learn more about making up stories on the exam.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today you’ll get a 3-step framework for succeeding on the Speaking part of the TOEFL Exam.
Vicky is our guest today. She is one of the most popular teachers on italki.
Vicky focuses on TOEFL because she knows that a lot of students struggle with the speaking part of the test and she wants to help them achieve their dreams here in the US.
Vicky’s tips:
- When you get a question you need to change that question into a statement to summarize what has been asked.
- You need to only use the words that you hear in the question in your statement. This will help you to stick with the main idea and it will increase your score.
- You need to use 3 details to explain the statement that you make and to support your answer.
These 3 tips apply to any question on the TOEFL speaking test.
The main idea is the most important part of your score.
Many students have a hard time figuring out the main idea or they will veer off into other topics.
This framework keeps you on the main idea.
The tips could even work in everyday English conversation.
Here is an example:
Q: Would you rather have a dog or a cat and why?
A: I would rather have a dog because A, B, C
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions.
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Vicky’s Bio:
Vicky Rivera has a Bachelor’s in Education and a Master’s in Education. She was a full-time teacher in the public schools for 11 years and after that has been an online teacher for 2 1/2 years for italki. She has an ESL endorsement to teach students from other countries. She is also a Reading Specialist. She is currently learning Spanish and Chinese.
How to work with Vicky:
- Step 1: Register here to get a $10 credit for free after you buy your first lesson
- Step 2: Find Vicky at or search for “Vicky Rivera” in the search bar
What questions do you have for Vicky today?
Let us know in the comments below.
Get tips on how to answer two common Writing Task 2 questions that don’t fall into the problem/solution category or the opinion category.
These days in our private Facebook group students are asking questions about essay topics and questions that they find when the question doesn’t fall into any specific category.
Here is the first essay question that our students asked us about:
“People use the Internet for medical advice and to do medical check ups rather than directly meeting with doctors in an office.
Why are they using the Internet for this?
Discuss your viewpoints on this.”
Our students wanted to know if this is an opinion question or another kind of question.
This is more of a problem/solution essay.
You need to focus on directly answering the questions in each paragraph.
Paragraph 1: Causes of this phenomenon. It’s important to add specific examples.
Paragraph 2: Your opinion on this issue. Be specific and direct. Use examples to support your point of view.
*Any time there are two questions such as “what are the causes and what are the solutions?” you can always answer question 1 in paragraph 2 and question 2 in paragraph 3.
These mixed question types are not as hard as you think!
You have to make things clear and simple.
That’s what gets you a higher grade.
In our course we give you a specific system to answer these questions.
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Make sure you don’t overthink things on the IELTS especially when it comes to Writing.
This often happens to students that are highly intelligent and have a high level of English.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today find out how to take two English phrasal verbs to get more casual in English. By the way, remember that you can get the transcripts from today’s episode here.
Sometimes in English we can make a verb a phrasal verb and it will become more casual.
Today we’ll talk about these verbs:
- Listen
- Look
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
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What happens when we change these verbs to phrasal verbs?
- Listen up: It becomes more casual and less serious or less stern. When we use “listen!” to get someone’s attention we are showing that we are starting to get irritated and we don’t have much patience left. When we say “Listen up!” we might be saying this to a large group of people in a casual and less serious way.
- Look out: When someone says this to you it means that you should be careful. You may be in danger and there might be something heading toward you.
Listen to the episode to hear how Lindsay and Michelle use these phrasal verbs in a real English conversation.
Leave us your sample sentences in the comments below.
Thanks for listening today!
Today you’ll get another 3 Keys success story.
You’ll hear how a new mom move up to an 8.5 in IELTS Reading.
You’ll find out how Katerina has juggled her time to prepare for the exam and to achieve this awesome score.
Katerina had never taken the IELTS before.
She wanted to take the exam so that she would be able to go abroad one day.
She found 3 Keys IELTS and fell in love with it.
She loved the road map/study plan in the course.
She chose the 60-day schedule.
She stuck to the schedule and did everything that was on the road map.
She didn’t need any other information or assignments.
*Advice from Katerina
“Concentrate during the exam.
Leave your thoughts behind and concentrate on your answer sheet.
You must focus to get the best possible score.
Leave everything else behind.
Be present in the moment.?
What were her scores?
- Reading: 8.5
- Listening: 7.5
- Writing: 6.5
- Speaking: 6.0
How did she get 8.5 in reading? There are 3 things that helped her get this score:
- She knew what would be the most difficult part of the test (Y, N, NG) and Matching Headings. She focused on these two parts and she practiced a lot. She understood exactly how to find the right answers because she used our study plan. She thinks that without doing our course she wouldn’t have been able to answer these questions. In our course after students do the practice exercises you get another video to see why the answers are what they are.
- She did a lot of extra reading practice. She had extra time after finishing the 60-day schedule. She divided the three weeks into 4 sections focusing on speaking, reading, writing, and listening. She was looking for material that was useful. She used newspapers three times per week and she is continuing to read as much as possible now, even after the exam.
- She used advice that she got in the course. She learned in the course that if you don’t have the answer right away you should skip ahead and then go back later.
- She left time to check. She marked difficult questions that she wasn’t sure about. In the last 5 minutes she went back to those questions and was able to figure out the correct answer.
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The message from Katerina:
Time! You need a study plan. Our study plan in 3 Keys IELTS is working right now for hundreds of students and it also worked for Katerina. You need to organize your time with the study plan.
You also need to trust our strategies on the Reading exam that you learn in our course
What comments do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments!
Did you know there are simple steps you can take to do this immediately?
Many students make long, long lists of vocabulary words and phrases that they find in native speaker materials, such as newspapers and movies.
Although this is a great strategy for learning more words, students often do not use these lists correctly. So, while they are spending hours in compiling excellent vocabulary, they are not actually learning these words, let alone using them on the exam.
Today, I met with a student enrolled in our online IELTS course, 3 Keys IELTS, and I helped him to develop a strategy that he could employ mere hours before his Speaking exam to increase his IELTS Speaking Vocabulary scores.
Let’s be smarter about our practice and preparation!
Step 1: Make a list
Now, I know I just told you that lists don’t help. What I should have said is long lists don’t help!
First of all, you need a list of words that could be employed almost anywhere on the exam.
Think of how often you say “very” or “good” or “bad”.
Simply replacing these oft-used words will help to push your score to a 7 or higher for vocabulary, especially if you are using a variety of interesting adverbs and adjectives to replace them.
Watch this video for interesting, high-scoring adverbs that can take the place of “very”.
You should make two lists, and keep them both short! We can’t memorize and use 50 words at a time!
- Write down 3-4 interesting, native-speaker like ways to say very, good and bad. Also, add 3-4 more topic-specific words/phrases/idioms for topics that are likely to come up on the IELTS Speaking exam.
For example, you should add 7+ vocabulary for topics of travel (like wanderlust), school (like cover a lot of ground), and health/exercise/free-time (like swagger).
- Also, in Speaking Part 3, using a variety of high-level linking words will not only improve your Vocabulary scores, but also your Fluency and Coherence scores.
For example, many students use easy linking words, and all the examiner hears is, “and, and, because, because.” Don’t be that student!
Make a list of 3 linking words/phrases that you can use for the three most common linking functions, taking the place of and, but and because.
Step 2: Use the list while you practice
Obviously, simply writing down a list of words is not going to help you miraculously produce them on test day!
So, while you are practicing your answers for a variety of IELTS Speaking questions, use the list you just made. Literally stare at it while you speak, and force yourself to use as many of the words as you can.
One extra tip for the IELTS Speaking exam: speak more slowly than you do normally.
This will help give you time to think of vocabulary to use, and it will also allow you to draw out more interesting intonation and stress, raising your IELTS Pronunciation score.
Step 3: Practice! Repeat! Repeat!
Now that you have practiced using the vocabulary words that will increase your IELTS Speaking scores, you must make sure that you have learned them and can actually produce them on exam day.
Answer the same IELTS Speaking questions that you did in Step 2; however, this time, do not have the list in front of you.
Try to remember all the new words you have learned, and remember it’s OK to speak a little more slowly than usual while you search your memory for them!
What did you think of today’s strategy for increasing your IELTS Vocabulary scores?
Leave us a message in the comments section below!
We had a great question from a student in our course:
If I notice a mistake when I am speaking on the speaking test is it better to let it go or correct myself?
Our answer:
Yes! Definitely correct yourself. Native speakers do this all of the time. Using native-like phrases to correct yourself such as “Oh sorry I meant to say: ….”
Phrases to use to correct yourself:
- Say the wrong phrase and then say “Or,….”
- “Oh I am sorry. I mean…”
- “Oh that’s not what I mean. I mean….”
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Another student question:
On Speaking parts 2 and 3 is it better to stop yourself talking or to have an examiner stop you?
Our answer:
In Speaking part 2 you should not stop talking.
You need to prove your fluency in this part.
A big part of your fluency score happens in this part of the test.
Keep talking!
The examiner expects to stop you.
In Speaking Part 3 it’s 4-5 minutes.
The examiner wants to ask you 4-6 questions.
You’ll make the examiners job harder if you make them stop you for every answer.
Show your fluency in Speaking Part 2 as we discussed above but in Speaking Part 3 you need to be more controlled.
In our course we give you a simple structure for Speaking Part 3 answers.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Do you have wanderlust?
Today you’ll meet our guest who has spent years traveling and learning languages without spending much money at all.
Find out why traveling and learning English is not as far out of your reach as you might think it is.
James is currently in New Zealand and he feels as if he is learning a new language even though they speak English in New Zealand because when he is on the phone he has to ask people to repeat.
He has a hard time understanding the accent.
James has been traveling off and on for the last nine years.
He recommends Peru, Japan, and Argentina.
James wants to show us how easy it is to find people around the world who can offer you work and host you.
He is going to offer 3 ideas to do it today.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Click here to download them instantly.
James’ tips for traveling and learning English “on the cheap”:
- Choose your region or country: Europe is a great place to learn English because a lot of Europeans speak English well and you are likely to meet volunteers from around the world. Your common language with other international travelers will be English.
- Try wwoofing: On this site you contact a host or owner of an organic farm and offer to work on location in exchange for room and board. James went to France to bake bread for a month. Normally you work 3-4 hours per day. A lot of farmers look for people during the high season.
- Anticipate and start conversations with people you meet: You need to take the active role in this. It’s easy to travel and not talk to people around us. Get prepared in your mind before you go. Think of the types of conversations you’re going to have. People will ask you about your family, your country, your hobbies, etc.Traveling when you have a specific goal is not always meant to be comfortable. Step out of your comfort zone and start some conversations.
- Try HELPX: Unlike wwoofing this is not limited to farming. You could find work taking care of people’s kids or many other jobs that you might enjoy.
**If you are ready to plan your trip and you need some help or if you want to prepare phrases and new vocabulary words for your trip, James is your best possible teacher.
Find out how to work with below.
James’ Bio:
James Weber is a world traveler from Wisconsin in the United States. He has baked, cycled, taught and gardened his way across more than 15 countries. He is currently in New Zealand climbing mountains and teaching English on italki.
How to Work with James:
Step 1: Register here for $10 off your second lesson
Step 2: Find James’ profile here
You’ll hear about the biggest mistake you might make on this part of the test and what you should do instead.
When examiners think about your score they start at a 6 before you say anything.
It’s up to you to move them above a 6.
You need to set yourself apart to get that 6.
Part of doing this is having a culture of thinking.
Aline is doing this. Go back to Episode 214 to find out how she is doing this by reading the newspaper every day.
Today we’ll look at an email we got from a listener.
The listener said:
“Since my childhood writing essays in my native language has been difficult. That is my weakest part. Some guys suggest that I learn good essays by heart which received a score of 9. I am planning to follow that suggestion but I don’t know whether this helps me or not.”
We disagree with the advice of memorizing essays.
There is no chance that you’ll get the same question. It’s a complete waste of time.
Topics are recycled but specific questions are not recycled.
It makes NO sense to memorize an essay.
Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?
Find out why our strategies are the most powerful in the IELTS world.
When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
Click here to get a score increase on IELTS. It’s guaranteed.
What happens if an examiner sees a memorized response?
You’ll score will be very low.
NEVER memorize an entire essay.
Can you memorize linking words and structure?
YES! You MUST do this.
In our course we have the four paragraph essay template.
It has the linking words you need to hit the 7 or higher for cohesion and coherence.
This makes your study plan much easier.
Let’s make sure this is clear: We are not talking about memorizing an essay.
We are talking about memorizing a structure and some linking words and transition phrases.
You need to trust a strategy like ours if you want to see success.
What questions do you have from today?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today you’ll learn about the word “actually” and how it can be one of the most dynamic words in the English language.
“I have been doing classes twice per week and during one of those classes I was talking about my current job and I said my “actual” job and my teacher corrected me. What should I have said?”
-Rodolfo, AEE Listener
Rodolfo fell into the trap of using “actually” as a false friend.
Rodolfo is from Brazil and tried to translate directly from his native language.
Today we want to show you what “actually” really means in English.
This word is super dynamic.
The best way to learn how to use it is to listen to native speakers.
We use it all of the time. If you can start using it naturally in the situations that we’ll show you today you will push your English to the advanced level.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Click here to download them instantly.
The important thing to remember is that “actually” DOES NOT mean “currently.”
Situations to use “actually”:
- To disagree: “He thinks I am an expert in Spanish but actually I am only a beginner” or “He thinks I am an expert but I am only a beginner actually.”
- To emphasize changing your mind: “Let’s grab a beer on Wednesday. Oh actually I have something on Wednesday. Let’s meet on Thursday”
- To show surprise: “Can you believe he actually passed the test. He didn’t study at all.”
- To add more information: “I met a funny guy on my hike. He reminded me of my friend John actually”
Other ways to say “now”:
- At the moment
- At this point
- At this time
- Up to this point
Other words that mean “actually”:
- On second thought
- In fact
- The truth is
- In reality
- Also
Listen to the episode to hear the conversation between Lindsay and Michelle.
Leave us your sample sentences in the comments below.
Today find out how Aline’s story will inspire you to jump two IELTS Writing band points!
You’ll hear the story of how she won the 3 Keys Writing Wizard contest.
Aline is working on her PhD so she is incredibly busy.
She is using our study plan with the 3 Keys IELTS course.
This has helped her get much more organized.
Before she entered our course she was not focused and she was using different textbooks.
She was headed in the wrong direction.
She says that the study plan has not only motivated her and organized her plan but it has improved her overall English.
Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?
Find out why our strategies are the most powerful in the IELTS world.
When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
Click here to get a score increase on IELTS. It’s guaranteed.
Aline was our first winner in our 3 Keys Writing Wizard Contest.
We were excited that she won because she has been enrolling in the Power Hour classes every month which is another opportunity to get feedback on Writing and Speaking for members of our course.
If we look at the first essay we ever saw from Aline and we compare it with her Writing Wizard essay we can see that she has improved by two whole band points.
In the Power Hours she got specific advice on how to get better at her writing and to correct her mistakes.
Aline also worked hard by using the strategies and doing plenty of practice exercises and practice tests.
What other habits have helped Aline?
She reads the newspaper in English every single day.
She is improving her vocabulary and grammar by doing this.
She is also becoming a better writing by reading the paper daily.
She is also getting great ideas for the Writing and Speaking test.
Aline said that she feels confident now about any question she might get because she has opinions and can provide examples from the real world.
She has built a culture of thinking for herself.
What else has she been doing?
She used the templates that she got in the course and memorized them.
These templates include linking words that will give you the score you need.
Next she applied the template through practice essays.
We are confident that Aline will get her 7 or higher, especially in her Writing.
Good luck Aline and congratulations on your hard work!
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today you’ll meet a polyglot who speaks 8 languages.
Our guest Olly Richards will show you what you need to do to move to the next level if you are stuck at the intermediate level of English.
Olly started learning new languages when he was 18 years old. He started with French when he was working at a cafe in London.
Olly’s tips on how to move beyond the intermediate level:
- #1: You MUST speak. This can be the hardest thing to do but if you want to be able to speak you have to learn through speaking. Find a language partner or a tutor. Olly has participated in language exchanges while learning all 8 of his languages. It’s best to speak the target language at least 3 or 4 times per week.
- #2: Have a fixed time every day to study. Many people look for a secret trick or “hack” for learning English but learning a language is not about special tips and tricks. You need to work hard every day and do the right things. Set aside a specific time every day to study English for about 45 minutes.
- #3: Make English a part of your life. Ask yourself what you like in your own language. Do you like to go salsa dancing? Do you do yoga? Do you read anime? Olly suggests that you go and do those same things in English. When you do this you start to “live in English” and you connect your emotions and your heart.
Make sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English.
Get the transcripts from today’s episode.
Click here to download them instantly.
Olly’s Bio:
Facebook: Twtitter: @Olly_IWTYAL
Today find out how Nadya moved from a 6 to a 7.5 band score on her IELTS with 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
Nadya joined 3 Keys IELTS because she was inspired by our other success stories like Pedro and Renata.
Nadya came into the course with an overall score of 6.
After she took our course she got the following scores:
Listening: 7.5
Speaking: 8
Writing: 6
Reading: 8
Overall: 7.5
How did she do it?
In the course she got the reading tip that she should not try to understand every single thing in the reading passages.
You don’t need to understand every word.
It’s all about timing.
You must have the strategies and practice them.
This is what Nadya did.
She also moved on to easier questions and just took a guess on the ones that she didn’t understand.
Are you ready to move past IELTS and move forward with your life vision?
Find out why our strategies are the most powerful in the IELTS world.
When you use our Insider Method you avoid the BIGGEST MISTAKES that most students make on IELTS.
Click here to get a score increase on IELTS. It’s guaranteed.
On the Speaking test she learned that she had to be prepared for any kind of topic.
She prepared every possible answer for every part of the test.
She gained confidence from the practice time that she put into it.
On test day she had to talk about the games that she played when she was a kid.
She made up some stories and it worked.
In our course she used the Anti-anxiety Module to learn how to remain confident and centered.
She prepared by using the outside listening resources that she got in our study plan and this helped her to get the extra practice she needed for her listening score.
She found some great video series on You Tube and used that resource to get used to the natural English accents.
Check out Fun for Louie on You Tube.
Do you feel inspired by Nadya’s story?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today find out how is curing loneliness in the United States.
Both Michelle and Lindsay like to attend meetups in New York City and Boston.
It’s a great way to meet people.
There seems to be a lot of loneliness in the United States.
In cafes you run into people just staring at their computer screens.
After 9/11 the founders of Meetup noticed that New Yorkers came together.
They wanted to see if they could use the Internet to get people off the Internet and to come together and build community.
What’s the most popular meetup in New York City?
Fashion and beauty meetups
We want to hear from our listeners!
What kinds of meetups are popular in your city?
Vocabulary to meet someone at a meetup:
- “So is this your first meetup?”
- “Are you a part of any other meetups?”
- “Are you having a good time?” or “Having a good time?”
- “Hey it’s nice to see you again. How have you been?” (This is called circling back and you can learn more about this skill in The Charisma Equation)
- “Hey how’s it going with _____?”
- “Any updates on ______?”
What to say to the organizer:
- “Hi, I’m Michelle. It’s my first meetup. Thanks for hosting. Why did you decide to start this meetup?”
Listen to the episode to hear a typical native conversation that could happen at a meetup.
Let us know in the comments!
What meetups have you been to?
How was your experience?
How can you show the examiner you deserve a 7 or higher right away in IELTS Speaking Part 1?
One of the most popular videos on our YouTube channel, IELTS Energy TV, describes 3 ways of impressing the examiner in Speaking Part 1 of the IELTS exam.
Today, I want to expand on these ideas and add some additional resources for carrying out this advice on test day, ensuring you get the highest marks you can on the IELTS Speaking exam.
1. Smile and Answer Immediately
Answering right away gets you higher scores for Fluency and Coherence, and smiling will help you and the examiner relax. This will aid you in having more natural sounding pronunciation as well.
Relax! In our online IELTS course, 3 Keys IELTS, we have a whole module just to combat anxiety on test day, as this can be one of the biggest hurdles to get over. Nerves can actually bring down your IELTS scores!
Remember, also, that there is such a thing as nonverbal communication. Mark Bowden, a body language expert, gives the following advice to sound, look and feel more confident while speaking:
- Smile
- Don’t slouch
- Don’t sit with your legs wide open
- Use open gestures
Click here for more information on using nonverbal communication techniques to impress the examiner and increase your IELTS Speaking scores.
2. Do Not Say “That is a tough/interesting question”
Honestly, none of the questions in IELTS Speaking Part 1 are tough, and few are interesting. Therefore, saying this filler phrase will lower your Vocabulary scores and your Fluency and Coherence scores.
First, you need to learn what are the appropriate linking words for each part of the Speaking exam.
Then, you should learn some new, interesting filler phrases that will get you higher Vocabulary scores, because they are what native speakers might say.
If you only use words and phrases that other students use, it is impossible to get a 7 or higher on the IELTS Speaking exam!
3. Give Personal, Specific Details Immediately
Providing specific information leads to using specific vocabulary, which raises your Vocabulary score.
Plus, talking about personal information helps you to be more expressive, leading to higher Pronunciation scores.
Practice brainstorming and thinking of specific details and examples you could include.
For example, think of information that answers questions beginning with who, what, when, where, why and how.
If the examiner asks, “Did you enjoy studying math in high school?”
You could tell the examiner who your teacher was, what the subject was, when you took the class, where the classroom was located, why you liked/didn’t like it, and how you performed in the class.
Do you have any other ideas about how you could impress the IELTS examiner during your Speaking exam?
Leave us a message in our comments section below!
What is a collocation?
When we put two words together and we can’t explain why other words can’t be substituted it’s a collocation.
This increases your score because it shows that you understand natural English.
You need to memorize a short list like this one.
Test day is not the time to take risks so get to know these collocations well and use them on exam day.
Collocations for IELTS:
- To safely assume: synonyms for “safely” do not work here. This means that we are sure about something.
- “Because the cost of living is high in Boston we can safely assume that we’ll spend more than $1,000 per month on rent.”
- To achieve an objective: To reach a goal.
- “There are several ways to achieve these objectives.”
- To become widespread: When something starts to become more common and we see it more and more
- “Biking to work is becoming more widespread.”
- “Food trucks have become widespread in Portland.”
- In-depth analysis: To look at something on a deep level or to do detailed research
You need to learn these as chunks.
Use them in your journal when you are practicing your general writing fluency.
Use one of these collocations per day for a few weeks then start on a new list.
Let us know your questions in the comments below.
Today get 5 English idioms to describe something that is easy plus find out how hard it is to use transportation options like Uber, the subway, and the bike rental services in New York City and Boston.
5 Idioms to Say Something Is Easy:
- “It’s a no-brainer”: We use this when we want to say that a decision is easy to make or the right thing to do is obvious.
- “There is a blizzard outside and I need to get to Kendall Square. I’m going to get a car. It’s a no-brainer”
- “It’s a cakewalk”: Something is very easy.
- “That interview was a cakewalk. I am sure I got the job.”
- “It’s a piece of cake”: Something is easy and simple. These days we don’t use this idiom as much.
- “It’s pretty straightforward”: Something is clear and simple to complete and not hard to understand.
- “It’s not very straightforward to assemble IKEA furniture”
- “It’s clear cut”: Something is direct and clear.
- “It’s very clear cut how to get to the person’s house.”
- “Let me spell it out for you”: Let me explain this for you clearly. This can sound condescending if we use it with the wrong tone of voice.
*Listen to our role play conversation to hear how these idioms are used by natives.
Leave us your sample sentence in the comments below.
Plus you’ll get the single biggest mistake you could be making on the IELTS Listening Exam.
Here are the questions from our listeners that we’ll answer on today’s episode:
Question #1: On the Listening test if you write a noun in singular and the real answer is plural does it make the answer wrong?
Answer #1: Yes it’s wrong. You need to be careful with this. Spelling also needs to be 100% correct or it’s wrong. Focus on reading more to improve your spelling.
Question #2:What should I do with multiple choice questions?
Answer #2: In the multiple choice questions you look at the question before you listen and you underline key words. You listen for the key words because the answers are always next to the key words. Before you listen you also need to read the possible answers. You also need to eliminate wrong answers.
Question #3: How do I handle map discussion questions?
Answer #3: You need to look at the picture and describe it in your head before you listen.
Click here to learn more about IELTS Listening Map Completion Questions.
To get the full strategies and to practice them in our course, click here.
*Bonus! Don;t make the mistake of taking notes. That is a TOEFL strategy. You cannot take notes on IELTS. If you do you will miss the answer.
What questions do you have about IELTS Listening?
Let us know in the comments below.
Are you worried that people don’t understand you when you speak English?
Do you get self-conscious about your English pronunciation?
Today find out how to end this problem for good and get 3 awesome pronunciation tips from our guest Meaghan Jones.
You’ll also get one little-known site for practicing music lyrics to improve your pronunciation.
Meaghan works for large corporations in Brazil and teaches business English and social English.
She focuses a lot on pronunciation with her clients so she is going to help us with that today.
Meaghan’s tips on how to improve pronunciation:
- *If you are from Brazil you should pick up English Pronunciation for Brazilians and if you are not from Brazil you should pick up a book that is targeted to helping people from your country improve pronunciation.
- Use music for pronunciation: This is great because it’s a natural way to learn. Try Lyrics Training. It is a game where you can listen and sing along and there is a gap where you have to type the word you hear.
- Work with a native teacher: Record your voice and have a native teacher correct you. The native teacher can show you exactly where you’re making mistakes. You can use Sound Cloud and the teacher can write notes directly on the audio file.
Meaghan’s Bio:
Meaghan is from the US and lived mostly in California. After she graduated university from UC Berkeley, she moved to Zurich, Switzerland where she found she had a knack for the English language.
While studying for her masters in Political Science, she began to correct Phd and master theses for non native English speakers and gave informal English lessons.
After getting her degree, she decided she wanted to teach English in Latin America. Meaghan taught English in Santiago Chile for one and a half years and is now giving classes in Sao Paulo Brazil and online.
How to work with Meaghan:
- Step 1: To receive $10 off your second lesson with Meaghan register here
- Step 2: Find Meaghan’s profile, click here.
What did you think of today’s episode?
What questions do you have for Meaghan?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today get the 3 things you must do to get that score higher.
Reading is frustrating.
A lot of students tell us that they can’t improve their score because they are bad readers or because they don’t like to read.
What does it mean to say that you don’t like reading?
You don’t have to read mainstream novels that you don’t find interesting.
If you find a type of reading that you enjoy you can build a culture of thinking.
You will also have great ideas for the IELTS Writing test and IELTS Speaking.
Reading genres like science fiction help us build our ability to come up with spontaneous and creative ideas.
Non-fiction can help you generate ideas and opinions on business, language, and globalization.
- Step 1: Get into reading. Choose a type of material that you enjoy. You don’t have to read what everyone else is reading. Choose what you like and stick with it.
- Step 2: Focus on test strategies. You cannot do this without strategies. You don’t have enough time to read every word and take your time finding the answer on the reading test. We offer this in our course. We show you how to tackle every question type in reading and then you get two practice tests to make sure you can implement what you learn. If you are in a class and your teacher gives you 5 steps or more then that teacher doesn’t know the test. You need a simpler system. Look for testimonials before you purchase a course.
- Step 3: Practice, Practice, Practice. You can’t just watch a video lecture, do practice exercises and move on. You need to do the practice tests, take the strategies and use them over and over again. Practice tests should not be free. If a school is giving away practice tests then you should be suspicious of that school because the quality of the practice tests might not be high.
What resources do you use to prepare for IELTS reading?
What do you like to read?
Leave some suggestions in the comments section.
Today you’ll learn how to make small talk in English when it comes to the topic of travel.
Find out how to build a connection and get to know someone by asking about their travel plans.
Michelle is going to India very soon and she is excited. She was at a dinner party a few weeks ago and everyone was talking about travel.
Travel is such a huge way that people connect with each other and on this show our biggest value is Connection NOT Perfection!
Today get some phrases to start a great conversation about someone’s upcoming trip.
Questions to ask about someone’s trip:
- ” (Are you) getting excited about/for your trip?”
- “When are you flying out?” or “When are you heading off?”
- “Are you going on a tour or are you on your own?”
- “Are you all packed yet?”
- “Is your trip all planned out or it spontaneous?”
How to respond to someone’s answer:
- “Oh wow that’s so cool”
- “Check out the markets at night. They are amazing.”
- “I’ve never been there but I’ve always wanted to go.”
What trips do you have coming up? Where are you going? What are you doing on your trip?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today we look at Asako’s story:
“I don’t know why my score stays exactly the same as before and I am at a loss how to overcome it. That’s maybe because I have been studying by myself for a year and I do not have the confidence for the strategy that I got from websites. Yes, I am struggling with the score that I got last March.”
Asako’s score= overall 6
We see this kind of case all of the time.
Asako has done well in Listening (6.5) and Reading (6.5) but for Writing she got a 5.5 and Speaking was 6.
The worst part is that Asako is probably much closer to her target score than she thinks she is.
Many of the students in our course who sit down for a private session with Jessica can increase their score by a full band point after learning our strategies.
What can Asako do?
3 Simple Steps:
- Step 1: Close your practice test books. We know you want to do a lot of IELTS practice tests but they don’t improve your score. If you haven’t done any preparation by learning strategies then there is nothing to measure with the practice test. You learn the strategies and use a study plan then you take the practice tests.
- Step 2: Improve your overall skills: Work on your general fluency. Journal every day to improve your writing. Find outside resources. Watch movies and read the newspaper. Practice your speaking with a native speaking partner.
- Step 3: Re-focus on the test: You need to choose one system and one path and commit yourself to that and use a daily learning plan. Allow yourself at least 30 days and preferably 60 days.
Are you in a situation like Asako?
Let us know your questions in the comments.
Today you’ll get a bunch of ways to say a couple of things in English.
We will answer a listener question about whether you should say “A couple things” or “A couple of things” and so much more.
Today our listener asked us this questions in iTunes:
“On a podcast episode you said you had a “couple things” to do or maybe was it “a couple of things”? I don’t know. The reason it’s confusing me is because my mind tells me that it would be logical to add “of” in the phrase. You would make my day if you gave me your point of view on this.”
-Fred, AEE Listener
To answer Fred’s question:
When we write this phrase we say “a couple of things” but when we speak we drop “of” because it’s faster and more natural to say it this way.
In American English we often try to find the fastest and easiest way to say something, at least when we are speaking in casual conversation.
Today we’re going to learn how to say how much or how many of something there is:
- “A bunch of” or “a (whole) buncha”:
- “I have a bunch of things to do today. I have a whole bunch of things to do today.”
- “There are a whole buncha (bunch of) people in Starbucks today so it might take a while for me to get my coffee.”
- “A couple of things”, “a couple things”, “a couple-a-things”:
- “I have a couple-a things to say today”
- A few: This is two, three, maybe four. It’s not an exact number.
- “A lot of” or “A lot-a” or “a whole lot of”: A large amount of something
- “A handful of”: 4 or 5 times, a number that you can count on your hand
- “I have only met her a handful of times”
- “So many” or “many”:
- “There are so many people here”
- “I lived in New York City for many years and then I moved to Boston”
- “A ton of”: A lot of something, this is much than “a handful”
- “There are a ton of overpriced products at Whole Foods”
*Listen to the conversation between Lindsay and Michelle to hear how these are used in conversation.
What comments do you have about today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Are you armed with all the knowledge you need to do this?
First Things First: Notes
In IELTS Speaking Part 2, the examiner will first give you the instructions, make sure you understand that you have a minute to take notes and tell you that you must speak for 1-2 minutes.
This is kind of a lie!
If you don’t speak for the whole 2 minutes, this will probably decrease your score for Fluency and Coherence, because it looks like you are simply unable to keep talking.
After the instructions, the examiner will hand you the booklet with the topic card, and also give you a paper and pencil for making notes.
Some students just skip this step and want to start talking right away. When they do this, their answers are almost always unorganized, and they are usually unable to fill the whole 2 minutes.
When you take notes, it helps you think of ideas and vocabulary, and it really aids you in organizing your short talk.
Introducing your IELTS Speaking Part 2 Answer
Most IELTS teachers and IELTS textbooks give you a formulaic way to introduce your IELTS Speaking Part 2 answers. That is so boring!
Not only is it boring, but it sounds unnatural and awkward. It would not score highly or impress the examiner in any way.
Basically, do not say, “Today I’m going to talk about…”
Instead, try and paraphrase the topic and say something interesting. For example, you could say, “When thinking of a person I know who dresses well, the first person to come to mind is my friend Casey. She’s a rock star when it comes to clothes.”
Fill the 2 Minutes
How do you talk for 2 minutes in an organized way?
Follow our advice, and tell a story in IELTS Speaking Part 2.
This leads to many things which raise your score:
- It is naturally organized from beginning to end, so you score more highly for Fluency and Coherence.
- It allows your pronunciation to become more natural, reflecting more of your personality, so it raises that score as well.
- It also helps you to share specific information, such as details, which usually lead to more specific vocabulary, increasing your Vocabulary score.
Learn Strategies for Common Topics
IELTS Speaking Part 2 will ask you to describe a person, place, event/experience or object.
Lindsay and I came up with a great strategy, for example, for describing people.
First, describe what they look like, then describe their personality, then you should tell a short story about that person.
In our course, we give you more strategies for tackling Speaking Part 2 and its common topics.
Do I need a conclusion?
Good question!
And the answer is… no!
Don’t worry about a conclusion. Just keep talking until the examiner asks you to stop.
What do you think about today’s advice for IELTS Speaking Part 2?
Leave us a message in the comments section below!
Lindsay and Jessica will answer these questions using a winning template for success on this part of the test.
On Speaking part two you might get questions about:
- people
- events and experiences
- objects
If you get a question in Speaking Part 2 and you are asked to describe a person you need to first directly answer it.
- Describe what they look like
- Describe their personality
- Tell a story about your relationship
*Do not veer in the wrong direction by talking about something that is related to your friend but not about your friend.
*Listen to the episode to see sample answers from Lindsay and Jessica using this framework.
In the sample answers Jessica used these great vocabulary words:
- She is wiry
- She is buff
Jessica also used great linking words such as :
“When I think of Abby the most immediate thing that comes to mind is….”
Leave us a comment about today’s episode.
Let us know your challenges in Speaking Part 2.
Today find out what to say to a friend in English if they are going through something tough to build that connection and offer your support.
My name is Minki Kim. I am really fond of listening to AEE. Yesterday I was talking with my friend and she has been in trouble with her manager by being falsely charged for something she hasn’t done.
She is trying to exculpate her innocence but the manager did not listen to her.
I didn’t know what to say to her to empathize with her.
I would really appreciate it if you could give me any ideas.”
-Minki Kim
Minki asked a great question.
We all need to know how to support people because we’re all going to go through loss or difficult situations like this one.
How to support someone when you hear bad news:
- “Oh I am so sorry that happened.”
- “Wow I am so sorry to hear that.”
- “You must have been really (scared) (stressed out)”
- “That must have been really stressful”
- “I can’t imagine how you must be feeling right now”
- “Oh I can’t believe that happened”- use this to show someone that you are on their side
To let them know you’re available:
- “If you need to talk I’m around”
- “If you feel like talking about it feel free to reach out”
- “Let me know if you need anything.”
- “Let me know if there’s anything I can do”
What other phrases do you know to show support and empathy?
Let us know in the comments below.
Here is the General Writing Task 1 Letter Question:
“You are a student at an English language school in Brighton and are living in private accommodation with other flatmates. You’ve not had hot water or heating for some time. The landlord’s workmen have tried to fix the problem but without success.
Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter state your reason for writing, describe the problems and explain how you feel, propose a solution, and risk the landlord to take action.”
Problem #1)
The first part that bothered our student about this question is “you have not had hot water or heating for some time.”
We can see why this is confusing.
He wanted to know if he had to choose between hot water and heating.
The correct way to deal with this question is that the person has not had hot water and also has not head heating for some time.
Problem #2)
The second part was that he didn’t know what it meant to “risk” the landlord to take action.
This is a strange way to use the word “risk” in American English.
In American English we would say “Challenge the landlord to take action.”
What can you do if you don’t understand a Writing question?
You can’t ask anyone to explain the question to you.
The examiners are not even at the center yet when you are taking the Writing test.
If you don’t understand a question you need to think about the situation and make your best guess about what it means using your own experience.
Open your brain box and pull up what you expect to happen in the situation.
Remember, so much of your success depends on your mind set when you enter the exam.
If you say to yourself “this is easy” then you will find it easy to figure out a tough question.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today find out about the big storm that hit New York City a few weeks ago and get the vocabulary you need to talk about snow in English.
What do New Yorkers do in the snow?
You could build a snowman, have a snowball fight, make snow angels, or sip hot chocolate indoors by the fire.
Expressions to talk about snow:
- “It’s really coming down”: This means that it’s snowing hard. It can also be used to say it’s raining hard.
- “I stayed inside and snuggled up”: This means to stay indoors and get wrapped in a blanket and get comfortable.
- “Black ice”: This is a dangerous kind of ice because it’s hard to see it at night.
- “To be snowed in”: To not be able to go out because the snow is so high that it might be blocking your door.
- “Slush”: This is what you find on the ground after it has snowed. It’s more of a liquid and it’s hard to walk through.
- “To sleet”: This is a colder rain with some ice mixed in. It’s not quite snow.
Have you gotten snowed in before?
Let us know your questions about how to talk about how the snow.
Found out why this is true today and learn what you can do about it so that you can get a higher reading score on IELTS.
Today you’ll get advice from Jessica and from 3 Keys IELTS students.
The Facebook group in our course is getting active.
A lot of our students have been asking great questions and Jessica replies but many students also respond to student questions.
Here is one question that a student in our course recently asked:
“Recently I have realized that articles from USA Today and the NY Times are too difficult and I can only understand 50%; however, even if I translate each word it still looks like a bunch of un-linked words. What should I do to break through?”
Here is our feedback:
You should not try to translate every word. It is never going to be possible to translate every word. The point is to understand the meaning, the intent or the context.
On the IELTS you won’t understand every word. The people who write the test don’t expect you to understand every word.
You are making the mistake of trying to go from understanding small words to understanding the larger context. You need to do the opposite.
What to do:
- Practice being ok with not understanding. Just do your best to get the overall meaning. It’s not about individual words.
- Read for overall gist then go back and look up 3-4 words that are key for understanding and explore those words.
If you think too much about small problems and small details you will panic and you will get paralyzed.
You need to get used to being in the place where you are powerless and you can’t understand everything.
What do you think about today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today find out how to stop always saying “really” and get a few different words that mean the same thing.
When you use these new words your English will sound more enthusiastic, more original and more interesting.
Adverbs are words that describe an adjective.
We might use the word “really” to emphasize something.
For example, that dog is “really” cute.
We can bump up our connection with people if we can use other words that mean something similar to “really” and we’ll find out how to do it today.
Words instead of “really”:
- Totally: “I was totally exhausted after the work out today.”
- Amazingly: “Those fries are amazingly delicious. Can I have another?”
- Insanely: “That dress is insanely cute on you.”
- Incredibly: “It’s incredibly cold outside.”
- Completely: “I completely agree with you.”
- Ridiculously: “The traffic was ridiculously busy.”
- Super: “I had a super fun time at the party last night”
What other words do you know that mean the same as “really”?
Let us know in the comments section below.
Orginally Mark scored a 6.5 on his speaking test but after going through our 3 Keys IELT course and our speaking module he also met with Jessica for a VIP private coaching session to practice the speaking test.
During the VIP session he was able to get reassurance and review what he had learned in the course for a last-minute check in.
The three things that Mark did to jump from 6.5 to 8.5 on Speaking:
- He relaxed and used his personality: Many students incorrectly believe that they need to speak like a robot with no emotion to show respect and be formal on the exam. They usually don’t have interesting ideas or a fun tone of voice. If these students talked with more energy in their voice and used their personality they would increase their speaking score with better pronunciation and fluency scores. This is what Mark did. He used his real personality and increased his score. In our course we show you what the examiner is looking for in terms of formality and informality in different parts of the Speaking test.
- He invested in a system that works: He entered the 3 Keys IELTS Success System and went through most of the lessons. This is where he built his basic foundation of strategies that we crucial to his success.
- He did a lot of extra fluency practice: He used a lot of our suggested outside activities and found resources based on his own interests to improve his vocabulary. He also lives in Australia and he participates in English-language activities regularly so he has made English a big part of his life.
Remember guys, if you don’t live in an English-speaking country there are still ways to practice English regularly. Currently many of the students in our course are getting together on Google Hangouts to practice together.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
If you are a busy but driven English learner how can you manage your time and accomplish your goals in a smart way?
It’s never easy but today you’ll get some guidance on how to do it.
Find out today with our guest Jonathan Huggins who has worked with executives as an English language trainer for the past twenty years.
Jonathan learned how to manage time better when he was working with high-level clients who were super busy.
Jonathan is also on a mission to learn 52 new languages this year using some of the principles of time management that he will be teaching us today.
Jonathan’s Tips:
- The 12-Week Year: Get this book. It helps you narrow down your timeline and get a lot of things done in a short amount of time. Each week becomes a month and you learn how to structure your schedule so that you accomplish more. Click here to get the book.
- Start with a Big Vision: Imagine your life as a big vision. What would you do with your time if you could do anything? What would each day look like? You need to have a passionate dream to motivate you to stay focused no matter what. Jonathan says that we need to hold onto this “as if your life depended on it.” If you can use images to create this vision it will motivate your brain more.
- Set your goals with SMART planning:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Action-oriented
- Result-based
- Time- bound
Jonathan’s Bio:
I am an American English teacher from Southern California. I’ve been studying foreign languages for over 20 years and teaching Business English for over 10. I have a Teacher of English as a Second Language/Foreign Language certificate.
When I lived in Paris for 6 years, I studied Musicology at the Sorbonne Paris IV and I taught English in elementary schools and later at international companies, such as Société Générale, Air France, and Chanel. For the past 7 years, I’ve been living and teaching freelance in Mexico City for companies such as Baker & McKenzie, Carat Mexicana, Initiative, and Heidelberg.
Currently, I’m teaching English via Skype and and am looking for new students of all levels. I consider myself fluent in French and Spanish, and have also studied German and Russian.
My goal for this year is to start learning 52 new languages, one-a-week based on Benny Lewis’ “Speak in a Week” crash course.
How to work with Jonathan:
Step 1: Go to this page and register to get $10 for free to go towards your second lesson with a native teacher
Step 2: Find Jonathan’s profile here.
What are your comments on today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Do you know how to talk about sleep in English?
It’s a key topic that you can use with your family, friends, or even colleagues.
Today you’ll get phrases in English to talk about sleep.
How to say how you slept well:
- “I slept like a rock”
- “I was out cold”
- “I was out like a light”
- “I slept like a log”
- “I slept like a baby”
- “I feel so refreshed”
- “I slept well”
How to say you didn’t sleep well:
- “I tossed and turned all night”
- “I feel like a zombie”
- “I had a rough night”
How to talk about going to sleep:
- “To drift off”
- “To doze off”
- “To fall asleep”: To actually begin to sleep
- “To go to sleep”: This could mean going to bed
- “To get some shut-eye” : I am going to get some shut-eye. I will email you back in the morning
*Listen to the conversation in the episode to hear Lindsay and Michelle using these phrases in a natural way.
What other phrases do you use when you talk about sleep?
Let us know in the comments.
Walking Questions on IELTS?
- Do you enjoy walking around your city?
- Do you think your city is good for walking?
- Where should tourists walk to in your city?
- How could your city be better for walking?
Walking vocabulary for IELTS:
- Swagger: A walk that shows a lot of confidence. You can see their confident personality in the way they walk. “They have swagger” or “They swagger.”
- To Meander: To take an indirect route and to walk slowly with no specific goal in mind and no specific time you have to be somewhere. “On the weekends I love to meander down to my favorite restaurant because I like to watch people outside on the weekend and take my time.”
- To Wander: To go somewhere without a specific destination. You look at everything you can and get lost. “I wandered around Europe for a few years in my twenties.”
- To amble: To walk. This word is more formal so it would be great for IELTS Speaking Part 3 and Writing Task 2.
- To book it: To go somewhere quickly. This is a very native, casual, and natural expression. Use this on the exam anytime you are talking about hurrying to get somewhere.
Cycling Questions for IELTS:
- Do people commute by bike in your city?
- Should people listen to stuff on their headphones when they’re cycling?
Cycling Vocabulary for IELTS:
- To break (broke) a spoke: A spoke is the metal tube that is on the bicycle wheel. Sometimes they bend or pop out.
- To get a flat tire: To have your tire get a hole in it and lose air
- To have a crutch: To have something you depend on that you don’t need anymore.
- To have training wheels: (Same meaning as “to have a crutch” above)
Remember, if you impress the examiner on one aspect of the exam like your vocabulary it will raise your score across the board.
In our course we give you the right vocabulary words to use in one of the bonuses so you don’t have to worry about choosing your own.
Practice using these vocabulary words in the comments section below.
Do you know what you can do with your tone of voice when you speak English? Would you like to be more interesting when you speak?
Do you want to be able to pronounce American English and catch people’s attention with the way you say the words?
One key way to move your English to the next level is to start to use your tone of voice to create different feelings.
Today you’ll hear about a study done on tone of voice and understand what this can mean for you and your life.
A study was published in the Huffington Post called Changing Your Tone of of Voice May Boost Your Mood, And Here’s How
The study had some interesting findings.
They found that when people listened to people speaking with different tones of voice they felt the same way.
Their mood changed based on what they heard.
In the article they gathered perspectives from a lot of professionals in different fields.
Here is what one researcher said:
“There is a lot of emotional information contained in a person’s voice, such as change in pitch indicating happiness or sadness, increase in volume showing anger, vibrato indicating fear or stress, talking speed signaling excitement, and so on,” Johansson said in the article
The article also suggested that the insights from this study can be used to help people with anxiety and depression.
It can also be used to build confidence.
We use strategic words that convey confidence not just because of the way we want to come off to other people but because we want to hear ourselves using certain words to re-wire our brains to think of ourselves as a different person.
Some studies have found that just smiling can change the tone of your voice and it can lift your mood and anyone who hears you.
How can you improve your tone of voice:
- Practice telling stories in different tones of voice: Try to be over-dramatic. You can always be bigger. Once you think you’re big enough in your voice you probably still need to be bigger. This would be helpful for you if you speak in a monotone way. This will help you to find your voice.
- Listen to people: Notice changes in people’s tone of voice. Notice how they are feeling. It is a sign of social intelligence to be able to do this. Try to mirror your tone of voice with theirs.
- Try to be upbeat: Even if you don’t feel upbeat you should try to “fake it” until you “make it” and you might start to feel it naturally.
*Listen to the conversation in the episode and hear stories being read in a few different ways with different tones of voice.
What do you think about this study?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today you get to meet the 3 Keys Writing Wizard for the month of February.
Our Writing Wizard is Fernando and he is here to show you how to write an awesome IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
You’ll also find out what motivates Fernando to work hard and how he has jumped a full band score since he entered our course.
Fernando’s goals:
He is aiming for a 7.
His exam is coming up on February 20, 2016.
He is not planning to move to a new country.
He is doing IELTS as a personal goal.
Why did he join 3 Keys IELTS:
He got tired of working with textbooks only.
He wanted to mix it up and find a different way to do it.
What was the writing wizard contest essay question?
“Should the government build free health facilities for citizens to get exercise?”
How did he become the 3 Keys Writing Wizard?
He has become a much better writer for IELTS because he has worked through the Writing module in our 3 Keys IELTS course.
Fernando’s biggest strength is his vocabulary.
In his essay he used phrases such as:
- Preventative actions
- Longer life expectancy
- Evoke a new insight
These are clearly 7 or higher vocabulary phrases.
What has he learned in 3 Keys IELTS?
The most important thing that he has gotten from the course is the planning of the essays.
In his classes in traditional schools he was not taught how to plan his essays.
He has spent a lot of time looking closely at our sample thesis statements and even memorized some of the thesis statements to look for patterns.
Fernando’s advice:
Read as much as you can.
It helps with writing.
Fernando reads all of the time.
He likes to read science fiction.
He is an IT professional so he likes to read about technology.
He also tries to read articles about things that he is not as interested in such as business or sports to get prepared for the exam.
What questions do you have for Fernando?
Let us know in the comments below.
Are you preparing yourself to understand all of these different ways of pronouncing English?
IELTS is an acronym for the International English Language Testing System.
This means that the creators of the IELTS Listening exam do not just try and test your ability to understand one kind of British English, or Australian English, but also various accents from Canada, the United States and even New Zealand.
This fact is, understandably, daunting to many IELTS candidates! As a student of English, you are probably used to understanding North American English, or possible British English, but, being accustomed to just one way of speaking is not enough.
You need to practice understanding all of these accents.
But how?
Australian English Resources
For many students, the Australian accent is the most difficult to decipher.
That is because you just don’t hear it as much as North American or British accents.
So, practice listening to Australian accents!
British English Resources
You have definitely heard the British accent more than the Australian one, but it might still be difficult to comprehend at times.
It’s also worth remembering that there are many, many British accents. Some sound more Scottish, while others sound more “BBC”.
In this episode, we give you a few ideas for enjoying popular podcasts and TV shows that will prepare you for understanding British accents.
North American Resources
Of course, this accent is the easiest to understand for most students. You hear it in movies and on TV shows, and you sing along with it in popular songs.
So, here are a few extra tips for using entertaining resources to practice for your IELTS Listening exam.
- Choose a TV series and get into it! The more you watch and learn about the story and the characters, the more you will understand.
- Sometimes, you just need to practice understanding. So, the first time through an episode, it is OK to watch it with English subtitles.
- The second time you watch the episode, watch it without subtitles. You’ll be amazed at how much more you understand!
Use Audioscripts
Did you know that in the back of your textbook, or in the online course you have chosen to prepare for IELTS, there are usually audioscripts, or tapescripts, which are word for word scripts of what is said on all four sections of the IELTS Listening exam?
Watch this video to learn how to use this extra tool to improve your understanding of different accents.
Know What to Expect on the IELTS Listening Exam
Most importantly, remember that you need to get balanced practice.
This means not only improving your overall comprehension, as using the resources above will do, but also knowing what exactly happens on the IELTS Listening exam.
You also, of course, need to learn the best strategies for tackling the IELTS Listening exam. For example, what should you do before you listen? While you listen? After you listen? Our course gives you clear, simple strategies, for every part of the exam.
As with any test, there are certain tricks that IELTS pulls every exam. Learn from a trusted IELTS professional so you don’t get tricked like all the other candidates in the room on test day.
So, use these resources, listen to my advice, and ace your IELTS Listening test!
What did you think of today’s article?
Leave us a message in the comments section below!
Today you’ll find out how to deal with the number 1 most embarrassing situation at a party or event in English.
We’ll give you all of the phrases you need in English to deal with this situation.
What should you do when you notice that someone has a piece of food in their teeth? Or when they have bad breath? Or when their tag is sticking out of their shirt?
Why does this embarrass us?
It’s because of mirror neurons and empathy!
As humans we have the ability to feel what others feel.
When others feel shame we also feel it.
Embarrassing moments in English:
- Something stuck in your teeth
- Your tag sticking out of your shirt
- When you have something in your nose
- When you have bad breath
What should you consider when you mention something to someone? What phrases can you use?
- The tone of your voice, the volume of your voice. Say it like it’s no big deal. Don’t draw more attention to it than you need to.
- “Excuse me. I think you have something in your teeth.”
- “Do you need a tissue?”
- “I’m going to have a mint. Want one?”
What other phrases do you know for this situation?
Let us know in the comments below.
The biggest mistake that students make is that they don’t trust a reading strategy like the one that we offer in our course.
If you do trust a solid strategy then the matching headings to paragraph questions should be quick and easy but a lot of students don’t want to trust strategies 100%.
Here is the key:
On the Matching Headings to Paragraphs section of the Reading test you have to trust that at least 75-80% of the answers are going to be in the beginning and the end of the paragraph.
Some students get into trouble by reading the whole paragraph just to make sure.
They end up changing their answer and get it wrong.
It’s not enough to know this strategy.
We have to use it through practice so that by the time we go into the test we already trust it.
You need to prove to yourself that it works so that you can feel confident on test day.
In our course we have an entire section dedicated to this part of the test.
What questions do you have about the Reading test?
Let us know in the comments section.
Michelle read an article on Elite Daily that suggested that people who are optimistic tend to be late because they think that everything will be ok or that they will be able to get somewhere on time.
Optimistic people might have a tendency to overlook logistics and assume they have more time than they do.
Do you think optimism could lead to carelessness? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Phrases to say that you’re running late:
- “I am so sorry. I am running late. I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”
- “I’m running behind.”
- “I’m a little behind schedule today. I apologize but I will be a few minutes late. Feel free to start without me.”
- “I’m not going (gonna) to make it on time unfortunately. I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
- “Hey I’m on my way but the train is running late. I’ll be there soon.”
- “Sorry I got caught up with work.”
*Bonus phrase: “In the nick of time”
This means to arrive somewhere just in time or just before the time runs out.
What to remember from today:
- If we’re optimistic we should be careful not to be lazy when it comes logistics.
- Know your cultural expectations around time.
- If you’re in the US try to be on time but if you aren’t then communicate that. Call ahead if you can or send a text.
- When you say you’re going to be late do this: apologize, give a reason you’re going to be late, estimate when you’ll be there.
Which of these English phrases have you used? What are the expectations around being on time in your culture?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today get 6 English study strategies for a higher IELTS score with Vanessa from Speak English with Vanessa.
Vanessa helps students stop talking like a textbook.
This is a great goal for you as an IELTS student because if you do speak like a textbook you will not get a higher score than 6 for vocabulary on the IELTS Exam.
Natural English is language that does not sound strange when native speakers hear it.
Examples of Natural English:
- To keep doing something
- “Pretty”: I am pretty tired, I am pretty happy
- “Not that”: I am not that happy
Six Tips to Speak Natural English:
- Listen to natural materials every day: This depends on your level. If you are a beginner and it’s hard to understand native conversation then start with something that is natural but don’t start with a TV show. You can try You Tube videos, podcasts, radio, audio books, audio files. This will increase your motivation. You’ll see real people speaking the language and you’ll want to participate.
- Write new expressions in a special vocabulary notebook: Take a few extra seconds with the new expressions that you learn. This will help you think about the expression and focus on it. You could write a sample sentence about it. Read the words out loud.
- Repeat a story and compare with the original: Choose a story that you can remember. Vanessa supplies links to short stories that are 2-5 minutes that you can listen to and try to use the vocabulary words in the context of the story. It’s natural to hear a new vocabulary word in the context of a story. This will also help you for IELTS Speaking Part 2.
- Shadow real English materials once per week: This means to imitate a speaker directly. It should be a native speaker. You can just repeat exactly what the person is saying. Use the same pronunciation and intonation. You can use clips of sitcoms for this.
- Get feedback as you speak: You can get help from Vanessa. She offers trial lessons. Go to Speak English with Vanessa to book a trial. There are also local English groups and you can find them on
- Learn from other people’s mistakes: Online you can find information about typical mistakes in English. For the IELTS Exam we talk in our course about the rookie mistakes. When we learn from other people’s mistakes we are able to avoid them.
To increase your score on the IELTS these 6 tips will help you on all parts of the exam.
Go to Speak English with Vanessa to get this free ebook!
Vanessa’s Bio:
Vanessa Prothe is a TESOL certified teacher who has been teaching English for the past 5 years in 3 different countries: the US, France, and South Korea. In 2014 she started teaching English online on her website www.speakenglishwithvanessa.
You’ll get two simple signposts that you must know to get higher listening scores.
Two tips:
1) Stress and intonation matters!
Paying attention to stress and intonation on the Listening test can help you get the answers. If you hear the person on the CD strongly or unnaturally stressing a word it will be an answer. This is built into the test. They encourage people to do it when they are recording. Listen to the episode to hear the example we talk about.
2) Distractors
This is a negative trick that IELTS uses a lot.
A: Which restaurant are we going to?
B: Let’s go to Indian. I haven’t had it in a long time.
C: Oh Indian food. I am so sick of it. Let’s go to a Mexican restaurant.
The answer would be Mexican restaurant.
Here you can pay attention to the tone of voice when person C says, “Oh Indian food.”
It becomes clear that the answer will not be Indian food and that you need to keep listening.
Don’t stop listening and move to the next blank when you think you have an answer.
Don’t take notes on what you hear during the Listening test. That is a huge mistake.
You should start to pay attention and use these tricks then take a bunch of practice tests when you have the strategies that you need.
Leave us a comment or a question below.
English spelling can be tough.
We do not always spell words the way they sound and sometimes two words can sound the same and be spelled differently.
Those words can have completely different meanings.
Even native speakers struggle with this.
Today we’ll help you clear up your confusion with three of the most common word pairs.
Tricky spelling pairs:
- Cereal: The food that you eat in the morning (Cheerios, Wheaties)
- Serial: A series of events, something that happens many times at once. We use this in “serial killer.”
- Break: To take a rest, to take time off or time away from something. It can also be used in a bunch of phrasal verbs such as “break up.”
- Brake: The pedal in a car that stops the car.
- Sight: Your vision or your ability to see. It can also mean your field of vision or something that is seen or a place or thing that is worth seeing such as “a beautiful sight.”
- Site: The location of something. We can say “The excavation site.” The place where something is happening. This is also used when we say “website.”
* Listen to the episode to hear the role play conversation to see how these words are used!
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments.
You could be asked about travel on Speaking Part 1, 2 or 3 on the IELTS.
Five IELTS Vocabulary Words for Travel:
- To get away: To escape, to go somewhere that is not your home. You can also use the noun “a getaway.” We might use this when we are tired of our day-to-day life and they need to get out and see something new.
- To take the road less traveled: To do things differently and to think outside of the box. This can be used on IELTS to talk about a time in your life where you made a choice that was not traditional.
- To find a gem: When you find a place where only locals go and other tourists don’t visit. You can use this on Speaking Part 2 if you have to describe places you have traveled to.
- To have wanderlust: To want to move around and see a lot of things around the world. To not want to stay in one place. You can also say “I had a bad case of wanderlust.”
- To take a red eye: To take a night flight
Remember, the worst thing you could do on the IELTS is to sound like every other Band 6 student by using typical IELTS vocabulary.
Make sure you are using interesting and native vocabulary throughout the exam like the ones in today’s article.
What other native travel vocabulary do you know?
Share it below in the comments.
Today our guest David is back and he is here to show you what you can learn from actors when it comes to learning English.
He’ll show you how to build your English -speaking stage presence.
David’s university degree is in theatre. He has also done some directing.
He has studied Russian, Italian, and Thai using these techniques.
What can we learn from an actor about language learning?
- Get a director: You need to get real feedback. You need someone who will listen to you honestly and nicely. He or she needs to tell you how to improve. You could look for a language exchange. You could hire a teacher to work with you once every two weeks. Investing in yourself is the smartest move.
- Slow down: A lot of students are eager to start speaking quickly right away. Musicians need to break down difficult and fast pieces first before trying to play it quickly. They go through it chunk by chunk and learn it. Later, they add the space. If you are learning English you should slow down to half speed. Stretch out your sentences. You can hear your pronunciation and adjust when you hear errors.
- Learn to react: When actors work well together they have good chemistry. They respond in the right way to each other. If you are learning English and trying to think too much about vocabulary or grammar then you will stop speaking and stop reacting. To build this skill you can work with dialogues and improvised role plays when you learn a new grammar point or vocabulary word. Also keep in mind our slogan here to All Ears English which is Connection NOT Perfection!
David‘s Bio:
David comes from sunny Brisbane in Australia. He graduated with a degree in Theatre over 20 years ago, and has since travelled the world, learnt several languages, and taught general and business English in central Europe, Turkey, Russia and Thailand. He has also been an italki teacher for the past five years.
David is currently working with students to improve their natural speech, using vocal techniques from his theatre background. He also does speaking workshops for IELTS candidates, and is more than happy to have a general chat, of course!
How to work with David:
- Step 1: To get $10 for your second lesson with David, register here first
- Step 2: Find David’s profile. You can find David on at
What did you think of today’s interview?
Let us know in the comments below.
Are you making these mistakes, and setting yourself up to score below a 6 on test day?
I’ve even seen native English speakers who did not score highly because they simply were not properly prepared for the IELTS Speaking exam!
If you follow my advice, you can guarantee reaching the highest score possible on the IELTS Speaking exam.
Don’t bore the examiner with your vocabulary!
- In order to score a 7 or higher for vocabulary, you MUST use idiomatic, interesting language. However, you must use these interesting words and phrases correctly!
- Don’t trust the idioms from your textbooks. Many of these idioms are out of date, and native speakers simply do not use them anymore. In fact, using these idioms will lower your vocabulary score!
- Try and learn idioms and vocabulary that native speakers currently use. You can do this by watching TV shows and movies, and writing down one interesting phrase you hear per episode or movie. Collect them in your vocabulary notebook, and practice them!
Don’t enter the IELTS exam unprepared!
- Learn about each part of the exam, and what the IELTS examiner is listening for in each part.
- For example, in Speaking Part 1, you should always try to answer in 3-5 complete sentences to score well in Fluency and Coherence, as well as Grammar.
- In Part 2, you must take notes!
- In Speaking Part 3, you should try and use more academic linking words and phrases, and listen to model answers from IELTS professionals, so you can learn strategies to tackle even the toughest IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions.
Don’t just study and listen- practice speaking!
- Even the best students MUST practice a wide variety of IELTS Speaking questions to prepare for exam day.
- You need to practice in two ways: general conversation will improve your Fluency and Coherence scores and your Pronunciation scores, and doing test practice with your vocabulary notebook in front of you will improve all your scores on test day.
- Listen to this episode to find out how one student moved from a 5.5 to a 7 on her IELTS Speaking exam!
Get the test practice you need and improve your overall English with the best course available online, the 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
Do you have any questions about this advice?
Leave us a message in the comments section below.
Today we’ll show you how these idioms will bring your IELTS score down on Speaking and Writing.
The idioms that we’re going to give you today are overused and not interesting or new.
They are cliches.
They are on every idioms list that ESL teachers give out.
If you are using these idioms, especially on the Writing test, it’s not going to help your score.
You can get a 7 or higher for interesting idiomatic language but these idioms are not interesting because every student uses them.
Junky Idiom:
- Broaden my horizons:
Better Idiom:
- To get out of one’s head: To do something new and different or to stretch your mind, to stop worrying or thinking or being anxious.
- To change your mindset: To change your perspective on something, to change the way you think.
Junky idiom:
- It’s raining cats and dogs: No one uses this idiom anymore in native English speaking countries. If you use this idiom it will not help your score. You will just annoy the examiner.
Better idiom:
- It’s raining buckets
- To be drenched
- It’s really coming down: This can be used for snow or rain.
Junky idioms:
- It’s a double edged sword
- There are two sides of the coin
Better idioms:
- There are pros and cons
- There are benefits and drawbacks
- There are good points and bad points
Why do students use these junky idioms?
When students use these idioms they haven’t studied with an IELTS professional who is teaching them correctly.
The student who uses these idioms is usually not higher than a band score 6.
They usually do not know where or how these idioms fit into natural sentences.
How can you find better idioms?
Another great way to find natural idioms that will not make the examiner roll their eyes is to listen closely to our conversation at the beginning of each episode of the IELTS Energy Podcast.
We always have a very natural conversation where we don’t slow down or change our vocabulary for students.
Make a goal of picking up one new word per episode and use it on the IELTS Exam where it’s appropriate.
Do you use junky idioms on the IELTS?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today find out two unexpected questions that one listener was asked in a job interview.
This listener is from South Korea and has been applying for jobs in New Zealand.
When we interview in a new culture there can be many questions that are unexpected.
We can learn a lot about the values of a company and even about the values of a culture based on the questions we get.
The listener has been on five job interviews and in every single interview he has been surprised to get questions about both passion and commitment.
This seemed surprising to him.
These are not typical questions in interviews in his home country.
This is not surprising to us in the United States.
These are common questions in American culture and probably they are common in New Zealand where he is interviewing as well.
Passion and commitment are a big deal when it comes to your career in the US.
Many people in the US want to have their career be their passion.
Tips on passion in your career:
- Work in an area that you’re passionate about. We spend a minimum of 40 hours per week in our job. We have to enjoy it.
Phrases to say you are passionate:
- “This work satisfies me because…”
- “The thing I am most passionate about in my work is….”
- “I am passionate about _____”
Phrases to show your commitment:
- “As you can see from my previous work experience I am committed to my work”
- “When I start a project I commit to it 100%”
- “I like to see things through to completion”
We did an episode back in 2013 about passions versus strengths in our career.
Also you can listen to Episode 220 with Laura Garnett about The Zone of Genius.
What’s the takeaway?
- Be prepared for these questions about passion and commitment
- Expect job interview questions to be different in a new culture
- Use these phrases and prepare by thinking about what aspect of your career you are passionate about
Leave us a comment below!
Let us know what you thought about today’s episode.
Find out what a high quality question would look like and find out how to start asking better questions.
The quality of your question says a lot about the quality of your preparation.
We often get bad IELTS questions such as “How can I get a better Writing score?” or “How can I improve my Speaking for IELTS?”
These questions are bad because they are way too general.
They are general because they come from someone who hasn’t done any work in preparing for the test.
You need to put in the work on your own first then you will be able to start to ask better questions.
We understand that people want shortcuts but the only shortcuts that will actually work are test strategies that we have developed such as the ones in 3 Keys IELTS.
No one can tell you one simple trick or piece of advice that will make you pass the test.
Bad question: “Kindly tell me how to improve my writing and speaking skills”
This is not even a question.
Our writing module in our course is huge.
It takes a long time to build writing skills for IELTS.
This student simply needs to get to work in a good IELTS course.
Great question: “Next week I am starting the speaking section of our course and I am wondering if someone has created templates for the speaking test.”
This question is three levels deeper than the question above.
This student that asked the question is in our course.
He is asking for templates because he knows that structures, templates, and strategies are important.
Remember, it’s ok to not know what questions to ask but you must take the right steps to get into a good course with a good plan and good strategies.
The wrong action to take is to remain with superficial questions and try to take the test that way.
What kinds of questions are you asking?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today get an answer from a listener question about the difference between “some” and “any” and find out how you can close your grammar book and start learning in a new way as soon as possible.
” What is the difference between “some books” and “some book.” I want to know how to use them. I also want to know the difference between “any book” and “any books” as well.
We use “some” when we don’t care about the quantity or the amount.
- I got some books for Christmas.
When we say this we don’t care about the number of books.
It’s about the fact that I got books.
Other examples:
- “You have some flour on your face”: It doesn’t matter how much flour is on the person’s face.
- “It’s going to take some time before we can speak again”: We don’t know how much time.
We use “some” when something is unknown or unfamiliar
- “Some guy came over and asked me where I lived”
- “Some lady called for you and here’s her number.”
In both of these sentences we don’t know who the person is.
We use “any” in negative sentences or questions:
- “You go shopping every weekend so no wonder you don’t have any money”
- “Do you have any milk in the fridge?”
“Any ideas” versus “any idea”:
- Do you have any idea how to use this app? Here we are looking for one specific response.
- Does anyone have any ideas for our next marketing campaign? This is looking for a number of ideas.
Leave us a sample sentence in the comments below.
Practice this here!
Today find out what teachers don’t tell you about IELTS thesis statements for Writing Task 2.
The thesis statement is the most important part of the essay but it does not need to be complicated.
It should be short, clear, and concise.
A lot of student make the mistake of putting complex grammar structures in the thesis statement but those should be saved for the Writing Task 2 body paragraphs.
What questions do you have about Writing Task 2?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today get 3 secrets to writing a cover letter that can win you the job in English.
Ed says that the cover letter is meant to be a bridge to the resume.
People usually put too much information in the cover letter.
They don’t appeal to the reader that way.
A cover letter is written like a newspaper article.
It has a lead, details, and a conclusion at the end.
Today Ed will tell us about this formula and how we can use it for job search success in English.
Remember, both the content and the visual look of the cover letter are important.
You need to direct people’s eyes to the important parts of the letter.
3 Tips for a Winning Cover Letter:
- The hook: The cover letter is a tease to get them to read the resume. Your hook is your strongest selling point based on what the company needs or what the company does. Most people who write a cover letter do not write a proper hook.
- Highlight a few of the most valuable points from your resume: Talk about specific accomplishments. Make it clear that you have delivered results. Make it a clear and understandable situation. Later you’ll expand on these points in little stories. Be as concrete as possible. Again, the point is to get them to read the resume.
- Reach the right person with your materials: Start with someone you know in the company. If you don’t have that then try to get a referral to someone. It’s ok to ask for a referral if someone you know has a connection. The third priority is the hiring manager. Next you can try a top departmental or company executive. The last place you want to start is the HR department.
Don’t forget! The typical resume and cover letters get a 6-second review. You have to hook them and get them to move to the next step of the interview. Everything that you put into your resume or cover letter must move you forward as a candidate.
Ed’s Bio:
Hi, I’m Business English Ed. Communication is my expertise; Job Search and Business English are my specialties.
With over 35 years of business experience and 7 years teaching experience, I have been helping people online since 2010, offering custom lessons designed to be relevant, valuable, and fun.
While most of my time is still spent working as a business consultant, I work with a limited number of highly motivated business professionals for a few hours a week, with my focus being on the job search process and on general business English..
Why do I fit teaching in my schedule? Because I get great satisfaction helping people advance their careers. Because I am interested in languages. Because I like meeting people from other cultures and sharing experiences.
My business career has been spent in marketing and general management, in the industries of consumer products and services and software. I’ve worked in companies and as a consultant. I’ve worked for big international companies and small local ones. I’ve interviewed hundreds of people and had many job interviews myself.
I have degrees from top US universities: Yale, Stanford, and the National College of Education. I’m married, with two children, aged 21 and 15, and two dogs. I spend my free time with my family, playing with iPhone app programming, and studying Italian.
How to Work with Ed:
Step 1: Get $10 off your second lesson when you register here.
Step 2: Find Ed’s profile on italki: Click here
Leave a comment about today’s episode!
We want to hear your feedback
Do you know which linking words to use? Do you know where to use them?
Linking for IELTS Speaking Part 1
First off, you need to be clear on a very important aspect of scoring highly in this part for Fluency and Coherence.
Yes, you must use a variety of linking words, but, as Speaking Part 1 is made of informal, personal questions, you cannot use high-level, formal linking words.
Using the wrong linking words in Speaking Part 1 can actually lower your score!
For example, if the examiner asks, “Do you enjoy exercising outside?”
An inappropriate response would be, “To begin, I love running outside. Furthermore, I try to run for half an hour in the park near my house every morning. In conclusion, moving around outside is an essential activity for me.”
That was terrible!! Those linking words are too formal, and, thus, they sound very unnatural and grating to a native speaker, and the examiner.
A better, more natural response would be, “Actually, I love running outside. In fact, I try to run for half an hour in the park near my house every morning. Honestly, moving around outside is an essential activity for me.”
So, in IELTS Speaking Part 1, you should use linking words and transition phrases like actually, in fact, to be honest, you know, well, for example and another thing is that.
Linking for IELTS Speaking Part 2
For the most fluent, coherent, and natural sounding response in Speaking Part 2, you should try and tell a story.
This is the best strategy for every topic the examiner gives you.
So, that means that your answer will naturally be organized by time, and you can use linking words such as firstly, at first, after that, following this, and then, next, finally and at long last.
How you choose to introduce your answer is another opportunity to impress the examiner, as I talk about in this video.
Linking for Speaking Part 3
IELTS Speaking Part 3 is more formal than the first two parts.
The questions are “abstract”, as IELTS says, which means they are about society and the world at large.
You might have to answer questions such as, “What are the advantages of living abroad?” or, “How do you think the education system in your country might develop in the future?”
In your answers, you should try and use the same linking words and transition phrases as in IELTS Writing Task 2.
An example response would be:
“To be certain, living abroad has a great many benefits. For instance, one can immerse oneself in another language and learn it quite efficiently. A great example of this is myself, as I could speak almost no English when I arrived here one year ago, and, now, I can communicate almost anything that I need to or want. Moreover, gaining the perspective that living in foreign country provides is priceless in terms of one’s knowledge about the world and oneself.”
To sum up, securing a high score on the IELTS Speaking exam is not just about using linking words, but using them correctly.
What do you think about the advice in this article?
Leave us a message in the comment section below!
Today get your problem solved with our 5 practice suggestions.
It’s not easy to find Australian listening resources but we have found a few good ones.
It’s important to practice with all accents because all accents are on the IELTS Exam.
In our 3 Keys IELTS course we give you all 4 accents on our two practice tests.
- Muriel’s Wedding: Go to and look up Toni Collette. This is an indie film and it’s great.
- Animal Kingdom: This is an indie flick from Australia. It’s intense and a great movie.
- Crocodile Dundee: This series of movies is funny and entertaining.
- All Ears English Episode 467: Interview with David Peachey from Australia. You can learn special Australian terms such as “heaps” and “mate”
- Steve Irwin: He has passed away but he used to do a lot of shows about animals. His shows are amazing and inspiring. This is a resource that you could watch with your family.
How should you use these resources?
Watch or listen to them at first with subtitles.
Then take the subtitles away and watch the same thing again without subtitles.
You need to build your listening skills gradually.
Don’t be afraid to use transcripts.
Have you found any other resources to practice the Australian accent?
Let us know in the comments below.
Are you vegetarian?
Are you vegan?
Are you gluten free?
Today find out how to politely voice your dietary needs in English.
“Hi Lindsay I am James and I’m from China. I am a business major. I have been listening to your podcast for a month and I love it. I am going to the US this summer to improve my English for 3 months.
I have problems with my stomach that I can’t eat or drink anything cold.
I am wondering if I can get anything cold to eat or drink in the US.
Can you please talk about it in an episode?”
Can you get hot water in the summer in the US?
Yes you can.
You can get hot water at a restaurant or you can go into a convenience store and ask for a cup of hot water.
They will probably give it to you for free.
Can you get hot food?
Yes you can.
You can get it anytime in the summer or winter.
Any restaurant is going to have hot plates except for a deli where they only serve sandwiches.
Can’t find native speakers to practice English with you?
Can’t get your English corrected by your native-speaking friends?
Get a professional, native English teacher in seconds at italki.
For a limited time, italki is offering 10 USD in free English lessons. Click here to get your 10USD in italki credits before this offer runs out!
What are the common needs in the US:
- Vegetarian
- Vegan
- Gluten free
- Paleo diet
What to say if you are vegetarian:
- Do you have any vegetarian options on the menu?
- I don’t eat meat. What do you recommend here?
- It looks amazing. I wish I could eat meat but I can’t. I am looking forward to the potatoes though.
- Wow I wish I could eat meat. You have done such a nice job preparing this. Thank you.
What is Vegan?
Someone who doesn’t eat any animal products at all.
They don’t eat eggs, cheese, or milk.
What is Gluten Free?
Some people have an allergy to gluten if they have Celiac disease.
Recently it has developed into a trend.
Some people become Gluten Free even if they don’t have Celiac disease.
It can be expensive to get Gluten Free products at the grocery store.
Do you have any dietary needs?
Have you ever run into any challenges with eating while traveling?
Let us know in the comments below.
We all hang out in the private Facebook group and our students have some fantastic questions.
Today you’ll get three questions and three answers about IELTS vocabulary from 3 Keys students.
Question #1: A student asked us a question about a model essay sentence from a Change Over Time Task 1 question. Could you please tell me the meaning of this sentence and when to use it, “From 2o quarts and 15 quarts respectively in 1980 gas showed an initial fall and coal a gradual increase with the two fuels equal between 1985 and 1990”
Answer: This is a complicated sentence that is trying to express a simple idea. It’s confusing. It just means that gas started at 20 quarts and coal started at 15 quarts in 1980 and then gas started to fall and coal started to increase until 1985 when they became equal and they stayed equal until 1990.
There is a lot going on in this sentence.
We don’t recommend that you write complicated sentences like these.
It will bring your score down.
Instead focus on the message.
What do you want to communicate?
What is the main idea?
In your Writing don’t worry as much about the vocab and grammar.
It’s more important that you can communicate clearly.
Clear communication is the priority.
Don’t lose the meaning by getting lost in the words.
Question #2: Someone asked about the idiom “Making ends meet.”
This idiom means making enough money to survive and pay your bills.
They wanted to know if this idiom is formal or informal and where to use it on the test.
Answer: This phrase would be great to use in Writing Task 2 and anywhere on the IELTS Speaking test.
It could connect with many IELTS topics like jobs, income, being a student, etc.
Question #3: The student asked about “by contrast” and “on the contrary.”
They mean the same thing and they are used to link two contrasting ideas.
For example, “Lindsay loves non fiction; by contrast, Jessica loves fiction” or you could say the same sentence and swap in “on the contrary.”
Answer: Even though it’s not natural to use linking words you need to use linking words in speaking Part 3 and Writing Task 1 and Task 2.
Make sure you use the right linking words at the right time on IELTS.
Let us know what questions you have in the comments section below.
Today you’ll meet our guest David Peachy from Australia and he’ll show you three English phrases you need to know if you want to talk with Australians.
We are excited to have David on the show today because we haven’t had many Australian native English speakers on the show!
David describes the Australian accent as warm.
They drop a neutral sound between the consonant and the vowel.
Listen to the episode to see what it sounds like.
Australian expressions you must know!
- “Mate”: This means “friend.” This can be used with pretty much anyone. It’s a standard term. It can be used with strangers when we ask for directions. It’s used as a form of address.
- “Heaps”: This means piles of something. It means “a lot.” You can say, “I have heaps of work to do” or “There were heaps of food in the fridge” or “There were heaps of people at the party.” This can also be used to mean “very much” so you can say “I am heaps pleased” or “It’s heaps scary.” You can also say “I love you (ya) heaps.”
- “Yeah…nah”: This means “yes, no.” A lot of people get confused by this. This is about disagreeing with someone. They use it in conversations as a filler. It usually comes just before someone contributes a sentence to the conversation and wants the other person to stop speaking and to listen to them.
David‘s Bio:
David comes from sunny Brisbane in Australia. He graduated with a degree in Theatre over 20 years ago, and has since travelled the world, learnt several languages, and taught general and business English in central Europe, Turkey, Russia and Thailand. He has also been an italki teacher for the past five years.
David is currently working with students to improve their natural speech, using vocal techniques from his theatre background. He also does speaking workshops for IELTS candidates, and is more than happy to have a general chat, of course!
What questions do you have about the Australian accent?
Let us know in the comments below.
We are building a supportive community at 3 Keys IELTS!
A lot of students in our course are now connecting in our private Facebook group and are meeting to practice speaking together.
They are also supporting each other in the Power Hour where they give each other feedback on their speaking and writing along with Jessica.
We hold Power Hours every two weeks on Google Hangouts.
What happens on IELTS if you have a disability?
No matter what your disability is, IELTS is ready for you.
They have materials available for almost any disability.
One listener wrote in and asked us what band score he would get if he stutters on the Speaking test.
You can get the materials and support you need but you must tell the test center at least 3 months before your exam date.
You might need documentation from a doctor that proves that you have the disability.
Common disabilities:
- Blind
- Deaf
- Stuttering
- Physical handicaps
- Learning disabilities
Do you have any other questions about disabilities on the IELTS?
Let us know in the comments below.
Are you wondering if we speak at a normal, native speed on All Ears English?
Today you’ll get the answer plus a few tips on how to push up your listening level to make more connections in English!
Many listeners have asked how to know what their level is.
Are you wondering this too?
First of all, think more about what you can do through English.
To what extent can you connect with people?
It doesn’t mean much when you write “advanced” or “intermediate” on your resume.
It’s more about what you are able to do.
Instead of writing a level on your resume we recommend you expand on that and say exactly what you have done in English at work. Doing this will give you more credibility in the eyes of the interviewer.
Have you led a meeting? Have you negotiated a deal?
If you really need a number then take the IELTS Exam.
It’s also about more than the language.
Get out of the old mentality that you are bringing into English from your school days.
Language can be rich.
We get to connect with someone that we couldn’t connect with otherwise.
If we are focusing on numbers and labels it will hinder the connection.
Do we speak at a normal pace on this podcast?
We don’t slow down our speed of speaking.
We use “stage voices.”
We use more enthusiasm than we would in real life.
In real life we might be more monotone and more calm.
We try to speak clearly.
Do we use complete sentences?
No. We start a sentence and then if we change our mind then we cut it off and move into a different sentence.
It’s not like sentences in a book.
We speak in a spontaneous way.
What should you do if you understand us but you can’t understand other shows?
- Stop putting pressure on yourself to understand 100% of a conversation. You only need to get the basic gist.
- Choose listening resources that have transcripts such as NPR. Also NPR does interviews with people using different accents.
- Scaffold your learning: Start by making it easy then make it a little harder. Start with the transcripts then take them away.
- Keep listening to All Ears English then expand out and find new resources
What do you think about today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Do you want a course on listening skills? Let us know in the comments below.
However, if they do pop up on exam day, are you prepared to write a high-scoring essay?
I was talking to a friend of mine who works at the IELP center at Portland State University, and, surprise surprise, we had a long conversation about IELTS!
For some teachers, like us, IELTS is actually an interesting topic!
She was saying that an IELTS tutor at her center came to her for some guidance on those pesky, confusing and, frankly, just odd IELTS Task 1 questions that ask you to write an essay about maps.
The tutor was trying her best to help her IELTS student learn how to write about these rare questions, but when she looked online for resources, she could simply find nothing that was clear enough to give her student.
So, I thought, let’s remedy that situation today! Here is what you need to know to score highly on IELTS Writing Task 1 map questions.
- First, there are two kinds of maps you might see on the exam.
As the video says, one map question gives you just one image of a map, and asks you to compare two places on the one map.
This is comparable to an IELTS Static Task 1 essay question, which asks you to compare numbers about one point in time, such as one year.
The other more common type of IELTS map question is the one which provides you with two maps. One map shows what a place looked like in the past, and the other map shows you what the place looks like now.
This is directly comparable to an IELTS Task 1 Change Over Time question, which asks you to write about numbers that change over time, such as sales numbers from 2001 to 2014.
So, at least the type of information you are comparing is not completely unknown to you.
2. Second, how does this knowledge help you? Well, if you have studied about what the examiner wants from you in IELTS Task 1, than you can apply that to your preparation for map questions.
To get a high score for Task Achievement on a map question, you must include an overall trend.
For the static map, this will simply be choosing which of the two places on the map are more suitable for what the question asks. For example, “Overall, Site 1 is a more suitable location for a new school than Site 2.”
For the change over time map, the overall trend will note how the town or place has grown. For example, “Overall, the town has seen an increase in the size of the residential and business areas, while the amount of natural space has decreased.”
The overall trend should be the second sentence in your introduction. Please review how to write a stellar introduction for IELTS Writing Task 1.
3. For a high score in Cohesion and Coherence, you must organize the information into two clear groups.
So, paragraph 2 is about one group of information and paragraph 3 is about the other group of information.
For static map questions, write about Site 1 in paragraph 2, and Site 2 in paragraph 3.
For change over time map questions, write about the past picture in paragraph 2 and the other picture in paragraph 3.
4. To score highly in grammar, you must have a mix of sentence structures.
For static map questions, you will have more comparative sentences, such as, “Site 1 has greater access to parking, while Site 2 is closer to public transit stations.”
For change over time map questions, you will use a mix of “there is/there are” sentences to describe what you see, and also compound sentences such as, “In 2015, the number of houses almost doubled, and the streets expanded in size to accommodate for the increase in traffic.”
5. For a good vocabulary score, the most important thing to remember is not to copy the all the words you see directly from the test question.
Also, you need to learn phrases such as, “in the left-hand corner,” “near the top of the map,” and “in the immediate vicinity.” Basically, you need vocabulary for describing locations.
For more lessons on scoring highly on all parts of the IELTS exam, try our course, The 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
Do you have any other questions or comments about IELTS Writing Task 1 Map questions?
Leave us a message in the comments section below!
Are you planning a trip to the United States?
Do you want to see places that are outside the norm? Would you like to meet local people?
In today’s episode we’ll give you our top recommendations about where to go when you are looking for non-traditional tourist spots.
“My name is Eduardo. I am from Brazil. Which parts of the US would you recommend for students to go? Everyone knows the most touristy areas but such a big country must have a lot more to explore. Is there something to do in Mississippi or Missouri? I would appreciate an answer from you.”
Our Recommendations:
- #1) Lake Placid: This was the site of the Olympics in 1980 and 1932. It’s in the Adirondack mountain range. It is a peaceful place that’s great for winter vacations and the fall foliage is amazing.
- #2) Northern New England in the fall: The foliage is amazing. It’s famous for maple syrup. Try The Common Man for dinner if you are in Ashland because it’s a typical New England restaurant.
- #3) Montana: Missoula, Montana is supposed to be amazing. It is beautiful. There is a lot of hiking and outdoor activities that you can take part in.
- #4) New Hope, Pennsylvania: A cute town. They have lots of cute bed and breakfasts, cute little shops, etc.
- #5) Lancaster, Pennsylvania: This is Amish Country. Read more about it here.
- #6) Nashville, Tennessee: This town is famous for country music.
- #7) Austin, Texas: This city is hot right now. They have a great live music scene. They are famous for great food trucks. The politics are very different from the rest of Texas. It’s considered a young, liberal crowd that is stuck in the middle of a very conservative state.
What other great places do you know that are less well known in the US?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today we’ll show you how to aim for an 8 so that you can get a 7 on the IELTS speaking test.
“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars”
Prepare for an 8.
Even if you don’t get it you will at least get a 7.
It’s important to set intentions.
You need to set high standards for yourself.
On IELTS speaking you are graded on 4 categories.
To get an 8 you need this:
- Fluency and Coherence: Speaks with no hesitation except when it’s content related. A 7 is will have more pauses. An 8 only has a pause if you are trying to think of ideas. Coherence is about linking words. For an 8 linking is effortless. It sounds natural. A 7 student uses higher-level linking words and it sounds like a student, not a native speaker because the linking words are natural. To shoot for an 8 in this category you should do more listening to native speakers using podcasts and other listening materials.
- Vocabulary: An 8 candidate uses a lot of idioms and interesting words and phrases. A 7 uses some idioms and interesting words and phrases. A 7 also has more mistakes than an 8. To get an 8 here you should listen to all of our idiom and vocabulary episodes.
- Grammar: An 8 will have almost all perfect sentences. A 7 has a lot of perfect sentences. Don’t spend too much time focusing on improving your grammar for IELTS. Read more about our grammar strategy for IELTS. Spend your time focusing on increasing your other scores and not this one.
- Pronunciation: For an 8, use stress and intonation. Your words need to be connected like a native speaker. Also to get an 8 your accent should not be very obvious. In order to get a 7 you only need one of the following: connected speech, easy to understand speech, and minimal first language accent. Click here to learn more.
What questions do you have about this strategy?
Let us know in the comments below.
Is it your job? Is it my job? Whose job is it? Today learn how to find out in English!
Today we answer a listener question. How do you find out who is responsible for a task at work while maintaining your charisma and charm.
“I am now working on a position that requires me to write to people across departments. Sometimes I need to write to people to check if a particular thing is one of their duties or if it should go to another person.
What should I say?”
What can you say?
- “These videos need to be uploaded to You Tube. Is that something your responsible for?”
- “Every week someone on the team writes a new blog post. Do you normally take care of that?”
- “Do you have any idea who is in charge of measuring conversion rates on our sales pages?”
*Listen to the audio to get the conversation between Lindsay and Michelle
Do you know any other phrases to find out what someone’s job is?
Let us know in the comments below.
We got a great question about whether or not you can include a quote in your IELTS Writing Test.
On the test you don’t have access to online quotes.
Examiners know that.
You can come up with your own creative ideas when it comes to quotes and research.
You won’t be marked down if it’s not real.
IELTS does not grade you on how correct your ideas are.
You can state something ridiculous but as long as it’s still about the topic you will be fine.
How can you do it?
- Get specific and detailed
- Include fake research from a known name like a newspaper or a university
- “Harvard University published a study that….”
- Make the research specific, you must include a number
- “Harvard published a study in June of 2015 which said because males have 20% more muscle mass than females they are 20% more likely to succeed in athletic events”
- Start with a simple idea and go as deep into the idea as you can to get more details
Where in the essay do you put made up quotes?
- This made up research should be in paragraphs 2 and 3.
- If you are making up a quote from a famous person you can use it at the end of your essay to conclude the point you are making.
- “As Shakespeare famously said….”
If you work with a teacher who doesn’t know IELTS then they might incorrectly tell you that you can’t make up quotes but that is not the case.
Make sure your teacher really knows the IELTS Exam well.
Click here to learn more about how to choose a good IELTS teacher.
Have you included any fake research or made-up quotes on the IELTS Exam?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today find out how to hook people with your riveting stories in English!
Storytelling is a key skill if you want to become charismatic in English.
Do your stories fall flat?
Do you even know how to start your stories in English?
Get your storytelling problems solved with Lindsay and Michelle today.
Key strategies for storytelling:
- Start with the person’s name. If it’s a group of people you can start with “Hey guys…”
- Tell them that you have a story to tell then wait and see if they ask to hear it. You could say “So Michelle the scariest thing happened to me when I was hiking in the White Mountains this week…”
Adjectives to use:
- The weirdest thing happened
- The funniest thing happened
- The scariest thing happened
- The most bizarre thing happened
A great way to learn English!
Read and listen to stories to learn English!
Check out The Moth on NPR and you can also buy the book.
I really love reading the The Moth because the stories are human and real.
You can use stories to change the way you feel about learning English.
Let us know what your favorite stories are for learning English.
Leave a comment below.
Today find out how to deal with the energy slump you will experience in IELTS Writing Task 2 and how to deal with the entire day to get your best possible score.
You need to make sure that you set aside time to practice the entire exam during your preparation.
You need to see what it feels like to do the whole test.
It can be long and tiring.
It’s not enough to just do one section of the test under test conditions.
In our 3 Keys IELTS course we provide the Anti-anxiety plan to make sure that you know what to do in each section of the test when you get nervous.
Also a lot of students get especially nervous when it comes to the Writing Task 2 section.
Nowadays the IELTS is giving questions that don’t follow the traditional opinion question or other common question types.
You do need to know how to write the Argument, Opinion, and Problem/Solution essay but you might get a question that is a mixture.
In our 3 Keys Power Hours for students in our course they get a chance to practice this type of question.
If you get a double question you need to find the two separate parts.
Each part of the question gets a paragraph.
It might seem intimidating but it can be simple if you follow this plan.
What other tips do you have for surviving the long IELTS day?
Let us know in the comments below.
How do you avoid getting into a conversation when you run into someone who wants to talk?
What do you say in that moment to make sure the connection stays strong?
Find out today.
Depending on what you say in this situation you could ruin or strengthen the connection between you and the person.
Where else could this happen?
- Local store, grocery store
- Hair dresser
- Running into a friend
- With a colleague at the end of the workday but you are on your way to a class
- On the street and you’re in a rush
What should we think about?
- Don’t offend the person
- Don’t make them think that you don’t want to talk about them
- You don’t need to say where you’re going, what you’re doing
What can you say?
- “Hey I wish I could chat but I have to run (I gotta) run”
- “Sorry I’m in a rush/hurry. I have to get going.
- “Sorry I’m on my way to ____.”
- “I’m really pressed for time today.”
What phrases do you use to not get caught in a conversation?
Let us know in the comments below.
Jessica Beck has been working in the IELTS world for the past ten years and she is here to answer your questions using her expert IELTS knowledge.
Question #1:
“How many words do I have to write for each task on the Writing Test? How does the word count work? Do small words like articles or prepositions count?”
Answer #1:
“You need 150 words for Task 1 and 250 words for Task 2. If you go below these numbers then your task achievement / task response score will go down. Your vocabulary score might go down also.”
“All words count as part of your word count including articles and prepositions.”
Question #2:
“I am feeling nervous about reading Y/N/NG questions.”
Answer #1:
“The biggest problem is finding the difference between No/False and Not Given. Finding out if it’s True or Yes is easy because you can see if everything from the passage agrees. If it’s a False or No statement then all of the information is in the passage but it disagrees. It’s opposite. Not Given is when a key part of the information is not in the passage. It’s just not there at all. IELTS likes to throw in numbers that disagree including quantity or time or how often.”
Question #3:
“I am concerned about writing in scientific terms on the IELTS Listening test. Should I be worried about this?”
Answer #3:
“You don’t need to be concerned about high-level terms for the listening test. The answers that you are required to give will not be beyond an intermediate English vocabulary level. You might listen to something that is higher in level but you won’t need to write it in.”
*Pro tip:
IELTS uses the same tricks and traps over and over again.
You need to start looking for the patterns.
We give you these tricks in our course.
Click here to get into our course.
What other IELTS questions do you want to ask us?
Let us know in the comments below.
One of the most common topics on all parts of the IELTS exam, including Speaking, is education, or school.
Do you know some interesting vocabulary for this IELTS “hot” topic?
In order to get a 7 or higher for vocabulary on the IELTS Speaking exam, you MUST use interesting, idiomatic language.
In this article, you will learn 5 very useful, and very natural, idioms that native speakers use all the time, but students almost never use!
Therefore, using these idioms on the exam will really set you apart from the other candidates and impress the IELTS examiner.
Teacher’s pet
Definition: A teacher’s pet is a student who the teacher likes the best, usually because that student is very well behaved, does all the homework and gets good grades.
IELTS example answer: I was a teacher’s pet in almost all my classes, and this made some other students make fun of me sometimes. However, that didn’t bother me because I always got better grades than them!
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A kiss-up, or to kiss up
Definition: A kiss-up is someone who always flatters, or gives compliments, to another person. In school, sometimes students kiss up to teachers to try and get better grades or, perhaps, get out of trouble.
IELTS example answer: Science was never my strongest subject in school, so I always tried to kiss up to the teacher at the beginning of the year. I would tell my teachers how young they looked, and sometimes I would bring them little presents.
Side note: This could be used to describe a person in any situation, perhaps a brother or sister who kissed up to your parents, for example. Get more idioms to describe family here, as this is another very common IELTS Speaking topic!
Draw a blank
Definition: When you cannot think of a word or idea, your mind is blank and empty.
IELTS example answer: The teacher asked me about the chapter we had read for homework, but I drew a blank. I suddenly could not remember anything about what I had read the night before.
Side note: This is also a great phrase for buying time on the IELTS Speaking exam!
Cover a lot of ground
Definition: This phrase means to go over a lot of material or information.
IELTS example answer: Although my test preparation class is only one hour, we learn a lot in that time. I’m amazed at how we cover so much ground in every class.
Side note: This could also be used when talking about work, such as when you describe a meeting in which you went over a lot of information.
Get more idioms for describing work here, another very common IELTS topic.
Learn by heart
Definition: This is a lovely idiom which is synonymous with “memorize”.
IELTS example answer: In sixth grade, we had to learn all the states and their capitals by heart. I still remember all of them!
Part 3 Sample Answers
There is a good chance you’ll be asked about education on Speaking Part 3.
In this video, Aubrey provides band 9 sample answers for two IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions about education.
What is your opinion on the way languages are taught in schools?
What changes do you think will happen in the classroom in the near future?
She uses high level vocabulary.
- Curriculum: The topics included in a course of study
- Compulsory: required, mandated; something that must be done
- Hit the books: study
- Pass with flying colors: succeed
Practice using this vocabulary to boost your score for any education questions!
Watch the video now!
You definitely want to prepare to talk about education on IELTS Speaking.
This is an incredibly common topic on the IELTS exam!
You must be ready with interesting, idiomatic language.
Practice using today’s vocab and idioms.
Use shadowing to mimic the intonation of Aubrey’s sample answers.
For all the strategies you need, sign up for 3 Keys IELTS!
Can you think of your own examples for using these idioms?
Leave your ideas in our comments section below!
Here is the question:
“How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all careers? How realistic is job satisfaction for all workers? How can people be satisfied in their work? Give your opinion on this and discuss the solutions.”
When you answer this kind of question with two questions in it you need to answer each question in a separate paragraph.
Don’t overthink it.
Organize it in a simple way.
Brainstorm about the first question first then start a new list about the second question and then those to chunks of brainstormed ideas will create your two body paragraphs.
When you choose your opinion you must choose the side that has the most supporting evidence.
During your brainstorming step you need to see if there is enough information to support your point.
If there is not enough information then you need to quickly switch to the other point of view.
Remember, IELTS does not care about your personal ideas and beliefs.
They only care about your English skills.
When you look for evidence remember to use your own personal stories or examples.
Have you gotten this question on your exam?
How did you handle it? How would you handle it differently after listening to this episode?
Today get some common non-textbook English phrases and find out what you should do when you hear them!
We’ll answer a question from our listener and we’ll clear up his confusion about some phrases that he’s hearing from his American colleagues but will never appear in a textbook.
“When I discuss something with coworkers and look for clarification my coworkers say “There you go” when I hit the point and understand it.
Also when I ask people to send me a document by email someone might attach the document and say “Here you are.” Can you explain what these phrases mean?
-Muhammed, AEE Listener
- There you go: You understand it. You got it. Nice job!
- Here you are: Here it is. Here you go. This is a little bit more formal.
- There it is: This means “yes! we got it” or “we did it” It could be used in a basketball game when someone scores the final point or anytime you are working with a team and you do something great together.
Listen to the conversation in the episode to see how these phrases are used.
Let us know in the comments if you have ever tried to use these phrases.
When do we use the passive voice?
Academic writing
In academia we use it to make blanket statements such as “It is considered by many to be the most treasured artifact.”
These phrases are useful for IELTS Speaking Part 3 and Writing Task 2.
We use the passive when we are focused on the recipient of the action and it doesn’t matter who did it.
For example, “The thief was arrested last week.”
Is there a grammar construction that you can connect this to in your own language?
If there is it will help you understand this better.
You need to get to know this form on a deeper level where you can produce it.
You need to learn it when it’s connected to context.
When we describe processes:
In Writing Task 1 you usually have to describe graphs but sometimes you get a nature diagram or a manufacturing process.
In this case you have to use passive voice.
For example, you might have to say “The pencil is made in Des Moines and it is shipped to California.”
In our course 3 Keys IELTS Success System we show you in a step by step fashion how to prepare for questions like these. Get more information about our course here.
Leave us a comment or ask a question below.
Today find out how to react with charisma to an obvious and annoying comment in English.
What’s an annoying and obvious comment?
- “Your face is red”
- “What happened to your face?” (if you have a burn or a mark)
- “You look tired”
- “You’re soaking wet”
- “You’re in a cast”
- “You don’t look like you feel well”
Usually when people make these annoying comments they don’t mean to offend you.
Maybe they are feeling awkward and they don’t know what else to say or they are trying to figure out how to make conversation.
Today we’ll show you how to “brush off” the comment but in a polite way.
We’ll show you how to receive the comment then diffuse the situation by not giving the comment any more attention than it deserves.
3 Phrases to react to an annoying comment:
- “Yeah, yeah it’s no big deal. My face gets red all of the time. So what’s going on with you?”
- “Ha ha what else is new. Anyways, what have you been up to?” (be careful with this one- it could come off as rude if it’s used in the wrong tone of voice. To make sure it doesn’t sound rude you could say “What else is new, right?” to make it sound like you are including them in the joke and that they know you.
- “Yeah it happens (happened). What’s the update in your life?”
Most of these phrases are a great way for you to change the subject in English.
*Listen to the episode to hear examples of how these phrases can be used in a real conversation between Lindsay and Michelle.
How do you normally react to annoying comments?
Let us know in the comments below.
“Hello everyone I have been using listening practice tests to check my score but I have realized that many are different. I have used Road 2 IELTS and tests from IELTS Blog. My scores are very different on these practice tests. Which one matches the real exam better? Are there any other sources I can rely on aside from these two?”
Sometimes material writers produce tests that are more difficult than the actual test which can be helpful.
Our recommendation: Take your scores for both tests and average them.
If you do see a huge difference then stop using those tests.
Jessica has written more than 14 textbooks and she is well-practiced in trying to match level.
It’s very hard to do this.
When she wrote the practice tests for 3 Keys IELTS she referred to the Cambridge Practice Test books.
Are Cambridge Practice Tests a good resource?
The Cambridge series are a valid example of test practice.
They are the closest you’ll get to the real test.
Unless you can see who is creating the practice test there is no way you can know if it’s valid.
Our course has one professional voice.
The entire course was created by Jessica Beck.
Don’t mix and match various resources online because you won’t get consistency in the strategies that you are learning.
You need to focus on one course and build up your skills there.
What should you do?
- Get into our course
- Use Cambridge Practice Tests only after you have learned the test strategies in our course
- Use our practice tests that have been professionally created by Jessica Beck (included in our course)
Where do you get your IELTS practice tests?
Do you know for sure that they are valid test practice? How do you know?
Let us know in the comments below.
When does it make sense to say “goodnight” in English at 1 pm?
When should you say goodnight?
What can you say instead of goodnight?
What are some other native expressions about the day?
Get all of this and more in today’s episode!
Today we have a great listener question. Here is the question:
“Generally I see people say, “Have a nice night” or “goodnight” in the middle of the day. It is so strange to me for people to say that in the middle of the day. Why do they do that?”
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Our response to our listener:
You are hearing this at your child’s school from the teachers and bus drivers.
They will say “goodnight” at 1 pm because the kids are leaving school.
They won’t see them until the next day.
This only happens at schools. This phrase is not used anywhere else this early in the day.
Phrases you can use to say goodbye during the day:
- Enjoy the rest of your day: You could use this at any time during the day, at the drug store or if you run into a friend you can say this to someone
- Have a great rest of your day:
- Have a nice day: This would be used for someone helping you at a store.
What can you say when you leave work:
- Goodnight: This depends on who you are saying this to. You can say it to your colleagues if you are leaving them but you wouldn’t say it to your partner if you are just coming home and greeting them at this time.
- Have a great night: This means goodbye, it’s a nice casual and common thing to say
- Have a good one: This is also very common and casual when you want to say goodbye
- Take care: Learn more about “take care” in English
- See ya tomorrow
- Have a good evening
These can be used both day and night:
- Have a good one
- Take care
- See you next time
- See you tomorrow
Which of these phrases have you used?
Are you using any out-of-date phrases?
Let us know in the comments below.
You absolutely MUST use linking words on the Speaking test but using the appropriate ones at the right time, in the right part of the test is the key to a high score.
In Speaking Part 1 you have a 50% chance of being asked about your home. The question might be about the place where you live now or the place where you grew up.
If the question is: “Tell me about the house or apartment where you live now”
If you use linking words like “initially” or “subsequently” these are not linking words that are appropriate for Speaking Part 1.
They are too formal.
They would be much better for IELTS Speaking Part 3.
Also when you use an inappropriate word choice like this you distract the examiner and this will lower the other aspects of your speaking score.
Linking words to use:
Speaking Parts 1 and 2:
- Use pronouns like “it” or “he” or “she”
- Use easy linking words in Part 1 “and” or “but” or “also” or “such as” or “as well”
- The key is to not repeat the same linking word again and again
Speaking Part 3:
- Save the advanced ones for this part such as “initially” or “subsequently” or “this brings to mind the fact that”
- You want to leave the examiner with a good impression. This is where you will “clench” the higher score and it will be fresh in the examiner’s mind and she or he will push you up to that 7.
Remember it’s not enough if you just know that you need to use these linking words.
You must practice them in mock Speaking tests.
If you are in 3 Keys IELTS Success System you will be invited to practice them in the Power Hour with Jessica and other students in the community.
Choose 2 or 3 linking words for each section and on your list mark the words based on which section you’ll use them in and why.
Have you used linking words on the IELTS Speaking test?
Let us know what linking words you have used in different parts of the Speaking test.
Today find out how to leave a party in English gracefully.
It’s a key skill if you want to maintain the relationships that you have built at the party and avoid offending the host!
Your textbook won’t teach you the key skills you need to exit a party in a respectful way.
You cannot just say, “I’m leaving.”
This sounds abrupt and it’s too plain.
The host might think that you had a bad time.
You also need to consider your body language, tone of voice, and your smile.
Phrases to say goodbye at a party:
- “That was fun and I think we’re gonna head out.”
- “Thanks so much for inviting us. We’re gonna get going.”
- “Unfortunately I gotta get home.” or “Unfortunately I have to get home.”
- “I wish I could stay longer but I have class in the morning.”
*Listen to the episode to hear these phrases being used in a real native conversation between Lindsay and Michelle.
Use these phrases in English the next time you leave a party in English.
Let us know how they work for you in the comments below.
Are you satisfying the requirements to reach the highest scores in your Task 1 answers?
You may be surprised to learn that every examiner, all over the globe, is looking for the same exact things in your IELTS Task 1 essays. In fact, the examiners themselves are constantly checked and trained, to ensure that the score you receive is valid and correct.
IELTS is a serious exam, and they are very straightforward about what you have to do to score highly in Writing Task 1.
Today, we’ll break down EXACTLY what the examiner is looking for in your writing, and also how you should best prepare to meet those expectations.
Task Achievement
What does the examiner want?
- The key points must be clearly covered.
- Academic: Include the most important numbers, and say why they are included. (i.e. The highest/lowest/biggest/smallest numbers.)
- General: Talk about each bullet point in a separate paragraph.
- Academic: An overall trend. This is the sentence that sums up the biggest changes, or the highest numbers, on the graph or chart.
How can you prepare to succeed?
Of course, you need specific strategies to prepare for and be able to confidently tackle any of the 3 question types that IELTS might throw at you on exam day. These include Change Over Time, Static, and, that wonky third category, Process/Nature Diagram/Map.
I wish there were an easy, magic, one-step method I could give you for preparing. However, unlike other parts of the IELTS exam, Writing Task 1 is unique to IELTS. You must find a trusted IELTS professional, who knows the exam intimately, to teach you the strategies and give you feedback on your essay.
Cohesion and Coherence
What does the examiner want?
- Clearly organized ideas. In the IELTS Academic Task 1, this means organizing the numbers into 2 simple groups, which then make 2 clear body paragraphs. In the IELTS General Training Task 1, write about each bullet point in a separate paragraph.
- A lot of linking words!
How can I prepare to succeed?
The key to succeeding here, and showing the examiner that you can clearly organize the information you are given, is to practice the brainstorming, or planning, part of the writing process.
A great and easy way to do this is to simply do an image search for graphs and charts. Then, you can practice circling the most important numbers to put in your essay, finding an overall trend, and organizing the numbers into 2 clear groups.
Lexical Resource (a.k.a. Vocabulary)
What does the examiner want?
- Interesting and appropriate vocabulary.
- Not too many repeated words.
How can I prepare to succeed?
To prepare for IELTS graph questions, the best thing you can do is read the business or finance sections in an English language newspaper.
In the IELTS General Training Task 1, where you have to write a letter, you must be aware of the difference between informal and formal vocabulary, and also be prepared with interesting, native-speaker like phrases for both situations.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
What does the examiner want?
- A variety of sentence structures, including simple, compound and complex sentences.
- Not too many mistakes. (You can still have quite a few mistakes but, as long as the examiner understands what you want to say, you can still get a 6.)
How can I prepare?
Again, having an IELTS teacher who knows the exam very well and can therefore give you specific sentence structures for IELTS Task 1 will greatly increase the efficiency and efficacy of your preparations.
Other than that, reading high-level writing that includes these sentence structures, such as in the business and finance sections of the newspaper, will start you on your way to being able to produce the structures correctly.
Do you have any questions about today’s advice?
Leave us a comment below!
Today you’re going to find out how to use our crazy, outside of the box strategy to increase your score on the IELTS General Writing Task 1 Letter.
We’ll take a typical General Writing Task 1 question and we’ll show you exactly how to brainstorm to come up with interesting and creative ideas for your letter.
When you do this you get the examiner to think about giving you a 7.
Today we have an informal letter to a friend:
A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter to your friend do the following:
1- Give contact details for when you are away
2- Give instructions for how to care for your pet
3- Describe other household duties
To get the highest possible score you need to address all 3 bullet points in a balanced way.
Do one paragraph for each bullet point.
Remember to be creative. For example, a creative answer to bullet point 1 could be that you will be on a silent retreat where you cannot be reached by phone but your friend could contact the monk who would deliver the message to your bunk room.
**It’s important to not repeat yourself for both the Academic and General Writing Task 1 because the letter is only 150 words. With the letter you should take each bullet point and add new and creative information but don’t repeat information from other bullet points.
For bullet point two you could pretend that you have an asthmatic monkey and you need to instruct your friend on how to use the monkey’s inhaler.
Listen to the episode to get our brainstorming ideas for bullet point 3.
What questions do you have about the General Writing Task 1 Letter?
Let us know in the comments below.
What is happening in the US with the misuse of the word literally?
Find out how today and learn how to NOT jump on the bandwagon.
Today we are responding to a listener question:
“I don’t really know how to use technically, literally, basically. I see native speakers using these words when they gesture with their fingers by making air quotes in a conversation. It looks really natural to me but I am not sure when and how to use them.”
-AEE Listener
- Technically: Use this when you are about to break something down or correct someone. You can use it if someone misuses something.
- A: Oh Michelle I like your leather jacket.
- B: Oh thanks Lindsay. Technically it’s not real leather. It’s vegan leather.
- Basically: Use this when you want to simplify something and you want to give someone the basic essence of the message
- A: Michelle can you help me with these instructions? I just read this manual and I am confused.
- B: Oh Lindsay basically you need to make sure the cord is plugged in and turn on the TV. It’s not that hard.
What’s happening in the US with the word “literally”?
Literally means “in the strict meaning of the word” but now in the US people are using it incorrectly.
They are using “literally” when they actually mean “figuratively.”
It’s being used as an intensifier.
This happens all of the time these days.
For example, “I couldn’t believe how crowded the dance floor was. There were literally thousands of people there.”
We might say this when there were only hundreds of people, not thousands.
We found a great article in called Literally, the Most Misused Word.
According to the article this mistake goes back to the 1920’s.
The article suggested that the reason for this is the fact that we are always looking for drama and “literally” creates a sense of drama. But when we use literally in this way it makes us sound unoriginal and not very articulate.
What should you do if you are using literally incorrectly?
Use other intensifiers and do it in a different way.
Start your phrase with “It was incredible. There were so many people in the club!” or “It was astounding! There were so many people in the club.”
Have you picked up this mistake from natives?
Are you using “literally” incorrectly?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today we’ll expose an IELTS forum for its bad answers and bad strategies.
We’ll show what to do instead of relying on a forum to get your 7 or higher.
Today we went to the forum called AIPPG.NET and we found a thread that we think is offering very bad advice.
We recommend that you stay away from this forum.
We only see students answering other students’ questions and giving bad advice. Some forums do allow ex-examiners to answer questions and adminstrators monitor the threads for bad answers so we aren’t talking about all forums today but this one is particularly bad.
The question that we found is about time management.
The first piece of bad advice we found was one student saying that it doesn’t matter if you do not finish the reading or listening test. This is completely wrong. If you follow advice like this you will not succeed on the IELTS. You definitely need to finish both the listening and the reading tests.
The next piece of bad advice offered a very weak strategy or framework that sounds like it hasn’t been validated against the exam.
Remember guys, why would you waste your time and risk not achieving your dream by taking bad advice and trying to save a few dollars?
Leave us a comment and let us know if you use forums. Which ones do you use and which ones have you found that are bad? Let us know!
What is the difference between “despite” and “in spite of”?
Are they formal or casual?
Spoken or written?
What other phrases mean the same thing?
Get all of this and more in today’s episode!
These two words are quite formal.
They are used more for writing than for speaking.
When we write a professional email we might use one of these words.
What do these words mean?
They mean this: even though one thing happened, another thing happened
“Despite my 8 hours of shopping, I couldn’t find a Christmas gift for my mom”
“In spite of his crude sense of humor he succeeds at work”
What other words mean the same thing?
- Even though: “Even though he has a crude sense of humor he succeeds at work”
- But…still: “He has a crude sense of humor but he still succeeds at work”
Use these to talk about your life goals and visions:
- “We are building this show to be great despite our limited budget.”
- “I am continuing my cardio kickboxing despite the fact that I have tendonitis in my feet.”
- “In spite of my lack of artistic ability I am still working on my coloring skills.”
- “Even though I am a terrible bowler I like to do it.”
- “I can’t understand everything native speakers say but I still communicate with my open body language and my smile”
Now use these phrases to tell us about your life visions, challenges, and road blocks.
Write your sentence in the comments below.
In today’s episode we answer a question from a listener who is confused about where to start and how to get on the right path for his best IELTS score.
Today’s question:
“I was told that I need to get a 7 on IELTS but I have never taken the exam and I don’t know if that is even possible for me. How can I know if a 7 score is possible? Where should I start?”
-IELTS Energy Listener
What can you do if you are in this situation?
You could buy a Cambridge practice test book but it’s not an ideal solution.
You won’t get a clear estimated score based on your number of correct answers on Listening and Reading. It’s vague because the difficulty of reading and writing changes slightly from week to week.
However, for speaking and writing there is no way that you can read your own essay and score yourself to see what score you might get.
You need to work with an IELTS professional.
This professional needs to know the scoring system. If you are working with someone who is an ex-examiner they can’t directly tell you what score you would get but they can give you a general idea. It’s very important to choose the right IELTS professional and make sure they know what they are talking about.
The advice we get will have a lot of implications. When you know your score range you will be able to plan your timeline, create your study plan, and know when to schedule your exam.
It’s very important to consider your strengths and weaknesses when you are first getting started with IELTS.
The people who are calm and calculated and work in a step by step manner end up getting the best score. This way of approaching IELTS should start even before you enroll in a course like 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
Before you get into a course you should learn what IELTS is. Check out our podcast episodes.
After you do that you can email us and you can meet with us for a 30-minute consultation so that together we can create a customized study plan and find out what score is possible for you and create a timeline for you.
Do you want to schedule an IELTS consultation with All Ears English?
Are you at this stage?
Have you found someone to help you?
Let us know in the comments below.
Do you bore people when you speak English?
Maybe you are outgoing or even funny in your native language but do you feel that you don’t know how to be yourself in English?
Today get 6 ways to keep people hooked when you speak English.
We got a great question from a listener about this problem and we want to answer her question today.
“When I was in my country and speaking in my native language I was feeling confident but here I am not.
People around me are nice but I worry about my English. I can’t talk much so I can’t show my confidence. Generally I use my body language and my smile and I do my job and finish quietly. Every day is the same.
I am from Turkey and I am married. I have been staying here for 15 years. I just moved from Ohio to Chicago. I started work here. Before I was learning English from home. When I got my job here in the US I felt the need to speak English and I don’t want people to feel bored when they speak with me in English.”
-AEE Listener
We feel a lot of empathy for our listener here because we know how it feels to live abroad and to feel that the people around us don’t know who we really are. There are a few things we can do to stop boring people in English.
How to NOT bore people in English:
- Surround yourself with the right people: It starts with who we choose to be around. You don’t have this choice at work but in your personal life you need to choose people who see the world in a similar way so that they can really understand you and appreciate you.
- Say things in different ways: Build your vocabulary so that you don’t repeat the same phrases over and over. You want to show a variety of phrasal verbs, expressions and other ways to say things. We offer this in our course The Charismatic Connector.
- Vary your tone of voice: The way to do this is to feel what you are saying. Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you don’t feel excited about something then talk about it less. Listen to a lot of native speakers and see what words they emphasize so that you can mirror their speech patterns and variation in tone of voice.
- Ask more questions: Seek to understand people’s motivations for why they do things and what they believe. Find one common interest and dig deeper. This is the way to keep people hooked on you and the conversation by getting to know them better and asking them questions.
- Use interjections: Use “hey” or “wow” or “woah” or “no way”
- Have an opinion: “Oh actually I disagree…” or “I feel that….” You should strive to have an opinion because it keeps people engaged. It creates a more interesting conversation. Don’t always agree with people. People will value and respect you more if you can say that you disagree.
- Open your eyes: Keep updated on what’s going on in the world. Have your own experiences out in the world. Build hobbies and interests outside of your work.
Leave us a comment.
What other tips can you offer to make sure you don’t bore people in English?
Let us know in the comments below.
Are you looking for a vocabulary victory on the IELTS General Writing Task 1 Letter?
Today get the exact vocabulary that you need on the General Training letter. Should it be formal or informal?
Find out everything you need to know today.
There are two question types for the Writing Task 1 General Exam.
Sometimes you have to write a formal letter, to a bank manager for example.
Sometimes you have to write a letter to a friend.
The question was:
“In the informal letter to what extent should it be informal? “
Our answer:
Yes, slang is allowed. Bad IELTS teachers will tell you that you can’t use slang but that’s a lie.
To get your 7 you need to use informal phrases.
You need appropriate vocabulary and you must show the examiner a range of vocabulary.
In our course we guide you in deciding whether your letter is formal or informal and then we talk about the best possible vocabulary for each one.
Please avoid general words like “stuff” or “people” because you will miss the opportunity to be more precise and specific to show your vocabulary range.
What questions do you have about IELTS General Exam Writing Task 1?
Let us know in the comments and if you ask a good question we’ll answer it on the show.
What is the difference between the words “travel,” “trip,” and “tour”?
Today we’ll answer this question from a listener and we’ll talk about our top “bittersweet” travel memories.
“I read a passage about “trekking” and I am confused about the words “travel,” “tour,” and “trip.” Can you tell me the differences between these words?
-AEE Listener
- Travel: This is used as a verb most of the time. Sometimes you can say “I love travel” and in that case you use it as a noun. If we use it in the plural form we can say “During your travels who did you meet?”
- Trip: This is an event. It’s cohesive and there is a beginning and an end to it. “On your trip what did you do?” Sometimes we use this as a metaphor. We say “It’s been quite a trip” and this means it has been a crazy situation with a person or an adventure.
- Tour: This is an excursion you can take when you are on a trip. You can travel and be on a trip but choose not to take a tour.
Listen to the episode to hear how these three words are used in a real English conversation.
Leave us a comment below and let us know how you like to travel.
Do you like to take tours when you travel?
Let us know in the comments below.
How are you going to meet your IELTS goals in the new year?
Your IELTS study plan can improve significantly this year, with these specific resolutions.
- Find someone to talk to! There are many places to find a speaking partner to increase your fluency and practice answering IELTS Speaking questions. Both of which you must to do improve your IELTS practice! Try local universities or websites like italki.
- Get inspired! Listen to the success stories of other students, such as Cheryll, who was able to increase her IELTS Speaking score from a 5.5 to a 7!
- Don’t be afraid of challenging yourself with difficult material. After all, if you don’t try to comprehend material that is above your level, you will never improve your IELTS skills. Try these activities to improve your listening comprehension.
- Find material that engages and entertains you, and incorporate that into your life and your IELTS practice. With TV shows and movies, you can actually enjoy improving your IELTS Listening skills!
- With Reading especially, even more so than with Listening, you MUST learn the strategies for answering all 40 questions in the 60 minutes allowed on test day. Find an IELTS course that can teach you these strategies and also provide you with test-like practice.
- Of course, you don’t only need Reading strategies, you need to understand what you read in English! Again, find material that engages and entertains you, anything from novels to comic books, to improve your Reading fluency.
- Here as well, you cannot improve your Writing scores unless you have a trusted IELTS professional to teach you and give you feedback. Make sure you know what the examiner wants, on Writing Task 1 and Task 2, and find a way to improve those IELTS-specific skills!
- Improve your IELTS Writing Task 1 vocabulary by reading the business or finance sections in newspapers. This is the best source for interesting, high-level vocabulary to secure that 7 or higher for Writing Task 1.
It’s your choice.
You can choose to continue preparing as you have been, which may be helping you, or it may actually be hurting your score. Or, you can dedicate yourself to improving your IELTS practice, and your future IELTS scores, by following the above advice.
For more information about the only online course that comes with a guaranteed score increase, try our course, the 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
Have questions about today’s advice?
Leave us a comment below.
Do you want some awesome and unconventional resources for improving your IELTS score??
Is your teacher boring?
Is your homework difficult to enjoy?
Today you’ll stop the suffering and use these three practice ideas to push up your score.
Huffington Post
We think this is a great newspaper because you get the news but it has an informal and conversational writing style.
You get opinions.
In other newspapers you only get data and facts.
The Huffington Post gets you thinking because you hear what other people think about things.
How can you practice? Choose an interesting article and read it out loud. This will help you improve your IELTS pronunciation.
Inc. Magazine
If you are interested in entrepreneurship you can check out this resource.
Sometimes they publish infographics.
These could be useful to practice linking words for Writing and Speaking.
The topic of business comes up on IELTS Speaking Part 3 and Writing Task 2.
Check out Pop Culture Happy Hour.
There are a lot of questions in IELTS Speaking Part 3 about culture.
If you listen to this podcast you will create a culture of thinking for a higher IELTS score.
Remember, IELTS prep does not have to be boring!
It can be fun.
Get into our course and get fun activities that are directly designed to increase your score.
Have you tried these resources?
Did they help you?
Let us know in the comments below.
It’s New Year’s Eve. Tomorrow is officially 2016.
It’s time to reflect on 2015.
It’s time to look back on our year and think ahead to next year.
How do we want things to be different?
What can we change?
Today you’ll get six English questions that will make you think on New Year’s Eve.
Question #1: What was an unexpected obstacle from 2015?
“One thing I didn’t expect to run into was getting sick so much.”
Question #2: What was an unexpected joy in 2015?
“I was surprised and thrilled to participate in the Flags on 48 Expedition.”
Question #3: Use three words to describe 2015
“The three words I think of when I think of 2015 are…wedding, teaching, and learning”
Question #4: What was your biggest personal change from January to December?
“The thing that has changed the most about me is that I am thinking more about word choice and how that affects my confidence.”
Question #5: What was your single biggest time waster in 2015 and what is your plan to reduce or eliminate this?
“I spent a little too much time watching TV.”
“I wasted my time checking my email too much.”
Question #6: Who are the five people you spend the most time with? Is there anything you want to change about that?
“I spend a lot of time hanging out with ____”
Leave your responses to these questions in the comments below.
Let us know your thoughts and resolutions!
Today find out what the top IELTS students in our course do and learn how to model their habits to get the score you need.
We have seen some real and distinct patterns in the habits of the students who succeed with our strategies.
Let’s take a look at what they did:
Pedro: 7.5 Overall
Pedro was calm and happy because he dedicated himself to our course wholeheartedly.
He did all of the practice that he was supposed to do and followed everything in the study plan and that’s why he was confident on test day.
He felt that the study plan really helped him to organize his time.
On the study plan you get two activities every day in both the 30 or 60-day plan.
One activity is test-specific and the other one is to help you build your general fluency.
Pedro has a family. He has a job. He has a lot going on but he was still able to take his studying seriously.
He went 100% in with the right system and now he has his target score.
Renata: Overall: 8, Reading: 9
She really invested her time.
If she had just watched the video lecture once and not engaged with the material she wouldn’t have gotten the 9 score that she did.
She also used Cambridge practice tests for extra practice.
Renata went deep with her practice, just like Pedro.
Renata also took the simple, clear outline that she got in the course for IELTS Writing, she practiced it in depth and it became completely natural to her. Pedro did this as well.
Rodrigo: 7 overall
He chose the 30-day plan.
He spent enough time in the course so that he really understood the 3 Keys strategies and not just what they are but how to use them on test day.
Now Rodrigo has the score he needs to enroll in an academic program in Canada!
Cheryll: 7 in Speaking
She followed our study plan very closely and she also listened to our podcast regularly.
She took some of the vocabulary words and idioms that she learned on the podcast and used them in the 3 Keys Power Hour.
She inserted these vocabulary terms during the Speaking test to get a 7.
Top tips:
It’s all about dedicating yourself to the “job” of IELTS.
You need to combine the resources that we give you in our course and on our podcast.
Don’t waste your time on the resources that don’t work.
Take advantage of opportunities to increase your score by getting feedback from a real IELTS professional.
Ready to get into the 3 Keys IELTS Success System?
Get the INSIDER METHOD to increase your IELTS score– guaranteed.
Get the same proprietary strategies that helped these students reach their target score.
You can’t get our strategies anywhere else!
Click here to start your study plan now.
Imagine you are at a party.
You were at the same party last year.
You talked with the same person last year that you are currently speaking with.
How do you pick up the conversation again in English?
Find out in today’s episode!
In the past we have done episodes about how to start a conversation when you don’t know someone but today we have already met this person.
Phrases to start the conversation again in English:
- “(It’s) nice to see you again. How have things been since I saw you last year?”
- “Hi I think we met back in June. How have you been?”
- “Hi great to see you again. What’s the update on ___? “
- “Your name was ____ right?”
- “Hey last time you mentioned ______. How is that going?”
- “Anyways, it was great catching up with you.”
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below!
Are you confused about timing in the different portions of the IELTS Speaking test?
Today we got a question from a listener:
“If I speak for more than two minutes in Speaking Part 2 will my score go down? Will the examiner stop me when the time is up?”
Here is exactly what will happen in Speaking Part 2: The examiner will say, “Now in this part I will give you a topic and you will have one minute to think about your answer and you have to speak for 1- 2 minutes.
***Warning! Those instructions are a lie because if you only speak for a minute your fluency score goes down. You do need to keep talking for the whole two minutes. The examiner is listening to you carefully the whole time. They won’t comment.
Don’t expect any response from the examiner. It’s your job to fill that whole two minutes.
For that reason we suggest you tell a story in IELTS Speaking Part 2.
At the end of the two minutes the examiner will put up her hands and will say “thank you” and may ask a follow up question.
You have to practice Speaking Part 2 because it’s very hard to fill in the time.
Two minutes is a long time.
When you practice with the right strategies you know exactly what two minutes feels like.
What should you do?
- Get to know the specific functions of speaking part 2: Describe a person, place, event/experience, or an object
- Now you need to practice. Brainstorm ideas and practice under test conditions with the right timing.
- Also you need to know what the examiner is looking for in Speaking Part 2.
How can you prepare for Speaking Part 2?
Start with what the examiner wants then figure out how to give it to them.
It’s not as easy as just practicing your fluency because if you do that you may not be adding in everything that you need to get the 7 or higher that you need.
Many native speakers make this mistake- they do not include the linking words and they do not organize their answer in the way that the examiner wants.
What’s the biggest Speaking Part 2 mistake?
The biggest mistake that we see people making in Speaking Part 2 is focusing on the bullet points on the card.
Bad IELTS teachers will tell you to do this.
You DO NOT need to focus on the bullet points.
Do not even look at them.
If you stare at the card you won’t get the fluency and coherence score you need.
Your answer will be disconnected and you will not have a story or linking words.
Next, go deeper! Click here to get everything you need to know about IELTS Speaking Part 2.
Leave us your question or comment below!
4 Native Speaker Mistakes:
- Advice versus Advise: Pay attention to intonation differences with these two words
- Advice= This is a noun. We give someone words of wisdom or “advice.”
- To advise: This is a verb. We can advise someone on how to bake something in the oven.
- Your versus You’re:
- You’re= You are.
- Your= Something belongs to you
You’re the best podcast audience we could ever hope for. Your questions are articulate and thought-provoking.
- Award versus Reward:
- Award: A prize, a musician could get a Grammy Award.
- Reward: Something that is given in exchange for hard work or merit.
- Affect versus Effect:
- Affect: This is used as a verb. How did the change in the economy affect you?
- Effect: This is the noun. What is the effect of sugar on your body?
Practice your sentences in the blog comments!
Let us know which ones are still confusing for you.
Are you confused and lost when it comes to IELTS vocabulary? What words should you use and when should you use them?
Today you’ll get our expert advice on how to improve your IELTS vocabulary.
Today we have a question from an IELTS Energy listener:
“My biggest concern is whether the examiners look for fancy phrases in writing and speaking or whether it’s more preferable to use a natural, daily life style with vocabulary and structure.
At the test center where I go the teachers always give us really bulky words.”
-IELTS Energy Listener
Jessica’s response:
“In speaking you do not need to use only fancy words. To get a 7 or higher you must use a range of formal and informal words.
You can go online and look at the descriptors.
You need to use “interesting and idiomatic language.”
– Jessica Beck, 10 year IELTS Professional
In Speaking Parts 1 and 2:
Use more informal and natural language.
To do this you can start with a short list and take a few of them into the exam with you.
Check out some of our vocabulary episodes like phrasal verbs about age.
You need to start with the list but then you must practice them.
This will start to move the examiner’s mind up from a 6 to a 7.
Speaking Part 3:
You need to throw in Academic words and phrases in Speaking Part 3.
Remember you MUST practice using these.
Take it one step at a time.
Take a chance and try to use a new word when you practice your English.
It’s easier to get used to using these words in writing but you need to use this range of vocabulary on both IELTS Writing and IELTS speaking.
Also you MUST have linking words!
Practice them.
Get comfortable with them.
Ask your teacher!
When your teacher gives you a list of vocabulary and tells you to use them on the test you should ask your teacher why those specific words are going to increase your score.
If they can’t tell you why and how, then you should make a better choice when it comes to an IELTS course.
Ask us your questions in the comments below.
Why do Americans work so hard?
Today we’ll dig into the American work ethic and try to figure out why Americans work as hard as they do.
You’ll also learn 5 idioms that highlight the work ethic in the United States.
Do Americans live to work while other cultures work to live?
This is the common saying that a lot of people come back to when they talk about Americans and the workplace.
We think that work ethic differences come back to some basic cross-cultural differences like the idea that control over our lives comes from within or comes from external sources.
The Pew Research Center found that 57% of Americans disagreed with this: “Success in life is pretty much determined by forces outside of our control.”
This means that most Americans think that it’s in our control to be successful.
If you believe that then you are going to work hard.
“When asked about how important working hard is to getting ahead in life, 73% of Americans said it was very important compared with the global medium of 50% among the 44 countries that were surveyed.”
But there are real barriers to success around the world including class differences, corruption, racism, homophobia, sexism.
The American work ethic is also in our language.
Idioms about work in American English:
- To work like a dog
- To work yourself into the ground
- Workin’ hard or hardly workin’
- To pull your own weight
Listen to the conversation between Lindsay and Michelle where we use these expressions in the conversation.
Also, let us know your answer to this question: Is success more in your own control or outside of your control?
Let’s have a conversation about this.
Do you use false friends in English?
Today we’re going to talk about one false friend that we think is a major problem for a lot of Portuguese speakers.
Here is the WRONG phrase that we hear a lot: “I have a doubt + (the question)”
What is wrong with this phrase?
We use the word “doubt” when we are skeptical about something but it’s not used in English to ask a question.
Are you translating directly from your native language? If so then it’s a false friend and you need to stop!
If you have a question you can say:
- “I have a question…”
- “I’m wondering about something…”
- “I have a quick question…”
- “I’m confused about something…”
How do we use “doubt”:
- “Don’t doubt yourself”
- “I doubt it will rain tonight”
- “Are you having any doubts about being abroad”
What about pronunciation?
Don’t pronounce the “B” in “doubt” just like in “debt” or “subtle” or “comb” or “numb” or “limb”
Have you made this mistake in English?
If so, hopefully you won’t do it again.
Let us know your questions below.
Today you’ll get 7 stellar cinematic phrases for IELTS Speaking AND IELTS Writing plus a few more!
Get the amazing IELTS vocabulary that you need for these two parts of the test that will push your score higher than a 6 and up into the 7’s and 8’s.
You often find questions about movies and TV on the IELTS so today you’ll get 7 cinema phrases.
You won’t find these phrases in a textbook! They are real, modern, and up to date.
Examples of questions about movies in Speaking Part 1
- Do you like the same movies you did when you were a kid?
- Are new movies always better than old movies?
Speaking Part 2:
- Describe a movie or TV show
Speaking Part 3:
- Do you think violence in the movies affects children?
Cinema Vocabulary:
- Dark: When a show or movie is sad or scary and it makes you feel bad and depressed about the world.
- To be on the edge of your seat: When you are so involved in the story that you are leaning forward in your seat. It’s usually a thriller or a mystery when you don’t know what’s going to happen next.
- To be completely in it: To be immersed in a movie or a show the whole time
- It took me out of the story: When something like the format of the movie, the characters, or the music distract you from the story
- To bomb at the box office: When a movie does not succeed at the theatre and it does not make much money.
- Rom-com: romantic comedy
- Dramedy: a funny drama
- Chick flick: a movie that some women might like
Ok practice your sentences below.
Let us know what movies you have seen and how you liked them.
Does the IELTS Reading exam seem frightening?
Don’t worry- with these three simple tips, you can achieve the score you need on the IELTS Reading exam!
I understand- the IELTS Reading exam can seem huge and scary, and it is- if you don’t know what to expect, and you don’t prepare properly.
On the IELTS Reading exam, you have 60 minutes to get through 3 passages and answer 40 questions.
Each passage will be approximately 650-1200 words, and the passages are drawn from a variety of sources, such as newspapers, magazines and academic journals.
Practice the Skills You Need on the Test
There are only 3 reading skills you need to find all the answers on the IELTS Reading exam: skimming, scanning and reading for detail.
Did you know that you already know how to do these three things, and you use these skills every day?
Skimming is looking at an article quickly to get the main idea.
Scanning is using your finger or pencil to find very specific information in an article, like a name or a number.
Reading for detail is reading one or two sentences very carefully, word for word. This is how you find the answer and make sure it is correct.
Click here to learn more about these skills and how to use them on the exam.
Know the Strategies
In order to get through these three passages in one hour, and find all the answers, you need IELTS strategies. There’s no way around it!
There’s simply no time to read every word of all three passages and find the answers, so, you need to learn very simple strategies and practice using them as often as you can.
In fact, a student in our course recently got a 9 on the IELTS Reading exam, due to using our strategies.
Basically, you first have to skim the passage to get the gist, or the overall idea of what the passage is about.
Then, you look at the first group of questions. Here, you must read the directions, and underline key words.
Next, you employ your scanning skills to find the key words in the passage, because the answers are always next to a key word from the question.
Finally, you read the one or two sentences around the key word carefully, and this is how you find the answer.
Of course, this simple strategy must be practiced in order to help you on test day. Plus, you must learn slight variations of this strategy for the most difficult question types: T/F/NG, Y/N/NG, and Matching Headings to Paragraphs.
Improve your Overall Reading Comprehension
Of course, as we always say on our podcast, in order to get the score you need on IELTS, you must do two things: know the test strategies, and have a high level of English.
Doing reading practice tests will not improve your reading comprehension. In order to actually become a better reader, you need to read!
Challenge yourself to read high level material, such as what you will find on the IELTS Reading exam. Some excellent resources are: The New York Times, The Huffington Post, and, for something a little more funny and entertaining, The Onion.
If you follow this advice, nothing will stop you on test day!
Do you have any questions about the Reading exam?
Leave us a comment below!
What TV shows should you binge watch to learn to speak more effectively and CONNECT in English?
You’ll find out the answer to this question and so much more in today’s episode.
Here is a listener question that we’ll answer today:
“Recently I am thinking about listening to the Friends audio version and I chose it because it’s my favorite sitcom but I am not sure if the phrases in it are still current today.
Do you think I can still use it?
Which program shows me the most up to date expressions?”
-Nicole from China
Our Response:
Yes, it’s still ok to use Friends.
The English phrases that they use are not out of date.
There might be some situations that are out of date like the fact that they didn’t have mobile phones when they created the show.
You would have to go much further back to shows from the 1950’s and 1960’s and shows that are in black and white, then you will find shows that you don’t want to mirror because the language will be old fashioned.
Other shows you can try:
- Orange Is the New Black
- Breaking Bad
- Modern Family
- How I Met Your Mother
- True Detective (warning- this one is dark and the dialogue is hard to understand)
- Seinfeld
It’s a good idea to choose a show that is HOT right now because it will be an easy way to get into conversations with native speakers.
Choose a show that thrills you and that sucks you in.
You want to be addicted to it.
You should want to watch it every week.
Can you use these shows to prepare for your next exam?
Yes you can BUT you need to do the right activities to supplement the show if you want to build real skills that you will get you your target score on the IELTS Exam. Every activity should be linked to the scoring system.
That’s why it makes sense to invest in an IELTS course where we’ll show you how to use the shows in a smart way so that you don’t waste your time.
What to consider when you choose a show:
- Can you understand enough to get hooked or to get addicted (should be around 70-80%)?
- Can you talk about it with other friends? Is it a popular show? Are people talking about it? Will you be able to add to the conversation?
- Can you watch it regularly? Make sure that you have the time to get into it
How to start a conversation about a TV show:
- Hey do you watch Orange Is the New Black? Who’s your favorite character? How far into it are you?
- What shows are you into?
- What’s your favorite show these days?
*Bonus phrase: To binge watch
This means that we consume a lot of a show.
We watch one episode after another and sometimes we watch an entire series in one weekend.
Do you like Friends or another TV show?
What phrases have you used to connect with native speakers around these shows?
Let us know in the comments.
Today we’ll show you how to stop feeling freaked out and panicked on the IELTS Listening exam and instead how to calm down and get the score you need.
To reduce your stress you can practice by using the audio script.
They are at the back of every practice test book.
A lot of students have no idea how to use them and most teachers don’t use them enough either.
What to do:
- Practice understanding: Before you do a practice test just get used to understanding what they are saying in the audio. Listen and follow along on the tape script. Don’t even try to answer the questions. This will help you start with a clear head.
- Get used to IELTS tricks: IELTS uses the same trips, quirks, and distractors on every test. They use the “negative turnaround” by someone changing their mind in the audio. By using the tape script you will start to pick up on these tricks and you’ll learn how to not let them lower your score. In this case you can do the practice test first but then listen again, look at the script, and compare your answers. Look at what you got right and wrong. Highlight patterns and expose the tricks!
- Throw away your practice tests and watch a movie: You need to practice being calm. You need to strengthen your listening skill before you can approach test practice. Get your confidence back by listening to podcasts and doing other things. Build the general fluency and use balanced practice first then take your practice tests out again.
Are you stressed out about the IELTS Exam?
What is most stressful for you?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today we’re going to talk about something a bit more serious and somewhat sad.
We were really disturbed by what happened a few weeks ago in San Bernadino California.
A group of people were killed at a social services center.
It comes back to the question: Why is it so easy for people to get their hands on guns in the United States?
Here are some vital statistics:
- About 1/3 of all Americans with kids under 18 have a gun in the house
- Rural residents and older adults are more likely to have a gun (more so than urban residents)
- Republicans are more likely than democrats to have a gun
*Statistics are from the Pew Research Center
The New York Times published a front page editorial urging the government to end the epidemic of guns in the United States.
You can read the editorial here.
Guns in the English language:
- “To jump the gun”- This comes from the idea of using guns in a horse race and it means to start something prematurely, before it’s the right time
- “To ride shotgun.”- To ride in the front seat of the car.
- “To be under the gun.”– To be under pressure for something such as a deadline
- “To stick to your guns”– To stick to your morals and to do what you say you’re going to do, to be in integrity
Leave us a comment below. What is the situation with gun control in your country?
What do you think about the situation in the United States?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today you’ll meet a listener of our podcast who got a 7 on IELTS Speaking but a 5 on Writing.
Find out what went wrong and what she can do today.
We got a few emails from this student.
She wrote to us right after the exam and sounded confident and great.
She had used some of the stories from this podcast to entertain the examiner.
She took our advice and practiced it and got a 7 on IELTS Speaking.
That is the bright spot but then we got that common email two weeks later.
The listener’s email went like this:
“I am pretty much shocked. I got my scores: Listening: 6.5 , Speaking: 7, Reading: 6.5, Writing: 5
I don’t understand what the problem was with my writing. I used formal words. I used advanced grammar structures.”
Here is Jessica’s feedback on what you are doing wrong:
“The problem is this: You don’t have the writing strategies to give the examiner what she or he wants.
You might have the academic skills like vocabulary and grammar but this is not enough.
You need to know what the examiner is looking for to get a high score for Writing Task 1 for example. You are missing the strategies.
Also it sounds like you were a confident student going in and that can be a problem if you are not basing your confidence on putting in the work.”
This student also made the mistake of only using our podcast and not using a step-by-step system to prepare for the exam.
Our podcast is not enough to bring you to your target score.
You MUST be in a solid system like 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
The danger of focusing only on your strengths:
Also this student was probably already strong in Speaking so she spent a lot of time and effort in preparing for Speaking.
Therefore, she probably ignored her real needs like IELTS Writing by not doing anything to prepare except for using some fancy vocabulary and grammar.
This is what happens when native speakers go into the test.
Should she get a re-score?
This student was thinking of asking for a re-score but we don’t recommend that.
It’s a bad investment.
Instead, she needs to admit to herself that she did not put in the time to prepare for writing.
Instead, take half of that money and invest in a course where your scores are guaranteed to increase.
This is a typical situation that happens to many people.
Don’t let it happen to you! Be smart the first time and get into a solid system.
If you have an interview in English coming up soon we’ll show you how to make an amazing first impression to get into your dream school.
“Since I am going to have a college interview can you make an episode about interviews? I want to know what clothes I should wear and how I can show my politeness.”
Today we’ll show you how to demonstrate your politeness at the beginning or at the end of the interview.
Those are the places where you can really make a strong impression.
What should you wear?
Michelle suggests you wear a business suit.
It gives a strong, professional impression on the interview. You need to create your own personal brand.
For a college interview you won’t find many applicants in a business suit so you can really stand out in this area if you put on a suit.
Powerful phrases to make an impression:
- “Thank you for having me” – this could come at the end and at the beginning of the interview. You could use this when you first meet the person or when you walk out of the room.
- “Pleased to meet you”
- “I look forward to hearing back from you”– this can be used at the end of the interview just before you leave the room
- “I’m confident I would be a good fit.”
Quick tips for the interview:
- Prepare with the most common questions such as these:
- “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
- “Tell me about a time when you were a team leader.”
- Ask questions about the school: Research the school beforehand. You have to show that you’re interested. You should know why you are interested in this school more than others. You want to ask questions about those things. Colleges want to have a high acceptance rate so they want to know that you are likely to attend if you get accepted.
Click here to get the most common college interview questions in the US
What questions do you have about today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today we have another IELTS success story!
Find out how Cheryll moved her Speaking score from 5.5 to 7 using 3 Keys IELTS!
Today find out how she did it and how you can do it too!
What happened the first time she took the test? (before 3 Keys IELTS)
She got a 5.5 last August before taking our course.
She made the mistake of relying on You Tube lessons.
She didn’t have any plan to use to prepare in a step by step format.
“Lesson #1: You cannot gather random, free resources and expect to have a solid preparation plan especially for speaking and writing.”
On the day of the test she was confident that she would get a 7 because she had prepared so much but she didn’t get her 7 in Speaking until she joined our course in the fall.
Cheryll joined our course in the fall of 2015 and she came to the 3 Keys Power Hour three times which is only available for 3 Keys IELTS students.
Jessica saw Cheryll’s writing and speaking improve every single time she came to the class.
“Lesson #2: During the Power Hours with Jessica, Cheryll learned that she needed to speak as much as possible and try to tell stories about your life during the speaking test.”
Cheryll worked very very hard!
On the other parts of her exam she increased her score using 3 Keys IELTS by 1/2 point in her Writing.
She feels that she needs more practice before her next exam.
Her reading and listening scores stayed consistent.
Because she put in a lot more time into the speaking practice, now she needs to go back and put more time into the listening and reading practice.
Leave a message of encouragement for Cheryll!
We are very proud of her and her improvement and hard work.
We are confident that next time she can get the overall band score she needs.
Great job on your Speaking and Writing Cheryll!
IELTS Speaking Part 2 intimidates, frightens and freaks out many IELTS candidates.
Are you one of these people?
Not to worry! Today, you’ll get all the information to not only complete IELTS Speaking Part 2 with confidence, but also fulfill the examiner’s expectations for a high score.
What does the examiner want?
The examiner is listening for very specific things in Part 2.
Fluency and Coherence
The first category that the examiner will grade you on is fluency and coherence. This mainly has to do with linking words. This is the coherence part.
You must use a variety of linking words to organize your ideas in Speaking Part 2, not just, “and, and, because because.”
Also, the examiner will be listening to your fluency. Here, you simply need to keep speaking for the whole 2 minutes. Do not stop talking, until the examiner asks you to stop.
The best strategy for getting a high fluency score is to tell a story about the topic. When you tell a story, your pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary scores all increase.
Stories are naturally organized in your mind, and they are an event that is personal and memorable. This allows you to add more specific detail and be more expressive.
In order to score highly for vocabulary, you must use interesting and idiomatic language.
This should be easy to slot in during your Speaking Part 2 answer, because you have plenty of time to be descriptive, using interesting adjectives and idioms.
There are many idioms and phrases that express opinion, and you will naturally do this while you are speaking for 2 minutes.
Basically, in order to get a 6 for grammar, you need to use a variety of sentence structures- simple, compound and complex.
However, you can still have quite a few mistakes and still get a 6. As long as the examiner can still understand you, even though you are making mistakes, you can get a 6 here.
In order to move from a 6 to a 7, you have to produce a high percentage of error-free, perfect, sentences. For most students, this is impossible.
It would take a year, at least, for most students to move from a 6 to a 7 in grammar.
Therefore- don’t waste your time! Invest your time wisely by improving your scores in the other categories.
Here is your golden opportunity to improve your score quickly!
Pronunciation is the easiest category in which to achieve a 7 or higher.
The examiner wants to hear your personality. She/he wants to hear your voice go up and down (intonation) and your stress on important words.
This should be very fun to practice, actually.
- You can create a whole confident character for yourself who enjoys speaking English with confidence.
- You can also watch hilarious sitcoms, and try to copy the exact way the actors speak.
- Also, you can read out loud every day for 5 to 10 minutes, and this will help you increase your fluency and your connected speech patterns.
It all leads you to a higher score.
For more information on Speaking Part 2, including example answers, check our our podcast, and check out our IELTS course, the 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
Do you have any questions about what the examiner wants to hear in Speaking Part 2?
Leave us a comment below.
Today get 5 incredible idioms that you can strategically insert into your IELTS Exam to get the score you need NOW!
We’re going to show you how to use English phrasal verbs with “look” to so that you can use “interesting idiomatic language” to boost up your vocabulary score on IELTS Speaking.
If you use at least two or three idioms you will get the examiner to start to think about moving your score up to a 7.
Most examiners start by thinking “6” and then using the right vocabulary is one thing you can do to push up to a 7.
- To look up to: To admire someone. “I look up to my dad because he is a business owner and he has a good work ethic.”
- To look down on: This is the exact opposite of “look up to.” You could say, “I look down on people who don’t have a good work ethic” or “I look down on people who cheat.” This is a good for Writing Task 2 and Speaking Part 2.
- To look after: To take care of something or someone. “I need to look after my health.” or “I looked after my niece this weekend.” This is good for all parts of the Speaking test when you talk about friends or family.
- To look over: To review, to analyze, to read something when it has already been done or to check something. Here is an example: “I need you to look over my report before I turn it in.”
- To look forward to: To be excited or enthusiastic about something that will be happening in the future. “I am really looking forward to the soccer game and meeting new people this weekend.”
Now take this episode and listen again.
Write down all of the phrasal verbs and think about your own life.
Write down your own examples using the context of your own life.
Today find out what phrases you need for 4 different situations in English when you visit the bar with friends or colleagues.
One of our listeners asked us what vocabulary you need at a happy hour and we want to show you how to do it today.
A “Happy Hour” is usually an event that happens at a bar after work.
It usually goes from 5 to 8pm.
There are specials and reduced price drinks.
You might go with colleagues after work and stay for about 1- 2 hours.
Here in Boston the bars are not legally allowed to discount drinks during “Happy Hour” but in New York and most other parts of the country they can discount the drinks.
How to order a drink:
- “Hey can I get a Sam Adams.” (more casual)
- “I’ll have a martini.”
- “I’ll get a glass of Malbec.”
- “Could I have a Cosmopolitan.”
How much to tip:
You should leave about 20% of your total bill.
Remember that servers in the US don’t get paid very well.
How to make sure no one drives home drunk:
- “Are you OK to drive?”
- “Let me call you a cab.”
- “Can I offer you a ride home?”
- “Can I call you a cab?”
- “You’re cut off.” (this means that the person can’t have anything else to drink)
How to say that you want to pay for someone’s drinks:
- “I’ll get this round.”
- “Let me get this one.”
- “Let me get this one. You can get the next.”
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Your time is valuable!
There are wrong ways to spend your time and right ways to spend your time preparing for IELTS.
Today you’ll hear the story of a student who has spent the last 12 months working hard but doing the wrong things.
We think this is heartbreaking!
You’ll find out how our IELTS strategies could change everything for her.
The situation that this student is in is quite typical.
She is not alone.
Her main challenges are the Speaking and Writing.
“My problem is I need a 7 in all scores. My reading and listening are good.
They are always over 7 and sometimes 8.5 but my writing and speaking are really bad.
I just got a 6 in these two skills but I spent a year working on these.”
“I think my actual writing and speaking levels are still low now.
I can’t speak fluently and don’t know how to express my thoughts and often run out of ideas. In writing it’s hard for me to come up with ideas and support for them.
I have difficulties choosing the right words and finishing writing on time.”
What should this student do?
Don’t memorize vocabulary lists.
Don’t learn new methods to learn vocabulary words.
Get a good course that will literally give you the vocabulary that you need to increase your score.
Every single activity MUST be directly correlated to the scoring system.
If you are a hard worker you are in danger if you don’t get into a course because you might take your strong work ethic and work very hard doing all the wrong things BUT if you take your strong work ethic and put it into a good system then you WILL get your target score.
If you are creating your own activities and your own ways of getting a higher speaking score then that’s not valid test practice.
In our course we give you two activities every day and we tell you exactly how these activities are going to get you a 7 or higher.
For this student she could also benefit from finding another student in our course and private Facebook group to practice speaking and fluency.
This student should go with the 60-day plan to get her target score.
She has probably developed certain speaking and writing habits which are not working.
She’ll need to un-learn her old habits and learn new habits.
Click here to get into the 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
Are you in this situation?
Let us know what questions you have in the comments.
Do you want to know how to be polite in an American dining situation?
Today we’ll show you what to do and what to say in four typical dining situations in the US.
Listener question:
“When you finish a meal and you eat with your family or friends don’t you say anything?
Or is there something you say to indicate that you are leaving a seat?
In Japan we say Gochisosama deshita which is a thank you word for everyone and everything that brings food to you.
For us Japanese it’s a little awkward if people leave the seat without saying anything.
What should you say in the US when you leave the table?”
What do you say when you leave the table?
You can say “Excuse me I need to use the restroom.”
This is a more formal way of speaking.
You might use this when you dine with your colleagues.
You could also say “Excuse me I need to check on the pie.” or just “Excuse me for just a minute.”
What do you say when you first sit down to the table?
- “This looks lovely”
- “This looks wonderful”
- “This looks delicious”
- “This looks amazing”
What do you say when you want someone to pass you a dish?
- “Would you please pass the sweet potatoes?”
- “Would you mind passing the sweet potatoes?”
- (If you reach over someone) “Excuse my reach”
- “Could I reach over you?”
What do you say when the meal is over?
You want to thank the host and you don’t have to just say “thank you.”
You can be specific about what you really liked about the meal.
You can say:
- “Oh that was delicious. I am stuffed.”
- “Oh the sweet potatoes were amazing.”
Dining norms in the US:
- Don’t put your bread on the table or tablecloth
- Don’t slurp when you eat any kind of soup or when you drink something with a straw
- Don’t burp at the table
- Don’t point your finger directly at someone
- Keep your elbows off the table (except for maybe when you’re having coffee and you are leaning into someone at a small table)
Are these dining norms the same or different in your country?
Let us know in the comments below.
What should you do the day or the night before the IELTS Exam?
Should you be doing practice tests?
Practicing your speaking?
What do world-class athletes do the night before a game?
They rest and relax.
They spend time with their families.
They do not go out and run sprints to prepare for the game the next day.
We are making today’s episode to help the students in our course or anyone who has put in a lot of hard work and has really taken time to learn solid strategies with a good IELTS study plan.
If you have worked hard in an IELTS course and it’s the night before the test you need to relax.
There is nothing you can do by this point to change your score. You have learned what you have learned.
If you try to work too hard on practice tests now you could actually lower your score because you might get a lot of anxiety if your practice tests scores are lower than you expect.
What should you do?
Go out in the evening (don’t stay out too late) and spend time with friends and family or stay home and watch a movie. Read a book. Maybe watch a movie in English.
If you have honestly done everything that we tell you to do in our study plan and you have participated in our 3 Keys Power Hours or Writing Wizard Essay Contest then YOU ARE READY.
Relax. Get a good night’s sleep. Go into the exam refreshed and ready.
Good luck!
If you want to join our 3 Keys IELTS Success System click here.
It is the spark that makes people like you.
That’s what everyone wants.
It’s a basic human need to be liked and to be accepted.
One key to being a charismatic person and to being liked by others is not only to be confident but to make others confident in themselves.
I bet you can do that easily in your native language but how can you do that in English?
We’ll show you how to do it today in English so that you can build better connections with people at work and have more success in your career.
Here are some phrases that you can use:
- “I know you can handle this.”
- “You have the skills that you need for this.”
- “I’m fully/100% confident in you.”
- “I know you can do it.”
- “This is right up your alley.”
- “This is in your wheelhouse.”
What other phrases do you know to instill a sense of self confidence in someone else?
Let us know your ideas in the comments.
On IELTS Writing Task 2, students are always asking for help with examples.
Do you struggle with this too?
Teachers always tell students that they have to add specific details and examples in their IELTS Task 2 essays, but teachers don’t always tell students how to do this.
First of all, let’s back up a bit, to the stage in the writing process before you begin to write your essay.
This stage is the planning stage- and it’s part of a 3 step process.
The three steps are planning, writing and, very importantly, checking.
On our podcast, we talk about how important this process is, and how to manage your time while using this process for Writing Task 1 and Task 2.
The planning stage is what we’re focusing on today.
This is where you take 5 minutes to brainstorm your ideas and organize them before you write.
When you are trying to come up with ideas, try to be as specific as possible.
You can do this by thinking of information that would give further explanation regarding the who, what, when, where and why of the topic.
Here are a few examples:
If you are trying to come up with advantages for driving a hybrid car, you can try and think of answers to questions like:
- Who would benefit from driving hybrid cars?
- What does a hybrid car do for the environment?
- When would it be beneficial to drive a hybrid car?
- Where would it be beneficial to drive a hybrid car?
- Why should people consider buying a hybrid car?
These are the questions that I think of to help my mind come up with more specific reasons and examples.
My brainstorm notes would look like this:
Advantages of hybrids:
- environmentally-conscious people would feel good about themselves
- cars use less fossil fuels, decrease pollution, CO2
- people should start now
- useful in places with high fuel prices, like $10/gallon
- should buy to save planet
Now, the above ideas are only the beginning.
You now need to use your own life experience and knowledge to add more specifics.
This strategy is also useful on the IELTS Speaking Exam.
Advantages of hybrids:
- environmentally-conscious people would feel good about themselves- my friend Tania carries a lot of environmental guilt, would be very depressed without her hybrid
- cars use less fossil fuels, decrease pollution, CO2
- people should start now My neighbor just bought a Toyota hybrid last week.
- useful in places with high fuel prices, like $10/gallon
- should buy to save planet
But wait, there’s more!
You can also make up specific details and examples on the IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
Yes, that’s right, you can lie on IELTS!
Remember, the examiner doesn’t care about the truth of your ideas- they only want to see your writing in English.
As long as those made-up facts are presented in an organized way, using interesting vocabulary, you will get a high score.
So, if we add some more made up facts, my brainstorm would look like this:
Advantages of hybrids:
- environmentally-conscious people would feel good about themselves- my friend Tania carries a lot of environmental guilt, would be very depressed without her hybrid
- cars use less fossil fuels, decrease pollution, CO2 I read an article in the New York Times that said if just 50% more people drove hybrids, it would decrease daily CO2 vehicle emissions by 75%.
- people should start now My neighbor just bought a Toyota hybrid last week.
- useful in places with high fuel prices, like $10/gallon In the Netherlands, as of July 2015, gas prices had topped $10 a gallon. If I had to pay those prices, it would cost me $140 to fill up my gas tank every week.
- should buy to save planet
Of course, your brainstorm will not be as complete as the above example.
However, as long as you have 3 of these ideas in your brainstorm, you will have a very strong, well-supported and high scoring IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
Your next step from here is to practice!
Look at some example IELTS Task 2 questions, and give yourself unlimited time to brainstorm specific reasons, details and examples.
At this stage, you don’t even have to worry about writing the essay- just focus on practicing this one specific step in the writing process.
The more specific, the better!
You can learn more about Writing Task 2 in our IELTS course, 3 Keys IELTS.
Do you have any questions or ideas about today’s post?
Leave us a message in the comments below!
Today we have a 3 Keys IELTS Success Story!
Learn about the two things that Renata did to get a 9 on IELTS Reading and an overall score of 8 on IELTS!
Let’s learn from Renata to get the secrets to this amazing score!
How did Renata get an 8?
She did two things: She chose the right course and she worked hard!
Renata knew that she was naturally a slow reader so she had to really work hard on those reading strategies that we present in our course.
To prepare she kept practicing with the techniques in our course and by the end of her preparation she was much better.
During the test she felt like she could manage timing well on the IELTS Reading.
Before taking our course Renata had no idea how to get started with IELTS.
She didn’t know what to do each day.
She worked very hard in our course.
She spent a lot of time with the video lessons and really focused well.
What is Renata going to do now?
She and her family are involved in the immigration process to Canada.
She kept focused on her dream of immigrating to Canada throughout the course and this helped her put in the number of hours that she needed to in order to build her skills.
What was most helpful for test day?
The day before the test she did the rookie mistake lessons in our course one more time.
She did all of the module summaries again in the course.
She reviewed our templates for the Writing test.
She had a very graphic vision of how the Writing Tasks should look because she had prepared and memorized the structure thoroughly.
She was fully, 100% prepared when she walked into the test!
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
We have heard “I reckon” being used by Australian native English speakers.
It’s not used at all in the US except for in old country western movies.
Today we’ll show you five ways to use “‘I guess” to express different feelings and communicate different ideas.
When we use “I guess” sometimes it can show that we’re not sure about what we are saying and if we’re not careful it could communicate a lack of confidence.
Pro tip! Be careful when you’re mirroring the speech of native speakers.
Sometimes native speakers convey a lack of confidence in their voice and you don’t want to repeat the way they sound.
Listen to a variety of voices to avoid this pitfall.
How to use “I guess” in English:
- At the beginning of a phrase to show that you’re unsure. “I guess it’s at the end of the street”
- At the end of the phrase to show that you’re unsure. “There’s no other way to get there I guess.”
- To make an assumption and put it into a question. “Oh you’re not coming home for Christmas I guess.”
- To let someone down lightly and empathize. “So I guess all of the New Years tickets are sold out.”
- To reserve your agreement, to show that you don’t agree with someone. “Yeah I guess Macy’s is a good place to shop but it gets so crowded there around Christmas.”
- To take a guess. “Can you guess what’s in this bag?”
Listen to the episode to hear how “I guess” is used in real conversations.
What did you think about today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today you’ll learn about 5 IELTS preparation approaches that destroy your score.
We’ll show you why it’s almost too late for one listener to get their target score but we’ll show you how you can turn it around if you are in this situation too.
“To tell you the truth I have never been that bad in English but IELTS is bringing out the bouts of anxiety within me.
I feel I am lagging behind in all four modules.
In the mock tests I have just about managed to score Band 6 in Reading which makes me panic about the whole situation.”
We get a lot of responses like this one.
First of all, he needs to take a step back.
Slow down.
Think about how you are going about this.
It sounds like you have a high level of English.
Mistake #1: Your first mistake was in thinking that your high level of English was enough. It’s not. You need strategies and you need to know what the examiner is looking for.
Mistake #2: Maybe you thought you would practice a few times to see what the exam looks like with the Cambridge practice tests.
Mistake #3: You don’t have any reading strategies. You don’t have time management skills on reading.
You are now in a downward spiral of anxiety which is taking your further away from your target score because of your first three mistakes. Here’s more from your letter….
“Writing is something which obviously has no standard marking and so is the Speaking part, both of which I do hope to pull of with ease and get a 7 in both.
My biggest fear is the Listening module.
My problem with Listening is the recording is too fast for me to follow and jot down the answers.”
You have awesome vocabulary so that’s a huge advantage for you that you could use on your next test, but…..
Mistake #4: You have done NO research on IELTS. How can you say that Writing and Speaking have no standard marking system? Of course there is a strict standard marking criteria that examiners must follow and you MUST learn it to score high.
We know that you are trying to prepare and the mistakes that you have made are common for so many students but you need to realize that you must ask for help sometimes.
Even for a native speaker, you need to know what the examiner is looking for on Writing Task 1 and in Speaking Part 2.
It’s not logical or obvious.
The instructions can actually be misleading.
If you are studying with an IELTS professional then you’ll know exactly what you need to do to get the score you need because we know what you need to do to get that score.
And it gets worse….
“I’ve watched several videos with tips on Listening and Reading but I find it hard to improve since I am doing self study and I only have 20 days left I feel that I am panicking more than ever.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
I hope I get Band 8.5 in my first attempt but my innermost desire is to get Band 9.”
Mistake #5: You are doing self study and you have said that it’s not working. You can’t prepare for IELTS by yourself. Why are you continuing to use those self study videos if they aren’t working? STOP and change your approach!!!
Mistake #6: Now that you only have 20 days (and no plan) you are panicking and looking for help. It’s basically too late. If you had 30 days you would be OK but if you continue on the track you’re on for the next 20 days you WILL NOT get your target score.
This situation reminds of a situation that a native speaker would get in.
This person has the English level he needs but he cannot do it by himself.
A native speaker would probably assume they could prepare by themselves too but they also wouldn’t get a great score.
What do you think about this situation?
Are you in a similar situation right now?
Let us know in the comments below.
It’s almost the weekend! Are you feeling great?
Do you want to know how to talk about the upcoming weekend in English with your friends or colleagues?
Today you’ll find out how to do it.
Phrases to talk about the weekend:
- Thank goodness it’s Friday
- Happy Friday, Happy weekend
- Enjoy your weekend (this would be used at the end of a conversation)
- What are you up to this weekend?
- Have a great weekend!
- I’m so glad it’s the weekend
- I’m really looking forward to the weekend
- TGIF = Thank Goodness It’s Friday
Listen to the episode to get the conversations between Lindsay and Michelle!
Leave us your sample sentences below.
Can IELTS Writing feedback actually hurt your score?
Yes it can!
We’ll show you how it can hurt you if you get bad writing advice in today’s episode.
When should you get writing feedback?
Where should you get it?
One of Jessica’s students made the mistake of getting feedback from her mother who did not know what the examiner looks for when it comes to writing.
As a result, she was getting good grammar tips but she wasn’t getting ready for IELTS but when she started working with Jessica she got the 7.5 she needed right away. She only had to meet with Jessica twice and she got her 7.5.
As we have seen in this example you have to work with someone who knows about the IELTS Exam.
If you already have the English skills that you need for the life of freedom that you are looking for, all you need is simple feedback from a good IELTS professional to get your target score.
One key is to learn the strategies before you get feedback.
You need to make sure that you build the foundation first then invest time and money into getting IELTS feedback.
You can use our strategies from our 3 Keys IELTS course or you can try to put together your own strategies.
What questions do you have about IELTS Writing?
Let us know in the comments below.
Are you a pushover?
Do you want to “put your foot down” more often?
Today find out how to say what you prefer to do in any situation using the right English phrases.
It’s important to say what you really want to do when you prefer to do one thing over another.
This can be hard to do but the phrases you’ll get today will help you be assertive and direct while maintaining connections that matter to you.
The key to becoming a leader is being direct about what you want to do while saying it in the right way and not sounding rude or immature.
Phrases you can use:
- I think I’d rather….
- I’d rather…
- It would be better to…
- Let’s do this…
- I’d prefer to do this/that…
Listen to the conversation and then leave us your sample sentences below!
Today INSTANT study plan created for one 3 Keys IELTS student!
What happens when plans change?
Today find out how to deal with IELTS preparation surprises and changes.
If you are in a course like ours you can get immediate answers to your questions like these.
Our student got into the following situation:
“When I applied to 3 Keys IELTS I made a mistake.
I wanted to get started quickly but I hadn’t booked my test.
I had planned to do the test in December 2015 but I found out that there were no spaces available in 2015 in Brazil.
My test will be on February 20th 2016. I started my 60-day study plan in October but I have 90 more days. I am afraid I will get rusty before my exam.
What should I do? “
This doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It could be an opportunity.
You now have more time to prepare.
Instead of two months to prepare you now have four months.
For now, go back to focusing on your general fluency skills with our extra activity recommendations in our study plan.
Then, two months before the exam you should go back and start the study plan again and do the test-prep strategy activities.
What questions do you have about today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
We got a great question from a listener named Simon.
Simon wanted to know why we say, “What will we be doing?” or “Where will they be meeting?”
Great question Simon!
The key is to understand context and know what situations we would use this in instead of other forms of the future.
In formal situations like an organized event or a meeting we would be likely to use this tense.
For example at a conference we might use this tense a lot.
At a conference it is a structured, pre-planned event, where a lot of time blocks are scheduled out and we know what will be happening at specific times.
We use this when we are certain that things will be happening at a specific time.
- I will be leaving for the airport at 2 pm
- We will be meeting in the Green room for the keynote speech
- We’ll be serving breakfast in the cafe between 8 am and 10 am tomorrow morning. Will you be joining us?
Listen to the conversation and role play between Lindsay and Michelle.
Leave us your questions in the comment section below or write your examples!
Jessica bought a new car! She got a VW Beetle!
Today you’ll get four things you can learn from Jessica’s car-buying experience about the IELTS Exam.
What should you consider when you buy a car and when you take IELTS?
- Consider your motivation: What do you want to do with your life? What will the IELTS get you? Will it get you freedom? Opportunities? Always keep the big dream in mind so that you can stay motivated. Think big when you consider this. What will happen because you are able to get an academic credential? Will your family be in a better financial situation? Will you become a leader in your community? Focusing on these things will keep you on track.
- Put in the research and be an educated shopper: You probably don’t know much about how to choose a good IELTS course just like Jessica didn’t know how to buy a car. But she put in the time and learned the key questions to ask to find out about the quality of the cars. You also need to know the right questions to ask a potential teacher.
- Don’t assume you can do it by yourself: Jessica had to ask a friend to help her inspect her new car and you need someone to show you what you don’t know about IELTS. Reach out and get help. Make sure that the person you ask knows the test and does not also teacher other exams.
- Make sure you have personal support and someone to answer your questions: In our course we have a private Facebook group and we get back to you within the same day or the next day. You need some level of personal support in the course you choose.
Do you have a question from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
The holidays are coming up and if you are living in the US then maybe you are wondering if you should send your friends or colleagues a Christmas card or a New Year’s card. Good question!
One listener wrote in with this question:
“Is it weird to send Christmas cards to my American friends because I am not a Christian?
Is there some American standard for Christmas cards?
I just want to say thank you and keep in touch next year.
Is it better to send a Happy New Year card?”
-Eri, from Japan
What should you do?
- Look at the context: Some social circles give cards and gifts but others do not. Some groups do Secret Santa and some groups don’t do gifts at all.
- Ask someone in the group: Don’t be afraid to ask. Say, “So do we usually do gifts or cards?”
- Stay on the safe side: If you are really concerned just send a Happy New Year card. This won’t offend anyone and it will be positive and forward- thinking.
What happened at Starbucks?
This year Starbucks took off their holiday decorations and just kept the red cup.
Some people were offended that they did this and called it the “War on Christmas.”
What do you think about what happened at Starbucks?
Let us know in the comments below.
Recently, a shocking case emerged in the IELTS test center where I work.
A candidate entered the test center, gave the finger print, and then somehow switched places with a candidate who looked similar to him.
The candidate he switched with had a very high level of English, and was paid a handsome sum of money for this deception.
This ‘professional’ candidate made it through the Listening, Reading and halfway through the Writing, before a proctor became suspicious.
The proctor had helped check in the real candidate in the morning, and, while walking around checking ID’s during the Writing exam, she took a double take when comparing the student to his passport picture.
She asked him to accompany her to the administrator’s office, and this paid test taker told the truth immediately.
He was afraid of getting in trouble himself.
After all, he didn’t care about the real candidate.
He had already received his payment.
This insane series of events got me thinking about why the ethics of honesty and sincere effort are so important, and how we can bring our ethical life into our IELTS preparation.
1. Be honest about who you’re placing your trust in
This professional candidate, the fake person, did not care about the person who paid him the money.
He confessed right away, preferring to save himself than lie any more for the real candidate.
You, as an IELTS candidate, need to place your trust in an IELTS professional before you take the exam.
A teacher who can not only help you pass the exam, but also greatly improve your English ability at the same time.
Think about it: what if the person had actually gotten away with this crime?
Then, he would go to an English-speaking university, and not understand a thing.
Then, he would fail all of his classes, and still be forced home in disgrace, still having achieved nothing.
When you place your future dreams of immigration or prestigious study in someone else’s hands, make sure they deserve it.
Research the teacher and the course, and don’t be afraid to ask tough questions.
Then, work hard, and make sure you deserve the highest possible grade on the IELTS exam.
2. Be honest about the amount of work it takes to reach your goals
The dishonest student chose the easy way, the short cut, the loser’s way out.
And now that his scheme has been uncovered, he cannot take the IELTS exam again.
Therefore, he may not be able to attend the university of his choice, never get the position he’s hoping for, and never have the pride in himself that he so hoped for in the future.
You are a good person!
You will not make these same mistakes.
As an adult, you have enough life experience to know that there is no magic key to success.
Sure, we may get helped along our path by luck or good timing, but it’s our work ethic that allows us to use this luck and timing along our unique path.
If you need to get a 7+ on IELTS, if you want to create a better life for you and your family, there is no shortcut.
There are many opportunities to waste time, however, and that is why choosing a proven IELTS course with a sound and solid study plan is just the beginning.
The rest is up to you: only by completing all the activities, investing your time according to the study plan, and putting your best effort into the test practice, will you reach your goals.
You can hear how one student used our course to achieve a 7.5 on IELTS here.
3. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses, and use them!
In our case study of today, the student should have been honest with himself about his lack of English skills, and focused on improving himself.
Instead, he thought his clever plan would be his strength, his savior; however, it only got him into a more dire situation.
Lindsay and I talk exactly about this pitfall in your IELTS test preparation journey in this episode.
You have to be honest with yourself first and foremost.
Are you better at Listening than Speaking?
Then you must force yourself to face your fears, and seek out a speaking partner.
Do you try a practice reading test, fail, and blame the material instead of yourself?
Find a professional who will teach you the strategies you need, such as in our online IELTS course, and practice, practice, practice.
4. On the Speaking exam, be honest about what’s happening with you
Sometimes, we have to admit defeat before we can gather our strength to move on.
Perhaps this is where our poor student went awry.
He tried a practice test, performed abysmally, and tried to lie his way out of his problems.
Being honest is actually one IELTS strategy unique to IELTS Energy and All Ears English.
On this podcast we discuss how you can use your blank and nervous mind to your advantage on the IELTS Speaking test. We have a strategy for everything!
In short, you have to trust in yourself- that your hard work, determination and honesty will not only lead you to the IELTS score you need, but guide you in achieving all that you dream of in the future.
Let’s go!
What do you think about today’s article?
Let us know in the comments below!
Today we’ll show you how to add this tiny phrase to your repertoire to put a positive spin on what happens in life.
Americans have a reputation for being overly optimistic and positive.
We did an episode about this a few years ago called Does American Optimism Annoy You?
We did another episode on how to use “yet” to put a positive spin on your goals and dreams.
But today we’ll show you how to use “at least.”
We think you can become more successful at work if you are optimistic.
In fact, our language and word choices can determine our thought patterns so we can indeed create our own reality.
What we pay attention to is what actually exists so if you want to bake this mindset into your English phrases you could insert “at least” into your phrases.
- “I got yelled at by my boss today but at least I still have a job.”
- “You can’t visit your friend in the hospital but you can at least send flowers.”
Listen to the conversation between Lindsay and Michelle to get examples on how to use this in a real situation.
What do you think?
What other phrases could you add to your English repertoire to be more positive?
Let us know in the comments.
Today you’ll hear the rumor that pulls people’s IELTS Speaking test scores down to a 2.
You’ll also find out how to make sure you don’t get a low score and what you should do instead of following this bad advice to get the highest possible score.
There is a rumor that students repeat which says this: “Using memorized phrases could lower your score.”
But this doesn’t make sense because to some extent all phrases have to be “memorized” to learn them.
But if you memorize a full 2-minute speech before the exam and you launch into your memorized speech and it has nothing to do with the Speaking topic and question then of course you will get a terrible score because those aren’t your words and your answer is not relevant to the question.
Don’t ever memorize whole answers because you don’t know what the questions will be.
That is RIDICULOUS waste of time.
Now, what about the transition phrases we talk about?
You do have to memorize them.
Memorization is inherent in learning vocabulary in some ways.
Everything we say has been memorized at some point but just memorizing them is not enough for you 7 or higher.
You need to see and understand how to use these phrases in context.
The reason that phrases can sound memorized is that they are used in the wrong context.
Type your transition phrase that you want to use on the test into Google search and let Google show you how these phrases are used. Look at the top 5 Google examples.
So, memorization is important so that you use the phrases correctly but you also have to see them in context so that you know when and how to use them if you really want to score high on IELTS Writing and IELTS Speaking.
Any questions from today?
Let us know in the comments below.
What is an invigilator?
What does their job have to do with timing?
How could they impact your score on Reading and Writing?
One of our listeners was in the Reading exam a few weeks ago and he got thrown off by the person who was keeping the time.
He thought that the invigilator would remind him after 20 minutes had gone by but maybe he misunderstood what this person was going to do so this caused him to get thrown off and confused.
The “invigilator” is supposed to do the following:
- Control the morning exam by checking your passport
- Fingerprint you
- Check your belongings and give you a ticket
- Give you the rules
- Tell you what time you can enter the test room
- Assign you a desk
- Control the time during the test (they should give you clear instructions and write the time on the board). They should write the time remaining at 60 minutes, 40 minutes, and 20 minutes left.
What you need to know:
Sometimes these invigilators are not trained professionals.
They might be college students trying to make extra money.
They have many tasks to do.
For this reason they might not do everything right.
They might make a mistake.
They might forget to write the time warning on the board.
Don’t rely on the invigilator:
Timing is YOUR responsibility.
Keep your eye on the clock in the room.
If the invigilator makes a mistake and you don’t time your test correctly because of that then you won’t be able to do the test again. You won’t be able to blame it on anyone.
Take on some of the responsibility yourself and you will see a higher score.
How to avoid problems with timing:
It’s important to prepare under test conditions so that you know what 20 minutes feels like and what 40 minutes feels like.
You need to practice timing yourself doing each step (plan, write, check) to get a sense of the correct timing for each step.
This should become second-nature by the time you walk into the test because you need to have done it many many times before test day.
Do you have any questions about today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
What can you learn about speech patterns from the story of a gay man from New York City?
Today hear about a documentary about a gay man who hired a speech therapist to get rid of his gay-sounding voice and find out what this means for you as a learner of English.
This weekend we watched a movie called Do I Sound Gay and it reminded us of some of the challenges that our listeners go through when they want to get rid of their own accents from their home countries.
We can draw parallels between what this man went through and what you might go through if you relocate to the US and try to start a life for yourself.
What is a typical “gay male voice”?
Of course this might be a stereotype in itself but here are some of the characteristics according to speech therapists:
- Careful pronunciation
- High, rapidly changing pitch
- Lisp
- Nasal tone
- Breathy tone
In this documentary the man tried to figure out how and when he started talking with this voice and started trying to get rid of it.
He was “covering” as linguists would say. He was trying to cover up his natural voice.
He was doing activities and exercises to get rid of his speech patterns.
Eventually he stopped doing the exercises because he realized he was disconnected with himself.
Is “covering” always healthy?
Sometimes covering can be healthy.
Healthy covering is getting pronunciation training to have more success in business and be understood in everyday situations when we are living in a new country.
There is also a difference between having an accent and having good pronunciation.
The idea of developing a 100% American accent is not always the thing to work toward.
Sometimes covering can he unhealthy if you are spending a lot of time trying to stop being the person you are. It can also become a form of aggression that we display to ourselves by not allowing anything but “perfection.”
What does this mean for you as an English learner?
- Ask yourself, is your desire to change your pronunciation coming from a healthy place or an unhealthy place? Are you feeling vulnerable? Maybe you are feeling scared if you are living in a new country and you don’t want to stand out and you prefer to blend in?
- Are you looking for perfection or connection? Do you want to learn in a way that helps you connect with people or do you want to be “perfect”? What are your priorities? What are your values?
- Are you looking for a connection to yourself? If we are feeling disconnected to ourselves or our bodies we could see a therapist or do yoga or meditation. What are you actually looking for? Is “perfect” English pronunciation really the solution?
The extent to which you want to lose your original accent when you speak English is your own personal choice but we are asking you to reflect on that question today.
What do you think?
Let us know in the comments below.
What is the toughest IELTS Writing Task 2 question?
It’s a question that combines opinion, argument, and problem solution questions.
How can you tackle it so that you get the score you need?
Today find out how to deal with this question to get the highest possible score on IELTS Writing Task 2.
Normally the way we approach Task 2 is by looking at the different types of essay that you might have to write.
The three types are:
- Argument Essay
- Problem/Solution Essay
- Opinion Essay
But the problem is that sometimes IELTS gives you a combo question.
What should you do if you get that type of question?
Don’t think about writing a specific type of essay for this type of question.
Answer the question directly instead.
For example, here is a typical question:
“Some people feel that we are wasting our money in the Space Race. We need to spend money on earth. Do you agree or disagree with this?”
This question does not present two opinions so it’s less clear.
So in this case, since there are two parts to the question you can talk about sentence 1 in paragraph 2 and sentence 2 in the next paragraph.
First, talk about the fact that yes, we are wasting money on the Space Race.
The second part of the question is: “We should be spending money here on earth.”
So address that part in the next paragraph.
If you see a question with two parts then don’t waste your time thinking about what kind of essay to write.
Instead just directly answer those questions in the two body paragraphs.
You can use this strategy on every single question for Writing Task 2.
You still need to practice the 3 different types of essay structures before you can start moving things around like we’re showing you in this strategy.
You need to know the strategies and rules before you can break them.
What questions do you have from today?
Let us know in the comments below.
What should you do if someone doesn’t reply to your email?
How do you ask them if they got it and give them the “gentle nudge” in English to get them to respond?
We’ll show you exactly how to do it today so that you can get the message across and still maintain that connection.
What should you think about?
- What is your relationship with the person? How well do you know them?
- What is the timing? You need to get this right and not make them feel pressured
- How can get their attention just to give them a friendly reminder without nagging
How can you maintain the connection but also be somewhat direct in English?
One useful key word here is “just.”
We have already talked about this word. Check out this episode.
Even though we can eliminate “just” in many contexts to sound more direct, when it’s a follow up email you can use it strategically to be more polite in English and to not come off as nagging or bothering someone.
By saying “just” you are recognizing that you are not the only thing in the person’s life.
Phrases to use:
- “Hey just checking in. I emailed you last week. Did you get (receive) my email?”
- “Hey I haven’t heard back from you. What’s going on?” (this is more direct and less formal)
- “Hi I sent you an email last week about the party. Hope you can make it. Please let me know either way.”
- “I emailed you last week about the meeting on Friday. If you could get back to me by this Wednesday that would be great.”
What phrases do you use in English to remind people to get back to you?
Let us know in the comments below.
Are you worried that you will “lose it” on the map completion questions on the IELTS Listening test?
This kind of question is rare but it does happen and it can be tough.
However, today you’ll find out what happened to one student in this part of the IELTS test and learn how you can make sure this doesn’t happen to you too.
What happened to this student?
The student got lost and didn’t know where he was on the test.
He didn’t know where on the test the speaker was referencing.
He skipped the initial step of looking at the question before he listened.
He didn’t use his prediction strategy to see what would come next.
The skill you need to succeed on this type of question:
Prediction strategies: On a map completion question all of the answers are in order so all you have to do is follow along in order.
What should you do to follow along? Before you listen find question #1 right away. Circle it and then circle all of the questions in order so that you see where all of the questions are.
You need to start predicting direction words in your head.
Look at where things are on the map and describe it to yourself in your head before you listen.
These are the signal words.
Read more about prediction when it comes to IELTS Listening and Reading.
You can get maps online to practice this.
Also get more tips on this in the IELTS Brain box episode here.
How can you practice this?
Go to a tourist office in your city and get maps in English.
Highlight all direction words on the map.
Go back and describe the map in your own words.
You could extend this into speaking test practice by engaging in conversation with the person who works at the tourist center by asking them some questions about the map.
What questions do you have about this strategy?
Let us know in the comments below.
What should you do when the barista at Starbucks or another coffee shop gets your order wrong?
Today find out how to correct them and fix the problem in English without ruining the person’s day.
Do you spend a lot of time at Starbucks?
Lindsay is a Starbucks bum. She goes every day to the Starbucks down by her house.
Sometimes when you go a cafe the server gets the order wrong.
How do you fix the problem and get the correct drink without making the server feel bad or ruin their day?
Phrases to correct the server in English:
- “Actually I asked for hazelnut.”
- “Excuse me I think my order got confused.”
- “Ya know what, I think there was a mistake.”
- “Sorry I think I got the wrong order.”
What other phrases do you know when it comes to fixing your order at a cafe?
Please share them in the comments below.
What should you do when you receive your IELTS results?
After two long weeks of nail biting and bated breath, your IELTS results were released.
With dreams of 7’s, or even 8’s, you opened the envelope, or clicked on the appropriate link, and your face fell.
No 7’s.
Maybe a 6 or two, but definitely not the scores that you need to send in to the immigration agency, the admitting committee for your university, or the overseas job recruiters.
I know this is not ideal, but there is good news! You can still reach your target scores!
Ready to get our free 3-part IELTS Masterclass?
Learn the top ticks, tricks, and secrets you need for success
Analyze your strengths
You got your results, and, hopefully, they’re not all bad!
Perhaps you scored a couple 6’s, maybe in the Reading and Writing, but you still couldn’t get beyond that 5.5 for Speaking, and Writing was maybe a 5.
Chin up!
The good news is that you have nowhere to go but up!
So, start by being positive.
List your strengths for each section of the exam.
For example, in Speaking, you feel like your fluency was actually ok, but you know that you need to learn a wider range of vocabulary.
You can use your strengths and weaknesses to help you improve, for example, even if you feel like you are an introvert, and you believe this inability to be gregarious is holding you back, use it to your advantage!
We did a podcast on this specific topic, analyzing your personality type and using it to help formulate your study plan.
The fact is that you most likely do have a strong base of English skills, and you can build on that.
You just need to right guidance from a IELTS professional.
Analyze your weaknesses
If you’re reading this article, you probably didn’t hit that target score in every section of the IELTS exam.
Good news! You can still get there!
Remember that almost nobody hits their target score on their first attempt, and, if this is your second, third, or even eighth attempt, it’s time to change the way your are preparing.
This video is a good place to start: Why Do I keep Getting a 5.5?
See the full video lesson below.
You cannot keep doing the same methods of preparation, the same IELTS prep class at the local language school, the same Cambridge practice test book at home, and expect to get different results.
If you are strong in fluency, for example, or vocabulary, but you still can’t get beyond that 6 in Speaking or Writing, maybe you need to focus on pronunciation.
Most likely, if you are a good student who simply cannot reach the score you need, even after preparing, you are just missing some key information about the test that your teachers and your books aren’t giving you.
In fact, unfortunately, some teachers are actually passing on the wrong information to their pupils, directly hurting their scores.
On our podcast, we’ve heard many cases of this, where a teacher is claiming to be an ‘ex-examiner’ in some cases, charging higher fees, and actually sabotaging their students’ preparation.
Learn how to improve in the areas you need.
You cannot teach yourself what you don’t know.
You must admit that there are areas for improvement, and find a teacher who can bring you up to the level you need to be for the exam.
There are strategies that only a real IELTS professional can teach you, for example, which numbers the examiners wants to see in Writing Task 1 or what the examiner wants to hear specifically in Speaking Part 2
For Speaking and Writing, the fact is that you cannot improve those areas by yourself.
You need to learn from someone who knows, intimately and in great detail, what the examiner is looking and listening for on the writing and speaking tests.
That’s why in our course 3 Keys IELTS, for example, every piece of advice stems from the descriptors that the examiner uses to give you band scores.
Likewise, Reading and Listening skills can be practiced at home in your room, but, you still need an IELTS professional who can teach you the simple strategies you need to feel confident on test day.
On our podcast, we discuss some of these specific reading and listening strategies.
Make a study plan
On our podcast, we are firm believers in plans, lists and organized preparation.
When we have a huge goal before us, like passing the IELTS to get our Masters degree and bring our skills home to improve our town and support our family, we cannot expect to reach any of those targets without putting in the work.
However, at the same time, you don’t want to just start ‘working’ when you’re actually wasting your time with the wrong resources.
In this episode,, we explain how to start forming an IELTS study plan for yourself so you don’t waste your time and money.
The video below also provides some valuable advice on how to create a study plan.
In short, you know you have to work hard, but you’re not sure what exactly that looks like in terms of IELTS preparation.
In 3 Keys IELTS, we have 30 day and 60 day study plans, which outline two activities you can do daily which strengthen every English skill for the exam and give you all the strategies that you need.
Basically, if you need to improve by half a band score, make a 30 day plan.
If you need to improve by one band point, try a 60 day plan.
If you need more improvement than that, allow yourself 3 months of preparation before you retake the exam. (Of course, if you are not working, or studying something else, and have lots of time to practice, you can reduce this.)
Schedule a new IELTS test date
After analyzing your strengths and weaknesses and making a study plan, you know that you will be ready for the test in 1-3 months, depending on your situation.
Don’t wait to schedule your next exam, though, because many test centers are booked up months in advance.
Find out when IELTS is testing again in your area.
Why aren’t you understanding what you read?
IELTS Reading is a major stress point for a lot of IELTS candidates.
Today you’ll get a simple, 3-step activity to help you increase your ability to understand what you read and to also increase your vocabulary!
You must NEVER expect to understand every word you read.
You don’t need this to get a high score on IELTS and you don’t need it to succeed in English in everyday life.
What you do need for IELTS is comprehension strategies and you also need test strategies.
We have noticed a bad habit.
What many students do is they try to translate the meaning of a sentence or passage word for word.
This does not work and we see it all of the time so we need to stop doing this!
We know that you want to learn vocabulary but you can’t take vocabulary by itself.
It needs to come through other things like listening or reading but with this bad habit, when you try to translate words you are not focusing on context like you should.
Focus on Connection NOT Perfection.
What is the writer trying to convey to us?
What is the feeling that we should feel?
Read between the lines.
Understand the feeling and the gist.
Even try to understand what’s not being said.
What is the undertone?
This is what you are aiming for even if it does not come right away.
This connects directly when you answer Yes/No/Not Given Reading Questions.
Don’t focus on individual words and sentences.
Start by understanding the context and work backwards from there.
So how do you do it? Good question! We’ll show you how to do it now.
3 steps to get better at reading comprehension:
- Step 1: Read the whole article and essay, read for context and take a minute to think about what you just read (without your dictionary) and do not underline any words or phrases. Next, try to summarize the ideas in your own words, what is the author trying to tell you? Think about it.
- Step 2: Dictionary step! Read it again and choose 3 or 4 key words that you think are important for comprehension and then use your dictionary. You can write the translation but we prefer that you avoid that.
- Step 3: Next read the whole thing again, don’t underline or translate and then add to your summary again.
This framework helps you focus, step by step, on what you are reading and adding new meaning each time.
Any questions about today’s strategy?
Let us know in the comments below.
Things don’t always work the way we want them to.
Today find out what to say in English when something stops working or when someone misbehaves.
Michelle has been having problems with her headphones lately.
Her headphones have been “acting up.”
Gustavo, one of our listeners, asked us if we can say, “My email server is goofing off” but we can’t say that.
If you use the phrasal verb “goof off” you need to be talking about a person with a personality who is misbehaving.
What do you do when your computer “acts up”?
Phrases to use for people misbehaving or things not working:
- To act up: This can be used to describe a person or a thing not working well. For example, “That kid started acting up at the restaurant” or “My computer is acting up.”
- To mess up: You can say this for a person, “I messed up on my IELTS Exam.” Sometimes we could use this when we talk about an item for example, “My phone keeps messing up.”
- To not work: This is only used for an item. “My watch isn’t working.”
- To give someone problems: You can say this for both people and things. “My friend is giving me problems” or “My microphone is giving me problems”
- To goof off: This is usually used for a person only because they need to have a personality to goof off. “Stop goofing off in class.”
- To mess around: This is only used for a person, not a thing.
Listen to the role play conversations to see how these are used in a real conversation!
Let us know your questions in the comments section below.
Today you will get 3 habit changes that will directly increase your IELTS Writing score and will give you unstoppable confidence on test day.
Are you typing your IELTS practice essays? If so then you are making a big mistake!
This is not the way you should practice.
You must make your practice as close to exam conditions as you can and then on test day you will be ready.
You need to practice correctly!
If you are using Microsoft Word here are the problems:
- You won’t be typing on test day so it’s not realistic practice
- If you are also using spell check then you are not getting used to looking for your own mistakes and that will bring your score down
You need to hand write your essays first then you can type them into the spell check to find mistakes to learn that way but you can’t type out your essays the first time.
If your IELTS teacher asks you to email them all of your essays (typed) and you never practice writing an essay with a pen and paper then there is a problem with that class and that is a red flag regarding the quality of the teacher and the course.
Go here to the IELTS Writing exam paper and use this for your practice.
The best way to make sure anxiety doesn’t bring down your score is to prepare as close to exam conditions as possible many many times before test day.
Also practice the correct timing:
- Writing Task 1: 20 minutes
- Writing Task 2: 40 minutes
You must be able to plan, write, and check in those times to get the highest score.
There is no other way to get the score you need.
When should you start practicing timing.
If you have a few months, don’t start timing yet.
You need to learn strategies, practice grammar, spelling, etc. before you can do it under test conditions, especially for Writing Task 1.
You also need to know what to proofread for first then two weeks before the exam you start putting yourself under test conditions with a timer.
If you do it this way, by the time test day comes you will be GOLDEN!
If you have done everything right in your preparation then test day should be straightforward and not stressful.
That’s what Pedro said after he took our course.
He said that he knew exactly what to expect because he had been told what to expect in the course.
What questions do you have from today?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today find out how to save your friend from an embarrassing moment in English!
Do you have trouble pronouncing people’s names in English or does your friend have that problem?
Today find out how to correct them without making them feel bad in English.
Here are some phrases you could use:
- “His name is hard to pronounce…”
- “Oh the pronunciation is kind of hard…”
- “My mom made that mistake too.”
- “Actually the way you pronounce it is….”
- “The pronunciation is actually ____”
If your friends are making pronunciation mistakes then don’t be afraid to correct them!
It’s better to have that short moment of awkwardness than to realize later that they have been continuing to make the same mistake over and over, especially because names are so important.
Also if you struggle with names, check out Episode 277 with Alan Headbloom on how to remember someone’s name.
Leave us a comment below!
Today we are going to directly answer a question that we received from a listener about some advice that he received from an ex-examiner of the IELTS Exam in a book that he purchased. Here is the question from our listener:
“When I was reading a book called IELTS Speaking I came across some tips. What I got confused about is that the author suggested candidates use as many linking phrases as possible in Speaking part 2. He also said that content is not important for Part 2. He recommended focusing on linking phrases instead.”
-IELTS Energy listener
Is this advice true?
First of all, when it comes to the advice about linking phrases, yes, they are important to use on the Speaking test.
It does feel unnatural to use them.
We don’t normally use them in everyday conversation BUT if you want to score a 7 or higher for fluency and coherence, the examiner does listen to your linking words so you must use transition phrases such as:
- Nevertheless
- Subsequently
- Having said that
- Not only…but also
- He, she, it, they (pronouns)
- This means that….
How can you practice these?
Find an academic linking words list online.
Choose three linking words from each category that are high level.
Write them down and as you are talking, make yourself use these words.
If you don’t practice it you won’t do it on the exam.
You need to make these phrases part of your repertoire.
So that advice about linking words is correct that our listener got.
However, the ex-examiner also said that “content is not important” and we don’t agree with that.
Content is super important.
Your ideas need to make sense.
They need to directly answer the question.
Just focusing on using linking words will not get you a 7.
It is sometimes ok to transition into another topic if you can’t stay on the topic but you need to at least start out by answering or attempting to answer the question.
We have talked about how to answer the question if your mind goes blank in previous episodes.
When it comes to your fluency and coherence score and your vocabulary score it’s important to at least try to address the question directly.
You also need to create your culture of thinking when you prepare for IELTS so that you’ll have content in your mind to answer the questions.
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments section below.
Do you know how to use the phrase “take for granted” in English?
We can use this phrase when we don’t appreciate someone or something in our lives.
Listen to this role play between Lindsay and Michelle to see how we use “take for granted” in a natural way.
Other vocabulary:
- Newness wears off
- To wake up
- To fall into a routine
What do you take for granted?
Let us know in the comments below.
Are you lying to yourself about IELTS?
Today find out if you are doing this and how and why you should stop doing this.
Remember, just because you say to yourself that you studied or that you did our study plan, that doesn’t mean that you really did it or that you went deep enough with the material.
The recommendations on our study plan are not suggestions.
They are commands.
Every recommendation in our study plan is designed to help you increase your score.
Don’t waste your time complaining.
Spend that time building your IELTS skills.
Also if you just take a practice test without learning strategies then you are not preparing.
What questions do you have about today’s episode?
Today find out how meditation could change your English-learning life.
Sabrina takes a different view on how we should learn languages.
She believes in using a contemplative approach.
This means that as we learn English we need to understand that we already have all of the knowledge we need inside of us.
However, sometimes the mind interferes with our learning process and makes us nervous and anxious.
Can’t find native speakers to practice English with you?
Can’t get your English corrected by your native-speaking friends?
Get a professional, native English teacher in seconds at italki.
For a limited time, italki is offering 10 USD in free English lessons. Click here to get your 10USD in italki credits before this offer runs out!
Today Sabrina will give us 3 ways to use contemplative learning to improve our English skills:
- Use meditation: Sit in silence for 30 seconds and concentrate on your breathing. This will help you relax and prepare to be present during your lesson.
- Use a mindfulness bell: Use a bell that goes off at times that you determine. When it rings it serves as a reminder to be present.
- Keep a Journal: It could be a gratitude journal or you could use it to review what you have been learning.
Sabrina’s Bio
Sabrina Fletcher in an English teacher who specializes in teaching conversational English. She helps low-intermediate through advanced English learners learn to speak REAL English that they can use in conversations with REAL native English speakers.
In her unique conversation, American pronunciation, and writing courses, she uses meditation, visualizations and art to help students feel relaxed while speaking – therefore helping them speak English well!
She also writes articles and posts videos about conversational English on her site Speak English Live with Sabrina. (
How to Work with Sabrina:
Step 1: Please register here to get $10 off your second lesson.
Step 2: Find Sabrina’s profile on italki and schedule a lesson
Are you getting ready to take IELTS?
If so, it’s a great idea to know upcoming IELTS test dates.
Knowing your test date will help you create your IELTS study plan so you’ll know when to start learning strategies and when to start practicing under test conditions.
The best way to get your 7 or higher fast is to prepare well.
You want to focus on strategies that are directly linked to the scoring system.
Be careful when you choose an IELTS course or an IELTS tutor.
You need to ask the right questions to see if the tutor really understands the test as well as they should.
Read on to get the information you need regarding test dates but remember that reserving your test date is only step 1. Come back to this blog and podcast for more tips and strategies.
IELTS is usually offered three Saturdays a month and sometimes on one Thursday.
However, not every IELTS test center observes every test date, and may only offer the exam once or twice a month.
Please go to to research your local test center.
Also, you should know if you are taking the Academic (A) or General (G) exams, as Academic is offered more than General.
Please see the list below to find out what test dates are offered for the rest of this year (2015) as well as for all of 2016.
(A)= Academic
(G)= General
November 2015
19 Thursday A
21 Saturday AG
December 2015
3 Thursday A
5 Saturday AG
12 Saturday AG
19 Saturday A
January 2016
9 Saturday AG
14 Thursday A
23 Saturday AG
30 Saturday A
February 2016
13 Saturday A
18 Thursday AG
20 Saturday AG
27 Saturday A
March 2016
5 Saturday AG
12 Saturday A
19 Saturday AG
31 Thursday A
April 2016
2 Saturday AG
16 Saturday A
21 Thursday A
30 Saturday AG
May 2016
7 Saturday A
19 Thursday AG
21 Saturday AG
28 Saturday A
June 2016
4 Saturday AG
16 Thursday A
18 Saturday A
25 Saturday AG
July 2016
9 Saturday A
14 Thursday A
16 Saturday AG
30 Saturday AG
August 2016
4 Thursday AG
13 Saturday A
20 Saturday AG
27 Saturday A
September 2016
3 Saturday A
10 Saturday AG
15 Thursday A
24 Saturday AG
October 2016
8 Saturday AG
13 Thursday A
22 Saturday A
29 Saturday AG
November 2016
3 Thursday AG
5 Saturday A
19 Saturday AG
26 Saturday A
December 2016
3 Saturday AG
10 Saturday AG
15 Thursday A
17 Saturday A
One way to be prepared to get your 7 or higher on IELTS is to make sure you know the facts about your testing center beforehand.
When you have the information you need about what’s going to happen on test day, you are able to focus on building the skills that you need.
Check out today’s article for information on the testing centers for IELTS.
1. When they give IELTS exams
IELTS exams are offered three Saturdays a month and one Thursday a month.
However, not all test centers will administer all of these exam dates, due to not having enough candidates sign up or other staffing/scheduling issues.
Go to to find the test center near you and look at their test dates.
Pay attention as well to which exam(s) they are offering.
The Academic Exam is offered on every test date, but the General Exam is not.
In addition, some test centers are so busy that they are booked up for the next two months, or more.
Try to schedule your exam at least 3 months in advance to secure the date that you desire.
2. Your options for Speaking exams
In general, the whole IELTS exam (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking) is completed in one day.
This means, though, that after a grueling three hour exam session in the morning, you have to wait around and fill up to 6 hours before your designated Speaking interview time.
Some centers are now offering Speaking exams during the week before or the week following the exam, so this might be a better option for some candidates, especially those who live far from the test center.
3. The area around the test center
As mentioned above, it is common for candidates to have to kill time in or around the test center before their Speaking exam.
Look at a map online of your test center.
Find a cafe or restaurant for lunch, a coffee shop for energy boosting if needed (and with wifi so you can also let your brain relax and watch a video), and make sure to locate a park or other pedestrian area so you can have a walk and get those positive endorphins flowing prior to your interview with the examiner.
4. What the acoustics are like
Not all test centers are created equal.
Some are in buildings which feature rooms with quite poor acoustics, and it may make the Listening Exam more of a challenge.
Try to find students who have taken the test there before and ask them how the Listening Exam was.
If the acoustics are poor and echoey, you may want to ready yourself by doing some listening practice in a similar environment, such as school gymnasium.
5. Rules for what you can/cannot bring with you
IELTS test centers are very strict about what you are allowed to bring into the examination room- usually no more than a pen/pencil, water bottle with no label and your passport.
Make sure to familiarize yourself with your local test center’s rules and requirements.
How are special requirements made?
Additionally, let the test center know if you have any special requirements.
In this video, Jessica explains what “special requirements” are on the IELTS Exam, and how you can arrange for these if needed.
If you are vision-impared, hearing-impaired, or differently-abled in any way, IELTS will help you take the Exam.
Remember, though, you must organize this with the test center administrator 6 weeks before your test!
Watch the video now!
Do you know how to deal with the toughest Reading and Listening questions on the IELTS Exam?
Today you’ll get a strategy that will pull you through the toughest parts of the Reading and the Listening tests and help you come out with a 7.
The big idea here is that you have to be an active test taker on the Listening and Reading versus being a passive student who waits for the answers to come to them.
When things get tough toward the end of both sections you need strategies to help you.
You don’t have time to read everything on the Reading and understand it all.
In our course we outline the 3-step strategies you need for Listening and Reading and specific question types.
However, an essential part of every strategy for Listening and Reading is prediction.
Why is it essential?
It forces your mind to be active.
It lets you know what to expect on the Listening and what answers to look for on the Reading.
This strategy cuts out so much time wasting.
We talked about this when we discussed our brain box strategy for Listening.
This helps us comprehend quickly.
It’s all about speed and timing on the IELTS.
The faster we can predict and activate our brain box, the faster we can get the answer and move on.
Listen to the episode for examples of how we predict what parts of speech to expect when we begin reading.
What questions do you have about today’s episode?
Soongjae wrote in with these great questions:
“What are the cultural characteristics regarding age in the US?
Can those of a different age still be considered friends?
Does age affect how people act in relationships?”
Great question!
We did an Episode about how to talk about your age in Episode 177.
In English we don’t have too many special phrases that we use when we talk to someone who is older or younger than we are.
In the US people of different ages can be called friends and we don’t address people differently when they are of a different age.
Listen to the episode for more!
What follow up questions do you have from today?
Do you want to move beyond IELTS in your life?
The best way to do that is to get your 7 or higher and the best way to get your 7 or higher on the IELTS Speaking test is to use idioms as much as you can.
What kind of idioms?
Well today we will show you five nature-related idioms that will get you your target score and will impress the examiner.
Remember guys, when it comes to IELTS, learn vocabulary and expressions in context.
Do not attempt to memorize a list of words or study the dictionary.
It’s too easy and it won’t get you a high score.
#1) Down to earth
Someone who has their feet planted firmly on the ground and thinks about life in a practical, realistic way.
#2) To become second-nature
Something becomes natural to us.
It becomes so natural that we could do it in our sleep.
Riding a bike could be second-nature to us.
#3) Mother nature
This is great if you are talking or writing about the environment.
You need to paraphrase a lot on the Writing test.
#4) To be good-natured
To be easygoing and easy to talk to.
Someone who is not easygoing might be short-tempered.
#5) To be a natural at something
When you don’t have to work hard at something and you are naturally talented.
Practice using these phrases in your own samples sentences below in the comments.
Do you get confused about how to use “other,” “another,” and “others” in English?
Our listener Naomi wrote in and asked us how to use these three words.
Great question!
We use this to talk about one more. We use it with a singular noun.
- “I want another plate of food”
- “I’ll have another beer”
- “Let’s take another question”
We use this with a plural noun.
- “There are other people here.”
- “I want to see other people”
- “Are there any other options?”
This takes the place of the noun that comes after “other.”
Instead of saying , “other people” you can just say “the others.”
Listen to the episode to get more examples.
Write your examples in the comments below.
Do you have any follow up questions?
Will your Speaking score go down if you go off topic on the IELTS Speaking test?
Great question! And we’ll answer it for you today.
We’ll show you how to veer off the topic without losing points using transition phrases.
One of our listeners said during her Speaking test she had spoken without pausing but she went a bit off topic and she didn’t use the linking words that she needed.
When you start talking about a totally different topic right away you will lose points because your answer won’t make sense and you will lose cohesion/coherence and vocabulary points.
However, if you start talking about the topic then later you start to wander to another topic that is fine.
You need the transition phrase to say that you are going to into another topic.
That would increase your score because of the linking phrases and you would not lose points for cohesion and coherence if you did it this way.
Use transition phrases such as:
- “Side note…”
- “You know, this makes me think of….”
- “This reminds me of….”
Keep in mind that this kind of wandering off topic is NOT ok on Writing.
Every single sentence must be related to the question.
You will lose points if you don’t stay on topic for Writing.
Listen to the conversation and role play between Lindsay and Jessica to see how transitioning into a different topic can be done well with good transition phrases.
One of our listeners asked us how to disagree politely with your boss in English
This is a great business English topic and a great question.
When we talk about how to disagree in English, we always need to consider culture.
It’s not just the country culture that we’re in but what about company culture?
Some businesses have an open culture and you can feel comfortable disagreeing but other companies are much more serious and you can’t disagree with someone above you.
Regardless of where we work, we need to be able to speak up and defend our point if we disagree with what’s happening at work.
Phrases to politely disagree with your boss:
- “I have to disagree.” This sounds a bit less confrontational because we’re taking one step back from saying “I disagree.”
- “Can I share my opinion?” This would be a softer way to get into this conversation
- “I have a slightly different perspective.” When we add “slightly” to this we are taking one more step back, making it more indirect
- “Actually, I can’t completely disagree.” In this phrase using “actually” softens the phrase.
- “I need to respectfully disagree”
- “I’m not on board with that” or “I can’t get on board with that”: To be on board with something means that you are agreeing to participate and that you approve of it.
Listen to the conversation between Lindsay and Michelle so that you can hear these phrases being used in a real situation.
What do you think about these phrases?
Have you tried them? How did they work for you?
Today you’ll get the two biggest mistakes that immediately lower your Task 1 Writing score.
Find out what they are so that you can get the highest possible score on your IELTS Exam.
The common mistakes are that people don’t include what they need in their introduction in Writing Task 1.
Let’s talk about the introduction to Writing Task 1.
It should only be two sentences:
- Sentence 1: Re-phrase the test question
- Sentence 2: Have an overall trend
If you don’t put the re-phrase of the test question in your introduction you will lose points for cohesion and coherence.
To do this you only need to look at the test question and change the words.
BUT you cannot copy the test question.
If you use the same words that you see in the test question then your score will go down.
Those words will be taken off your word count.
This happens for both Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2.
Check out this episode on how to paraphrase in Writing Task 2.
For the second sentence you need the overall trend.
In our course, the 3 Keys IELTS Success System we show you how to write the overall trend.
What this does is it summarizes the information.
How do the numbers change?
What is the biggest trend you notice when you look at the table.
This MUST be part of your essay.
Remember that there are three different question types: Change Over Time, Static, and the Nature Diagram/Map question.
In our course we show you examples of everything you might see in Writing Task 1 and you learn exactly how to find the overall trend quickly before you start writing your essay.
That’s why we need strategies and we need to practice them.
What questions do you have about today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments.
Don’t just say, “I don’t like it.” You want to mix it up and say something more interesting to connect with people.
Today get five interesting ways to say this in English.
Today we are not talking about what we say when we are actually in a restaurant.
Today’s phrases can be used when you are just generally talking about your food likes and dislikes with your friends.
Five Ways to Say You Don’t Like a Kind of Food:
- “I don’t care for wine”: This sounds a bit more formal, polite, respectful and articulate. Use this in a more formal situation with your colleagues at a business lunch.
- “I don’t like olives” : This is very direct and casual. We could use this around people we know well or around kids.
- “I’m not a huge fan of licorice”
- “Corn on the cob is/are not my thing.”
- “I usually pass on burgers”
- “I’m going to pass on the bread” : This can be used if we are at the dinner table and we don’t want to eat something but this could come off as rude if you are in a more formal situation or if the person has put in a lot of work cooking the meal so be careful with this one.
Listen to the episode to hear the expressions being used between Lindsay and Michelle.
What other ways do you know to say that you dislike something in English?
Do you ever get into a conversation where the person you are speaking with goes off on a tangent?
Maybe they don’t even realize that they have gotten away from the topic but you need to bring them back.
You don’t want to get side tracked.
Find out how to bring someone back to the main objective of the conversation today.
In a more informal situation like at a party it’s great to go off on tangents because that’s how you build relationships and build great conversations.
A few weeks ago we talked about how to use “anyways” which can be used in different situations when the atmosphere is awkward but today we’ll talk about something that is related but slightly different.
Here are some way to bring someone back from a tangent:
- “So you were saying….?”
- “OK so anyways….”
- “Where was I?”
- “Where were we?”
- “So what were you saying?”
In American culture we tend to get down to business right away when we enter a business meeting whereas in other cultures we know that there is more relationship building required and in that case it would be ok to go off on a tangent.
Pay attention to culture when it comes to going off on tangents.
What other phrases do you know to come back from a tangent?
Have you ever tried to use them?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today we’ll show you how to BECOME a native speaker for that native speaker 9!
Today find out how you can step into a native speaker character and pretend to a be a native speaker to get more confidence on the IELTS Speaking test.
What can it do for you when you create a new character for yourself when you speak a new language?
You can become empowered, less self-conscious, and step out of your old way of thinking and being to become a new person.
This is a powerful learning methodology called “Suggestopedia” that is used by great English teachers all over the world.
This is also a great strategy if you have hit a wall and you can’t get above a 6 in IELTS Speaking.
If this is you then you need a new way to attack the Speaking test and this would be a good way to do it.
How to create your character:
- Pick your own name: Make it a native speaker’s name. Make it something you like and you want to identify with.
- Choose the city that you want to live in: Choose a city that fits with your own personality. New York is for high-powered business professionals or artists. If you want to have a more laid-back life, you can be from Portland.
- Choose the character you want: Do you want to be relaxed and cool or high-strung and achievement oriented?
- Choose a dream job for the character: It could be something you will never have or it could be your target job for the future.
- Consume media that your character would consume: Find authentic newspapers from your character’s city and read a lot of them as part of your preparation.
Jessica would be a journalist from Madrid because she wants to write in her career.
Why should you do this?
It gives you confidence which improves your fluency and raises your pronunciation score.
Also when you’re in the test and your mind goes blank you can go to this personality and think about how they might answer it.
This will help you come up with stories and will help you avoid silence.
Make a character board!
Make this real.
Create a board and cut out materials and photos that describe this special character.
What is your character?
Describe him or her in the comments below.
We want to see your examples!
Do you feel insecure when you speak English?
Is there a big voice in your head that criticizes you?
Does it tell you that you are not good enough?
Or that you cannot speak English?
Today find out about our theory on how you can quiet the critical voice in your head by challenging yourself more, not less.
That voice in your head can make you feel like you can’t be spontaneous or like you are not good enough.
In order to quiet the voice you need to be challenged to a certain level.
The thing that we are doing cannot be too easy.
If it is too easy there is too much time and space in our minds for the voice to show up and start to sabotage you.
If you are repeating the same phrases and words that you have always used then you aren’t using much mental energy on the language.
The trick is to challenge yourself more, not less!
How can you challenge yourself more:
- Ask yourself, “How can I continue this conversation a little bit longer?” Add one more piece to the conversation to challenge yourself more. Extend yourself just a little bit more.
- Take something that you already know how to say and think of a new way to say it. Don’t fall back on the same phrases. It’s safe to do that but safety is not always good for you.
- Think of a new phrasal verb or idiom to replace the word that you always use.
So if you feel that the voice in your head is strong when you speak English it could be that you are not challenging yourself enough.
So put into action some of our tips today and let us know how it goes.
What do you think about this strategy?
Have you tried to implement these tips yet?
Let us know in the comments below.
Why is paraphrasing a golden opportunity for a 7 or higher on IELTS Writing?
We have talked in the past about how to paraphrase in the Speaking test.
Today we’ll talk about where and when you should paraphrase on Writing Task 2, especially on the Argument Essay and how you can get better at it.
On Writing Task 2 you have to mention all parts of the question in your essay.
For example, if there are two sentences in the question such as “Some people say that studying art in school is very beneficial. However, other people say that it should be an elective because it doesn’t benefit everyone.”
In your essay you have to explore both sides of the question and you can’t copy the question word for word. Why? If you do that those words won’t be counted as part of your essay.
They’ll be taken out.
When you paraphrase you need to use new words and show the examiner your ability to come up with parallel expressions.
It’s an opportunity to show off your vocabulary and stand out as a 7 candidate.
When you paraphrase it doesn’t have to be amazing words. You can paraphrase in simpler language and it’s still going to help your score.
For example, say “drawing lessons” instead of “art classes.”
*Tip- you need a lot of phrases to use when you talk about opinions:
- “Some argue that…”
- “Some are of the opinion that…”
- “A certain portion of the population believe that…”
- “It is generally believed that” = “Most people think that”
- “Some people are born with certain talents” = “A certain portion of the population is born with natural abilities.”
- “However it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to be a good sports player or musician” = “Some people feel that anyone can learn to be good at athletics.”
What do you think about today’s episode?
Do you know how to paraphrase on the IELTS?
Leave us a comment below.
Are you stuffed up?
Are you coming down with something?
Today find out how to talk about being sick in English.
If you are living in the US or if you do a business trip to the US and you get sick, you need to know how to talk about it in a casual and natural way to stay connected with people.
In the US, we are often very private about being sick.
If we have something serious we are likely to keep it private unless we are talking with a close family member.
See our Episode 422 for more about privacy in American culture.
How can you say that you’re sick?
- “Hey I’m not feeling well this week.”
- “I have come down with a cold.”
- “I thought I was over it but I am not.”
- “I’m feeling a little under the weather.”
- “I’m not feeling so hot today.”
- “I have a sniffle today.”
- “I’m stuffed up today.”
- “I feel a little light-headed.”
- “I’m achy.”
How to respond:
- “I’m sorry to hear that.”
- “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well.”
- “Do you feel achy?”
- “I hope you feel better soon.”
- “Get well soon.” (this is only used for cards and balloons, not spoken)
What questions do you have from today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments section below.
Today find out how to read your way to a better IELTS score!
Today get 3 reading questions that one 6.5 reading candidate asked us and learn how to push this score of 6.5 higher.
The more you read, the higher your IELTS score will be.
Seek out reading topics such as science, health, and technology.
You don’t need to worry about reading about politics.
You won’t find politics on IELTS.
Start paying attention to these different reading sources.
Push yourself to read about and think about ideas that you wouldn’t normally think about.
This can also help you create better conversations.
We had another reading question from a student who has done all of the Cambridge IELTS books 1-10 and he is frustrated because he is at a 6.5 and can’t get higher than that.
Just doing practice test books won’t get you beyond that 6.5.
Instead, challenge yourself with native speaker reading material and balance that with strategies.
In our course, 3 Keys IELTS we have boiled down every section into simple steps.
You can’t just keep doing the test with no strategies and expect to get better.
Read this article to learn about a common reading worry for all IELTS students.
Is your reading score stuck at a 6.5?
What will you do differently after today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below.
Many language schools and private universities offer test preparation courses.
They are usually quite intense schedules, with many hours packed into a short amount of time, and sometimes they follow similar formats to regular ESL classes.
Additionally, there are many tutors online, and in real life, who market themselves as “test prep specialists.”
With so many options available, how can you make sure you choose the course that will get you results?
We’ll show you how in today’s article.
Why is “test prep specialist” a myth?
Firstly, allow me to dispel the myth of an instructor or private tutor as being a “test prep specialist.”
This is impossible.
In order to truly prepare another person for an exam, the teacher has to be intimately familiar with the test format, question types, scoring systems and examiner expectations.
Knowing this much information about a variety of tests would require decades of experience with each exam, which, if you are not studying with someone who is 100 years old, is impossible.
Personally speaking, I’ve been working with IELTS for over a decade, and it took me at least half that long to really develop the appropriate systems and strategies for my students to use on the exam.
I can’t imagine reaching my level of knowledge about the IELTS exam AND TOEFL AND TOEIC AND SAT AND GRE, etc.
There are, to be certain, some test taking strategies that are applicable to some if not all exams; however, each exam has a very unique set of expectations and guidelines that have to be followed in order to reach your target score, and move beyond it to the dreams you want to achieve in your life.
Basically, when faced with the numerous options available in IELTS preparation, you have to choose a course and teacher that is ONLY IELTS.
The class cannot also prepare your for TOEFL, for example.
The test-taking strategies, question types and format vary significantly between these two high-level exams, and one class teaching both tests will not prepare you fully for either one.
You can save yourself a lot of money and time if you choose the right course. Follow these three steps to do it.
Step 1) Make sure your teacher knows IELTS
Secondly, do not be afraid to ask questions about the person teaching the class.
She or he must be an IELTS professional and know what the examiner is looking for.
For instance, she or he must be able to answer these questions:
- How is a 6 for grammar different from a 7?
- How can I ensure a 7 or higher for vocabulary on the Speaking exam?
- What does the examiner want to see in Writing Task 1?
- How can I plan my Writing Task 1 answer in less than 3 minutes, in order to definitely hit the scoring criteria for a 7 or an 8?
If the teacher cannot answer these questions in a simple, clear, direct way that is immediately understandable to you, do not trust this person to prepare you for the test.
Step 2) Get success stories
Also, try to find students who have previously been through this course and subsequently achieved their target score, and thus were able to immigrate or attend a reputable university and obtain their degree.
On our website, for example, you can see student testimonials from candidates who enrolled in our system, diligently followed our 30 day study plan, and achieved 7.5s and 8s.
Most courses, in traditional classrooms and online, will not be able to offer you this proof of success, let alone the guarantee of a score increase, as 3 Keys IELTS Success System our course, does.
Step 3) Invest in your own success
In short, you realize that you have to invest in your future.
You cannot prepare for IELTS on your own.
Nevertheless, you do not want to waste your money and time on lessons that simply will not prepare you for success.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions and spend time researching before you choose.
Just because the course comes with a recognizable name and a high price tag does not mean it works.
What questions do you have from this article?
Have you made the mistake of hiring the wrong IELTS teacher?
What lessons did you learn from this mistake? Let us know in the comments.
Are you giving people TMI (Too Much Information)?
Today you’ll find out why privacy is a huge value in American culture and how to avoid making cultural mistakes when you visit the US.
We have lived in many different parts of the world such as Japan, Argentina, Guatemala, and Paris.
During our travels we have noticed that Americans seem to value privacy more than other cultures in the world.
What does this mean for you if you visit the US?
Find out more today.
What is TMI?
TMI means Too Much Information.
It’s a common acronym in the US that we use when someone has shared a bit too much.
For example, Michelle had a student once who told her that she had diarrhea.
This could also be called the “overshare.”
When someone asks us, “how are you?” we don’t say much. We just say “good, how about you?”
This is another example of the American cultural value of privacy.
We don’t want to share too much.
Maybe we don’t want to be vulnerable.
Asking about Someone’s Job:
When the economy was bad in the US, a lot of people avoided asking, “What do you do?” because many people were unemployed and we don’t want to embarrass people.
There can be a lot of shame if someone is unemployed.
We don’t want to put people “on the spot.”
Extended Families:
Sometimes we don’t share much with extended family members.
In Lindsay’s case, her extended family is not close at all.
She lives very far away from her extended family.
Compared with other cultures, it seems to us that our families are much more distant than extended families from other cultures.
In the US we don’t share with our families that we’re pregnant until after the first three months.
The reason is that miscarriages are common during the first three months. We may only share this information with our partner and the doctor, often not even our parents or siblings.
What topics/questions should you avoid?
- “How much money do you make?”
- “How much money do you have?”
- “Are you married?” “Do you have kids?” “How many kids do you have?”
- “How old are you?” – don’t ask anyone this question if they are older than 19 or 20
- “How much do you weigh?”
- “Who did you vote for?”
What surprised you in today’s episode?
How is your culture similar or not?
Let us know in the comments below.
Today meet a 3 Keys IELTS student who got a 7.5 on IELTS his first time taking the test.
His name is Pedro.
He is from Peru.
His goal was a 7.
It’s very rare to get a 7.5 on your first try with the IELTS.
How did he do it?
He chose the 3 Keys IELTS Success System because he had been listening to our IELTS Energy Podcast and found it useful.
He had previously bought some IELTS practice books with practice tests and vocabulary words.
Pedro found out that 3 Keys IELTS works.
“On the day of IELTS nothing surprised me because previously in the program you gave me all of the information that I needed for every part of IELTS.”
-Pedro Ramirez, Peru
He says that you need to make a promise with yourself to study and prepare a lot.
He needed some kind of discipline and the 30-day study plan was what he needed.
The study plan:
How did the study plan help him?
He liked the fact that he got all of the necessary tips for the test and how to be prepared for everything.
He also liked the idioms, linking words, and vocabulary words that he needed to use on the test to get the score he was aiming for.
He also found that the course helped him for timing.
The 3-step strategies that he used, especially for Reading and Writing, helped him to manage time well on the test.
“With the correct preparation, IELTS is not a monster. With the correct programs and books you can be prepared. Forget about the rumors and practice. Study. Prepare.
Pedro’s preparation:
He worked very hard. What helped him the most was doing a lot of outside reading.
He read articles from the Washington Post, Boston Globe, New York Times.
He followed sports writers in Twitter.
He watched TV programs in English including his favorite series.
Final tips:
- Practice without headphones, using speakers, choose a big room that is similar to the test center
- Read a lot
- Get a good study plan and follow it closely
- Dedicate yourself to your goal
- Choose a good course and do your work to prepare
We are so proud of Pedro’s accomplishment!
Leave us a comment or question below if you have a question about Pedro’s study plan.
Remember, you can try out our course for just $1 for the first 3 days.
We have created a key strategy to help you deal with a blank mind on IELTS Speaking Part 2.
Learn about the common traps and how not to fall into them in today’s episode.
On Speaking Part 2 you will be asked to describe a person, a place, or an object.
The best strategy when you have a blank mind on Speaking Part 2 is that you should always immediately tell a story.
When you are asked to describe an object you can tell a story about when you bought it, why you bought it, what your life was like without it and after it, and what it means to you.
Or if you want to buy it you can describe why your life isn’t complete without it.
This makes your pronunciation sound more natural so it increases your pronunciation score.
How to practice this?
Sit in your house and choose an object.
Stare at it.
Come up with a story that you can tell about the object.
Practice describing the object and your story about it for the full 2 minutes.
Do you need to answer the bullet points on the card?
No! You do not need to address these points.
They are just meant to give you suggestions.
It’s a rumor if someone tells you that you need to answer these bullet points. Find a better IELTS Professional if your tutor is telling you these rumors.
Sometimes it hurts your score if you do address all of those points because your answer will sound disconnected and it will not flow from idea to idea.
This could hurt your score.
How can you fill the whole 2 minutes?
Two minutes feels a lot longer than it sounds.
How can you make sure you speak long enough?
Practice under test conditions.
If you can’t think of anything else to say, go to immediate personal experience.
When is the next time you’ll use this object?
Or you can go back and give more details about the story- how you felt when you first got the object, for example.
If you stop too early and the examiner asks you if there is anything else you can say, just reply: “Actually there are a few more details I could add” and keep going.
Your score will be fine for fluency and coherence because you will show that you are flexible in that situation and you will also increase your vocabulary score by taking advantage of a chance to use new phrases.
Leave us a comment below.
Have you used this strategy on Speaking Part 2?
How did it go for you?
What is confidence and how can you get more of it when you speak English and when you are out in the world?
We have been defining confidence in the wrong way.
What does confidence actually mean and how can you build it?
We have been reading a lot about Evolutionary Psychology.
There is a lot to learn in this field because so much of what we do has been hard-wired into us through years of evolution.
We have to know the actions and behaviors that our ancestors had and took hundreds of years ago to understand ourselves today.
In the past on this show we have said that confidence is about nonverbal communication. and we have also talked about the “fake it til you make it” theory which means that if you pretend to be confident you will become more confident eventually.
However, we think these techniques don’t really give you much confidence.
They are only icing on the cake.
They are not the foundation.
If you already have confidence then it helps to show it through your body language but it will not give you confidence if you haven’t developed skills.
Geoffrey Miller from the University of New Mexico talked about the definition of confidence.
Here it is:
“Confidence is the realistic expectation you have about being successful at something given a) your competence at it and b) the risk involved in doing it.”
What does this mean for us?
It means practice makes perfect (or almost perfect).
Confidence is not built by wishful thinking, visualization, or motivational quotes.
If you already have confidence then those will help you perform better but if you don’t have the foundation of skills then you won’t succeed.
You don’t need to be “over-confident’ by taking crazy risks.
Should you speak English immediately as a beginner or right when you learn a new word or term as an intermediate or advanced speaker? Maybe not!
Instead you can build confidence by taking small, gradual actions toward practicing on a daily basis.
This is great news because it means that we can actually build confidence.
It’s under our control if we are intentional about it.
How can you build confidence:
- Set small, daily goals: “Today I will make eye contact and start three conversations in English at work”
- If you are taking the IELTS Exam then the way to develop unshakeable confidence is to practice the exam using the right strategies under test conditions three times per week for four weeks.
Anyone can have confidence if you choose one domain of your life and focus on skill building.
Is it your English conversation skills? Your IELTS or TOEFL Exam?
Then you need to write down your specific goals and execute on them.
Come back to us after a few weeks or a month and let us know how your confidence-building experiments went.
What is the difference between “things” and “stuff” in English?
Flavia from Brazil asked us this great question and we are excited to answer it for our listeners!
What you need to know:
- We don’t say “stuffs” with “s”: Stuff is already plural. It means more than one thing. It’s uncountable. We say “You have a lot of stuff” or “There is so much stuff in your trunk.”
- “To stuff”: This can also be used as a verb. It means to fill something with materials. We use “stuffed animal” to describe a soft toy that is filled with cotton. We might also eat “stuffing” at Thanksgiving.
- “Things”: This is countable. We can say “thing” or “things.’ This is sometimes more formal than “stuff.”
Listen to the conversation and role play between Lindsay and Michelle to understand how we use “things” and “stuff” differently in a typical conversation between two new college roommates.
Leave us your questions below.
Today you’ll get five fantastic phrases that you can use when you’re feeling frightened on the IELTS Exam.
There are a lot of places on the IELTS Exam such as Writing Task 2 or on the Speaking test when you have to describe a scary movie or differences between your culture and another culture.
You might also see some of these idioms that we’ll teach you today in a Reading test passage if you had to read a movie review or a blurb on why horror movies are bad for kids.
All of the idioms we’ll teach you today will definitely get you the 7 or higher that you need.
Remember, you need interesting expressions on the IELTS to get a 7 or higher and these idioms are perfect for your target score!
Fear Idioms for IELTS:
- To be a scaredy cat: someone who is easily frightened
- To scare the pants off someone: To scare someone in a very extreme way
- It gives me the heebie-jeebies: it gives you shivers
- To make someone’s blood run cold: When something serious and terrifying happens
- To be afraid of your own shadow: This can be used in a sarcastic way to make fun of someone who is easily scared.
Listen to the episode for examples on how you can use these on the Speaking, Reading, or Writing Tests.
Leave us your practice sentences below.
If you want to get a 7 or an 8 on your IELTS Writing test then you need to use the right prepositions, especially to describe graphs and charts in IELTS Writing Task 1.
Today get the prepositions and the sentences that the examiner wants to see on this part of the test, especially for Change Over Time questions.
Key phrases and prepositions:
“From ____ to ______” (“….from 1980 to 1990”)
“Between ______ and ______” (“….between 1980 and 1990”)
Remember, you must show numbers in your essay when you talk about changes.
For example, you can say “The population increased from 100 to 300.”
You can also say how much something changed by.
For example, you can say “The population increased by 200.”
You also need to tell the examiner the highest point and the lowest point.
For example, “The population peaked at 1 million in 2015.”
Another great vocabulary word is “bottomed out.”
For example, “The population bottomed out at 300,000 in 2014.”
You need to use interesting phrases, vocabulary, and idioms to get a 7 or higher.
Sometimes even native speakers can get a 6 in Writing Task 1 because they don’t know that they have to use idioms to describe numbers.
Now come up with your own example!
Look at a chart or graph in the newspaper and share your phrases to summarize it.
Do you make mistakes in your sentences when you write emails in English?
We received an email from someone and we noticed a few key mistakes. We want to correct those mistakes now and make sure that you don’t make these mistakes yourself!
Here is the sentence: “Kindly, what about the price of one session?”
Two ways to improve this sentence:
- Using “Kindly”: When you use “kindly” it sounds old fashioned. My grandmother used to say “kindly bring me my sherry.”Instead of “kindly” you could start the sentence by saying:
- “Would you mind telling me the price?”
- “Could you tell me the price?”
- “What is the price?”
- “Do you mind telling me?”
- Using “What about…”: When you say this it’s being used at the wrong time. “What about” is used as a follow up question and not as the first question. You need more context to ask this question.
Listen to the conversation examples in the episode to see how to use “what about” correctly.
Leave us your questions in the comments.
You want a band 7 or 8 on the IELTS.
One simple technique can get you that score faster than any other framework, strategy, or method.
Today we’ll show you how to use this technique to get the score you need and get your dream life.
On the IELTS Energy podcast, Lindsay and I often talk about creating and promoting a “culture of thinking”.
This idea came to us as we heard more and more students saying they just felt they didn’t have ideas for the Speaking and Writing answers, or they were faced with topics in Listening and Reading that they had never been exposed to before.
I would define a culture of thinking as the notion of an educated and open-minded society.
A group of people who are thirsty for new ideas and information which can give them insights into themselves and the world around them.
As Lindsay and I talked about this more and more, we realized that encouraging students in this endeavor had a much larger scope than the IELTS exam.
What are the other ways in which a “culture of thinking” can help you reach your dreams?
Find out in this article!
It can help you before the exam
Keeping this goal in the back of your mind while you prepare for IELTS will help inform and guide your study plan.
Searching for information which pertains to a culture of thinking will lead you to resources such as NPR (, a non-profit media outlet in America, and high-level newspapers such as the New York Times (
Both of these example resources contain such a wide scope of shows and articles that you cannot help but be exposed to topics and information that you never would have come across before.
Plus, spending time with these native speaker resources will push you out of your comfort zone in your preparation, and force you to learn complicated vocabulary items that you can reproduce on exam day.
It can help you during the exam
Firstly, you never know what topics will be on the Reading exam, or Listening Sections 3 and 4.
Material for the Reading exam can be drawn from newspapers, magazines or journals, and the last two sections of the Listening are more ‘academic’, according to IELTS.
So, the more exposure you have to a plethora of topics, the better prepared you will be.
Plus, on the Speaking and Writing, when you are asked for your opinions on topics you, honestly, probably don’t even talk about in your native language, let alone English, you will now have something to say and write.
Furthermore, you will be able to support your opinions and ideas with very specific examples and details that you have read or heard, impressing the examiner with your high-level resources.
It can help you after the exam
On a fundamental level, gaining new information and ideas helps you to gain new perspective on your own life, culture and society.
You become a more well-rounded individual who can be a more productive member of the community, and a person who can share and teach valuable information to friends, family and neighbors.
Plus, when you do get your high IELTS score and enter into an English-speaking university or immigrate to an English-speaking country, you will be able to carry on conversations in groups of Americans, or Canadians, or Brits.
You will be an interesting person that people want to talk to.
So, for numerous reasons, you should seek to create a culture of thinking: for yourself, and the world around you.
So go now and start creating your culture of thinking!
It’s not as hard as you think.
It also helps to surround yourself with the right people, who are also interesting in being in this culture.
Leave a comment below and let us know how it goes.
Time, time, time!
It’s such a commodity in American culture!
You can’t waste people’s time in the US, especially in the large cities like Boston, New York, or Los Angeles.
It’s important to let people know when you start an English conversation with them that you won’t take much of their time.
It’s a solid way to start the conversation when you show that you respect their time.
Phrases to use:
- “Hey, real quick…” or “Hey, really quick…”
- “(hey) one quick thing…”
- “I’ll be brief with this but….”
- “Just one thing…”
- “This will only take a second…”
Show us your sample phrases in the sentences below.
Let us know your questions from today’s episode.
When it comes to the IELTS Listening test, you’ll want to know exactly what to expect so that you can relax and get the best possible score.
Knowing what to expect will help you feel more confident and able to focus on the recording which will help you get a better score.
There are two key things that you need to expect when you take the Listening test.
Find out what they are today.
Details on the sections of the test:
There are always four listening sections.
There are two types of conversations.
There is a monologue and there is a dialogue.
Section one is a dialogue. Section two is a monologue. Section three is a dialogue.
With section four, it’s a monologue and an academic topic.
That’s why section four is the hardest.
The difficulty of the topics gradually increases.
Sections one and two are more general- planning a party, renting an apartment, or visiting a friend.
In sections three and four the topics focus on academic or professional ideas.
These topics are more high-level.
What accents should you expect on the exam?
Ten years ago it was only British accents but these days you’ll find all English accents on the test.
You’ll hear American, British, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand accents.
You might even hear a Scottish accent.
You need to prepare by listening to podcasts from different countries. Find a TV show from a different country.
Click here to learn more about how to prepare with different accents.
Don’t worry, you won’t come across very rare accents but you do need to seek out different accents to prepare.
Also, when you prepare you need to listen to lectures like TED Talks and get used to listening to a monologue, one person speaking the entire time.
How to prepare for IELTS Listening?
When you prepare for the IELTS Exam, make sure that the IELTS professional you are working with really understands the different sections of the Listening test.
Your teacher should also find outside resources for you to improve your general listening skills.
When it comes to the Listening test and every other section of the test, you need balanced practice.
That means that you prepare by learning test strategies and also building your general fluency skills.
What questions do you have after today’s episode?
Let us know in the comments below!
Today get four terrific answers for IELTS Speaking Part 3 when you get a question about transportation on the exam.
Listen to the episode to get the sample answers.
A few things to remember from today:
- Remember, your Speaking Part 3 answer doesn’t have to be too long. If the examiner stops you it’s fine. That’s their job.
- Use linking words like “having said that…” to transition to a different side of the point that you are making.
- Use “to sum up” to finish up your answer
- Use natural phrasal verbs like “end up in”
- A good speaking answer summarizes what has been said at the end. This keeps your answer organized and will help your fluency and coherence score and will keep you on topic.
Let us know your questions from today’s episode.
Leave us a comment below
What are you afraid of?
Do you know how to talk about your fears in English?
Halloween is coming up in just a few days!
Learn how to talk about your fears in English today.
Phrases to talk about what you’re afraid of:
- “I have a fear of…”
- “I am afraid of…”
- “I am scared of…”
- “I get really freaked out by…”
- “I am terrified of….”
Write in the comments what your fear is.
What are you afraid of?
Let us know below.
Read more about fears.
Are you afraid of success??
- Greetings: In the US we tend to say “Hi, how are you?” but in India they might say “Did you have your lunch?” The common response is “Yes, I had my lunch and it was good.” If you say “No I didn’t have my lunch” then people may get concerned and may want to offer you food. This is very different from American culture. Common mistakes that Indians might make when they answer “how are you?” is that they might give too much information and details when it’s more of a greeting, not a question.
- Asking people where they live: In the US we might ask a general question, like “Where do you live?” but in India they may build on this question and ask “What street do you live on?” “What side of the street do you live on?” but in the US these more specific questions would feel like an invasion of privacy.
- Asking about the person’s relationship or marriage status: In India it’s much more common to ask “Are you married?” If you ask an American this question too early they might think you are romantically interested in them. On the other hand, if this question isn’t asked in India then people may become offended. This is an example of a drastic difference in small talk across cultures!
Clearly, small talk can create problems if don’t look beyond vocabulary and grammar.
We need to look at culture on a deeper level.
What topics are acceptable?
How are certain questions received in different cultures?
Today you’ll get four phrasal verbs to break your score ceiling for the IELTS Exam!
In the past we have shown you other phrasal verbs and idioms for a 7 or higher when you talk about work, family, or your hometown.
Today find out exactly how to push your score higher than you ever imagined with four phrasal verbs using “break.”
You could also use these phrasal verbs in the Writing test in your body paragraphs.
You could say, “Let’s now break down this topic and examine it in detail.”
Four phrasal verbs with “break”:
- To break it down: To divide something into small pieces, to examine it in a more simple way, to look closely at something.
- To break out: To start singing such as “I broke out in song when I got my 7 score” or this could mean to develop a lot of acne on the face, “Kids in middle school always broke out in zits.”
- To break up: To end a relationship or to split a period of time or an object into smaller pieces. You could use this on Speaking Part 2 when you describe an experience or if you describe a movie or a song.
- Sample sentences:
- “IELTS test day is broken up into a few different time chunks”
- “I don’t mean to break up this meeting but I have to make an announcement.
- “I broke up with my boyfriend last week.
- Sample sentences:
- To break in: To enter a home or building without being invited with the intention to steal something.
Have you used any of these phrasal verbs on your IELTS Exam?
Let us know in the comments below.
Your preposition problems will be over when we answer today’s question!
Well, not completely but we’ll give you a few good tips to conquer those pesky prepositions in English.
You’ll also find out how to agree with someone’s plans in English using natural English chunks.
AEE Listener Question!
“I am confused about the differences between “to me,” “for me,” and “with me.”
-Naomi, Japan
Naomi, today we’ll clear up your confusion and we’ll show you how to use these prepositions and chunks to agree with someone’s plans.
Our best advice is to treat these as chunks.
Learn the most common ones and link them to a conversation situation if you can.
Always listen for those same chunks after you have learned them.
Think about how natives are using them.
Then go out and try to use them in a conversation.
Some people believe you should start using a phrase right away but we think it’s better if you wait a while and listen to the phrase being used by natives.
Then when you feel comfortable you can start to throw them into the right context.
Are you looking for a professional, native English teacher online?
Get a native English teacher online in seconds at italki.
Lindsay and Michelle recommend italki as our #1 English-learning solution online. Choose from more than 400 teachers to work on your business English or to pass your next big exam.
Get our special offer before it runs out! Go to italki and claim 10USD to go toward a FREE second English lesson at italki!
Here are the key phrases to agree with someone’s plans:
- “That’s fine with me”
- “That sounds good to me.”
- “That’s alright with me.”
- “That works for me.”
*Remember, learn the whole phrase as a chunk and use them in specific conversation situations.
Don’t try to figure out which preposition belongs.
Listen to the episode to see how Lindsay and Michelle used these in real English conversations.
Leave us a comment below or practice forming your own sentence.
Want to get your target IELTS Writing score?
Today we’ll give you four illustrious phrases that will impress the examiner, make you stand out as exceptional, and will get you your target score
We’ll show you where on the exam you can use these phrases and why they’ll increase your score.
We’ll pull these phrases from great quotes about writing.
Check it out below!
Quote #1) “Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader. Not the fact that it’s raining but the feeling of being rained upon.”
Vocabulary you can use on IELTS: “Evoke sensation”
- Evoke: To bring about, to call up, to create
- Sensation: A feeling
You could use this phrase in Speaking Part 3 and Writing Task 2 when you are talking about your own opinions.
For example:
- “Looking at art can evoke sensations within me”
- “Violent video games evoke tragic sensations within me.”
Quote #2) “I think all good writing is a struggle. To write as well as you feel you can has to be a struggle, almost by definition, because you could always improve.”
Key words to use:
- “Struggle”: A huge challenge, something that’s not easy to do (great for Writing Task 2 or the Speaking test)
- “By definition”: It is defined by something. You can use this in your introduction on IELTS Writing Task 2 to introduce a topic. Anytime we want to say that something means something else, we can use this. Another example: “New York City, by definition, is a hectic place.”
Quote #3) “We write to taste life twice- in the moment and in retrospect.”
Key words to use:
- “In retrospect”: Considering something after the fact, looking back on something. You can use this anytime you are talking about your own actions or someone else’s actions in the past that should not have happened.
For example, “I went to college in Virginia but in retrospect I should have gone to college in California.”
You could also say “this is so retro” and this would mean that something reminds you of the past.
“Bell-bottoms are so retro”
This is easy to use!
Anytime you are talking about a regret you can throw it in there.
Remember, high-level vocabulary phrases like these WILL get you a 7 or higher and maybe even an 8!
Now practice on your own.
Leave your comments below.
Are you taking IELTS for the first time?
If you are new to the world of IELTS, you probably have some questions.
The information below should serve as a good introduction for you, and also help set you on the path to reaching your IELTS score and whatever goals lie beyond!
What does IELTS stand for?
IELTS is an acronym for the International English Language Testing System.
Why are there two different versions?
The Academic version is for candidates who need a certain score to enter university.
These are usually non-native English speakers who want to attend an English-language university.
The General version is for candidates who need a certain score to work in another country, immigrate, or for other visa requirements.
Where can I take the test?
Go to to find a testing center near you.
Testing centers are all over the world, usually in language schools or universities, and sometimes in British Council or IDP offices.
When can I take the test?
Exams are offered 3 Saturdays a month and sometimes on Thursdays.
However, not all testing centers offer that many exams.
You have to check with your local center.
How long is the exam?
The first three sections of the exam, Listening, Reading, and Writing, are finished in a 3 hour period in the morning.
Then, the 15 minute Speaking exam is usually held in the afternoon on the same day.
Sometimes, though, centers offer Speaking exams the week before or the week after.
How long should I prepare for the exam before I take it?
This all depends on your English level.
If you are an intermediate student, you should prepare for at least 3 months.
If you are upper-intermediate to advanced, you could get by on a 60 day or a 30 day study plan.
However, no matter what level, preparation is intense.
You need to study 5-6 days a week, and do a wide variety of activities which strengthen your overall English ability and your testing skills.
Is the test in American or British English?
Both! The Listening exam will feature a variety of accents.
The Reading, also, will feature passages drawn from both American and British publications.
The version of English you speak/write with also doesn’t matter- if you spell ‘color’ or ‘colour’, you get the same amount of points.
As long as the language is correct in either American or British English, you will be fine.
What are the examiners like?
The examiners are almost always native speakers, and they can be male or female, young or old.
Keep in mind, though, that the examiners have all undergone exactly the same training, all over the world, and they are checked and rechecked constantly to ensure they are following the testing requirements and grading correctly.
The examiner you speak to on test day could be serious or relaxed- do not let a serious face make you nervous.
Just remember to smile and be respectful and nice, and the examiner will do the same.
IELTS is hard.
Preparing for IELTS can be hard.
But don’t become an IELTS victim!
Today we’ll show you why it’s important not to become a victim and why you have no time to make excuses.
You’ll get six key phrases that you might be using if you’re a victim and find out how to change your mentality if you’re on the wrong track.
Here is the key thing to remember: You always have the choice about how you’re going to look at something.
Are you going to look at the negatives or are you going to look at the positives?
When you are looking at the negatives, it’s just laziness.
We say that because it’s easier to look at negatives than it is to just stop talking, put your head down, and do the work.
It’s also weakness.
You need to make the stronger choice and the stronger decision to focus and spend your time preparing for your exam.
Here are the thoughts and actions that you are having/doing if you are an IELTS victim:
- You trust the wrong people when it comes to IELTS instead of getting the facts: We received a message where the person had been told by a friend that there would be headphones provided at the exam. It would only take a few minutes to do the research yourself to see if this is true. Instead, the student relied on bad information from his friend and it probably affected his score. This is laziness. If he had taken the time to verify that information he would have realized that that is a myth and he would have prepared accordingly.
- You are blaming other people: If you don’t get the results you need, it’s your fault! This sounds harsh but it’s true. It’s your responsibility to make sure you get on the right track to your target score.
- You waste time saying that you don’t have time: This is not a valid excuse if your dreams are strong enough. Sleep one hour less every day to prepare. You had the time to come up with a dream of moving abroad. So now make the time to get the dream. Anything worth having is not easy. Don’t waste time thinking about your lack of time. To save time, invest your money into a course that will tell you exactly what to do every day, like our course, the 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
- After the exam you say, “Oh the examiner was so mean!”: Sometimes examiners are grumpy. Maybe they had a difficult candidate just before you. They are people too. They are still grading you on the same things as the “nice” examiners. Look at this as a challenge. If you think the examiner is grumpy, smile even more. See if you can change their mood. Don’t look outside yourself. Don’t blame other people for your difficulties.
- You say, “the acoustics of the room were bad”: Sometimes this can be true. Research the test center beforehand. If you find this out, book your test at a different test center. This may be the only time when you want to listen to any information about which test center is “easier.” The other thing you can do is make sure your practice under test conditions does not always happen in situations where the acoustics are perfect. Acoustics are never perfect in real life when you are speaking English! Why should they be perfect in the exam center? You could practice your listening in a large gym where there would be a lot of echo. This would get you ready for a possible bad acoustic situation on test day.
- You complain about timing: You say, “oh they didn’t start the test on time” or “Oh my speaking test was so late and I fell asleep beforehand.” The best thing that you can do with timing is show up at least 45 minutes early. Get there early enough and let them take care of it. As far as the Speaking test time, yes, it can be late. In our course we have an entire bonus module which gives you information about how to deal with that long gap before the Speaking test. You need to have a plan for this time.
- You say that the Reading topic was unfamiliar to you: Yes, you may get a random topic on the Reading test that you have never heard of. That is ok. Its about preparation. Read as widely as you can before the test. But you can’t know everything and IELTS doesn’t expect you to. All you have to do is get the right Reading strategies and practice them enough before the exam.
Taking the IELTS is like running a marathon.
We have to reach deep within ourselves.
Why? Because the dream life that is on the other side is worth working for, isn’t it?
The most successful people in life do not let the difficulty of this sidetrack them.
It is not going to be easy and it shouldn’t be easy. Don’t be a victim!
Go get your target score.
Do you want to become awesome at English conversation?
Do you want to make it your superpower?
Today we’ll show you how to do it.
We’ll also add a bonus in today’s episode where we’ll talk about how you can identify what you’re really good at in life and build a life and a career around that, rather than trying to get better at skills that don’t come naturally to you.
Today we’ll read a question that we got from our listener from South Korea, here it is:
“Sometimes I have a hard time keeping the conversation going with people and I think it’s mostly because I have little to say when it comes to replying to others.
I try to come up with follow up questions but it doesn’t work. But when I listen to Lindsay interacting with guests it seems like she’s really cut out for the job. She seems to always have something to say. How can I talk like Lindsay?”
–Soongjae, South Korea, AEE Listener
Lindsay’s formula for great conversation:
- Collect facts about everything and store them for conversation later: To make good conversation it helps to know a little bit about a lot. Have a lot of information and cultural knowledge in your head. For example, I know from talking to friends that Austin, Texas has a great live music scene so when I meet someone from Austin, I will pull up that fact and see how it relates to that person. For example, “Oh I heard Austin has a great live music scene. Are you into live music?” You can build a lot of random facts if you travel a lot. If you can’t travel internationally then the key is watching the news, reading books, staying open to what is going on out in the world.
- Make it about the other person: Be interested in the other person and listen well. It’s too easy to get caught up in our own heads and in our own world. If you’re not interested in that person then stop talking to them. Be “all ears.” That idioms means to listen well (in case you didn’t know!)
- Find your own connection style: My connection style is digging for the person’s unique vision or their “why.” I always like to find out what motivates people and why they have chosen their hobbies or their career path. I like to find the reason or vision behind the person’s interests. But maybe you connect by using humor or by being animated. Maybe you use silence to build connection. If you love people then that’s another connection style. Focus on the fact that you just enjoy forming a new connection. When you find your connection style, grammar and vocabulary becomes much less relevant and all of a sudden, you are really communicating.
- Treat everyone the same way: Don’t show that you’re intimidated by anyone. My friend Diego is from Ecuador. He can walk into a room and talk to anyone (native speakers or non-native speakers) and he’d use the same tone of voice that he uses with his friends. He’s respectful but he doesn’t give the impression that someone is above him. This has allowed him to build a career as an art curator in New York City. He doesn’t get scared in these situations so he can build amazing connections. Be on the same level as everyone else. This may be hard if you come from different cultures especially if you are from a culture where there is a very hierarchical structure in place but see if you can implement this into your style in your own way.
- Use your tone of voice to express interest: Michelle does this very well. Listen to the episode to get a sense of how she uses tone of voice. Also eye contact, smiling, and standing up straight- good body language will improve your conversation skills.
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Get a native English teacher online in seconds at italki.
Lindsay and Michelle recommend italki as our #1 English-learning solution online. Choose from more than 400 teachers to work on your business English or to pass your next big exam.
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How can you find what you’re good at it?
On some level we all need to be able to build conversation skills.
But Lindsay is exceptionally good at conversation so she has built her career around this podcast and around teaching people how to communicate better.
She is trying to leverage her skills as much as possible.
If you don’t feel that conversation is one of your core natural talents then you don’t need to build a career that is based on it.
For example, don’t go into sales and marketing.
Don’t go into communications.
Instead, find out what you do well and build a career around that.
How can you figure out what you’re good at and build your career and life around it?
We have already talked about this with Laura Garnett when we talked about the Zone of Genius.
We also recommend using the Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment to figure out what you’re natural talents and skills are.
“Your personality is your greatest differentiator.”
-Sally Hogshead
Here are some ways to find your natural skills:
- Ask yourself: What did you do as a kid? What activities did you take part in? What did you enjoy most? What made the time pass fast? Michelle used to pretend to be a teacher and she would put on plays (performance) and now she works as as a performer on this podcast.
- What skills did your parents reinforce? Lindsay’s parents reinforced verbal communication skills. What did your parents applaud or encourage you to cultivate. Whatever that is has probably become a deep skill of yours where you may be exceptional and not even know it.
- What satisfies you deeply? For Michelle she feels a deep sense of relaxation around music. What is the activity that makes you feel peaceful? What feels natural to you? Find that activity and allow yourself to do more of it. You don’t have to get paid for it. Just do it a little bit more each day.
- Step into your talent: There may be a moment where you can become a leader using this special talent or skill. It may be a career opportunity or a chance to build an organization of some sort. Don’t be afraid to step into the spotlight at that time. You will be ready if you have followed the advice above.
So today we have shown you how to become better at conversation.
Everyone needs basic skills in this area.
At the same time, if conversation doesn’t feel natural to you then don’t build a career or a life around it.
Instead, go back and think about discovering your own “superpower” and what you do better than anyone else.
Build your career or hobbies or life around that.
Today let’s finish with a quote:
“Find your God-given talent, cherish it, refine it, and find a way to get paid for (or to help a lot of people with it)”
What’s your superpower?
Tell us in the comments!
Today get the three top strategies for the best preparation for both TOEFL and IELTS!
Jaime Miller from English Success Academy is back on the show today!
She has been working with TOEFL students for more than five years.
She knows TOEFL!
She’ll talk with Jessica about some insider tips and strategies that works for both exams so that you can
IELTS Writing:
For Task 1 you describe a bar chart or a graph in a short essay.
Task 2 is your standard 4-paragraph argument essay.
TOEFL Writing:
TOEFL has an opinion essay also but the first writing activity is very different.
You don’t get the bar chart. You listen to a lecture and read a passage about an academic debate. You summarize how the two people speaking view the topic differently.
Final Tips:
- #1) Pick a system! You can blend different strategy systems. It will hurt your score. Jamie suggests that you choose a teacher or a school and then master the concepts from that school. Don’t leave that school or system until you have gotten the score that you need. Many teachers don’t even know what the test graders want. Do your research in the beginning and then commit to it.
- #2) Support your ideas with examples from your life: Use your own life as the place to start. Have you lived in different countries? What have you done in your career? When you get a writing topic you usually have something you can say about it. On the TOEFL, just writing stories about your life is too simplistic. Jamie believes that it’s better to use a “research style” to report your own life experience. To do this you can make your own experience a generalization.
- #3) Look at sample essays that have scored high: Read good models! Make sure the person who wrote the essay has taken the test or knows the scoring system very well. Looking at these essays will help you start thinking in the right direction.
If you need help with TOEFL, go check out what Jaimie has available to help you!
Learn more about Jaime Miller on, an online school that matches motivated students with dedicated teachers for private, customized online lessons.
Jaime knows why some students get TOEFL speaking scores of 26 or higher, while others are stuck with scores of 24 – and she creates customized exam study plans that get results.
In today’s episode you’ll find out how to use literature to deepen your fluency and connect with other English speakers.
Practicing grammar and vocabulary are not the only ways to improve your English.
Try grabbing Shakespeare or Walden!
Today let’s meet Kevin.
Kevin is an English teacher with a passion for literature.
He helps his students use literature to dive deeper into the English language and strengthen their skills.
Today Kevin is going to show us 3 things we can do to use literature to push to the next level.
3 Tips:
- Tip #1) Make sure you’re choosing literature that is relevant to you: Don’t use Shakespeare if it doesn’t interest you. There are no correct titles to pursue if they are not right for us. How can you find the right literature for you? Librarians are great for this task. Go ask a librarian. You can also look online. There are forums. You can ask your friends. Don’t trust a single source of authority. There are good books everywhere.
- Tip #2) Stop after you have made a list of 10 new words: Every time you come across a new and interesting phrase or word write it down. Make sure that these words get transferred into your active memory. Dedicate some time to using these words in your speech over the next few days. This will help build your active vocabulary quickly. It’s a great idea to work with a teacher online to solidify these words into your vocabulary repertoire.
- Tip #3) Get a community to motivate you. Try a book club. This group will make sure you have a goal. You can discuss the new vocabulary with them. You will also start to understand new layers of the story that you may not have caught the first time. Another thing to do is take lessons with a teacher to really deepen your vocabulary.
Kevin’s Bio:
“Hi, I’m Kevin!
I’m a professional, CELTA qualified English Language and Literature tutor. I grew up in Birmingham, England and have been teaching ever since graduating in English Literature from the University of Cambridge 2 years ago. He is based in Berlin. I teach both online and offline, for all ages and abilities, though I specialise in high level studies. If you’re interested in taking your linguistic, literary and cultural understanding to the next level I’d love to hear from you! You can find me at“
“Kevin is a professional, CELTA qualified English Language and Literature tutor. He grew up in Birmingham, England and has been teaching ever since graduating in English Literature from the University of Cambridge 2 years ago. He has taught English and German in several schools and is now based in Berlin. Our guest today is Kevin Sexton Let’s get to the show
He teaches both online and offline, for all ages and abilities, though he specialises in high level studies. If you’re interested in taking your linguistic, literary and cultural understanding to the next level he’d love to hear from you! You can find him at“
How to work with Kevin:
- Step 1: To get $10 off your second lesson you must register on this page as a new user of italki.
- Step 2: After you have registered please search for Kevin’s profile, send him a message, and schedule a lesson.
What did you think about today’s episode?
What are your favorite books? Why do you like them?
What book do you want to read in English this year?
Do you want to be in control on the IELTS Listening Exam?
Do you feel out of control when you listen to English?
It can be a scary feeling.
Today you’ll find out how to create a confident relationship between you and your English listening skills.
Are you worried that you won’t understand what they say on the Listening test?
Maybe you will feel like you are drowning and your IELTS dreams will go out the window as you forget to listen to the rest of the test.
We’re going to give you three steps that you can take at home to increase your listening comprehension.
Today we’re not talking about IELTS strategy or skills.
This is just how to improve your general listening skills.
Our tips to build listening confidence:
- Step #1) Listen to a movie and put the subtitles on: This will improve your listening because you are increasing your chances of understanding. We practice in an easy way first with this step then we get better then we move to the next level and challenge ourselves more. This can be a simple You Tube video, a TV sitcom, a drama, or anything else. Choose what is interesting to you. We suggest “Wild” or “Into the Wild.” These are both great movies that will inspire you and keep you interested. You will forget that you are watching a movie and that you are practicing English. These movies will make you cry. When you have tears running down your face you are not thinking about grammar anymore
- Step #2) Listen to a podcast/TED Talks/Radio with your eyes closed: This will increase your comprehension. You will absorb the sounds of English. Practice immersing yourself in the sounds. On the test you are not expected to understand every word so don’t put that pressure on yourself. You need to change the way you think about listening comprehension. Don’t be a perfectionist. Create a new way to feel when you listen to English. Try the All Ears English Podcast.
- Step #3) Watch or listen with no help or tools: This is your last step. No subtitles. No crutches. You could do this with the same resource that you used for step 1. You could also choose something new and watch it fresh from the beginning. Relax. Try to watch something for pleasure. Choose something that is good quality. Connection NOT Perfection! That means you want to connect with the movie as art. Don’t obsess over understanding every word.
What are your tips and tricks for improving your listening comprehension?
Let us know in the comments below.
It’s important to be able to talk about your interests and passions in order to connect with people.
We’ll show you how to do it today.
Why do we need passions in life?
The word “passion” is a big word and can stress people out.
It’s ok if you have a lot of smaller passions or interests. It doesn’t have to be something huge.
“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”
I think Oprah is right.
When we find something that we love it gives us energy.
It comes from a deep place inside of us that is honest and true.
It feels very natural to participate in your passion.
It’s not work. The wind is at your back.
It is better to have one passion and focus heavily on that or is it better to have many passions and just enjoy all of them?
Michelle thinks it depends on what you are using your passion for.
Some people want to have their work be their passion.
Other people want to explore their passions outside of the workplace.
If it’s your work then Michelle thinks you should focus 100% on it but if it’s a hobby then maybe it’s better to keep it lighter and use it to build a dynamic life.
Phrases to talk about your passion:
- “I’m (really) into…” = I’m interested in.
- Example: “I’m really into comedy”
- “These days I’m jazzed about…”
- Example: “These days I’m jazzed about entrepreneurship, testing ideas, and the marketplace.”
- “I feel passionate about…”
- Example: “I feel passionate about cooking.”
- “I get really fired up about…”
- Example: “I get really fired up about comedy.”
What are you passionate about?
Practice what you learned in the episode today.
Write your responses in the comments section below.
Wondering how you can impress the examiner on IELTS Writing Task 1?
Today we’ll give you three sentence structures that are very high level and will get you the target score that you need for your grammar score in this task.
This is the most important thing to consider when it comes to grammar on the IELTS.
Remember that on Task 1 you will have to write about numbers and you need to show your ability to compare the numbers.
Today you’ll get two different complex structures and a compound structure.
On test day you don’t have to take risks.
Just use these structures and you’ll do fine.
Grammar structures:
- Structure #1) “As X increases, Y decreases.”- this is higher level because most students don’t use “as.”
- Sample: “As the population of Taiwan increased to hit 20 million in 2014, the population of Cambodia decreased to hit 500,000.”
- Structure #2) “In contrast to Y increasing, X actually decreased.”- here if you use “actually” it further emphasizes the contrast. It sounds more high level if you use this word.
- Sample: In contrast to the population in Taiwan increasing, the population of Cambodia actually decreased at the same time.”
- Structure #3) “Y increased; however, X decreased”
- Sample: “The population of Taiwan increased; however, the population of Cambodia decreased.
How can you practice these?
- Look for graphs in the media. Look at The Economist or The Wall Street Journal and try to apply these sentence structures to what you see. Take a graph about sales, population, politics, the economy, stock prices and write out what you see using these structures.
- In our course we go into more depth on how to create these sentence structures and more. Learn more about 3 Keys IELTS Success System.
- Think about trends in your own life of change. For example, “As I run more miles every day, my weight decreases”
How can you use these structures to comment on trends in your life?
Leave your example in the comments section below!
Let us know your questions in the comments below.
Do you want to get your dream job?
If you are interviewing for a competitive position then you need to have a smart formula to follow to persuade the interviewer and convince them that you are the right person for the job.
Learn the SMART formula to get your dream job in English today.
Job interviews can be nerve-wracking and scary but if you work with someone like Keiran or use the formula he’ll talk about today then you’ll have a much better chance of getting the job that you want.
Keiran’s Tips:
- Research the company: If the interviewer meets with ten people and you are the only person who knows the company history then you can stand out right from the beginning. The person running the interview wants to know that the company matters to you and that you are a good fit.
- Be concise and have a powerful answer: Have some answers ready in advance. How did you help the business that you worked at before? How did you make the customers happier? Paint a picture with details and exact situations and examples. You can’t be vague.
- Set up the situation: Talk about your past experience, the work environment, the industry.
- Task: What task were you faced with? What did you have to do?
- Actions: What actions did you take to confront the challenge. What exactly did you do? How did you make the customers happy?
- Results: Keep it as concise as possible. You never want to bore the interviewer. Just answer with impact and move on to the next question.
- Have good questions: Remember that you are interviewing them too. Be selective or at least convey the sense that you are selective in where you are going to work. Show your value. Have your questions prepared. This will help the employer see you differently. There are certain ways to form your questions that are tactful and assertive at the same time.
Remember, in interviews words are key. If you say “I think I can do a good job” instead of “I can do a good job” it conveys weakness.
Watch out for weak words!
You need to work with a teacher to prepare to make sure you aren’t using weak words.
Keiran’s Bio:
I’ve always been teaching or coaching in some way or form. I started as a swim instructor at the age of 16, I taught swimming to children, teenagers and adults for about 8 years. After completing my university education in psychology at McGill, I traveled to South Korea where I taught children and adults for 2 years. Shortly after living in South Korea I moved to Mongolia where my wife gave birth to our daughter while I continued to teach voluntarily. We returned home and I started working for a large company selling conference tickets to directors and VPs of fortune 500 companies. It was a brutal job which didn’t work out but I learned a lot about how important it is to be prepared for interviews. I returned to teaching in language schools for a while until I got into teaching online which is where I am now.
Want to work with Keiran?
- Step 1: Register as a new user to get $10 off your second lesson. Click here.
- Step 2: Find Keiran’s profile and send him a message to schedule a lesson.
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What do you think about this framework?
Have you used it?
Let us know.
Do you experience awkward silences when you speak English?
How can you fill these silences, connect with the person, and make it feel a bit less awkward?
Find out how to use “anyways” today when there is an awkward silence and when you want to get the conversation back on track.
Listen to the audio to get examples of how Lindsay and Michelle use it in a real conversation.
When do we use anyways?
- When we want to get the conversation back on track
- When there is an awkward moment and someone has said something strange
What else can we say?
- “In any event”
- “In any case”
- “At any rate”
Leave us a comment below.
Have you used “anyways” or “anyway” in your conversations in English?
Let us know.
Always Be Confident (ABC) in front of the Examiner!
How can you do it and why does it help your score on the IELTS?
Find out today.
This ABC (Always Be Confident) strategy especially helps on the Speaking test and the Writing test.
If you are starting to feel uncomfortable you can use this strategy.
Check out this video about how to take up more space when you want to increase confidence.
What to do:
- Sit up straight: This will automatically change your brain and body chemistry. You will appear confident. Put your shoulders down and back. Face the person on their level.
- Remember that your opinion is never wrong: No one is going to judge your opinions. Don’t doubt yourself because when you do that you will lose the specificity. If you have an idea or an opinion that pops up then say it. Don’t second- guess yourself. Own your ideas!
- Your life is excellent material: Use your own experiences. Tell stories. That is the only resource you have to come up with strong examples. This is for the formal and informal parts of the exam. Even on Writing Task 2 you are asked to support your ideas with personal opinions. Go into the exam with the mindset that you are a rock star and that you want to share your stories and your experiences.
-Jessica Beck, IELTS Energy Podcast
Need a little extra help?
In our course the 3 Keys IELTS Success System we offer a speaking test success day plan as a special bonus where we show you what to do to remain calm and confident on the day of the exam while you are waiting to go into your speaking test.
We also have an entire module called The Anti-anxiety Plan which gives you 3 steps to deal with anxiety on the test.
Leave us a comment below.
What is your biggest challenge with confidence on the IELTS Exam?
Let us know!
Today we have a guest on the show.
We are honored to have 3 Keys IELTS student Fatima Hassan on the show!
Fatima took IELTS for the first time this summer after taking our course.
Her scores were:
Listening: 6
Reading 6.5
Writing: 5
Speaking: 6
Overall: 6
What was Fatima’s biggest challenge on the Writing test?
In Writing Task 1 she had a timing challenge.
She took too much time to brainstorm.
She felt pressured by the time and she got nervous.
Because of the timing issue she wasn’t able to write the essay in an organized way.
How did Fatima prepare?
She learned how to analyze graphs in our course and how to structure her essays but she did not have a chance to practice timing on the Writing test.
It’s important to sit down three times per week and give yourself 1 hour to complete the two full essays during your preparation.
The timing is what killed her score.
She didn’t realize that the time was passing as fast as it was.
What should she do now?
She will go back and practice writing the essays under test conditions.
She will also spend more time practicing the basic writing strategies that we teach in our course.
She is also thinking about reading more business articles.
Even though these articles are not super interesting, she does feel that she is building her vocabulary using these materials.
We are confident that Fatima can get the score she needs next time if she implements the suggestions we made today and if she follows the daily study plan!
Good luck Fatima!
We respect your dedication and hard work!
We know you can achieve your dreams if you keep working hard!
Leave us a comment below!
Are you working as hard as Fatima is in your preparation?
Let us know.
Is it possible to get bad advice from big IELTS brand name courses?
Yes it is! Why? Sometimes these brands enroll teachers in test prep courses when they don’t know the test as well as they should.
How can you protect yourself from being a victim of bad IELTS advice?
Read today’s article to find out.
Here’s the story…
Recently, a listener of our podcast wrote in with some worries.
This students had been enrolled in a test preparation course at the British Council, and, during a practice speaking exam, was given some advice which differed from advice that we give on the IELTS Energy podcast.
First of all, let me say that I have 100% confidence in everything I say on the podcast, on our IELTS Energy TV YouTube Channel, and in our 3 Keys IELTS Success System course.
I have been involved professionally with IELTS in a variety of capacities and positions, including teaching webinars for IDP Australia, for over a decade.
I know this student who wrote in is confused, because, since the British Council is one of the organizations involved in creating IELTS, the student felt that any advice given by one of their staff must be correct.
The first way I can debunk this worry is to state that the British Council has schools and offices all over the world.
They have thousands of staff members and teachers.
It is impossible for every one of their staff members and teachers to be an IELTS professional.
The British Council, in fact, gives many exams besides IELTS, such as the TKT, a test for teachers’ teaching skills, and TOLES, a test of legal English.
It is impossible for every teacher to know well all the exams that the British Council gives.
And, any teacher there may be called upon to teach any number of test prep classes for an exam they give, so the specific advice they give may be true for TOLES, for instance, and not IELTS.
What happened?
Let’s use our listener’s questions as examples of how a teacher at a name brand school may not necessarily provide you the best information, just because they work at a school with a respected name.
In Speaking Part 2, the student was asked to describe a museum.
As the student does not go to museums, he/she made up a story which ended with going out to dinner with friends after the museum tour.
This was a fantastic answer!
It sounds well organized, fulfilled the 2-minute requirement, and told a story about the topic.
However, the teacher told the student that he/she should have talked about all the bullet points and shouldn’t have talked about dinner because it didn’t relate to the topic.
How do we know the student got bad advice?
I know the band descriptors very, very well.
I know exactly what the examiner needs to hear in order to give you every score, from a 0 to a 9.
And, nowhere, NOWHERE, in the descriptors does it say the student must talk about the bullet points. (They are only there to help with ideas. The examiner does not care about them.)
Also, a fluent student, such as a native speaker, would naturally mention that dinner followed the museum tour.
It is a fluent and coherent way to communicate, and, as such, would rate highly for this category.
More bad advice….
The bad advice didn’t stop there, however, in the Speaking Part 3 practice, the student answered a question about graffiti being good or bad.
The student gave specific examples of both sides being true. Then the teacher told him/her that he/she could not support both sides in the answer.
That’s ridiculous!!
That advice has no connection, whatsoever, to the Speaking score descriptors.
In fact, the student’s answer sounds like it would actually rate quite highly, judging from the specific support and vocabulary used.
Again, this teacher gave horrible advice, and none of it is true as far as IELTS is concerned.
Who can you trust?
So, how do you know who to trust?
That’s the question.
In this case, I would challenge the teacher to tell me EXACTLY where in the band descriptors this advice came from.
There is a publicly available band score descriptor table on the British Council site, that can be referenced at any time.
And even though the Examiner’s table has more information and detail, the teacher should still know this in order to give correct and useful feedback.
Don’t blindly trust a name
Don’t trust a name just because it’s a name.
Research the teacher, the course and the material first before you invest any money, and don’t pay extra just for a recognizable name that may not help you anyway.
Be confident in your decisions, and do not sit by passively while someone pretends to be a professional.
Challenge them and receive the instruction you deserve.
Have you made the mistake of trusting a big brand name and then found out that the professional you were working with didn’t have the credibility that you thought?
Let us know your stories in the comments below.
What do Americans think about smoking?
What does it mean for you if you are visiting the US or moving here on a work assignment?
The way we view smoking in the US has changed a ton in the last thirty years.
Find out more today!
Is it a taboo in the US to smoke?
It’s not completely a taboo yet but it’s getting to that point.
A taboo is something that is looked down upon in a society.
First of all, we want to acknowledge that smoking is a real, medical addiction.
We understand that you can’t just snap your fingers and quit.
Smoking in the 1980’s:
You could walk into a restaurant and they would ask you “smoking or non?” so most restaurants had a smoking section.
These days we rarely see a smoking section in a restaurant, at least in the Northeastern part of the US.
Smoking in the 1990’s:
It was much less of a taboo in the ’90’s.
It was almost considered cool and of course it was considered fashionable and sexy back in the 1930’s, 1940’s, etc.
Back in the 1980’s we had the Just Say No campaign which was run by the DARE (Drug Abuse Reduction Campaign).
As early as age 8, 9, 10, they taught kids in schools to say no to drugs and smoking.
What are the laws?
The smoking laws are different in every state but 81% of the US lives under some kind of smoking ban, whether it’s a ban from the city or the state.
What should you be prepared for if you are a smoker in the US?
You should know that people might judge you.
People are going to have an opinion especially if you are walking around and your smoke gets into someone’s face they might say something to you.
Try to walk away from the group of people that you are with.
Observe the norms in the places where you hang out.
It depends on your social group.
What do you think about today’s episode? Are you a smoker?
If you have been to the US what was your experience?
Let us know in the comments below.
The IELTS is all about timing!
If you don’t know how to manage your time well on all four sections then you will not get the score you need.
Today we’ll talk about the timing strategies you need for success.
Timing strategies for IELTS:
- The Listening test: Follow what they say for the timing. Remember that you have ten minutes at the end to transfer your answers. That is crucial to remember.
- The Reading test: You need to practice timing before test day for the Reading (and for all of the tests). You have three passages. The first step is skimming. Take one minute to skim the passage. Read bits and pieces to get an understanding of what they are talking about. If you don’t take that minute your brain won’t be ready when you look at the questions. When you are searching for answers don’t take more than one minute on one answer. Skip to the next question if it’s taking too long.
- The Writing test: Practice timing for all 3 steps. Plan. Write. Check. If you have 20 minutes for Task 1 then it’s 3 minutes to plan, 14 minutes to write, and 3 minutes to check. Make sure you leave time for all steps.
- The Speaking test: Here the examiner controls the time for you. You have to be aware of how much the examiner wants to hear. In Speaking Part 1 you should give 2-5 complete sentences. In Speaking Part 2, take the full minute to plan. Take the full 2 minutes to talk. In Part 3 every answer should be 30 seconds, more or less.
Remember, the foundation of your timing strategy is having a solid strategy system for all parts of the test.
In our course we teach you 3-step systems for each part of the test.
You can learn more about our course here.
Leave us a comment below!
What questions do you have about IELTS timing?
When you lose a thought in your head while you’re speaking English and your mind goes blank there are things you can say to build the connection between you and the other person.
Does this happen to you often?
You don’t need to fear that moment.
Instead, you can use that moment to build the connection.
We always say that it’s about Connection NOT Perfection!
Everyone forgets things!
What to say when your mind goes blank:
- “It’s on the tip of my tongue”: This is used not only when we forget our thought mid-sentence but also when we are trying to recall facts, figures, or names.
- “I completely lost my train of thought”: This is great because its natural and you are using descriptive language.
- “What was I gonna (going to) say?”: Another great way to show the person what is going on in your mind and to ask them to help you recall what you were going to say.
Have you used these phrases before in a conversation with a native English speaker?
Let us know if they helped you build the connection with the person!
On the IELTS Speaking test and the IELTS Writing test the examiner wants to hear you make contrasts!
It is a high-level language skill that will immediately impress the examiner so that you can get the score you need.
You need to be able to give a balanced opinion.
You need to recognize that the other side has some points. This shows that you really know how to communicate in English.
You can use these phrases that we’ll give you today in Speaking Part 3 and Writing Task 2.
If you use these phrases you’ll get a 7 or higher for fluency on the Speaking test and a 7 or higher for cohesion and coherence on the Writing test.
This makes your answer more organized and organization is super important.
So make these phrases a part of your repertoire!
We have chosen these phrases because they are more interesting than your typical “6” phrases and will get you a better score.
You need to go beyond the typical phrases to get a 7 or higher.
Phrases to show contrast:
1) “Having said this…”
- Q: How healthy is your country’s food?
- A: Well, I suppose you could argue that my country’s food isn’t healthy. Having said this, there is a new trend now toward vegan or vegetarian food and there is a new restaurant in my neighborhood. I feel great when I eat there!
2) “At the same time…”
- Q: What changes will happen in the education space in the future?
- A: Well I think we’re moving towards technology for every kid in the classroom. At the same time I know there are a lot of school districts who can’t afford that kind of technology.
3) “On the other hand…”
- Q: Why do people like watching television
- A: Clearly television is addictive and people like it because they like to see beautiful people and escape their lives. I can understand that. On the other hand, I think it would be better if people would read a bit more.
4) “Nevertheless…”
- Q: How do most people travel long distances in your country?
- A: Well I’m from the US where long distances are long. In my country people generally fly nevertheless there is a romantic notion of the road trip. Americans love road trips. Both ways are still used today.
Have you used these phrases on your Speaking or Writing tests?
Let us know in the comments below!
Are you looking for some other great IELTS resources on the web?
Video lessons are a great way to prepare for IELTS.
In today’s episode we’ll show you where to find information about IELTS to supplement what you read and listen to here at IELTS Energy and All Ears English.